The middle-aged policeman came to the director's office, where the director was sitting behind the desk, thinking about something.

He looked up when he heard the voice and saw Officer Liu coming, but his brows did not relax: "Old Liu, sit down. How do you feel?"

Officer Liu shook his head and said straight to the point: "I'm fine, Director, you called me here, do you... know something? What did I see, exactly?"

The director wanted to say something, but now he could only sigh: "Old Liu, don't worry about this matter. Whatever you saw, forget it. Now, I need you to rest and rest, and leave other things to professional departments."

Officer Liu's pupils shrank slightly: "Other departments again? Director, what are you hiding? You know what I saw, right? ? "

The director stood up, walked to the window, looked at the bustling crowd outside the window, and slowly said: "Old Liu, there are some things that we cannot intervene in. I know you are experienced and capable, but this kind of thing is far beyond our ability. We... are just ordinary people. "

Officer Liu fell silent, and finally could only nod: "Director, we have known each other for so many years, you know my character. At least... tell me which department should take over this matter?"

"Abnormal Bureau."

"Abnormal Bureau?" Officer Liu couldn't help frowning. He has worked in the system for more than 20 years, but he has never heard of this department.

But he didn't ask any more questions, and his brows relaxed, as if he had really let go, and said easily: "Director, I don't need to sign a confidentiality agreement, right?"

The director turned around and saw Officer Liu's expression, and he also smiled: "You don't need it, go back and have a good rest, do you want me to give you a few days off to relax?"

"No, I have a lot of things to do, I don't have time."

Li Yin sat in the restaurant flipping through her phone, browsing the recent urban legends on the forum, to see if there are any reasonable ones, so she can go and have a look.

This forum has only been out for less than a month, but it has surpassed most of the old forums in Linhai. The reason is that it satisfies the curiosity of modern people.

Not only her, many young people are organizing groups to check in at the location in the story, and with the promotion and promotion of some anchors, even some people from other cities have come here to play.

I don't know whether it is good or bad. Although it has promoted the development of some tourism industries, if they encounter real ghosts, they may be in danger of their lives.

While eating, I was flipping through the pages of the forum. Suddenly, an article from half a month ago popped up, with a hot sign below it.

The title looked familiar.

Is the artist walking in the dark a hero of the night or a cruel demon?

The story tells of a young man who is used to seeing the ugliness of human nature and decides to punish those who have done evil in his own way. He will appear at night, peel off the faces of those criminals, and let them show their true faces to the world as a warning.

The previous comments were all sarcastic about the author, saying that his story was old-fashioned and unoriginal, and laughed at his story for having many loopholes. Why did he peel off the faces of so many people, but was not found by the police, and there was no relevant report at all.

But now this article has exploded, because the police reported that they really caught a murderer who peeled people's faces, which shocked the whole city.

Li Yin frowned when she saw this article.

There was something wrong with the time of publication of the article. How did the author know about the person who was just caught by the police today? And he also published the article.

Could it be that the murderer himself sent it?

If not, it can only prove that he has an accomplice!

Li Yin narrowed her eyes, feeling that she had caught a clue. She clicked on the man's avatar to chat privately, but found that the man's account had been banned, leaving only one article.


Li Yin wanted to swear now, but she was a well-mannered person and held back.

She ate two mouthfuls of rice fiercely. I don't know why, since I became a girl, the food tasted particularly delicious, as if I hadn't eaten delicious food for a long time.

Obviously, the food my mother made was delicious.

Calculating the time, there is still half a month before school starts, and the notice has been received. Then I will contact the senior sister Su Ji mentioned by Yu Yuner.

Speaking of Yu Yuner, this girl has been sending me messages whenever she is free recently, and she has been clamoring to become a disciple and learn skills, and to follow me to fight demons and defend the way.

Li Yin feels that this guy is

Maybe she has read too many novels and TV series.

After finishing her meal, she stood up and prepared to go to the police station again to provide the clue on the forum.

This is the limitation of not having her own intelligence channels. Once she can't find anything online, she will be at a loss and can only rely on the police.

Speaking of which, there are ghosts in the world. Are the Taoist priests and monks who exorcise ghosts real? Are there any related organizations?

Just as she was thinking about it, a phone call came in. It was Officer Liu.

"Hello, Uncle Liu, have you found anything?"

"Li Yin, where are you? I want to talk to you about something."

"I'm going to the police station. Talk at the station?"

"No, I'll come out to find you."

Although it was a bit strange, Li Yin still told him his location.

Not long after, a car stopped in front of the restaurant and a middle-aged policeman got out of it.

He was forced to take a day off. Now he was wearing casual clothes and driving his own car, but no matter who saw his face, they would subconsciously think that he must be a policeman.

Officer Liu sat opposite Li Yin. He asked for a glass of water and then said straight to the point: "Li Yin, this morning, you saved me, right?"

Li Yin raised her eyebrows: "You are not unconscious?"

"I am unconscious, but I heard your voice."

"You are really a policeman."

After saying this, both of them were silent for a while.

Li Yin spoke first: "So, what do you want to see me about? Do you want to take me back for investigation?"

Officer Liu shook his head: "No, I was forced to take a leave, and this case... has been handed over to other departments, we have no right to investigate..."

"Other departments?"

"Well, it is said to be called the Abnormal Bureau. But I didn't find the existence of this department in the system."

Hearing the name, she could probably guess that this should be the department responsible for dealing with those ghosts.

But even Officer Liu, who is in the system, couldn't find relevant information, which shows that it should be a confidential department...

"Why are you telling me this? Officer Liu, what is your purpose in calling me here?"

Officer Liu looked directly into Li Yin's eyes.

The girl he met looked so young in his eyes. Judging from her appearance, she was probably just in high school.

Her experience was so bizarre, even miserable, but she had the ability to fight against that weird monster.

This made Officer Liu a little unsure of what attitude to use to talk to her.

"I... want to cooperate with you..."

Officer Liu's words made Li Yin silent again.

This was an answer she didn't expect. She thought Officer Liu would persuade her to join a secret organization, or at least warn her to stay away from these things. But unexpectedly, he actually proposed cooperation.

"What kind of cooperation do you want?"

Officer Liu took a deep breath, as if he was sorting out his thoughts: "Li Yin, you are special, I know this very well. You have abilities that we ordinary people don't have, and the world seems to be getting out of control. I... hope you can help us, help us protect those innocent people."

Li Yin took a sip of the drink and shook her head: "You are lying, these are not what you think in your heart, right?"

Officer Liu was stunned. He didn't expect that the answer given by the girl in front of him would be like this.

"If you can't show sincerity, then I will leave. I don't have any special abilities, and I can't protect innocent people. This is the duty of you police officers."

Officer Liu took a sip of water and smiled for the first time: "I am not lying. This is indeed one of my purposes... Your uncle's disappearance case is likely related to a cult organization. They may have powers beyond common sense. I want to investigate them, so the power beyond common sense is also indispensable."


Li Yin lowered her head and pondered. She had too little information. Even if Officer Liu said the word cult, she could only force associations, but she couldn't connect the clues.

"Why do you think it's related to a cult? Are there any clues?"

"Well, I was in charge of a case ten years ago, in which many things happened that could not be explained by common sense. Later, it was taken over by my superiors, and the case was hastily handled. This has always been a knot in my heart, but in Li Wenhe's case, I found some similarities..."

Li Yin did not ask what the similarities were, but instead asked: "You, trust me?"


"Then why did you ask me to cooperate?"

"Because I have no choice."

Li Yin smiled: "But I trust you."

Officer Liu was stunned: "Why?"

"Because you are a policeman."


Officer Liu lowered his head and sighed. He recalled the case ten years ago, and those familiar people died in front of him

, their struggle and helplessness seemed to be vivid in my mind.

"Yes, I am a policeman, I must find out the truth..."

Officer Liu raised his head again, and there was something more in his eyes.

"Then do you know why I don't trust you?"


"Li Yin... In my impression, you should be a man..."

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