Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 514: Are you god

"Mom, it's me, open the door." Yu Caixuan knocked gently on the door.

After a while, the security door was opened, and what appeared in front of He Shan was a woman in a wheelchair.

This woman looks in her thirties. She should have been very beautiful, but now her face is full of traces left by the years.

"Xuan Xuan, are you okay, I'm going to be worried to death." Yu Lian hugged Yu Caixuan, tears kept streaming down her eyes.

Before, he heard that man said that when Yu Caixuan got into a catastrophe, her heart was in a sudden stop.

The mother and daughter hugged for a while before Yu Caixuan let go of her daughter, looked at He Shan and asked, "Are you?"

"This uncle saved me, you don't know, this uncle is amazing..."

Yu Caixuan introduced in twitter, and Yu Lian was shocked by the thrills.

After the two talked, Yu Lian was about to express his gratitude to He Shan, but He Shan first spoke: "You are a trickster? What is your ability."

Yu Lian was stunned for a moment: "What is a trickster?"

He Shan raised his eyebrows and quickly realized that Songyang City fell very early. These people have not been in contact with the outside world, so they don't even know the title of sorcerer.

"The so-called trickster refers to a person who has gained some abilities by killing monsters."

Yu Lian nodded seemingly understandable: "If I speak of ability, I can see something that other people can't see."

"for example?"

"For example, those nobles are very wrong, the food they give is also problematic, and you..."

Looking at He Shan, Yu Lian didn't know how to describe it. After a while, she said, "Your aura is very strong, and you are not as strong as a person."

She said that He Shan is not like a human being, and He Shan did not refute it.

Tier 01 and 2 sorcerers are just humans with special abilities, but when the holy emblem is condensed, sorcerers will undergo an evolution. At that time, sorcerers are no longer a concept with ordinary humans.

He Shan said to Yu Lian, "Because of me, it is basically impossible for you to live in this city anymore. I will send you out of the city in a while."

"In addition, when I come to Songyang City, there are things to do, and some situations need to be understood, but I can hardly find anyone who can help me, so can I ask you for some information."

Yu Lian nodded, and He Shan walked into her home.

Unlike most of the dilapidated homes in Songyang City, Yu Lian's home is very clean and tidy, and it can be seen that it has been carefully taken care of.

Most of the people outside have given up hope, and their lives are messy everywhere.

In contrast, Yu Lian's home is like a piece of pure land.

After some talks, He Shan has learned some basic information.

More than three years ago, disaster struck suddenly. In order to protect Yu Caixuan, Yu Lian desperately fought against a monster. She managed to escape to a safe place with her daughter, but she became disabled as a result.

At that time, Songyang City was full of dead people, and everyone was living in fear.

Some people with special abilities who claimed to be the "chosen people" formed the guard army and established the initial order in Songyang City. Although everyone suffered heavy losses at that time, there was still hope for the future life.

The leader of the **** is called a brave by everyone.

Thinking about it now, those who were chosen by nature should be the first group of sorcerers in Songyang City.

However, everyone gradually discovered that the original intention of the guards slowly changed. They became arrogant and terrifying, and they used force beyond ordinary people to rule the ordinary people in Songyang City.

Even in the north of Songyang City, a palace was built, called Songyang Inner City.

Later, these guards gradually called themselves "nobles," and the inner city disappeared from everyone's eyes. The nobles only appeared once a week, and Songyang City slowly became its current pattern.

It's just a pity that Yu Lian doesn't know the overlapping area layout of Songyang City, so He Shan is still a headless fly.

I'm afraid that the only people who know this are the nobles.

But He Shan thought with his toes, knowing that they would definitely not tell himself.

During the conversation, Yu Caixuan also took a shower and changed into new clothes.

He Shan's eyes lit up. At this time, Yu Caixuan was a little girl carved with jade, and the black and black hair before, who couldn't see the man and the woman. They were two people.

"This is what Caixuan really looks like, but it's too dangerous to let her go outside like this. For her safety, I can only make her dress up like that gray-headed face." Yu Lian explained on the side.

After that, Yu Lian and Yu Caixuan began to pack up at home. Except for a set of laundry and their own money, He Shan didn't let them take anything else.

As long as you have money, those can be repurchased outside.

When he walked to the street, He Shan stopped suddenly and asked Yu Cailian: "How far can you see with your ability? If I take you to the sky, can you distinguish the energy concentration of each overlapping area."

Yu Cailian froze for a moment: "As long as I can see, my abilities should have an effect, but what I see is very vague, and may not meet your needs."

He Shan waved his hand: "It's okay, just make your ability stronger."

He rummaged in the spare decomposition chamber for a while, found a green pronucleus, and threw it to Yu Lian: "This is a pronucleus. As long as you absorb it, your ability can be upgraded. Maybe you My legs can be healed."

After hearing He Shan's words, Yu Lian had a strong desire in her heart, and all the energy in the pronucleus was integrated into her body.

This pronucleus is also the pronucleus of body But in addition to basic physical fitness, it focuses more on strengthening people's recovery ability.

Moreover, Yu Lian's leg has not been broken, and for more than three years, she has been performing massages and activities every day. The damage is not too serious. It is just right to use this pronucleus.

After using the pronucleus, Yu Lian felt her legs become numb and crisp, and finally felt, and she felt that she had an inexhaustible power.

"You, are you coming to save our God?"

This miraculous change caused Yu Lian, who had been suffering for more than three years, to be completely shocked, and asked He Shandao in a daze.

He Shan shook his head: "God does not exist!"

After speaking, he suddenly remembered the fact that his own consciousness had appeared near the strange planet twice, and then said in a daze, "Even if there is...God is not necessarily a good thing."

"You are also a sorcerer. You will get used to things like pronuclear in the future."

"In addition, your detection ability should have become stronger now."

Yu Lian nodded.

Then He Shan grabbed Yu Lian's shoulders, wings grew out of his back, and flew directly to an altitude of several hundred meters. At this height, the buildings below were as small as ants.

Dozens of long swords flew out, forming a platform under Yu Lian. Now He Shan's power can support things with the long sword.

Then He Shan took out the map of Songyang City and set the direction.

"Come and see for me, what is the distribution of overlapping areas in Songyang City?"

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