On the second day, when Ning Yu was still raiding the quest, the compensation reward came down.

[In view of the huge vulnerability in Bluestar version 1.3, causing widespread panic].

[Therefore, a new compensation content has been added: dot scroll mystery gift box*1].

【Pick up period: March 7 to March 31, 2023】

[Finally, I wish all players a happy game].

“Point the mystery gift box, what the hell is this reward.”

“Randomly open 1 to 1000 point rolls.”

“I lean, this is too pitted, the world you come out for me to make it clear.”

“It’s just that this doesn’t do anything to soothe my wounded heart.”

“Damn, I just opened 1 o’clock roll, what’s the difference between this and no compensation.”

Global resentment skyrocketed by 30% at this moment.

Even the sun quietly hides behind dark clouds.

“It’s good to have compensation.”

“People, don’t be too greedy.”

Ning Yu opened the dotted mystery pack.

【Congratulations on getting the 800 point roll】

“Hmm~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o, comfortable.” He smiled in confusion.

The reason for calm.

That’s because in the previous life, Ning Yu opened 600 rolls.

In this life, luck is better than the previous life.

White 800 point roll, what could be more comfortable than this.

[E-level copy: change the light bulb] [Clearance].

[Reward: Spin Top].

[Reward: 100 XP].

[Reward: 20 point roll].

“The spinning top is finally figured out.”

Since Ning Yu saw Linghua, he frantically brushed 14 E-level copies and finally got the spinning top.

【Name: Rotating Gyro】

[Type: Props].


[Ability: Distinguish between reality and dreams].

Turn it around.

If it keeps spinning, it means in a dream.

If it falls and stops, it means a return to reality.

Eternal dreams are scary places.

It is almost identical to reality and difficult to tell.

Without special means, you will be trapped in dreams forever, and you will never be able to escape.

Today is a good day, surprise after surprise.

[Your forbidden speech technique, under the vigor and retreat cultivation, successfully advanced to D level].

[Rewards: XP +500, Strength +5, Agility +5, Physique +5, Spirit +5].

The forbidden spell was successfully promoted.

It went from a single body to a group.

The number of groups is closely related to Ning Yu’s spiritual power.

[Name: Ning Yu].

[Level: 12].

【XP: 2100/3000】

[Attribute: Strength 72; Agile 72; Physique 87; Spirit 72].

[Organ: Devouring the Dark Heart].

[Active skills: Ghost Instantaneous, Tricky Eye, Forbidden Spell, Blood Spell].

[Passive Skill: Curse Resistance].

[Equipment: Blood-colored gloves, baseball bat, flashlight, pickpocket scissors].

[Props: super lighter, remote control, pressure cooker, pickpocket scissors, stand-in doll, corpse catcher, rotating gyroscope].

【Consumables: Jumping capsules】

[Tickets: Scarecrow Movie Tickets].

[Dot: 12152].

“It’s almost the black candle in the scarecrow.”

Ning Yu took out the movie ticket.

Just clear this hidden quest and get the black candle.

I dare to go to the Eternal Dream Realm.

Back at the rental house, Ning Yu recalled the plot of the scarecrow, and decisively ignited the movie ticket.

It is used in the same way as Maple Leaf Hotel Business Cards.

As movie tickets burn out, the TV screen disappears and turns into a black hole.

This black hole is dead and silent, like an entrance to hell.

“3D movies are weaker than replica movie tickets.”

“Replica movie tickets are real.”

Ning Yu burrowed into the black hole.

A huge loss of gravity swept in.

Then the eyes were dark, and the body began to descend without limit.

After a few seconds of descent, a strong light burst out.

After Ning Yu’s eyes got used to the light, the surroundings had already changed greatly.

What appeared in front of Ning Yu was an endless wheat field.

There are a lot of weird scarecrows in the wheat field.

A straight road divides the wheat field in two.

Looking up, you can see a road sign.

【Distance from Black Crow Town: 37 km】

“Nice view.” Ning Yu admired the wheat field.

The boundless wheat fields are like a golden ocean.

When the wind blows, the wheat fields lap against each other like waves.

The morning sun streaked across the golden wheat fields, and even the weird scarecrows became full of human fireworks.

It is rare to see such a beautiful place in the copy.

[Hidden Copy: Fright Scarecrow Movie Version].

[Mission requirements: The charm of the movie comes from the plot, and the charm of the plot comes from feelings, but this is a horror movie, and the only feelings it needs are fear. ] 】

The task requirements are simple, that is, follow the plot of the movie.

As long as you don’t die, you can clear the level.

Although the ending of the plot of the movie is open-ended.

But this openness needs to be fought for yourself.

Because its purpose is to have no one to survive.

The later in the plot, the stronger the danger and the smaller the chance of survival.

“Let me think.”

“The protagonist group travels by car to Black Crow Town.”

“But the car broke down halfway.”

“Some people stayed in the car and waited, and some people walked to Black Crow Town for help.”

“Then, one by one, they were killed.”

The plot is probably that simple, and it is also the routine of the movie.

“Wait a minute.”

Ning Yu’s face changed, and he remembered a detail.

At the beginning of every horror movie, there is a sacrifice.

There will be a trick at the beginning, and then a tragic death.

This is the routine of most horror movies.

Looking around, there are few people.

When the wind blows, the golden wheat fields rustle.

The scarecrow standing in the wheat field tilted his head, as if looking at Ning Yu.

“That sacrifice won’t be me.”

In the last life, when Ning Yu entered the Scarecrow movie, he was not alone, but a group of players.

One of the players started the game cold.

And in this life, Ning Yu grew too fast.

No one could follow Ning Yu’s steps.

They are still raiding E-level copies, and Ning Yu has already begun to raid hidden copies.

Entering a scarecrow movie alone is definitely a dragon set for the opening sacrifice.

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