Ning Yu was dragged into the dream jungle by Linghua.

“Sister Hua, are you looking for me?”

He came to the cabin in the woods.

Linghua sat quietly by the door.

After seeing Ning Yu appear, she raised her head.

“I thought you were dead.” Linghua spoke.

“But the truth is I’m alive.” Ning Yu shrugged.

Linghua’s eyes could see the black qi of death.

So, every time she saw herself, she asked, “Why aren’t you dead yet?” ”

“It’s scary.”

Ling Hua was actually a little reluctant to get close to Ning Yu.

“The black qi on your body is even stronger.”

Ning Yu was curious.

Linghua tilted her head and thought for a moment and said, “The black qi on your body before was like light. ”

“Now the black qi on your body is like a lake.”

“Like a lake?” Ning Yu touched the tip of his nose.

In fact, he was very curious about what Linghua saw.

“Do you want to see it?”

Ning Yu quickly nodded: “I want to see.” ”

“Let your tricky eyes enter my eye sockets.”

Linghua fulfilled Ning Yu’s wish.

She pulled out her eyeballs and pulled the nerves deep in her sockets.

This action hurts to watch.

Kelinghua’s face was expressionless.

Compared to the heavy rain of flesh and blood, this is nothing.

The strange eye drilled out of Ning Yu’s eye socket, and then entered Linghua’s eye socket.

After the nerve circuits on both sides were connected, Ning Yu saw it.

He saw what Linghua saw.

In Linghua’s eyes.

He stood on the surface of a huge black lake.

The water in the black lake is condensed by the black qi of death.

It is thousands of meters large, but fortunately a thin layer of ice has formed at this time.

But this thin layer of ice blooms layer by layer, as if it will break at any moment.

And Ning Yu stood in the middle, alone.

“Ice is fragile.”

“And you’re dangerous.”

“You’re so afraid of death.”

“But why seek death.”

Linghua asked Ning Yu curiously.

This curiosity, she has not appeared for a long, long time.

She pursues death.

She embraces death as the ultimate art.

She understands death.

She was used to death.

Therefore, she could feel that Ning Yu was afraid of death.

He was afraid of death.

A person who is afraid of death, but constantly seeks death.

This made Linghua wonder.

Because, this is very contradictory.

“Seek death.” Ning Yu sighed.

He crouched on the ground, touching the invisible thin ice.

He did not answer the question of why he was afraid of death, but sought death.

He asked Linghua a question.

“Sister Hua, my life is like walking on thin ice, do you say I can walk to the other side?”

Under this black lake, is Ning Yu’s hell.

Once the ice is broken, he will die without a place to be buried.

Linghua didn’t answer.

She was silent.

Ning Yu did not speak, and he was silent.

After a long time, Ning Yu carefully walked to Linghua’s side.

He was very careful every step of the way, very cautious.

I was afraid that the invisible thin ice would suddenly shatter and swallow him.

“Sister Hua, I went to a place today.”

“It’s the mass grave of Maple Leaf Ghost City.”

“I found a blood corpse statue in the mass grave.”

Ning Yu told the story of his experience in the past few days.

Just like I said before.

Both of them are lonely beings.

Each other can only listen or be heard.

The black qi of death expanded into a black lake, and Ning Yu knew why.

He was hated by the Blood Corpse Idol.

Once the Blood Corpse God Statue was revived, the first person to look for was Ning Yu.

He also came into contact with the painter.

Twice entered the Deep Web Group and came back alive.

That’s jumping on the brink of death.

No one knew that luck would suddenly pass away on that day.

“I gave the head of the Blood Corpse statue to the Painter.”

“At that time, the Blood Corpse God Statue will definitely go to the Deep Net Group to find the head.”

“Neither of them is a good thing, and whoever dies will be happy.”

Ning Yu grinned.

“What about you?” Linghua asked rarely.


Ning Yu waved his hand indifferently: “It’s just a blood corpse statue.” ”

“It’s not the only one who will get me in trouble in the future.”

“So, drizzle.”

He said in a relaxed tone.

Linghua tilted her head to look at Ning Yu.

She looked very seriously and carefully.

It was as if this was the first time she had seen Ning Yu.

“I’m curious about your true face under the mask.”

“Mask?” Ning Yu approached Linghua and tugged her face: “Sister Hua, this is a real human skin, not a fake.” ”

“There is flesh and blood underneath this, nothing to look at.”

“Yes?” For the first time, Reihua smiled in pain.

She raised her palm and touched Ning Yu’s face.

“I can’t see with these eyes.”

“But your heart can see it.”

Ning Yu’s eyes froze, and then he showed an even brighter smile.

“Sister Hua, I don’t understand what you said.”

“Haha, it’s not early, I should go back.”

Calculate the time, tomorrow is the last day of the month.

Tomorrow, the world will release an advance announcement of the April update, and Ning Yu has to prepare in advance.

“You understand.”

Linghua withdrew her gaze, lowered her head, and returned to her original appearance.

Like sculptures, like corpses, quiet, alone, sitting by the door, as if waiting for something.

“Sister Hua, if you don’t die, you may be able to become a philosopher.”


Ning Yu scratched his head and left the dream cabin.

After Ning Yu left, Linghua raised her head.

Her eyes were deep, gradually turning from red to black.

The black is terrible, but it reflects this dream world.

“Living in pain, there is always something to kill time.”

Ning Yu couldn’t hear it anymore.

He returned to the rental house and gently touched the face that Linghua had just touched himself.

Then grinned and hurried to the balcony.

“It’s pretty fast.”

“Hehe, Meng Jiangnu, you can be born quickly.”

He cut his wrist and began to water the Five Bone Fengdeng flower pot and Meng Jiang Nu flower pot with blood.

They grow very quickly these days.

The five-bone abundant flower pot has grown more than ten centimeters of branches.

Meng Jiangnu’s flower pot grew melon seedlings.

Following the bamboo pole that Ning Yu had inserted in the flower pot, he was climbing hard.

After watering Meng Jiangnu’s flower pot and the Five Bone Abundance flower pot, Ning Yu began to sort out his harvest.

“Three blood beads can speed up wound healing and restore physical strength.”

“A piece of evil blood jade can replace the curse.”

“A pair of red shoes with tracking capabilities.”

“Good, good.”

This was felt by Ning Yu in the blood lake, and it was an unexpected harvest.

Next is the mission reward.

【Name: Palm Meat】

[Type: Active Skill].

【Quality: D】

[Ability: You are my palm meat, palm meat].

This skill is very weird, a bit similar to the head lowering technique.

But it’s scarier than head lowering.

After marking the other party, the flesh of the palm of the hand will grow into the appearance of the other party.

Whatever damage is caused to the palm of the hand, the other party will be hurt.

It’s kind of similar, it hurts my heart, it hurts you.

“Good.” Ning Yu nodded happily.

Next is a blackened piece of fish scales.

【Name: Sewer Fish Scales】

[Type: Props].


[Ability: Your body gradually decays, but you don’t know it].

Its abilities are similar to those of the Rotten Ghost Hand, and both carry the Rotten Curse.

The only difference is that the Rotten Ghost Hand is C-rated and its Rotten Curse is stronger.

The last reward is the Deep Net Group ticket.

Every time it passes through the Deep Net Group, it will drop a ticket 100%.

This is very frightening.

After learning the heart meat, Ning Yu’s page became richer.

[Name: Ning Yu].

[Level: 16].

【XP: 5100/7000】

[Attribute: Strength 120; Agile 120; Physique 140; Spirit 120].

[Organs: Devouring Dark Heart, Cold Clothing].

[Active skills: ghost instantaneous, tricky eyes, forbidden words, blood spells, heart flesh].

[Passive Skills: Curse Resistance, Five Bones Full, Deep Sleep].

[Equipment: Blood-colored gloves, baseball bat, flashlight, pickpocket scissors].

[Props: Super lighter, remote control, small card, pressure cooker, stand-in doll, corpse catcher, spinning top, rotten ghost hands, sacks, rusty chains, red jade, red shoes, sewer fish scales].

[Consumables: tear bottle, multiplication pill, blood beads].

[Tickets: Fright Black Crow Town movie tickets, deepnet group business cards].

[Dot: 15152].

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