The two of them had already fought each other in the pit.

Su Ji and Xie Yunxiao in the pit had already fought each other. The energy they had swallowed into their bodies was similar, and their fighting power was also similar. They had both given up their own abilities and instead used the most primitive fist and foot collision.

The two of them fought with their fists and feet, and every collision seemed to cause the earth to shake. Their figures quickly shuttled through the pit, like two lightning bolts intersecting, and the surrounding air became hot because of their fight.

Li Yin sat by the pit, took out her mobile phone and looked at it. It was not broken, it was still quite strong, and there was a signal.

So she prepared to take a picture of the scene in front of her and show it to her girlfriend, but the speed of the two was too fast. She could see it, but the camera could not.

What a pity.

However, taking pictures was not her main purpose. She exited the camera, opened the chat software, found Yu Yuner's avatar and clicked it, but found that the two chatted basically by typing. After searching for a long time, she didn't find many voice messages.

She had to call the other party.

The other party answered the call quickly. Yu Yuner's voice was very urgent, and there was a hint of relief: "Sister Li Yin, fortunately you are okay, I was worried to death! I just saw the news that something seemed to have happened at Linhai University. Are you okay? What happened to the explosion just now?"

Li Yin blocked one ear, but still couldn't hear the sound from the phone, mainly because the battle over there was really noisy.

"Hello? Yuner, can you hear my voice? Hello?"

"Sister Li Yin, what did you say? Where are you? Are you not injured?"

The two talked about their own things and couldn't hear the voices on the other side at all.

Li Yin could only hang up the phone helplessly. Just as she was about to teach these two noisy guys a lesson, she heard the sound of sword chanting behind her, and then she was hugged by a soft body.

"Li Yin, Li Yin! The explosion just now was so scary. It's really lucky that you're okay!"

Ning Zhu's voice was full of fear. She and Uncle Ye were almost knocked over by the air waves generated by the explosion at high altitude, which shows how amazing the power of the explosion just now was.

And Li Yin was actually in the center of the explosion. How could she not worry?

Li Yin gently patted her shoulder, indicating that she was fine, and then looked at Uncle Ye, and an idea came to her: "Azhu, you and Uncle Ye go to bring someone over for me."

Ning Zhu raised her head, a little confused.

The battle situation in front of her was too terrifying. Even though she had experienced many enhancements, she could only vaguely capture their afterimages. It was hard to imagine how strong the two were, and she couldn't imagine who she could bring to change the situation?

"Go and bring Yoona here for me. She should still be in the hospital."

"Bring Yoona?"

Although Ning Zhu had only seen this girl once, she didn't look like a master. Wouldn't coming here be a way to die?

Li Yin nodded and explained briefly: "The one who's going crazy is her sister. They have a similar relationship with us, so it should be useful to bring her here."

Ning Zhu was still a little worried: "What if we can't wake her up?"

"Then I'll chop her up."

Li Yin picked up the axe on the ground, picked up the second one from Ning Zhu, and looked at the two people in the pit.

Su Ji was going to chop off her limbs and throw them to Yu Yun'er to try to wake her up. If that didn't work, she would just chop her to death.

But what about Xie Yunxiao? Isn't she a ranged player? Why did she rush over and fight with someone? But it doesn't matter. If she goes crazy, she'll be knocked out too. It's such a simple thing.

"Okay, go. It's dangerous here, and I'm going to do it."

Li Yin's energy covered her whole body, and even a little starlight was faintly visible under her transparent skin. As the input energy increased, her strength became more and more terrifying.

Because she didn't understand her own abilities, she had been deliberately controlling the input of energy before, fearing that it would cause any bad phenomena, such as the clone in Luo Anzhen, or something else.

She always felt that the source of her power was very strange, and she didn't dare to overuse it, fearing that something uncontrollable would happen.

However, looking at the battlefield in front of her, Li Yin felt that her passion that had been dormant for several months was ignited.

Ning Zhu next to her could clearly feel a sense of oppression from Li Yin. Not only her, but even Uncle Ye felt a little breathless.

She couldn't help smacking her lips, and sighed in her heart: young people nowadays are really scary.

Watching Uncle Ye carrying Ning Zhu away, Li Yin rushed into the battlefield in an instant, and the two axes in her hands drew two silver-white tracks in the air, like two lightning bolts striking at the two people who were fighting fiercely.

The battle between Su Ji and Xie Yunxiao has reached a white-hot stage.

The two of them went all out, leaving no room for maneuver. However, the appearance of Li Yin broke this balance.

She was extremely fast and came to the two of them almost instantly. The axe in her hand chopped towards Su Ji's neck with a sharp sound of breaking wind.

Su Ji's reaction was also very fast. He narrowly avoided the attack and punched Li Yin in the face at the same time.

But Li Yin's axe was faster, and she actually met the punch with the axe blade.


The black stratum corneum wrapped in silver light was directly shattered under this axe. The axe's residual force did not decrease, and it chopped through half of her fist before stopping.

The defense has indeed become much stronger.

Li Yin thought in her heart.

She wanted to chop off Su Ji's arm with this axe just now, but she didn't even cut through the forearm.

Behind her, Xie Yunxiao had lost his mind, just as she had guessed, and swung his huge fist at her back.

Although it was called the back, the fist was half the size of Li Yin's body, with a whistling sound, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

Li Yin did not dodge, but turned around and punched him, and dust flew up in an instant.

Xie Yunxiao, who had lost her mind, would not hold back, and her temper was a bit hot. This punch was very powerful, and even Chen Jinze, who had retreated several streets, could clearly feel the shock wave.

Looking at the broken glass around him, he really wanted to know what the battle situation was like at Linhai University, but he also knew that the battlefield over there was not something he and others could get close to.

All they could do now was to pray in their hearts that Xie Yunxiao could win the final victory.

In the middle of the huge pit, Li Yin retreated half a step, but Xie Yunxiao flew backwards and crashed into a building in the distance with a "bang".

Fortunately, the residents here have been evacuated far away by the Abnormal Bureau and the police, otherwise many people would have died again.

Li Yin sighed a little. She didn't expect that the crazy Xie Yunxiao would be so fierce. He was really powerful to be able to beat her back half a step in her current form.

She lowered her head and looked at the silver energy covering her fist, which was a bit strange.

What is this?

It's a bit like her own energy.

Without giving her time to daze, Su Ji attacked again. Her hands turned into claws, and her sharp fingertips flashed with cold light, going straight for Li Yin's throat.

Li Yin lowered her head to avoid it, but found that a tail whip was waiting here, as if she was bumping up.

She reacted very quickly, loosened the axe with one hand, grabbed it fiercely, and dodged the sneak attack of the other two tail whips again, and then pulled Su Ji directly in front of her with a fierce pull.

The two fought again, punching each other, and an amazing energy fluctuation broke out during the collision.

Li Yin became more and more excited as she fought.

This was the first time she encountered such a tough monster. The previous ones, whether ghosts or mutants, were almost all blown up in one blow. Even the strongest Luoan Town fusion monster could only lie down and take the beating.

And the Su Ji in front of her was not only tough, but also in human form!

The happiest thing for Li Yin was that she could use the moves that she had imagined in her mind before but could not use in actual combat.

The more she fought, the more excited and happy she became. Energy continued to flow out of her body and merged into the axe and fist in her hand.

Every collision could push Su Ji back a few steps, and Li Yin became more and more courageous, as if she was tireless.

She felt like a god of war, wantonly wielding her power on this battlefield.

The situation of Su Ji was completely the opposite.

Although she was powerful and had amazing defense, and her mind was affected by unknown energy, the attacks on her body were really painful.

The pain was so deep that the injured part could not recover!

More importantly, she found that she could not hurt Li Yin at all.

Whether it was claw attack or tail whip, it could not break through the skin of the girl in front of her, and she would even be burned!

You know, Su Ji has an independent personality in this form. He was controlled by Professor Fang before, so he did not show his human side.

And now, Professor Fang is dead, and the energy in his body is inexplicably consumed in the battle.

Now she is somewhat sober, and her brain is clearly feeding her a message.

If this goes on, she will definitely be beaten to death!

At this moment, a figure rushed out from the ruins of the building behind her. It was Xie Yunxiao.

Her state at the moment was extremely strange, her eyes were full of fire, and the scales on her skin were stacked, as if they were ignited by flames, emitting an extremely hot breath.

She roared wildly, her voice was full of anger and murderous intent, and the whole person rushed towards Li Yin like a gust of wind.

Li Yin was a bit overwhelmed.

She could kill Su Ji, but not Xie Yunxiao.

This person was her comrade-in-arms, a master of the Abnormal Bureau, and a good person. How could she let her die in her hands?

Turning back, Su Ji turned around and ran!

Since she was out of control and couldn't beat the man in front of her, what was she waiting for?

Li Yin had been paying attention to Su Ji's reaction. Seeing that she was actually running, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"You, woke up?"

The axe flew out of her hand in an instant, and the tail whip and keratin behind Su Ji had no effect. The axe blade chopped straight into her back. Although it only went in a little, it was enough.

Due to the characteristics of her own axe, no one could lift it without permission!

Su Ji screamed in mid-air, and her body fell straight to the ground. No matter how she struggled, she couldn't move at all. The axe seemed to grow on her body.

Li Yin nodded with satisfaction and gave herself a 7 for this battle.

Su Ji's previous choice was right. Enlarging her body did cause her a lot of trouble.

But later, Xie Yunxiao came out and attacked the giant monster, turning it back to human form.

And dealing with humanoid monsters is her area of ​​expertise.

Retracting her gaze, Li Yin put down the fire axe in her hand and turned back to face Xie Yunxiao.

What she had to do now was to beat this guy to wake up!

In the battle with Su Ji just now, she found that this energy would not exist forever, and it was not like the energy she injected into Azhu's body, which could permanently strengthen the body.

As long as it was consumed, it would be gone. It was easy to beat him up!

And she also found that this energy could be absorbed into her body! Then it was even more impossible to leave Xie Yunxiao alone.

When Uncle Ye stepped on the flying sword and carried the two back, he just saw this scene.

Xie Yunxiao, who was so powerful a dozen minutes ago and blew up the entire Linhai University with one shot, is now lying on the ground like a dead fish.

Many of the scales have been pulled off.

On the other side, Li Yin was dealing with a monster covered with black stratum corneum.

The limbs of this monster were twisted to an abnormal angle, and the hard stratum corneum was peeled off piece by piece, revealing the necrotic tentacles and human skin underneath.

Ning Zhu was concerned about whether Li Yin was injured, and Yu Yuner was concerned about the monster lying on the ground.

But what Uncle Ye saw was, why was there a bulge in the girl's trouser pocket? Why was there something so similar to... Xie Yunxiao's scales inside?

When he came back, Ning Zhu had already briefly told Yu Yuner what happened at Linhai University.

When she heard that the monster that caused all this was her beloved sister Su Ji, she fainted directly from the flying sword.

She cried a lot after waking up.

It was not until Ning Zhu said that it was possible to awaken Su Ji's true personality that the little girl was overjoyed.

But when she really stood on this scorched earth, looking at the terrifying monster in the deep pit and her miserable condition, Yu Yuner's face still showed confusion.

Is that really my sister?

Ning Zhu took her hand and slowly came to Li Yin's side.

Li Yin didn't even turn her head and continued to deal with the monster on the ground: "You are here? Wait a minute, I haven't finished yet."

Her tone didn't sound like she was dealing with a terrible monster, but rather like she was killing fish or peeling vegetables.

Li Yin initially thought that Su Ji's monster form was all tentacles, without a human body, so she tried to crush it a little, and it turned out that under the tentacles was really the Su Ji she knew.

That's easy, just take off the shell.

He pinched the hideous cuticle on Su Ji's face and tore it off with force, then used energy to kill the tiny black tentacles underneath, revealing a pretty face underneath.

Seeing this face, Yu Yuner couldn't stop her tears from flowing, and her voice was trembling: "Sister...sister..."

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