A few minutes ago, Li Yin stood outside the community and looked inside. The residents coming and going looked normal. There were even a few aunties sitting in front of the gate, fanning themselves and commenting on her.

"This girl is so pretty."

"Yes, I have never seen such a pretty girl in all my years, but her clothes are not pretty, it's a pity for her small face."

"I don't know whose family she is from, why don't you buy some nice clothes for your daughter."


Li Yin lowered her head. The clothes she wore were all chosen a few days ago. The styles were not very new, but they were very comfortable to wear.

Is it strange for me to wear this?

She didn't know. After all, she was the only child in the family, and she was a boy. She had no place to get in touch with these things, and no one taught her now.

Who cares? As long as I feel comfortable, that's all!

I walked into the community without any obstruction. Following the signs on the sign, I found the home that the young man mentioned.

This is an old community. The buildings are all in a uniform gray and white color. They look like they have been here for many years. The corridors are also dirty and have a musty smell.

Li Yin observed for a while and confirmed that there was no surveillance and no one. She directly summoned the axe and held it in her hand.

After two encounters with monsters, she was sure that her axe had a very obvious suppressive effect on those monsters, which is what the saying goes... to ward off evil spirits.

It has the same effect as black dog blood, glutinous rice, etc.

As long as she held the axe in her hand, she felt extremely relieved... No, even without the axe, she felt extremely relieved. I don't know why, she can't control it, but she just despises those monsters from the bottom of her heart.

I really don't know why...

Holding the axe, Li Yin slowly came to the door.

It's very strange. Didn't two policemen come to investigate in advance? Why is the door closed? Am I in the wrong place, or have they gone back?

Li Yin frowned and knocked on the door gently, but there was no response. She tried to turn the doorknob and found that the door was not locked.


Pushing the door open, a strong smell of blood rushed towards her, almost making her vomit.

Fortunately, she didn't eat breakfast.

Li Yin quickly covered her mouth and nose and looked around.

Even if she had never seen the world again, she knew that there was definitely something wrong here.

Carefully poking inside, she walked to the bedroom, and a black shadow suddenly pounced on her.

Li Yin subconsciously used an axe, and the black shadow was directly cut off a piece of its body by the axe, and let out a painful roar.

She also saw the appearance of the black shadow at this time, and couldn't help but make a disgusted sound.

"Huh~ What is this thing, so disgusting..."

The black shadow was the human skin blanket that the two policemen saw in the bedroom!

But now it seemed to have life and turned into a living monster. Its body was made up of human faces, which were twisted and crying in pain... Every hole was bleeding. Its body, like a mass of flesh, was wriggling on the floor. Every human face was screaming silently, and its empty eye sockets were filled with fear and despair, as if it was asking Li Yin for help.

A normal person would be scared to death by the indescribable look, and even Li Yin couldn't help but take a step back.

Compared with the two before, this one was obviously much more disgusting.

Li Yin was stunned when she saw the two people lying on the floor twisting and struggling like drowning people out of the corner of her eye.

Isn't this Officer Liu who is in charge of my uncle's case? What is he doing?

But now is not the time to pay attention to these things, she turned her attention back to the monster.

The axe just now seemed to have hurt the monster badly. At this time, it was lying on the ground, twisting its body and struggling painfully.

There were already obvious cracks and gaps on the body made up of human faces, and blood and minced meat mixed together, looking extremely disgusting.

Li Yin immediately stepped forward to finish off the monster, and with his body strengthened by the strange energy, he swung the axe effortlessly.

He slammed it against the wall with the back of the axe, and then hit it again. The monster's face was smashed into pieces, and it screamed in pain, its body twisting constantly, as if trying to escape from this terrifying fire axe.

Li Yin didn't give it any chance, and then he chopped it in half with one axe, cleanly and neatly.

The monster stopped struggling, and its entire body lay on the ground, motionless. The human faces that made up the body began to decompose, falling off one by one, and finally turned into a pile of rotten meat and broken skin.


Looking at the scene in front of her, Li Yin couldn't help feeling sick. What the hell is this thing? How can it decompose itself?

She walked over carefully and poked the pile of rotten meat with an axe.

The monster was indeed dead, and light spots had floated up and merged into her body, but... the rotten meat on the ground had not disappeared yet...

Wait! These pieces of meat were not transformed by the monster? But they were real human faces?

Is the young man who calls himself a "murder artist" really a murderer? Could these human faces be his trophies?


This man deserves to die!

She turned around and looked at the two policemen. They were already motionless. Li Yin walked over to sniff their breath. They were still alive, but fainted.

She dragged the two of them to the sofa in the living room, took out her mobile phone and called the police station, told them about the situation here, and asked them to send someone to pick up the two policemen.

She didn't say anything about the human skin monster. After all, it involved her secrets, and even if she did, no one would believe it.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yin walked around the house to see if she could get anything useful.

In the bedroom closet, she found a strange thing, which seemed to be a broken finger. It was made of stone, about the same size as a real finger, and looked extremely delicate.

She picked it up with her sleeve and looked at it carefully. When she saw the bottom of the finger, Li Yin's pupils shrank suddenly.

There was a symbol painted on the part below that should be the base. The symbol was very simple, a concentric circle, an inverted triangle in the middle, and three marks around it that seemed to be cut by a knife.

But this symbol was 80% similar to her uncle's seal!

She quickly took out the photos in her mobile phone and compared them together. Sure enough, except for the word "Li" in the middle and the three extra marks, the rest were almost exactly the same.

This was definitely not a coincidence. There must be some connection.

Could it be that this young man who claimed to be a murder artist was connected to the group that took her uncle away?

Or was it him and his uncle...

Li Yin didn't dare to think about it any further, but took a few photos of the severed finger and then put it back in place.

She didn't have the ability to investigate the meaning of it, and she didn't have the chance to contact the young man again. It would be better to hand it over to the police, maybe she could find out something.

At this time, the sirens sounded outside the door.

Killing and hiding the body is no small matter. The police took it very seriously and directly dispatched a lot of people, and they came very quickly.

The two fainted policemen were sent to the hospital, and Li Yin was also taken back to the police station to take a statement and explain the case.

She was busy until the afternoon before she was released, and this was when she had no suspicion.

Li Yin stretched her body and prepared to go home to check the forum, continue to look for ghosts, and wait for the police investigation.

The middle-aged policeman jumped up from the bed the moment he woke up in the hospital, looking around vigilantly, as if he was not in a hospital, but a battlefield full of danger.

He is an experienced policeman who has faced life and death countless times, but this time, his heart is filled with unspeakable fear.

He clearly remembers the changes in himself, those hideous faces, those painful roars and cries, as if they are all echoing in his ears.

"Lao Liu, how are you?" The voice of his colleague interrupted his thoughts. He turned his head and saw his colleague who was also pale, but his eyes were full of concern.

"I'm fine." Liu Zhiqiang tried to make his voice sound calmer, "What on earth is that monster?"

The colleague was stunned: "What monster? Lao Liu, you are confused in your sleep, right?"

Another colleague who had a good relationship with him also laughed: "I say Lao Liu, we have been doing this for so many years, how can you still be scared to faint? I admit that the scene in the room is indeed terrifying, but it's not as scary as you are, right?"

Liu Zhiqiang frowned tightly, looked at the colleague who had just spoken and asked: "Did you go to that room? Can you tell me about the scene inside?"

Recalling the scene in the room, the colleague still had a lingering fear on his face. He had never seen such a scene in his 20 years of work. The situation of several newcomers in the team was not much better than Lao Liu. The serious ones are now receiving psychological counseling.

"The walls are covered with blood, and the minced meat scattered on the ground is piled up. You can see the skin tissue of a human face in the meat... How many people must be killed to form such a scene!" The colleague's voice was trembling, and it was obvious that the terrifying scene was still lingering in his mind.

Officer Liu fell silent.

He remembered the sound that sounded just before he fell into coma, and the flash of the fire axe.

He was familiar with the voice, it was Li Yin, the little girl who had recently lost her parents and her uncle.

Was it her who saved me?

How did she do it?

And, what on earth are those skins?

Thinking of this, he quickly reached out and touched his back, and found that there was no wound, so he breathed a sigh of relief.


The door of the ward opened and a colleague walked in.

"Brother Liu, you are awake, how do you feel?"

"I'm fine, is there anything you want to talk to me about?"

"The director asked me to call you over."

"I know."

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