The moment the two of them met, the two of them were in a state of panic.

Li Yin's mind went blank for a moment.

But she forced herself to calm down, and her expression did not change at all.

"Officer Liu, what do you mean?"

Officer Liu, who had been paying attention to the changes in Li Yin's expression, scratched his head awkwardly at this time: "I don't know... When your parents' funeral was held, I accompanied a friend, Professor Zhang from Ocean University. You should have an impression of him."

Professor Zhang? Zhang Hairen? Yu Yuner's adoptive father.

Li Yin really didn't remember this. At that time, she was completely immersed in the grief of her parents' death and was almost isolated from everything in the outside world.

"I should have seen you once at that time. My memory is not bad. In my impression, you seem to be a boy of medium height and fair skin, not a little girl now."

After saying that, he emphasized: "I'm not saying you are short."

Li Yin: "..."

It would be better if you didn't emphasize it. If you emphasized it, I would care more about the height.

But now her attention is not on this matter, but on her gender. What's going on?

Aunt Huang said that in her memory, she has always been a girl. The photos on her mobile phone and all the records around her are shown in this way. She thought she had traveled to an identical parallel world.

But now a policeman told her that he remembered what she looked like in the past...

"So, you went to the database to check?"

Officer Liu nodded: "All the information shows that you are a girl, from childhood to adulthood. Can you tell me if this is my illusion?"

Li Yin did not reply, but took out her mobile phone, opened the album and put it on the table, and took out her ID card and put them together.

The avatars and photos above all show that the girl in front of her has always been her, not someone else.

Li Yin is not going to tell this to anyone else, not even the police.

It's not that she doesn't trust the police, but telling this will only bring her more trouble, and it won't help in any way.

And this is her biggest secret, even if it's her, she doesn't want others to look at her differently.

Officer Liu looked at the photos and ID card and breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that my memory is really confused. I'm really sorry. I've been under a lot of pressure recently."

Li Yin shook her head, indicating that she didn't take it to heart.

"Are you interested in learning about the cult?"

"Tell me about it."

Officer Liu took a deep breath and began to talk about the case he was in charge of ten years ago.

It was an ordinary murder case, but there were many unreasonable things in it. The death of the deceased was extremely tragic, and there were no scars on the body, as if someone had sucked the vitality out of him with some unknown force.

"You may think I'm crazy if I tell you this, but I really felt that their souls were taken away, and only a shell was left."

Li Yin didn't say anything, just listened quietly. She knew that Officer Liu must have experienced an unknown struggle in his heart to say this.

"Among the dead, there was a playmate of mine since childhood. We sat together the day before to celebrate his landing, and he died in front of me the next day, but I couldn't do anything for him. For the past ten years, I have been trying to find out the truth, why those people died, why he died..."

Officer Liu raised his head, his eyes were red, tears were rolling in his eyes, but he tried hard not to let them fall.

He put his mobile phone on the table. It was a model from ten years ago, very old, and even the paint on the outside was almost gone due to bumps.

He opened the album, which contained a group of photos he had kept for ten years, which was the scene of the crime at that time.

"I found a lot of traces at the crime scene. I don't know what these traces are. I asked many seniors, but no one knows."

Li Yin looked at the photo and saw some strange lines. These lines looked familiar to her.

In her uncle's villa, the monster left the same traces when it crawled.

She didn't care much at the time, but now she saw the photos taken by the police and realized that this might also be a clue.

Seeing Li Yin's expression, Officer Li knew that she had found the common point.

"You have seen these lines in Li Wenhe's villa, right? Do you know how it appeared? This is very important!"

Li Yin nodded silently: "I know... but you may not believe it..."

Officer Li stood up excitedly. This

He had been looking for these lines for too long. Every day after work, he would spend several hours searching the Internet for similar pictures, but he found nothing.

I didn't expect that there would be a clue today!

"I believe it! After experiencing the experience of growing a human face on my body, what else do I not believe?"

"Growing a human face on my body?" Li Yin suddenly realized that it seemed that when she saw the two policemen twisting on the ground, she was trapped in an illusion, just like the criminals.

So, is the ability of this ghost to make people hallucinate?

Why doesn't it work on me?

Does my axe have this effect? ​​Or do I also ward off evil spirits?

Suddenly noticing the burning eyes in front of him, Li Yin coughed and said, "I'm sorry that my mind is a bit active and kept you waiting for a long time."

"Well, I know how it was formed. It's... a monster, or a ghost, leaving something like footprints when it moves."

Then she told Officer Liu about her encounter with the monster in the villa. Listening to Li Yin's description of the monster's appearance and the monster's weird actions and attack methods, Officer Liu couldn't help but take a breath even though he was mentally prepared.

It was too weird. If it happened to me, I would definitely be in danger.

"So, this trace was left by a ghost?"

This made Officer Liu a little discouraged. He had always thought it was an important clue, but he didn't expect it to be just footprints.

Li Yin didn't know how to comfort him, so she could only silently flip through the photos on his phone to see if there were any other clues.

Officer Liu was only slightly depressed for a while before he cheered up again: "I will go to the scene to investigate and see if there are any similar traces. By the way, Li Yin, was the collective coma case at the No. 3 Girls' High School last week also caused by a ghost?"

Li Yin nodded: "Did you figure it out?"

"No, I just thought it was very strange. So you didn't go there to meet your friends, but to get rid of the ghost, right?"

"Yeah, almost."

"How long have you been doing this?"

"This business?"

"Exorcising ghosts."

"I said, the day we first met a week ago was the first time I encountered a ghost, do you believe it?"

Officer Liu looked into Li Yin's eyes and sighed slowly: "Believe..., but I really can't believe it. You, a little girl, are not afraid of ghosts after seeing them, and you dare to take the initiative to find ghosts afterwards to find clues?"

Li Yin nodded silently. She couldn't say that she could beat monsters and level up, right?

"Have you found any clues?"

"That ghost was wearing a school uniform, which is the uniform style of high schools in counties and towns near Linhai, but your colleagues in the bureau said that there have been no student deaths or disappearances in the surrounding area recently."

He immediately thought of the strangeness of the incident. Why would a ghost wearing a county school uniform appear in a girls' school in the city?

If it didn't come here by itself, it is very likely that someone put it there.

Officer Liu frowned and recalled the cases in recent years. In his impression, there are indeed no similar cases, but he dare not be 100% sure. After all, cases in counties and towns are generally not reported to their city bureau unless they are particularly serious cases.

"I'll go back and look through the files. Maybe there will be clues. Li Yin, what are you looking at?"

He saw Li Yin staring at his mobile phone intently, and curiously looked over and found that it was a photo he took at the scene at the time. It seemed to be a symbol casually carved by a child. It was very inconspicuous and in the corner of the wall.

A circle with an inverted triangle in the middle and three traces around it that looked like they were carved with a knife.

Li Yin did not answer, but silently took out her mobile phone and turned to the latest photo.

"Don't go to the scene. Go and interrogate the murderer before he is transferred. Can you do it?"

Officer Liu couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the photo on Li Yin's mobile phone.

"Where did you see this?"

"In the closet of the murderer's house."

Officer Liu took a deep breath and stood up: "Okay, let's go back to the bureau now. If it's any later, he may really be transferred."

"Wait, I have other discoveries..."

Li Yin told Officer Liu the story she saw on the forum and also told her own guess.

Officer Liu attached great importance to the possibility that the murderer had a companion and said that he would go back to investigate the account immediately.

After sending Officer Liu away, Li Yin sat back in his seat, sipping his drink while checking something on his mobile phone.

She actually didn't completely trust this policeman who suddenly came to her. After all, it was too sudden. Without any preparation, he asked her to cooperate right away. No one would let down their guard.

But she could feel that this

The police did come with sincerity, and there was nothing wrong with the story he told. These can be searched on the Internet, and even the photo of Officer Liu at that time can be seen.

After thinking about it, she sent the recording saved in her mobile phone, of course, it was intercepted.

A reply came quickly: "Is this what your uncle left for you? When was it?"

"It was mailed to my home a week ago."

"Why didn't you take it out earlier..." It can be seen that Officer Liu has a lot of opinions about this matter.

If this information could be obtained earlier, maybe there would be a turnaround, but now Li Wenhe's case has been handed over to the higher authorities, and he can only conduct the investigation privately and secretly.

"By the way, Li Yin, you took after your mother, right?"


"Last time in the alley, the woman you saved said that the criminals were scared off by the fire axe, but I didn't find any related items afterwards. Is that your ability?"


"Okay, I won't ask anymore..."

Putting down the phone, Li Yin couldn't help but sigh again. As a 20-year veteran policeman, he was so sharp in both insight and action.

In addition, Officer Liu actually remembered what I looked like in the past. There was nothing wrong with his description. That was indeed my past self.

So, it's not the world that has changed, but me...

So, Aunt Huang lied?

Why? What's her reason?

Or does it vary from person to person? Does anyone else know?

She opened her chat software, which only had a few friends scattered on it.

She changed schools several times in high school. Because she didn't spend much time with her classmates and her relationship with them was average, she didn't add any friends and left the group after graduation.

Only the head teacher was left in the friend list.

But she was not very familiar with this head teacher, and she was not even sure if he still remembered her name.

If he didn't remember, it would be quite embarrassing... After all, it had only been more than a month.

She gritted her teeth and sent a message to the head teacher: "Teacher, I'm Li Yin, do you still remember me?"

After a long time, the other side replied: "I remember, you are the child who transferred here in the second half of the semester, right? What's the matter?"

Li Yin's mouth twitched. She could guess that the head teacher must have gone through the previous list during this period, but she didn't care.

"Teacher, I have a strange question for you. You can't remember whether I was a boy or a girl before?"

The head teacher opposite was stunned and took a closer look at the list.

She really didn't have any impression of the name Li Yin, but she felt a little strange when she saw the photo. There is such a good-looking classmate in the class, she should have a deep impression of her, why can't she remember it?

"Of course it's a girl. Li is so beautiful, how could the teacher remember it wrong."

Seeing this reply, Li Yin couldn't help but sigh.

Damn it, she only realized the importance of interpersonal relationships at this time. I don’t even have a friend to ask.

Damn it…

She looked at her friend list. There was a gray avatar. It was her childhood friend. She hadn’t contacted him since they separated in elementary school. It was as if he had disappeared.

This person might be the only one she could call a friend.

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