Weird Resurrection: I Ate a God

Chapter 24: Wall of Resistance

At this moment, the Night God opened his rotten mouth and bit those people.

Lang Ren, who was standing stiffly in place, closed his eyes, slowly raised his right palm, opened his palm, and faced forward. The feeling of "resistance" in his heart emerged in his heart when he unfolded the secret last time.

Opening his eyes, Lang Ren murmured, moving his lips up and down:


His palm was half raised in the air, keeping a motionless posture.


The six Night Gods flew backwards without any warning and fell heavily to the ground.

At this moment, all directions seemed to be blocked by a piece of transparent glass, and the center of the glass was all humans!

No, to be precise, it was not a piece!

It was a huge glass made of hundreds of white hexagonal glass, stretching in the air, in all directions, completely surrounding the entire space.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Like a heavy object hitting the glass, the rotten bones on the surface of the Night God hit the wall of rejection, making a crisp and dull sound. They bared their teeth and claws, and kept saying "hungry", "hungry", "hungry".

At this moment, looking at the Night God who suddenly flew backwards, many people's expressions changed from being scared to being dull, and they looked at the Night God who seemed to be slapping the air in confusion.

What's going on?

Those monsters seemed to have hit the air and couldn't get in?

Everyone looked at Lang Ren, who was emitting silver light and raised his right hand to the air in front of him, and they seemed to understand.

"It's him!" Many smart people saw that it was Lang Ren who saved them and showed his divine power. They immediately knelt down excitedly as if they had grabbed a life-saving straw, and kowtowed like pounding garlic.

As these people knelt down, the crowd all knelt down, and the cries for help and thanks were endless, and tears were streaming.

"I didn't expect the range of resistance to be so large." Lang Ren looked at the surrounding scene with a surprised expression. He ignored the crowd for the time being because the crisis had not been resolved. As long as these people did not run around and stayed in the wall of resistance, there should be no accidents.


It seemed that as more and more fast-moving species came, the light curtain was squeezed and deformed, shrinking a circle. The light curtain was in danger, but the appearance of the wall of resistance made them stuck outside the range of resistance.

A large number of fast-moving species were densely packed and could not break through the air in front of them. They were squeezed here and waved their claws hard, making a harsh sound that made people's teeth ache.

When their sharp claws passed by, they actually rubbed out sparks of light. Immediately afterwards, the air in front turned into a wall composed of flashing orange hexagons. As they piled up like mountains and kept squeezing, the wall shone with blue light.

Looking at the shrinking light curtain and the bright wall of rejection that prevented the fast-moving species from advancing, everyone was stunned.

"Don't worry, they can't get in for now. This is equivalent to an air wall. As long as the wall is not broken, we are safe." Contrary to his usual behavior, Lang Ren sat on the ground, propping himself up with one hand, as if he was very confident in the defensive ability of the resistance wall.

Now he urgently needs to recover, so he sits anywhere and doesn't care about so much.

Seeing him sit down, everyone looked at the grinning and scurrying species squeezed outside the resistance wall with some uneasiness, feeling at a loss.

In this case, he didn't dare to sit on the ground calmly like someone else, after all, this is not a place to appreciate domesticated animals in the zoo.

The monsters outside were staring at them covetously, and they were already drooling.

"Is this the secret? Not only is the range large, but it is also difficult to break, but the consumption is a bit terrifying. I can only think of another way." Lang Ren could feel the energy in his body rapidly fading, which made him, who was already weak, even worse.

But now there is no other way. He is very worried that once the resistance is unlocked, the light curtain will not be able to hold up.

It must be said that the defense of resistance is simply outrageous.

It can be said that this resistance is his strongest defense, a veritable absolute domain.

Since he used this ability, Lang Ren has learned that this resistance actually has four states.

The first is the transparent state. If the defense threshold exceeds the transparent state, it will enter the second state, which is the orange state. The third is the blue state, and the fourth is the red state.

Unless the fourth red defense state is broken through in an instant, the resistance wall will become an absolute domain that is constantly repaired.

Because of this, he dared to sit on the ground with confidence, and just openly surrounded by the beast tide, he rested carelessly, as if he directly ignored the fast-moving species and the night god who were squeezed and deformed on the resistance wall.

"Hey... Hehe"

Outside the air wall, many fast-moving species were squeezed to stand up straight, like a meat pie, with their arms almost hanging to the ground.

They tilted their heads, laughed strangely, looked at the people in the light curtain, and saliva flowed from the corners of their mouths into the air.

With a sharp inhalation, the saliva was sucked back like sucking snot.

After a few seconds, the saliva flowed from the corners of their mouths into the air again.

"Hey... Hey"

A series of strange laughs sounded, as if they were communicating with each other, or as if they were asking questions in unison.

Many fast-moving species were squeezed together, and three big black eyes showed confusion.


Why can't I get in.

That human smells so good, I really want to eat it.

Simple thoughts appeared in the minds of the fast-moving species. Langren's blood seemed to have a fatal attraction to them, as if instinct told them that if they ate him, they would evolve as long as they ate him!

"Aba Aba..."

Saliva flowed from the corners of their mouths and flowed to the air above their chests.

Then they sucked hard and were sucked back.

Under the huge temptation, many fast-moving species began to grab and bite the wall of resistance in front of them angrily.

For a long time.

Their big black eyes showed confusion that did not belong to this age.

"Aba Aba..."

No, why can't this thing get through? It's dry and numb. My mouth is almost bald from biting, but I still can't bite that person.

What can I do?

The next second, they bit again fiercely, and with a snap, one of their front teeth was almost knocked off.

I bite, I bite.

I'm biting.

At the back, many fast-moving species were stuck in the back and couldn't move forward. When they smelled the fragrance coming from the front, their saliva flowed to the ground, and then slurped it back into their mouths.

They were a little confused and a little stunned. They didn't know why their companions in front stopped in place. Aren't they afraid of being trampled into meat patties?

Hungry and impatient, the fast-moving species at the back sniffed.

Emma, ​​it smells so good.

What's this smell? ! Is there something good in front, so those guys are dawdling?

Damn! No matter! Just do it!

Just squeeze in and it's done. If you can't squeeze in, climb on their heads!

The fast-moving species' eyes suddenly turned red, and they let out a low roar, and then rushed to the crowded front.

"It has become the fourth state." Langren's eyes condensed, and the resistance wall that was in the third state a moment ago turned into a flashing red the next moment.

This shows that the pressure is getting greater and greater.

To resist the huge beast tide, it is necessary to withstand the huge impact force. Lang Ren understood this. Thinking that this pressure would become stronger and stronger, he finally couldn't sit still in the face of the rioting beast tide.

"It can't hold on for just a while. It seems to be worse than I thought."

Everyone noticed that Lang Ren suddenly stood up with a serious face, knowing that things might become bad.

This night was too hard to bear.

All their hopes at this moment were placed on Lang Ren. They didn't dare to make any sound for fear of affecting him.

"Everyone, come closer, the closer the better!" Looking at the red-glowing resistance wall, Lang Ren shouted loudly.

Without questioning, everyone subconsciously obeyed the order, centered on him, and moved closely together.


Suddenly, the resistance wall shrank suddenly. This sudden contraction of force caused the deformed mutants that were originally pressed against the wall to fall to the ground, and piles of fast-moving species fell down in a swarm, caught off guard.

But soon, a large number of fast-moving species' eyes lit up, and they were overjoyed, because they found that they could finally move! Getting closer and closer to the delicious human!

A fierce light flashed in their eyes, accompanied by excited roars, they were overjoyed.

"Bang bang bang!"

A second later, the surprise in the eyes of the fast-moving species at the front of the deep turned into fear, because the pressure of the beast tide was too terrifying. The beast tide moving behind was squeezing over, like a rolling steamroller, squeezing the wailing of the fast-moving species in front, forcing them to rush into the light curtain, and then slamming into the shrinking wall of resistance.

This tightening and releasing made the fast-moving species exposed to the holy light field in an overwhelming manner, and then they were tightly attached to the resistance, squeezed into meat patties, and their bones and muscles were broken.

At this moment, the crowd was only separated from the fast-moving species by a wall, and Lang Ren just looked at them directly without changing his expression.

Looking at the delicious food within reach, many seriously injured speedsters drooled, flowing down the wall of resistance, biting the air wall in front of them with reluctance and anger.

They were indeed getting closer and closer to Langren, and the taste was getting more and more fragrant, but... their bodies were also in more and more pain.

The light emitted by the black ship was full of holiness, but for the speedsters, it was something they hated and feared. Although the light curtain was squeezed and shrunk a little by them, it did not mean that they dared to break into the light curtain. They were not like the Night God who could ignore the holy light field.

Waves of white smoke came out of their bodies, giving them a feeling of electric shock and burning, and their bodies seemed to be torn apart, causing them pain and making them wail.

They wanted to retreat, but they were squeezed here and could not retreat. They wanted to enter, but they were blocked by the wall of resistance and could not enter. They could only endure the damage caused by the light curtain alive, exposed to the light and burned, and screamed.

Ten meters long and ten meters in diameter, this is the bottom line of the defense circle formed by Lang Ren's shrinking resistance wall. The smaller the area of ​​the resistance wall, the smaller the force. He thinks that this is better than stretching it out for more than ten meters and bearing a large number of fast-moving species. Maybe it can last longer.

It's better to delay it for a while.

Besides, don't they want to come in? Then let them come in and taste the taste of holy light roasting them.

A smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

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