Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 508: Passing by

Apart from weapons, there are clothes.

The tights of the Cthulhu servants were still worn inside, and a set of costume props was changed outside.

On his head, he was wearing a sword crown decomposed from the body of the Sword Emperor. Its ability was to increase the power of swordsmanship. It has been strengthened by Miao Miao, and it has changed its shape. It is a black top hat.

What he was wearing was a trousers decomposed from a fifth-order monster, called a phantom suit.

The defensive ability is decent, which can greatly increase He Shan's speed. When he activates the suit ability, He Shan can perform several short-distance shifts and shadows. The effect is similar to teleportation, but it will leave a black afterimage.

The original appearance was a green auspicious suit, which was changed to a black suit by Miao Miao.

Socks only have the function of sturdiness and comfort. Shoes can release powerful repulsion and provide a certain degree of automatic evasion. At the same time, kicking will become more painful. The shape is black leather shoes.

The biggest change is gloves.

He Shan's right hand is the latest and improved version of the Shadow Chain Claw.

The current shadow chain claw has only one ability, that is, to release a shadow ghost claw of unlimited length, which is much stronger than the previous chain and has fewer restrictions.

The shape is thin black gloves, which match well with the suit.

He Shan's left hand is also a thin black glove, but each of his five fingers has a thin golden ring.

Each ring has different abilities.

The thumb is the bald ray, the index finger is the itching ray, the **** is the ground stabbing ability, the ring finger is the hypnotic ability, and the little finger is the paralysis ability.

The glove itself will strengthen the abilities of the five rings, and He Shan named it the "limited glove".

Although the ability is limited, it is likely to have miraculous effects.

In the end, besides He Shan's black suit, there was a black coat, which was changed from the original angel feather coat, and the ability was still the feather coat ability.

With this set of outfits, He Shan's entire image has been greatly changed.

Just these outfits, as long as they don't look too stubborn, anyone will look handsome in them!

What's more, He Shan is not ugly.


On the morning of July 30th, He Shan got up early, went to the street of Fengren Street, and rode a Raikage motorcycle.

Upon hearing the news that He Shan was leaving, Lu Zecheng came to He Shan himself.

"Why do you want to leave, Jinpan City should be enough for you to exercise."

He Shan scratched his head: "I still don't like to exercise in Jinpan City. I like the normal overlapping area, but even the normal overlapping area in Hai City has basically disappeared."

"Don't worry, I will come back, who is willing to leave such a place."

Lu Zecheng thought for a while, it was indeed the truth, no sorcerer would want to leave Suiyuan Shop, especially He Shan, who became the strongest young sorcerer because of Suiyuan Shop.

"Go to more places and see more monsters and tricks, so I can become stronger."

"Goodbye, I hope that when I come, Lianhai City will be better built."

Lu Zecheng smiled: "It will definitely be."

He Shan said hello, rode away on the motorcycle, and disappeared into Lu Zecheng's sight in the blink of an eye.

He Shan said it was goodbye.

In fact, for the next period of time, he just doesn't need to show up in Lianhai City.

At night or dinner, he would still return to Suiyuan Shop.

After all, such a perfect bedroom, a cook who cooks such a delicious meal, and a pillow that is so comfortable to hold it up are not what other places can have.


He Shan went all the way north, his goal was Baifeng Lake Province.

This is the northernmost province of Central Continent. There is a lake called Baifeng Lake. When the mountain is covered by heavy snow in winter, Baifeng Lake is like a huge white phoenix with its wings spread out.

It is said that there is an island in the center of Baifeng Lake, and there is a thousand-year-old phoenix tree in the island. There is really a phoenix living there.

Of course this is just a legend, maybe there is not even a pheasant on the island in the lake.

The reason He Shan went north was because he felt the aura of Destiny Demon Lord at the north of Lianhai City!

There are not many monsters who can escape in the hands of the manager of Suiyuan, and finally there is such a one. Of course He Shan has to see what kind of stuff this guy is.

In addition, because of being close to Xiongzhou, monsters, strange things, and crooked things are more rampant.

Compared with that, the original Lianhai City is already a paradise.

If you don't see anything in Baifenghu Province, then He Shan plans to go to Xiongzhou to take a look.

After He Shan became an independent explorer, he had access to more information.

Regarding Xiongzhou, there is not much information about the Anomaly Administration.

All I know is that there is a monster the size of a sky cover in Xiongzhou, which has been wandering in the sky non-stop.

Several exploratory teams entered Xiongzhou. Most of them were missing. A few of them returned alive, and their spirits became abnormal.

However, He Shan still intends to take a look, only wandering around the edge, there shouldn't be any major danger.



Lightning galloping, thunder bursts, and on the empty road, He Shan rode a Raikage motorcycle through at extremely fast speed.

There are many overlapping areas on the road, but He Shan doesn't bother to look at it.

This kind of overlapping area is the most disgusting. It is not suitable for human habitation. It may block the way of human beings at any time, but it has no value in cleaning up.

Soon He Shan came to the first city, Jinxiu City.

If you want to go north, you must pass through Jinxiu City.

However, apart from the overlapping area, Jinxiu City did not attract He Shan too much, so it took He Shan seven days to get rid of all the overlapping areas between Grade 4 and Grade 8 in Jinxiu City.

His strategy is very simple, riding a motorcycle on his own and rushing directly into the overlapping area.

Then let sixty long swords fly out to kill indiscriminately, and he found the domain master himself, using one move and one sword for three consecutive attacks to easily kill him.

Except for the fifth-tier domain masters, the third-tier fourth-tier domain masters did not even have the qualifications to let He Shan use one sword and three consecutive links.

If it weren't for this, let the magicians of Fairview City have overlapping areas to explore.

He Shan even wanted to get rid of all overlapping areas in Jinxiu City.

Decomposing these domain masters, the obtained domain master certification, He Shan intends to exist first.

After a certain number of domain owner certificates have been accumulated, the traffic in a dozen surrounding cities will be opened up all at once.

Otherwise, it would be too suspicious to open up the traffic between which city and Suiyuan shop in which city he was active in.

But even so, He Shan's crazy exploration behavior still attracted the attention of the magician of Jinxiu City.

When he was about to leave Jinxiu City, he was surrounded by a large group of sorcerers.

The director of the Jinxiu City Action Office, with flames wrapped in his palm, asked He Shan seriously: "Who are you and why do you want to clear the overlapping area on a large scale in my Jinxiu City."

"We should thank you for this matter, but if you don't make it clear..."

He Shan lowered the brim of his hat to prevent them from seeing his face clearly.

"Don't care about me too much, I'm just a good-hearted sorcerer passing by."

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