Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 518: Sorry, it's useless

A house of hideous monsters, the more they think, the more angry they are, and the more angry they are, the more they want to hit people.

They looked at each other and rushed to the downstairs aggressively, looking at the one-eyed boss fiercely.

"Old man, you dare to lie to us, you are not brave!" said a monster with stitched traces all over his body, said in a gloomy tone.

The one-eyed boss froze for a moment: "The guy disappeared again. I saw him go in with my own eyes, and then I called you out without any delay."

"My own eyes? It seems that your old eyes are not working well. Does the other one want to be blind too?"

A girl with long hair and **** skeletons everywhere except her head licked her lips.

"My one-eyed is not scared, dare you try to hit me?"

The one-eyed boss, with a serious look, put on a fighting posture, and shouted to the monsters.


At this time, a large group of people stood outside the hotel.

These people are all citizens of Songyang City, and there are hundreds of them, all of whom are middle-aged men in their 40s or 50s.

After these middle-aged men, there are still faintly floating figures.

They were holding all kinds of weapons, from the home-made shotgun to the kitchen knife wrench, and looked at the hotel full of murderous red eyes.

This hotel is usually a restricted area in Songyang City. No one who enters the hotel at night can come out alive.

Usually they wouldn't be near here at all, but this time they must kill He Shan, so even if this is a restricted area, they must go in.

Old Xue stood in front of everyone and encouraged them before the war:

"Don't be afraid, although there is danger here, it is a necessary sacrifice."

"Only by killing that outsider, our wives and children, can we survive!"

"And hundreds of people go in together, even if there are any monsters here, they are definitely not our opponents."

"Besides, don't pity the outsider, he is not good. If he hadn't come here, and he hadn't been nosy, how could things get to this point."

"Go! Kill him!"

Xue Lao gave an order, and all the men entered the hotel murderously.


At this time in the hotel, the one-eyed boss hugged his head, hoping that these monsters would not slap their faces.

It turned out that the imaginary beating did not come.

He let go of his arm, and when he looked up, he saw a group of red-eyed men rushing into his hotel.

All the monsters showed excitement at the same time.

This time, their long-awaited prey has finally arrived!

The leading man grabbed the one-eyed boss by the collar as soon as he entered the room and asked fiercely, "Say, where does the outsider in the black suit live?"

The boss's thin body was picked up, and he pointed his finger upstairs.

"Room 404..."

The man released his hand and walked straight up the stairs.

Throughout the process, these men ignored these monsters.

Not because they are bold, but because they can't see monsters at all.

When these men went upstairs, each of the monsters also picked their prey, and followed them up the stairs together.

Some are wrapped around people's bodies, some are attached to people's backs, and some are crawling on the ceiling like spiders.

When normal people see this scene, they may be frightened and fainted.

But the one-eyed boss showed a twisted smile on his face.

As soon as these men went upstairs, they kicked open the door of He Shan's room, but found nothing.

So they began to search every room, and today they are bound to take He Shan's head back.

The brawny man who was made bald by He Shan was also in the team, and he entered a somewhat gloomy cabin.

As soon as the front foot entered the door, the back foot room was tightly locked, and he was plunged into darkness.

"This is... not good!"

Strands of black hair wrapped around the back of his feet, and the invisible sense of fear spread from the soles of the feet to the Tianling Gai.

He slapped the door frantically, trying to get the attention of others.

But no one responded to his knock on the door, and there was a louder sound than his knock on the door.

That was a scream, a hysterical scream!

Countless men who entered the hotel uttered harsh screams at the same time.

It is hard to imagine what happened to a person to make such a sound.

Then the door shook, and greasy things flowed from the cracks in the door.

This is blood!

The bald head collapsed to the ground, and more hair wrapped around his body.

"Dad, don't go out, things outside are terrible."

Just when he was so nervous that he was about to faint, a familiar but lifeless voice came to soothe his tense nerves.

The bald expression suddenly calmed down. This was his daughter's voice.

"Shui Xiu'er, is that you, what is going on?"

Bald asked softly.

Shui Xiu'er said softly: "The outside is full of twisted and abnormal monsters. They have endless resentment in their hearts. Only torturing humans can make them a little easier."

"But don't worry, as long as you hide here, they won't find it."

The bald head swallowed. Over the past three years, he has always heard that this hotel is terrible, but he didn't expect it to be so terrible.

Fortunately, his daughter is here, otherwise he might be dead now.

"Shui Xiu'er, how have you been in the inner city these two years?"

"Life should be good, I heard that life in the inner city is much better than before the end."

"You see that your hair is so long. If your life is not good, can you have such long hair? It's best if you find a good one..."

After he said this, his daughter was silent, and there was no voice for a long time.

"Shui Xiu'er, what's the matter with you, speak."

After two minutes of silence, Shui Xiu'er's voice appeared again.

"Do you care about me very much."

The bald head said naturally, "Of course, you are my daughter. I don't care who you or I care about."

The room suddenly became Shui Xiu'er's voice became gloomy.

"Since you care about me so much, just look up at me."

The light in this room was suddenly lit, and the bald head looked up, his pupils dilated violently, and his body shivered, screaming like a pig.

I saw a blood-sparkling skeleton on the ceiling with viscera!

The entire skeleton is intact only with the head, and the black hair a few meters long, like a creeper, covers the entire ceiling.

The head fell down little by little, the face belonging to his daughter, looking at him indifferently

"Why, don't you care about me? Why don't you dare to look at me now?"

"I am your daughter, I am here now, don't you want to hug me?"

The bald head stammered and asked, "You, how did you become like this."

Shui Xiu'er smiled grimly, and the corners of her mouth split directly to her ears, revealing bright red gums and muscle tissue.

"It's all because of you, Dad..."

The bald head seemed to understand something, and tears burst out.

He remembered the scene when he forcibly **** his daughter and sent it to the inner city. At that time, the state of her daughter was even more desperate than he is now.

But at that time, he really felt that this was for the sake of Xiu'er.

She can go to the inner city to have a better life, and he doesn't have to go hungry anymore.

He knelt on the ground, madly saying sorry, while the hair on the ground penetrated his body little by little.

Sometimes, being sorry is useless.

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