March 31, 2023.

On this day, the whole blue star was quiet.

Time flows extremely slowly.

Everyone was quiet, as if waiting for something.

Even if Ning Yu didn’t go out today.

He was standing on the balcony and was packing his easel.

The headquarters of the Beijing Abnormal Bureau also put down the busy things at hand.

Yang Zhong sat on a chair and drank tea.

He looked calm, but the act of looking at the clock on the wall from time to time had long betrayed his apprehension.

Today is the last day of March and a new update is coming.

March is the most comfortable month for Blue Star to spend in the weird times.

Eternal dreams talk about the rules, making people gasp fiercely.

Tomorrow new weird rules will appear.

Everyone is afraid of what kind of strange talk about eternal dreams will be replaced.

As we wait, the voice of the world rang out around the world.

【April Update Announcement】

[Bluestar version 1.4 will be updated non-stop from 12:00 am on April 1, and the main content and adjustments of this update are as follows


[1. Added Weird Talk: Feast Carnival].

[2. New: D-level copy].

[3. New content: Open point roll mall].

[4. New: Open mount rating leaderboard].

[5. New setting: Open player auction house temporary copy].

[6. New patch: expand map area].

[Finally, happy game]

The world is updated.

This time there are four updates, one setting and one patch.

There has been a heated discussion online.

There is no shortage of smart people who have reasoned in detail about the update.

Even if these reasonings are correct and accurate, everyone still needs an affirmative answer.

This answer must be spoken by the most authoritative person.

And this person is the globally recognized prophetic emperor, the world’s strongest player: Mr. Ning.

Only when he opens his mouth can he be unanimously recognized by everyone.

“Feast and revelry.”

Ning Yu built flowers and plants.

This strange talk is terrible, and it is the strange talk that has killed the most people in the previous life.

After tonight’s update, tomorrow’s sun will be the last to rise this month.

Tomorrow, the sun will enter a state of eclipse for January.

This month, there is no difference between day and night.

Those who look up at the spectacle of the eclipse will disappear.

They will enter an extremely terrifying place.

That place, Ning Yu called it a feast hell.

The of the feast refers to the weirdness of the feast hell.

All of them are starving ghosts and will have a month of full food.

If you want to survive April safely, you must not look up at the eclipse.

Whether it is the process of eclipse or after the eclipse.

Once seen, they are dragged into the feast hell.

This is terrifying for the living.

Even after the warning, the effect is very limited.

Curiosity and habit are the deadliest ones.

After thinking for a moment, Ning Yu still posted a post.

What everyone is most concerned about is the new strange talk of feasting and carnival.

“Mr. Ning posted.”

“Hurry up, hurry up.”

Once Ning Yu’s post was uploaded, it was the most popular post in the world.

[Bluestar entered version 1.4 and announced the April update, for the April update, I have the following speculation].

[First of all, let’s talk about the feast carnival that everyone cares about the most].

[I was fortunate enough to learn about the legend of the feast in the copy].

[When you clear the quest, you can pay attention to other information, they often hide terrible secrets].

[There is a legend in the copy].

[Legend has it that every time the eclipse is reached, the gates of the feast hell will open].

[The way to enter the feast hell is to look up at the eclipse].

[Therefore, this month, everyone must not watch the eclipse, lest you be dragged into the feast hell].

[It’s an absolutely terrifying place, weird for hungry I don’t know how many years, and treat this month as a carnival month].

[The D-level copy still arrived as promised, and I think that a more difficult copy will come every month after coming].

[The dot roll appeared in the first month, and everyone has never known its purpose, and now the dot roll mall is finally open].

[As for what is in the Dianqian Mall, everyone will know tomorrow].

[In mid-March, the world will add new mount points to the impact list, and in April, the mount rating ranking will be opened, in my judgment, this time the ranking will stabilize and the leaderboard rewards will be distributed by ranking].

[The temporary copy of the auction house is also what everyone cares about the most].

[Many players have a lot of props in their hands, which may help everyone’s relatives become players, but unfortunately the props are bound and cannot be traded].

[Nowadays, the player auction house has finally appeared, but the problem is that it is temporary].

[I speculate that this requires the player’s efforts to open the auction house].

[Judging from the update content, the auction house will be updated in the form of a copy, if you can’t clear the level, after May, the player auction house will disappear, as for whether it will appear again, I can’t judge].

[The last point confirms my previous speculation].

[The world has updated the map area, and the area of the blue star is about to expand, whether this is a good thing for us, I can’t be sure].

[But it is certain that as the area of Blue Star expands, cities will become more and more isolated with the deletion of transportation].

[That’s all I have to speculate and analyze about the April update].

[Finally, happy game]

After reading Ning Yu’s post, everyone was silent.

“Brother, I made an appointment with an ophthalmologist to remove the eyeball.”

“Lying down, upstairs is ruthless, I only plan to wear an eye patch for a month.”

“Blindfold, I can’t bear it, my curiosity is too strong.”

“You say, how much Blue Star will expand, after the transportation is deleted, for us ordinary people, one place is a lifetime.”

“Fortunately, I listened to Mr. Ning’s words and moved to the capital.”

Ning Yu’s post was frantically discussed on the Internet.

After Yang Zhong read Ning Yu’s post, his face turned pale.

He understood.

This month may become the darkest month for mankind.

This month may be the month with the greatest human casualties.

Even if Ning Yu had already predicted it.

But the incomparable curiosity and habits of living people will eventually drag countless people into the feast hell.

This is unavoidable and irresistible.

[It will be on the shelves in the early hours of this morning, I hope you will support more, everyone’s support, is the author’s motivation, this book is the author’s fourth horror theme, the quality plot is guaranteed, you can eat it non-toxic and safely].

[Finally, I wish you all a happy reading].

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