The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

A few minutes ago, Li Yin stood in the wreckage of the plane, looking at the colorful light bands gradually floating on Professor Fang's body, and was a little surprised.

She thought it was a clone or something, but was it really the real body?

It was a bit unbelievable.

First beat the fish monster and threw it aside, then stepped forward to touch the light band.

This time, there were surprisingly many memory scenes. As expected of a professor, he remembered every little thing so clearly.

His identity was Guiyi Sect, a member of the Hand of Man, representing the index finger, and he was one of the highest authorities in the organization.

Li Yin touched him and found a golden finger, shaped like a human index finger, which was exactly the same as the one in her hand, which she searched from the joint man, except that one represented brass and the other represented gold.

Guiyi Sect? Li Yin frowned. This was very different from the information he had.

No wonder he had that expression when he mentioned the All-Knowing God Sect before. It seemed that they were not really a sect.

However, since the two sects were cooperating, and the other sect was a fish monster and an eyeball, plus the fanaticism of Li Jichao and his parents, it was probably not a good thing.

In addition, the Hand of Man, what a strange name.

Why is the highest authority of a cult called the Hand of Man, and not related to God?

Continue to look at the memory.

The structure of this organization is quite loose. Although it is the highest authority, it is only powerful. They usually don't interfere in the affairs of various local branches.

The main task seems to be just research.

And the silver fingers below are the real executors responsible for handling the affairs of each branch.

They are not only responsible for supervising the operation of the branch, but also for conveying the organization's orders and instructions to ensure that each branch can act in accordance with the organization's wishes.

Professor Fang's memory contained many faces and names of cult members. Li Yin memorized them all and prepared to hand them over to the Abnormal Bureau to let them arrest them.

Continuing to watch, Li Yin was surprised to find that even Professor Fang, a high-ranking member of the cult, had never been to the headquarters, and did not even know the location of the headquarters.

However, the orders issued by the headquarters could be sent directly to his mind.

The last order he received was ten years ago, when the headquarters asked him to study how to turn humans into a certain kind of family and retain humanity.

Then Professor Fang started the first experiment, using something similar to a music box instead of a black crystal.

The crystal he got later was obtained by chance when he was on a boat out to sea, after the hotel experiment.

There were two in total, implanted in Li Muyi and Su Ji's bodies respectively.

At first, his research was limited to creating conscious and easy-to-control ghosts. Later, a member of the Human Hand who was responsible for studying body transformation and fusion had an accident and died, and the experiment fell into his hands.

This is why there was the fusion of tens of thousands of people in Luoan Town and the destruction of Linhai University.

The second order was to capture his uncle, Li Wenhe, alive and bring him back to the headquarters.

This time, Professor Fang took Su Ji to carry out the order personally.

His uncle had actually fought fiercely with the monster incarnated by Su Ji. The method he used was very strange. He muttered something in his mouth, and all the creatures around him would fall asleep.

It was indeed able to affect Su Ji's actions at the beginning, but it was far from enough.

The uncle lacked the means to break Su Ji's defense. After Su Ji was awakened by Professor Fang, the battle ended quickly.

Professor Fang not only took away most of the books in the room, but also left a byproduct of his research.

That is, the bliss ghost in his uncle's house.

It turned out that it was not the bliss ghost that made the residents of his uncle's community fall asleep, but his uncle?

He seemed to have realized that the cult would send people to capture him, so in order not to affect the neighbors in the community, he let them sleep at home.

The man who died in my uncle's house was also unlucky. He happened to work the night shift and had just come back from outside. He was not affected by hypnosis, and he happened to live next door to my uncle's house, so he was chopped by the monster that Su Ji turned into.

Li Yin now has a few questions.

Since my uncle knew that the cult was coming to catch him, why didn't he run? Why is the pattern on the seal he left for me so similar to the cult's mark? What is their relationship?

Also, my uncle actually knows special means, why didn't he tell me before?

This means seems to be quite powerful, even the monster that Su Ji turned into can be affected, it seems to be a hypnotic ability.

Finally, what does the word "fate" mean in the message he left to himself?

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, he continued to look at Professor Fang's memory. This time, the time of the picture that appeared was closer.

He ordered someone to send a message to the hotel owner to activate the hotel ghost, and at the same time asked the cult members hiding behind the Urban Strange Talk Forum to increase the intensity of pushing this matter to attract people to go there and let the ghost eat.

The experiment on Li Muyi failed, and he planned to restart the hotel ghost and implant the recovered black crystal into the body of his daughter's ghost.

But a few days after the news was released, the hotel ghost was chopped by Li Yin as soon as it woke up.

The plan failed again, and Professor Fang thought it was someone from the Abnormal Bureau who took action, and he didn't care.

It was not until he saw Li Yin alive at the school gate that he started to investigate the previous things.

The cooperation between Li Yin and Officer Liu naturally could not escape his eyes, and he also learned about Li Yin's strength from the people who survived the hotel incident.

So he planned to test it out, and while Officer Liu was tracking down the hotel owner, he asked someone to leave him a clue.

Otherwise, how could Officer Liu get the experimental report of Luoan Town?

With this report, Li Yin was successfully introduced into Luoan Town, ready to use Li Muyi to see the secrets hidden in her.

As a result, Li Muyi died, and a huge vortex composed of unknown energy appeared in the sky.

Professor Fang also realized the seriousness of the matter at this time. Li Yin's existence might be far more terrifying than he imagined.

Li Yin looked at the few pictures that flashed in her memory and was a little confused.

One of them she had seen was a huge monster fish under the fish village.

The rest were eyeballs under the rift, tall figures in the ruins of the city, and flesh and blood fungi covering an entire island...

There was even a fox from Changbai Mountain.

She couldn't figure out what these were and whether they really existed.

But Professor Fang's memory called them all as gods!

From then on, a plan was born in Professor Fang's mind. For this plan, he even gave up everything he had now, including Su Ji and himself.

Seeing the content of the plan, Li Yin's face became extremely gloomy, but there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Although she had guessed it long ago and was mentally prepared, the facts in front of her still made her feel unacceptable.

Continuing to look, Professor Fang did a lot of things in the past few days.

Contacted the Ninghe City cult and asked for the other party's disguise method; found the person in charge of the All-Knowing God Cult in Linhai, Li Jichao, and exchanged two things.

That is, the stone slab and a ball of flesh and blood.

Li Yin had seen the strange power attached to the stone slab, and the flesh and blood, that is, the messenger of God in Li Jichao's mouth, was used to strengthen Su Ji.

He sent Su Ji to bring back the eggs of the resurrected daughter ghost, as well as some parent ghosts with relatively complete memories, and packed them and handed them over to the people at the headquarters.

At this point, the task assigned to him by the headquarters has been completed.

The perfect experimental subject is not Li Muyi or Su Ji, but the family of three of this once failed hotel ghost.

What he wanted was not power, but some information, which he got from the hotel ghost.

Before that, he also sent Su Ji to attack a village, and a large number of strange fish cubs escaped from the lake to the river, which was the new species in the laboratory.

What he had to do was to restore Su Ji's ability to make a family so that he could control the mutated students.

Unfortunately, Su Ji only recovered half of it. The fish monster was successfully transformed into a family by her, but the mutated students failed, and she could only use the most primitive method to control the meat mountain.

In addition, from Han Xiuli to Li Jichao, all were the result of Professor Fang's guidance.

The little nurse was no longer the little nurse he knew before. She came to the office for help later, and she was another person who was disguised by the cult.

The purpose was to guide himself through the eyeball incident, and then investigate Li Jichao in depth, so as to leave the school.

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