Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 452: Assortment of goods

Seeing that the sapling had grown, He Shan took a deep breath and walked into the small space surrounded by trees.

   He wants to see how this thing can make him feel peaceful.

   "I ** your uncle."

   "**Your grandmother** Grandma."


As soon as    walked in, the nasty curse rang.

   He Shan's forehead suddenly burst into blue veins. He wanted to use the power of the store manager Suiyuan to wipe out these stinky big trees directly into atoms.

   But he still held back.

   Gradually, he found that his mood seemed to improve.

   In He Shan's mind, there are pictures after another, his parents, relatives and friends. After he became a sorcerer, he saw one after another tragedy, including the shocking scenes when he saw Jinpan City before...

   Every scene appeared, his mood was lighter.

   After all the scenes went through a cutscene, He Shan seemed to be relieved of the heavy burden in his heart, most of the accumulated psychological pressure was released, and he felt an unprecedented ease.

   He Shan looked at this small bush, his eyes became fiery.

   This Zuan Grove is even more useful than the top psychiatrist!

After walking out, He Shan took out a table and a few chairs from the spare decomposition warehouse and placed them in the middle of the bushes. Then he called Le Qingyi's father and asked him to hire someone to build one above the bushes. Small roof.

  He is going to open a ‘returning psychological counseling tree house’ here!

   Most of the tricksters have psychological problems. Through this tree house, their hearts can be opened. Maybe they will be promoted directly as soon as the knot is opened?

   is such a treasure, it is not too much to charge one copper coin at a time, right?

  Looking at these big trees, He Shan returned to Suiyuan Xiaopu happily and continued to decompose.

   The next thing to be decomposed is all kinds of miscellaneous monsters. There are hundreds of monsters of the first and second levels. The price of decomposition directly used most of the tricky copper coins in He Shan's hands.

   But the harvest is also amazing.

  The types of these monsters are complex, and the weapons, equipment, and various props that are decomposed are also very practical.

   A total of more than two thousand props, all of a sudden, Suiyuan Shop became dazzling.

   There are so many props and pronuclei, which can meet the requirements of every sorcerer!

   There are powerful ones, and some are very strange. Although the quality of these things is not appreciated by most He Shan, it still makes He Shan feel that he has made a fortune.

  There are some strange things in it.

   For example, there is an emergency kettle, where there is water, it will produce water, and it will never produce water in the place without water...

   There is another ‘Fart Support Pants’, which will automatically take off the pants when there is fart, and the fart will not contaminate the underwear.

   The most amazing thing is a thing called "fencing belt".

   These two belts are a set, which can only be worn by men.

   After putting on this belt, a long sword will grow out of the area below the belt.

   Then two people wearing belts will involuntarily engage in fencing battles, and the person whose sword is broken will become a girl...

   In short, these things have greatly satisfied He Shan's curious mind.

  All the weird items, He Shan is sold on the counter. According to his previous experience, even the weird things will be bought by weird sorcerers.

   After the trash monster was decomposed, He Shan looked at the last corpses.

   These corpses are all things above the Saint Emblem level.

  There are more than 30 kinds of sacred emblems, including wild fox cicada, ten thousand tiger monkeys, grandma pig, sand centipede, murderous horse, and rhinoceros!

  The fourth-order monsters include the blood-mouthed lion demon, the sea-covering flood demon, the mountain elephant demon, and the desert scorpion demon!

   The fourth-order semi-monster, there is a Heaven-Breaking Peng Demon.

  Fifth-level monsters, there are three great ape demon, six-eared monkey demon, and earth-shaking bull demon.

   In He Shan's eyes, these monsters are all treasures!

   Now he doesn't like the things that are decomposed by ordinary monsters and monsters. Only the things that are decomposed by Saint Emblem level monsters can be regarded as usable boutiques.

   But He Shan broke his fingers and sighed after calculating the number of sly copper coins in his hand.

   Now his remaining money is only enough to decompose five Tier 3 holy emblem monsters.

   The other Tier 4 monsters and the Saint Emblem monsters cannot be completely decomposed.

   It is a pity that these holy emblem monsters are not domain masters, so he can't decompose the domain master certification from these monsters.

   The only three domain masters are still fifth-order monsters, and he can't resolve them for the time being.

   After sighing twice, He Shan began to decompose the Ten Thousand Tigers and Monkeys and other holy emblems.

   Ten thousand tiger monkeys have contributed to He Shan's strengthening pronuclear ‘great power’ and strengthening pronucleus ‘muscle strengthening’, as well as an ordinary pronucleus ‘strong muscles and bones’.

  The wild fox cicada contributed to the strengthening of the pronuclear ‘speed’, and the sand centipede contributed a set of armor...

   These five holy emblems are very powerful, but He Shan doesn't use many things.

   has only one sword, one enhanced pronucleus, and one ring.

   The long sword is called the sword in the stick. It is a long sword enclosed in a cane. It can be held and played with at ordinary times, and it can be turned into a long sword when it is used.

  The stick sword itself is not strong, but it is interesting to He Shan. He likes to hold it in his hand and play with it.

  The enhanced pronucleus also comes from Apozhu, which is exactly the "one sword and three links" she used to wound Le Qingyi!

   For He Shan who uses the long sword, this trick is simply a magical skill!

When He Shan advances to Tier 4, he will use this enhanced pronucleus for the first The last ring, called the'Ring of Sand Throwing', has the effect of throwing sand on the enemy’s face, fascinated by it. The eyes of the enemy.

   Street gangsters didn't bother to use this method, but He Shan thought it was fun, so he wore it on his fingers.

   After the decomposition, Suiyuan Shop opened for business.

   Yun Lu moved a small chair to sit at the door, and gently played the harp, the melodious sound of the piano spread throughout the Fengren Street, and everyone in Fengren Street could hear the beautiful melody.

   Those who are sleeping, hear the sound of the piano and sleep more securely.

   Those who are working, hear the sound of the piano even more vigorously.

   This piano sound has a completely different effect in everyone's ears, and they are all positive.

   Even if the kidney is overdrawn...

   And the sound of the piano has a greater meaning, that is to promote the news of the opening of Suiyuan Shop!

   Wen brothers, today is the first one to come.

   Their strength is not enough for Tier 2, so they didn't take part in the previous operation.

   But they were not idle either, but went to ‘slash the monsters and slay the monsters’. When they just finished killing some monsters and went home, they came across Suiyuan Shop and opened the door.

Every time    Suiyuan Shop opens the door, they will patronize it.

   But the situation is a little different this time.

The    brothers entered the door two by one, and were shocked by the dazzling array of products here. It was the first time they saw that there were so many products in the Suiyuan Shop.

   "Buy, buy!"

   "I bought all the tricky copper coins in my hand!"

   The two immediately started a hot buying.

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