Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 453: The craziest exploration plan

After the two Wen brothers bought what they wanted, they advertised the news that Suiyuan Shop had added many new products.

   The entire Fengrenjie suddenly boiled.

  The schemist who lives here more or less has some stock of silly copper coins in his hands.

   It’s just because I didn’t find a suitable item before, so I didn’t spend it.

   Now that I heard that Suiyuan Shop has added a large amount of goods, naturally all of them can't sit still.

   A large number of tricksters are rushing to buy in the Suiyuan Shop.

   He Shan's business has become very hot, which makes He Shan smile.

   When everyone was in a very happy atmosphere, Li Yuansheng walked over with a group of people in black suits.

   They have solemn expressions, and their expressions are sad and angry.

   After seeing the cheerful atmosphere of Suiyuan Shop, the whole was taken aback.

  Before Suiyuan Shop, assisted ten angel guards of the Anomaly Management Bureau to help them capture the overlapping area of ​​Jinpan Mountain.

   But of the ten angel guards, eight of them died in Jinpan Mountain.

   And if it weren't for the ten angel guards, the Heaven-Splitting Peng Demon would definitely evolve into a domain master, which would eventually lead to the failure of the plan to conquer Jinpan Mountain.

   So it's reasonable, they have to come over to show it.

   But seeing the lively scene here, Li Yuansheng was stunned. He found Miao Miao and handed it a cat strip.

   "You guys from Suiyuan Shop died, why are you so happy today?"

   Miao Miao was taken aback for a moment: "Who is dead, isn't everyone okay?"

   Li Yuansheng followed Miao Miao’s gaze and found that the eight warriors who died in Jinpanshan were all alive, and they were still serving customers with a look of hospitality.

"How is this going?"

   Only then did he realize that these guards in Suiyuan Shop were all immortal!

   But compared to the miracles that Suiyuan Xiaopu has always provided, these immortal guards are not so amazing.

   After putting down a big rock in his heart, Li Yuansheng noticed that this time, the Suiyuan Shop had added so many goods.

   His eyes were red immediately.

   "Buy slowly, and keep some for me. I don't want you to pick the rest!"


   After this day of business, He Shan has more than 5,000 tricky copper coins in his hands.

   He pinched these tricky copper coins and looked at the piled up dead bodies.

  After thinking for a while, he did not immediately disassemble it, but found the overlapping area map of Jinpan City and marked all the five-level overlapping areas.

   There was a dazzling light in the eyes: "There are still six five-level overlapping areas left...all solved!"

   "Six five-level overlapping areas should be enough for me to advance to the fourth level. After I reach the fourth-level, I can get a sixth-level overlapping area...The area certified by the domain owner should be enough to open up a road!"

   He Shan's plan is undoubtedly crazy in the eyes of normal sorcerers.

   But for him, it was a piece of cake.

   Before he was promoted, he was able to explore the fifth-level overlapping area alone. Now that his strength has improved, it is even easier to explore the fifth-level overlapping area.

   There is some urgency in his heart now.

   The road to Jinpan City has been opened up, and Lianhai City has a large number of sorcerers who lack training in overlapping areas.

  Once the road becomes stable, they will definitely enter Jinpan City in a swarm to explore.

   Every day these sorcerers explore in Jinpan City, they will create a large number of corpses, and letting these corpses dissipate in the overlapping area is the biggest waste.

  Waste is a crime for He Shan!

   So he must open up his own special line to transport corpses before that!

   So a journey of exploration of the whole Lianhai City, the most maddening, began!


   He Shan’s first stop was the fifth-level overlapping area ‘Fisting Sanctuary’.

  The rule of this overlapping area is that only boxing can be used in fighting here, because this strange rule makes it rarely challenged by sorcerers.

  All the monsters here are all boxers, and they are divided into male and female factions according to gender.

   According to the etiquette of this overlapping area, you must debate before fighting, and the power of debating to win the boxing will become stronger.

   So the two factions each have their own opinions.

  Although their camps are different, the magic is that their opinions are similar.

   They all think that the role they play is the hardest, pays the most, but is the least valued, while the other party despises themselves very much and sells well when they get the cheapest.

   So the two major factions have been fighting for three years, but they can't tell the winner.

   After He Shan came here, the opponent ignored He Shan's human identity and asked He Shan to stand in line first.

   He Shancai doesn't care what they are playing with, even if he doesn't use a long sword, he still has the martial art of Tianluo Wudao. When turned into maple leaf mode, his melee combat power is amazing.

   He hit the boxer when he saw it, and he beat them so hard that he finally defeated the domain master with a pair of iron fists.

  Yin-Yang Master!

   The gender of this boxing master is erratic, jumping repeatedly between the two genres, relying on provoking contradictions to obtain strong boxing power.

   He was also the worst hit by He Shan, his nose and tears were all beaten out.

   After passing through this overlapping area, He Shan's unarmed combat ability has been greatly improved.


   The second overlapping area is called the oily gutter.

   is full of mongoose-like creatures, they are called gutter ferrets.

   These gutter weasel methods are very dirty, even the heart is black.

   The rules here are not to stand up straight, only in this way can you shuttle through the intricate trenches.

   And this just allows He Shan who has mastered to be able to perform supernormally here, and a powerful swordsmanship can kill the ditch weasels to lose their helmets and remove their armor.

   It only took less than ten hours, and He Shan, alone, smashed through this greasy trench.

   The third overlapping area is a special fruit forest.

  The monsters here are all called fruit sellers.

   He Shan killed them so badly that they didn't even have scum.


   Cleared every overlapping area, He Shan's strength became stronger.

   He can feel that he is improving rapidly, and because of the different rules in each overlapping area, He Shan's abilities have been fully exercised.

   There has never been a third-order sorcerer who is exploring overlapping areas with his frequency!

   Although with He Shan's strength, the growth rate of exploring the three-level overlapping area is not large, but he can't bear the high frequency of exploration!

   In less than ten days, the entire fifth-level overlapping area of ​​Lianhai City was swept away by He Shan alone!

   In fact, He Shan is not entirely alone.

   In pursuit of efficiency, He Shan brought angel guards with him when he explored.

  Of course, during the battle, these angel guards did not take action. They were only taken to clean the battlefield quickly and to pull out all the hidden monsters, so as to avoid wasting too much time.

  He is the one who really does it.

  The ability to control the long sword only showed its true terrifying ability when there were more than one enemy.

   When dealing with a large number of low-level monsters, the effect is like cutting grass!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. Mobile version URL:

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