“After a while, I will enter the eternal dream.”

“There’s something there that I have to get my hands on.”

“I need your help.”

Finally, I can communicate with Linghua normally.

“Dreams, is it just a dream?”

For the first time, Reihua had emotions other than death.

It was a fear.

“It’s just a dream, not a nightmare.” Ning Yu nodded affirmatively.

Eternal dreams are scary places.

Its surface is an eternal dream.

Deep is an eternal nightmare.

No one knows how terrifying the eternal nightmare is.

Because those who entered, never came back alive.

Even Linghua was afraid of that place.


Linghua nodded.

The surroundings were blurry, and Ning Yu woke up with a happy face.

“Get Linghua.”

“But you have to be prepared.”

Entering the eternal dream is the most important thing this month.

There is only one chance.

It must be prepared.

“Scavenge for props first to see if you can get props for dreams.”

Ning Yu pondered various precautions in his mind, trying to strive for the maximum success rate.

“The Fright Scarecrow must go.”

“This hidden quest has a nice prop.”

“If you’re lucky, you can also drop the Grassman Skill Book.”

After determining the route, Ning Yu looked online.

After Blue Star surprised the big ship sailing in the Sea of Black Mist, the network directly exploded.

Countless people are @Mr. Ning, trying to inquire about the big ship.

For the big ship, Ning Yu really didn’t know much about it.

However, in order to suppress the panic atmosphere on the Internet, Ning Yu still posted a post.

[According to my analysis, the big ship will not dock at Blue Star].

[The world released an emergency update, which means that the appearance of the big ship is just an accident, it belongs to BUG].

[So there’s no need to panic].

[Finally, you can expect a compensation reward].

[The appearance of the big ship caused great panic in the world, and if the blue star is compared to a server, the world is GM].

[When this kind of bug occurs, under normal circumstances, a certain reward will be compensated].

After posting the post, Ning Yu went out.

Once the post was uploaded, it instantly became popular on the whole network.

Hearing Ning Yu say that the big ship would not dock, countless people were relieved.

Finally, I saw Ning Yu say that there may be compensation rewards.

Instantly filled everyone’s expectations.

“It makes sense, there is a problem with the game, and the planner will always send some benefits to appease the player.”

“You say, what reward will the world compensate.”

“Ten S-class skill books for one person, one set of S-class equipment.”

“Upstairs you want to fart, how is this possible.”

“In my opinion, it would be nice to compensate each person with an E-level skill book or equipment, and then send some rolls and experience points at the end.”

“This is reliable, not very greedy.”

There is a frenzied discussion on the Internet about compensation rewards again.

All kinds of speculations, prophecies, very lively.

A few hours later, Ning Yu returned.

He raided several E-class quests.

The poor experience points really couldn’t satisfy Ning Yu’s appetite.

The skill is gone.

But dropped a prop he desperately needed.

[Name: Jumping Capsule].

【Type: Consumables】


[Function: feel the charm of jumping off the building without side effects].

This consumable is of little use in reality.

But it is of great use in eternal dreams, and can even save people’s lives.

Falling weightlessly in a dream will wake you up suddenly.

This is a regular dream.

Don’t say jumping off a building in an eternal dream, even if you jump into the sea or jump off a cliff, you can’t wake up.

This requires special prop assistance.

Jumping capsules are one of them.

It is not difficult to obtain, and the E-level quest may drop, but you need to look at the face.

With this thing, Ning Yu had a way back in the Eternal Dream.

“The props are currently bound, otherwise you can buy a few online.”

Ning Yu scratched his head.

He didn’t believe that other players would deliberately go to the Eternal Dream Land after getting the jumping capsule.

“Speaking of player auction houses.” Ning Yu pondered.

Players cannot trade with each other until the Player Auction House is opened.

Whether it is a point scroll, props, skills, equipment, it is a bound state.

This feature will be available as a replica in April.

“There are still two key props left.”

“Spin Gyro Raiders quests have a certain chance reward.”

“Black Candle needs to be obtained in the Scarecrow movie.”

These two props are very critical.

Coupled with the jumping capsule that Ning Yu had just obtained, he dared to enter the Eternal Dream.

After sorting out his thoughts, Ning Yu browsed the posts he had posted for a while.

There were many messages, and Ning Yu couldn’t smile when he saw it.

Netizens are too talented.

Dare to think of any compensation reward.


Send S-level skill books.

Sent S-class equipment.

Send hundreds of thousands of rolls.

It’s also thanks to them for daring to think.

S-level skill books, in the last life, Ning Yu’s peak period, there was only one book.

Its value is incalculable.

S-class equipment, when the last Blue Star was coming to the end, there were no more than ten pieces in the world.

As for sending a girlfriend.

That’s when some players found a beautiful female ghost.

Although it is extremely dangerous, it cannot suppress the man’s commotion heart.

“The more beautiful a woman, the more dangerous it is.” Ning Yu muttered.

This sentence, which applies to Blue Star, also applies to weirdness.

It’s like a linghua, gentle.

They are very much in line with the aesthetics of living people.

But the danger is simply terrifying.

“Tomorrow the world will update the compensation rewards.”

“It’s probably going to disappoint you.”

If Ning Yu remembered correctly.

The compensation reward is the dot roll mystery chest.

Guaranteed 1 point roll, maximum 1000 point roll.

It depends on personal luck.

Most of them are at what time or dozen.

There are also some people with strong luck who can open hundreds of rolls.

In the last life, Ning Yu remembered that there were no more than 10 players in the world who offered the highest rewards.

Jiang Fat, who once had a relationship, is one of them.

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