Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 513: God helps those who help themselves

The leading nobleman frowned and looked at He Shan: "You seem to have confidence in yourself."

He Shan touched his face and said quite narcissistically: "Yes, I am indeed a lot handsomer than you."

Honorable person: "???"

"I'm asking about strength!"

A leaf flew into He Shan's hand and turned into a scarlet long sword.

He Shan's long sword crossed his chest and said in a cold voice: "How can you know the strength of this thing without hitting it?"

The nobleman took a deep look at He Shan: "You will regret it next time you meet."

After talking about the transfer of horses and horses, their team began to walk north of Songyang City.

He Shan sneered: "Don't next time, let's break things up this time!"

But at this moment, all the people around them gathered around, and their eyes were full of anger.

He Shan looked at the sword in his hand, and then at Yu Caixuan next to him. He smiled the long sword in his hand and disappeared into leaves.

"Everyone, looking at me like this, is there something wrong?"

The old man glared at He Shan, blowing his beard, and said angrily: "Our Songyang City affairs, what does it have to do with you? Where is your turn to take care of your nostalgia!"

"You have harmed us miserably. Without the help of the nobles, how can the hundreds of thousands of people in Songyang City survive?"

After he finished speaking, the men and women nearby began to scold them with ugly faces.

"Let's catch him and give it to the nobleman!"

"Yu Caixuan, this little girl, also has a person in charge!"

"damn it!"

"Gang Li Niang!"


Foul language poured out, but compared to Zuan Grove, they were just kindergarten level.

But Yu Caixuan was already crying.

The people in Songyang City are usually very numb, but they are not bad people. This is the first time they have shown such a hideous and terrifying expression.


He Shan took out his surrender pistol and fired three shots at the sky. The three legs of a nearby statue of a nobleman were all discounted, and everyone immediately calmed down.

"Everyone, you can't solve the problem because you are so noisy."

"Why don't I take you away from Songyang City, how about living in other cities."

Everyone suddenly became even more angry. The other cities are man-eating demons. Did this man take them out to make them die?

"Although the cities outside are also facing threats, but at least three meals a day, the amount of food and clothing can be guaranteed, as long as you are not a lazy person, at least it is possible to support the family."

He Shan tried hard to explain to these people what the outside world was like, and took out his mobile phone and showed them a promotional video of Suiyuan Xiaopu.

After working for half an hour, many people looked at the realistic holographic image with blurred eyes.

When someone was about to be moved, the old man yelled: "Don't believe this outsider's deceit to deceive the crowd, he is all lying to us!"

All Songyang citizens suddenly became angry with the same enemy, cursing and accusing them constantly, and throwing a few stones from a distance.

He Shan was so angry that his veins violent, but still forced himself to be gentle: "I am an outsider, you don't believe me, you can understand, it's really impossible. You can choose a few representatives, and I will take you outside to take a look."

"If you are afraid of those nobles, I can help you get rid of them..."

But this proposal was also interrupted, and this time a urinal was thrown over.

He Shan sighed, "Sure enough, it still doesn't work. I really shouldn't do extra things."

When he returned to the Suiyuan Shop before, he asked Jade to raise a lot of food, and all the food was placed in the spare decomposition bin, which could at least help these people survive the most difficult time.

But looking at the performance of these people, He Shan didn't want to put a warm face on their cold ass.

"Heaven helps those who help themselves, I have done my best..."

He Shan turned around, ready to take Yu Caixuan to find her mother, and then left with the two of them.

After his trouble today, the mother and daughter can no longer live peacefully here in the future.

As soon as he was about to leave, his pants were grabbed by a kid about seven or eight years old. He looked at He Shan expectantly: "Outside, is it really as beautiful as you said?"

He Shan looked down and found that under the adults, the children were staring at He Shan expectantly.

Compared with the world three years ago, the city outside now can only be said to be dilapidated.

But compared with life in Songyang City, it can be called a better one.

He Shan squatted down and said warmly, "Yes, the outside world is the same as I said, and... I will let you live that kind of life."

After finishing talking, He Shan grabbed Yu Caixuan's shoulders, activated the ability to change shapes and shadows on her clothes, and instantly disappeared in front of everyone.


After He Shan left, in this large square, the crowds of Songyang City residents were dead silent.

"Old Xue, what the outsider said..."

A middle-aged woman looked at the old man hesitantly. In the past three years, more than one outsider has entered Songyang City.

Although every outsider is scared off by the weird atmosphere here, some of them still let the residents here have heard of the real situation outside.

Although the words of the outsiders are all regarded as lies, their hearts will inevitably be shaken after the frequency increases.

"Shut up, it must be fake!"

Taking the lead, Old Xue said angrily, and the others dared not speak anymore.

He added a sentence in his mind.

"That must also be fake..."

If what He Shan said is true, then what is their three-year life?

What are the relatives and friends who died in the process?

What are those young people who are called to go to the city to enjoy the blessing, but they are more like sacrifices?

They would rather that everything He Shan said is to maintain their current lives.

Moreover, the festivals every week make them so intoxicated, so it is difficult for them to give up.

Let them abandon such ceremonies and exchange their work for food...

They don't want to, and they don't want to!


Yu Caixuan's home is where He Shan first met her.

This is an old-fashioned building, and Yu Caixuan took He Shan up the stairs.

And just at this moment in the corridor on the third floor, a man with a fierce face was knocking **** the door of the room, and at the same time he cursed uncleanly.

"Yu Lian, come out for me!"

He Shan and He Shan heard this guy's cursing downstairs.

"Who is this person?" He Shan asked.

Yu Caixuan whispered: "He is my dad, but our relationship... is not very good."

In fact, Yu Caixuan is a bit lighter, and the relationship between the two families is far from good or bad. It can be regarded as a grudge.

Despite the fact that Songyang City is so dilapidated, but there are still basic rules, so this man has always endured not to come to seek trouble.

Today, I heard people say that Yu Caixuan caused a disaster and made the nobleman angry, so he hurried here.

He Shan is not curious about the relationship with their family.

He walked directly to the third floor. Before the man could react, his left hand was attached, and an inexplicable force penetrated into his body, making him unable to move.

This is the ability to paralyze the ring.

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