Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 517: Schneider

Remember in one second【】

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Three consecutive swords, terrifying!

However, He Shan is still sober, he knows that although this guy is Tier 5 strength, it is only at the bottom line of Tier 5.

Although he was chasing after the battle, there was no tactics, and he just relied on a bunch of hard work.

Like other monsters in this overlapping area, this guy's brain is not worthy of his powerful strength.

"If all the overlapping areas are like this, then the other continents won't fall completely..."

But no matter what, after an easy job, He Shan is still very happy.

What makes He Shan a little puzzled is that at the feet of the abstract giant, there is a bottomless hole with a diameter of only ten centimeters.

This pothole caused He Shan to have certain doubts about this exploratory action.


Songyang City, the original Grand Theater.

Old Xue and a group of middle-aged men in their 40s and 50s sat nervously in their chairs.

In front of them, a man with a cock-like hairstyle was sitting on the stage arrogantly.

"Jie Maosan, why did you call us here?" Old Xue asked puzzled.

The man shouted angrily: "You also call Ji Feo San?"

Xue Lao was taken aback. This Feather-three has always been very kind to them. Why is it like taking gunpowder today?

"The nobleman was very dissatisfied with what happened this morning, so there will be no more festivals in the future."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone immediately fryed the pot.

Without the ceremonies, what do they eat and drink?

They could barely maintain the festival once every seven days. If there were no festivals, they would be hungry after a few days!

"Chi...Sanye Mao, that morning was all caused by outsiders. It has nothing to do with us. I was injured because of it." A bald man said hurriedly.

Feathers curled his lips: "But your attitude at the time made the nobles very dissatisfied."

"The nobles are compassionate. They have raised your wastes for three years. When the nobles encountered difficulties, you actually stood on the sidelines!"

Everyone was speechless, and everyone saw the scene of He Shan fighting with the nobleman before.

What can they do without standing by.

"Did the nobleman say how to restore the festival?" Old Xue asked.

The corners of the feathers of the chicken feathers curled up, revealing a sinister smile: "The nobles are compassionate, as long as you kill the outsider, the future festivals in Songyang City will remain the same."

"But..." Old Xue was stunned for a moment.

"It's nothing, the nobles are so kind to you, now is the time for you to repay."

After speaking, Feather Sany left with an arrogant face, leaving only the desperate people.

"Old Xue, we still don't kill this person. If we want to kill, how should we kill."

Everyone is looking at Xue Lao, he is the backbone of these people.

Old Xue was silent for a long time, and then said to everyone: "No matter what, we must kill him."

"He looks like a good person. For the fate of hundreds of thousands of people in Songyang City, he should be willing to dedicate himself..."

"If he doesn't want to, then he is not a good person, we kill him, there is no need to feel guilty."

"Kill him, kill him..."

Everyone was muttering these three words silently, their eyes gradually reddening, and their bodies seemed to become more vigorous.

They have been taking food from the festival for many years, and some foreign energy has been accumulated in their bodies.

^0^Remember in one second【】

These energies will not make them much stronger, but they can make the nobles, when needed, turn them into soldiers who regard death as home.


When it came out of the overlapping area of ​​the dinosaurs, it was midnight.

Although those dinosaurs are naive, but there is an eighth level overlapping area after all, it took He Shan a lot of time to clean up the benefits there.

It was getting late, and He Shan did not continue hunting.

Instead, I came to the hotel and wanted to go back to Suiyuan Xiaopu to sleep, and then continue to explore tomorrow when I got better.

In addition, He Shan still felt something was wrong with the conditions of these dinosaurs and domain owners. He felt that he had to use a decomposition machine to break it down.

He Shan noticed on the way that someone was peeking at him.

The peepers were all ordinary people in Songyang City, and they wanted to come in during the day, making them hate themselves, so He Shan didn't care too much.

After entering the hotel, He Shan went straight back to his room.

The one-eyed boss suddenly became This time he was quite sure that He Shan had entered the room.

This guy can't just go in, just play and disappear like the last time.

"Children, your toys are here."

One by one, demons and ghosts emerged from the shadows and gathered at He Shan's door.

This time they didn't want to set off the atmosphere anymore, but wanted to torture their prey directly.


The door was kicked open, and there was nothing in the room...

He Shan disappeared again.

The monsters looked at each other, thinking that they had been tricked again.

"This old turtle grandson, are you tired of life!"

"He's been a bit naughty lately, don't you think we won't kill him?"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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