Weird Resurrection: I Ate a God

Chapter 41 Silver Blood

After fusing with Deep Sea Terror, whether it is the secret or the domain, the means of awakening are not only numerous, but also extremely powerful. Originally, his second evolutionary fetus should be left for a better one in the future. Even if it is worse, it will not be much worse. As a result, the Mirage King took the lead and forced it to merge with him.

And the Mirage King he got in exchange for the pain of dying and tearing his skin and almost exploding and dying, made him slightly disappointed.

In terms of name, the second evolutionary fetus does not have the thirty-three seals level.

In terms of grade, the second evolutionary fetus does not have the indescribable level, and it is a very common inferior grade.

In terms of ability, although the second evolutionary fetus also has two secrets, it is much worse than Deep Sea Terror. These two secrets not only have ordinary names, but also do not have a brief introduction. They must be very ordinary, not to mention that there is no domain.

The second evolutionary fetus that spent half of his life to awaken made Lang Ren feel very unworthy.

"Alas, what's this? I merged with the second evolutionary fetus for no apparent reason."

"Never mind, it's fate. After all, deep-sea terror is hard to come by. It's unheard of for an ordinary evolutionary fetus to have two mysteries during the evolutionary period. I asked too much." Lang Ren shook his head, blaming himself for despising the Mirage King because he was about to explode and die.

After all, deep-sea terror is not a rotten cabbage that can be picked up casually. It's a blessing in disguise that he can successfully merge with the Mirage King.

Whether it's the first evolutionary fetus or the second evolutionary fetus, Lang Ren is actually the passive party, especially the Mirage King, who is so bold that he actively merged with him without any defense. It's fate.

Generally speaking, the evolutionary fetus is the fetus born by the evolutionary beast, usually in the form of eggs or maternal pregnancy. After the evolutionary fetus is separated from the mother or the growth fluid, it will die quickly. In the face of life and death crisis, if it merges with humans, the evolutionary fetus will be forced to parasitize with humans, forming a situation of co-evolution and mutual life and death.

According to the literature, in the early days of the catastrophe, humans were defeated by countless evolutionary beasts, and finally discovered this alternative way of evolution. Humans accepted the existence of evolutionary fetuses, used evolutionary fetuses, unlocked genes, and obtained unimaginable evolution, which has become the mainstream today.

Generally speaking, humans take the initiative to poach evolutionary fetuses. It is still very rare for evolutionary fetuses to take the initiative to find a host.

"Could it be that the mother of this evolutionary fetus died, and I happened to be nearby, so it couldn't wait to merge with me?" Lang Ren looked around and thought it was very likely.

After seeing that there was nothing abnormal nearby, he closed his eyes and examined the situation in his body.

Although his perception and vision did not improve, his strength was enhanced, and he was no longer weak, and even felt stronger than his peak period.

At this moment, he could only see a surging heat in his body, but he could not see his internal organs, but he could clearly feel that there were many more things in his body.

It was like a lot more... liquid.

These liquids flowed in the body, warm, and not at all cold like before.

"Thank you." Lang Ren smiled slightly, and was somewhat grateful for the appearance of the second evolutionary fetus. If it hadn't brought about the changes, he would probably have been in a weak state.

This is a good change. In this unknown place, there may be crises. It is good news that it can not only recover but also improve.

Everything is developing in a good direction.

"Strange, how can it be a bad product..." Lang Ren showed surprise.

This Mirage King brought him two mysteries during the evolution period. Logically speaking, it is not a bad product.

You know, the quality depends on the realm and achievements that can be achieved in the future. Poor quality will become the weakest existence in the same realm, while good quality will not only become a powerful existence in the same realm, but will even gain some special abilities.

According to the literature, the quality of evolutionary fetuses is divided into poor quality, inferior quality, good quality, etc. There are better qualities above, but the better the quality of the evolutionary fetus, the stronger the mother of the evolutionary fetus, the stronger the bloodline, and it is difficult to obtain.

Poor quality evolutionary fetuses are very common in this land, but can the bloodline of poor quality evolutionary fetuses have two mysteries?

How is this possible? !

Langren couldn't figure it out.

"Could it be a special type of evolutionary fetus?" Langren looked at the sea around him and felt that it was very likely. After all, this was a mirage, different from the strange night, and it could not be judged by common sense.

"Fortunately, the quality can be improved, but it's a pity that the starting point is too low. Even if it is improved in the future, it is estimated that it will not be improved too much. However, the matter is done, and that is all for the future." Langren shook his head and decided to abandon these troubles.

But he couldn't help but wonder what kind of evolutionary fetus this was.

"The Mirage King seems to be related to this mirage. Could it be a sea creature?" Langren thought.

At the same time, in the sea.

The silver brain has no end in sight, and it emits a faint light in the deep sea water.

"The immortal soul, the eternal ark, and the endless blood have all appeared. Next, we only need those few things."

"The walking flesh palace is about to appear, but it is too difficult to evolve. There is still a long way to go in the future."

"Your heart and blood were taken away by me for safekeeping, but you are still alive. This body can really integrate my child."

The soft murmurs echoed quietly on the seabed.

"A monster that can kill gods is about to be born."


"You mean, your name is Tai Sui?" Langren sat cross-legged on the beach, tilted his head slightly, and said to himself out of curiosity.

"Actually, you can also call me Master Tai Sui." Mirage's voice suddenly appeared in his consciousness.

The corners of Langren's mouth twitched.

He had just recovered and was about to experience getting used to his own strength and abilities when he was startled by a sound coming from inside his body.

This sound came from the strange evolved fetus that broke into his body. It sounded like a man. He could communicate with him freely. He was too active and was not as cute and polite as the first evolved fetus, which was always silent.

But the appearance of the mirage also confirmed to him that the evolved fetus could indeed communicate with the host, which he found very magical.

However, with the exchange of consciousness, he gradually felt that something was wrong.

Because this new evolutionary tire seems to be out of tune and in need of a fight.

"You seem to belong to the mirage race. I will call you little mirage from now on." Langren responded lightly.

Are you kidding me, calling this guy Tai Suiye?

He inexplicably broke into his body and dared to confess to his ancestors. He didn't want to lose face, right?

"Are you worthy?" Mirage snorted when he heard the nickname given to him by his host, extremely dissatisfied.

"My mother doesn't even dare to call me Little Mirage, call me Mirage, or talk to me like that. Do you know who my mother is?"

Good guy, for being so arrogant, I'm afraid he hasn't been beaten up by society.

He Langren has not been scared since he was a child.

Lang Ren raised his eyebrows and sneered: "I don't care who your mother is, it's just good that I didn't call you Mirage. Don't give me any shame."

This guy deserves a beating. An evolved fetus dares to be so arrogant and his tone deserves a beating.

"You brat, I advise you to talk to me properly and return the mirage. I think you are a mirage. You broke into my body and I haven't settled the account with you yet. You dare to talk back to me. I'll slap you if you believe it or not." burst."

Originally, he wanted to live in peace with this mirage, but now the more he thinks about it, the angrier he becomes. He has wasted a spot for a fused evolutionary fetus for no reason, and the quality is really bad.

And he is so arrogant. Now that he has entered his body, can he still let this brat pee on his head?

"You are the first person to scold me like this since I was a child. Even my mother would not dare to say that. You are a man with good manners and character. He is a pure man and not a coward."

Unexpectedly, Mirage not only showed no anger after hearing this, but actually showed an expression of admiration and gave him a thumbs up.

"My mother calls me Mirage, and you will be my eldest brother from now on. If you are so angry at me, I will definitely follow you."

Langren: "???"

What's going on?

Could it be that this guy bullies the weak and fears the strong, and is naturally in need of scolding?

"You mentioned your mother earlier. Who is your mother?" Lang Ren suddenly thought that every evolutionary fetus was conceived by a female evolutionary beast. Could it be that there are also evolved beasts around here?

"My mother? She's the one in the sea." Mirage continued with confusion: "You don't know?"

Langren's eyes flashed and he looked into the depths of the sea without answering.

Deep in the sea…

Could it be a sea monster?

Well, maybe it's possible.

"I saw you sighing and muttering in front of me, what? The unprecedented fusion of me, who has made all races tremble, and the invincible me in the universe, has made you feel wronged?" A voice with a voice like a mirage's duck came, a little dissatisfied, It seemed that he was dissatisfied with Lang Ren's previous performance, and there was no expression of joy at all when he merged with it.

This isn't right, this doesn't make sense.

"..." Langren's face was full of black lines, and he didn't want to hit it.

This poor evolutionary fetus seems to be too narcissistic.

Suddenly, Lang Ren felt a subtle tingling sensation in his body, as if he had been pricked by a needle. He frowned and said, "What are you doing?"

"Suck blood." Mirage burped, and a gurgling sound came from his mouth, while he praised with satisfaction: "Emma, ​​it smells so good, it's so refreshing."

"...What do you think my body is? Wait, blood-sucking? You mean, there is blood in my body?" Lang Ren was stunned for a moment.

in vivo.

The shrunken mirage lay on a gap in the spine, with its legs crossed and contentedly sucking blood with its transformed mouthparts.

It swayed its legs leisurely and said comfortably: "Your body originally had no blood. Thanks to me, after merging with me, your body changed like this and created blood."

Hearing this, Langren's eyes lit up and he became slightly excited. He took out the glass piece in his arms and quickly cut his fingertips.

Drops of sticky silver blood gushed out of the wound, dripping down the fingertips onto the beach and sinking into the sand.

"What...silver blood is this?" Lang Ren stared at the silver blood on his fingertips, and his heart was shaken.

Why is it silver blood? Isn't my blood red?

He frowned, having difficulty understanding the changes in his body.

From the inexplicable disappearance of the heart and blood in the body to the appearance of silver blood, could it be that, as Mirage said, the changes in the body only occurred after he fused it?

But that's right, since it appeared, my body has been warm and it seems to be filled with liquid. It seems that this kid really helped me. Speaking of which, I have to thank it.

"Do you know why my blood is silver?" He used his mind to communicate with Mirage and asked his inner doubts.

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