I'm so tired, but I'm still young.

It's the same feeling again.

Li Yin closed his eyes helplessly and sighed inwardly.

As expected, just as he thought, Professor Fang in front of him had his memory modified.

All the memories in his mind were either known by himself or guessed by himself. In short, there were not many useful ones.

Obviously, a high-ranking cult leader could not have only such a few secrets.

And he knew very well that this ability of his could only see the most impressive memory of a person.

As a result, Professor Fang had all kinds of memories, but not much of anything, just like a documentary.

Li Yin thought of that sentence again: What he wants me to know is what he wants me to know...

Hmm...not right, implant the necessary memories so that Professor Fang in front of him doesn't know that he is fake, so as to create a clone that is indistinguishable from the real thing.

When did he make this clone?

Was it fake from the beginning? Or was it when he started his plan?

It can't be that the other party knows that I have the ability to spy on memories, so he deliberately left it to me, right?

Impossible, otherwise, he would not appear in front of me again, and his plan would be out of the question.

Li Yin continued to look at the last point.

This is an operating room located in the basement of the hospital, next to the morgue. A man is tied up on it, a man in his thirties, lying quietly on the operating table, with no expression on his face.

He is not dead, and is looking straight at himself.

No, he is looking at Professor Fang.

"What is this?"

Professor Fang asked the doctor beside him.

"I don't know. He tried to attack me, but we subdued him and brought him back."

Professor Fang turned his head and looked at the cultists who were missing limbs in the laboratory. He became more curious about the ordinary man in front of him.

"What ability did he use to hurt you?"

Hearing this question, a cultist next to him trembled all over. They had seen too much killing and death, and they could see deep fear in their eyes.

"At first, we thought he was using some kind of illusion, because the appearance of him we saw was completely different. Brother Wang saw a human-skin spider, Brother Zhao saw his skinned wife, and I saw... myself after death!" The cultist hugged his head with his only remaining arm, and it was difficult to breathe: "The monsters we saw were completely different, even the attack modes were different, but our injuries were real, and even the wounds corresponded to the monsters we saw."

Professor Fang frowned. He had never encountered such a situation before, nor had he seen it in any information.

Of the three people who were attacked, one had his arm torn off, one became mentally ill, and the last one said that half of his head was bitten off by a spider. If his body had not been transformed, he would have died.

"Later, we summarized the monsters in our eyes and analyzed them together. We found that this thing has very strange abilities. It may become the thing we fear most in our hearts. It is a real transformation, not an illusion! He is our nightmare!"

Professor Fang looked thoughtful, lowered his head to look at the man on the operating table, and asked: "What is your name?"

"My name is Shen Cheng, who are you? Why are you arresting me? Let me go! Otherwise, I will sue you for illegal detention! I have to go to work tomorrow! Please, if I can't get full attendance, my month will be over."

Looking at the man who called himself Shen Cheng on the operating table, expressing fear, threats and even begging for mercy expressionlessly, everyone felt a sense of absurdity.

"What's wrong with his face?" Professor Fang asked.

The doctor shook his head: "I don't know. He was like this when he was caught. Just like... a mask, with no expression at all."

"Why did he attack you?"

"I don't know. I thought at first that the Abnormal Bureau had discovered us, and this was the case after we were caught."

Professor Fang looked at the man and asked again: "Who are you? What's your ability?"

"What ability? What are you talking about? I don't know anything! Let me go."

Then Li Yin saw an autopsy drama. The gang tore the man apart, but did not find any abnormalities.

Inside the man's body, he was a completely ordinary person.

But the strange thing was that even when he was dismembered and twitched in pain, there was still no expression on his face.

It was as if he was disconnected from the world and all the pain and fear could not touch his heart.

Facial paralysis?

But Shen Cheng didn't have any symptoms of facial paralysis, and his eyes didn't even change at all.

Li Yin looked a little uncomfortable.

Mainly because when doing human anatomy in the first person, it feels like you are actually doing it yourself, and the feeling of guilt is a bit uncomfortable.

But this man is really weird, like a puppet that can imitate human actions, but cannot imitate human emotions.

Professor Fang found nothing in the end. He didn't even figure out what this man was.

Did he use the firm's methods? But the firm's methods must be aboveboard and accepted by others, otherwise it will be difficult to become a real method, let alone something weirder than a ghost.

There are no traces of modification on the body, and there are no pollutants. It is still a human being.

I,need more samples.

Here, the memory ends.

Li Yin summarized it and found that not much was useful, but there was a little.

The first is her family's inherited method, which seems to be an ability such as hypnosis. She wants to learn it, but Shu and her uncle have been taken away, so there is no place to learn it.

Secondly, about his physical condition, the answer given in Professor Fang's memory is that he was transformed into a certain god, which is the same thing as the fish monster under the fish village.

A little disgusting...

However, this is also a clue. It seems that a visit to Fish Village is necessary.

Third, I finally learned the true name of the cult, Guiyi Sect, and their top organization, Human Hands.

As for the location of the cult headquarters, once the matter is over, go find the real Professor Fang and you should know.

Finally, recalling this weird man's performance, Li Yin always felt a little palpitated, as if something bad was about to happen.

Let Sister Wang help you investigate this person's information. Since he said he was at work and full attendance, his identity should not be kept secret. It's best to investigate as much as possible.

It doesn't matter if you can't, just go to the hospital and arrest the person yourself.

in addition……

Li Yin turned over Professor Fang's body, tore off his clothes, and carefully checked the skin on his back.

Sure enough, there was a very disgusting scar on it, about the size of a fist. This was the mark left by the cult's disguise technique.

Professor Fang's memory showed that she originally wanted to learn it, but it turned out to be so disgusting. She had to cultivate part of her own flesh and blood into a sarcoma. Li Yin felt so sick just thinking about it.

It is absolutely impossible for me to learn this method!

Li Yin turned his attention to the fish monster next to him.

I was surprised to find that the wounds on this guy's limbs had disappeared, becoming extremely smooth, and his body had become longer. The fins on his back stretched out, looking like a big fish, and there were several thorns on his abdomen. A wriggling tentacle...

It is even more unappetizing than when it was a child.

Li Yin solved it neatly and briefly looked at the memory.

It's nothing important, it's just that the giant strange fish at the bottom of the lake was replaced by Su Ji's appearance after transformation, that is, the belief was replaced.

She also found the approximate location of the fish village from the fish monster's memory, and it turned out to be under the reservoir!

A village hanging upside down from the ground.

How to get in here?

Also, where is the giant strange fish in the reservoir? It shouldn’t be. Can it be installed?

Li Yin planned to wait until Linhai's matter was settled and go to the reservoir to take a look. If he could find the strange fish, he would pull them up and kill them. If he couldn't find them, he would look for them more carefully.

Since there was nothing worth paying attention to here, Li Yin turned to look in the direction of the school.

There was an earth-shattering explosion just now, and the heat wave could be clearly felt even from a few kilometers away.

The clone was controlled by her with two minds, so she naturally knew what was happening there.

Li Yin was a little stunned by Xie Yunxiao's terrifying destructive power.

If it were one-on-one, the opponent would definitely not be his match, and he would probably last a little longer than Su Ji, but with such destructive power, even his own efforts could not match it.

He raised his hand and tried to make a 'fireball' like her, but he ended up with a deflated balloon. No matter how much energy was put into it, it would only leak out.

If A Zhu saw it, he would be so distressed that he would be unable to breathe.

Hey, it seems I don't have the talent for rubbing gas bombs.

I don’t know how Su Ji is doing. Was he blown away by this blow? What will he tell Yoona when he goes back?

We and I blew up your sister?

She could still picture Yu Yuner crying until she fell into coma, then waking up and continuing to cry.

Let's go back and have a look. If it can be saved, try it. If it doesn't work, there is nothing we can do. After all, she has killed too many people and done too much evil. Even if it is not from

Her original wish and the blood that was shed were all facts.

No one can forgive a murderer for the dead. Even if she will be blamed and resented, she can only do it.


Thinking of this, she returned to Linhai University as quickly as possible, located her axe by sensing, and when she held the wooden handle, she looked down at the pit.

Li Yin was a little confused.

What are those two silver-glowing bastards? They are too dazzling, right?

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