Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 507: New long sword

Turning around, He Shan whispered his eyes twice.

Then his hand shook, and two feathers appeared in his hand.


He Shan appeared behind the glass jar in an instant, and gently shook his feathers on both sides of the jar.

The jar was unguarded, and after being raided, it shook directly.

After shaking it twice, it noticed He Shan's pale face.

"Before I thought something was wrong with you, but now it looks like you are really wrong."

"Say, what is your purpose for hiding in my house? Are there any accomplices?"

The jar trembled twice.

I don't want to hide, obviously you put me here.

But it can only move in a small range, and it hasn't been able to speak yet.

"Don't say yes, then don't blame me for being cruel!"

After a severe threat, this thing still didn't speak, so He Shan stopped asking.

He took this thing and wandered all over the requisite shops.

He wanted to see how many more things were hidden in the Suiyuan Shop.

Unexpectedly, for so long, something has been monitoring him.

After walking around, He Shan didn't find new things that could enter the illusion.

Just as he was about to put the can into the decomposer, he suddenly looked at the trash can outside the door.

This trash can, he also felt strange many times before.

But this abnormality is not strong, and he can't see what's wrong with it.

In addition, with the recent increase in the number of corpses decomposed by Suiyuan Shop, all the garbage was taken away directly by garbage trucks. Therefore, He Shan has not paid attention to this garbage can for a period of time.

This time, with the reason for the jar, He Shan wanted to see what was going on with this trash can.

He walked to the trash can, his consciousness entered the illusion, and then he found that there was not only a can in the illusion, but also a trash can!

He Shan looked at the trash can and the jar, the scene was once very embarrassing.

"Well, from the beginning, your trash can has been monitoring me!"

The black hand in the trash can was very wronged, but he didn't say...

He Shanan came from it. This trash can was there when Suiyuan Xiaopu opened the shop. He stayed at the door, so how many secrets did he see?

Breaking free from the illusion, He Shan carried the trash can and the glass jar and walked to the basement angrily.

He first found another fish tank and put the fantasy fish in the new fish tank.

Then he threw the trash can and the glass jar into the decomposer together.

Originally, He Shan thought it would be decomposed one by one, but he didn't expect the two things to be decomposed together.

"These two things are of the same type!"

"Sure enough, an unknown force was monitoring me. At first, I used a trash can to monitor it outside, and then a glass jar was used to monitor it inside."

He Shan became more afraid as he thought about it, and his anger rose in his heart.


These two things have been decomposed.

As a result, there was only one thing that was decomposed, which was a transparent trash can.

Item: "A servant of the Cthulhu, endlessly devouring self-propelled trash..."

Remarks: ‘You can search for **** by yourself, swallow **** and digest it. No one knows how much **** its stomach can hold. ’

Selling price: ten tricky silver coins

Seeing the name of this thing, He Shan's anger suddenly disappeared.

"Servant of the Heretic God...Servant of the Heretic God... So that's how it is!"

Before, he was full of thoughts about himself being monitored, but now he thought of the Cthulhu Servant, and he was relieved at once.

The Cthulhu Servant was completely planted in He Shan's hands, but two parts disappeared. I want to come, these two parts are all here.

Unexpectedly, an accidental discovery caused He Shan to erase the last trace left by the evil **** in the world.

But this new trash can is very useful.

He Shan tried it, picked up a few tissues and placed them on the ground in a group. The trash can immediately ran in and put the tissues away, and the tissues disappeared directly into the invisible.

Throwing tissues on the ground in the future, no longer have to worry about being found out!

Then He Shan smiled and entered the training state again.

At about 4:40 in the afternoon, Li Yuansheng personally sent the four scalpers back. There were blood stains all over his body, which was very eye-catching.

He Shan raised his eyebrows: "Have you caught it?"

Li Yuansheng shook his head: "I didn't catch it. All were slaughtered. There were 13 people in total."

"These four grandsons were recruited in less than ten minutes. They were asked to buy things from a group of businessmen living near Chengbei No.16 Middle School. I immediately looked for them. Those people had not had time to run."

"Looking at their abilities, they belong to the blood **** sect. These guys are very tight-lipped, so I will kill them all."

He Shan smiled: "Good job."

Knowing that the group had been resolved, He Shan stopped paying attention to this matter.

When he was the store manager, he was a big boss. A big boss had to be a big boss, and he couldn't take care of all the trivial things.

In this way, time passed, and Suiyuan Shop's business was getting better and better.

The sorcerers in Lianhai City are more and more willing to explore Jinpan City.

And He Shan was also ready to set off.

He wants to go to other cities, hunt for domain owners, and then connect the traffic in each city!

Before leaving, He Shan had to choose another set of equipment for himself.

These equipment have already been selected, just waiting for Miao Miao to transform these equipment into other forms, He Shan has waited so When the number of decomposing monsters is large enough, I want to It is quite simple to gather a suitable set of equipment.

The first is weapons. He Shan can now control 60 long swords in total.

Each of these sixty long swords has a different ability. The Nuclear Devil Sword and the Archangel Sword are no longer the strongest long swords.

Among the fifth-order monsters killed by He Shan, there was one named ‘Bloody Butcher’, and this butcher decomposed a blood slaughter sword.

The Blood Slaughter Sword only needs to be swiped lightly to release its scarlet sword aura, and the sword aura itself is stronger than that of the nuclear devil sword.

In addition, the blood will immediately necrotic where it is injured by the blade or blade, like a powerful toxin.

In addition, the Blood Slaughter Sword can also repair the damage on the sword body by absorbing blood.

The second top longsword was decomposed by a Tier 4 monster. This monster was called the "Sword Beast of Death and Silence". This sword beast did not even decompose the pronucleus, only a Sword of Death.

The Sword of Annihilation looked like a plain long sword. It couldn't release sword energy by itself, but any matter that touched the blade would be silently erased.

Even the defense of the fifth-order monster, in front of the Nirvana Sword, seemed a little fragile.

These two top long swords are He Shan's current strongest weapons.

In addition, there are four other long swords of the same level as the Nuclear Demon Sword, and all the other long swords have also been upgraded.

The long swords that He Shan used originally, all of which were replaced by Miao Miao, were changed into daggers, samurai swords, or long knives, which were sold in the Suiyuan shop...

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