After a while, Ning Zhu got up from the bed and stretched.

After returning from outside in the evening, Li Yin locked the door of the office. She was embarrassed to say what happened later, but she could feel that Li Yin worked harder than before, as if she wanted to vent the pressure of the past few days.

However, Li Yin's skills are getting better and better, and she is a little overwhelmed now.

Recalling the scene of begging for mercy after only a few rounds, Ning Zhu's face turned red.

He glared at the girl and hummed in his heart: Don't you know how to let me go! And you have been attacking all the time, when will it be my turn?

Ning Zhu liked Li Yin's cute face with a hint of heroism more and more, and couldn't help lowering her head and kissing her.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that this was a good opportunity.

She quickly lifted the quilt and got in. Before she could start her great plan, her body was hugged by a pair of small hands.

"Hey, Ah Zhu, have you rested well? Then let's continue?"

As she said that, the pair of small hands had already started their journey.

Ning Zhu quickly caught it and sat up from the quilt, her face red: "Stop making trouble, Li Yin, are you hungry? Let's go out and eat something?"

Li Yin touched her stomach. They had just eaten a bite in the commercial street at night. The main thing there was that the food was small and expensive, so they didn't eat much.

Now when she heard Ah Zhu talking about eating, her stomach also growled.

Although she wanted to continue to stick to each other, it was really uncomfortable to be hungry.

"Let's go out for a midnight snack."

Li Yin lay on the bed, with her legs dangling in the air, watching the girl in front of her change clothes.

This is a reserved program. His girlfriend has a perfect figure. No matter how many times he sees it, he can't get enough of it.

Ning Zhu looked for underwear in the closet with a dark face. The previous one was thrown into the sanitary napkin and soaked in water, otherwise it would be wet.

The two put on their clothes and went out. Because the weather was hot, many grandparents could be seen gathering together in the community to enjoy the cool air, which seemed very lively.

The two walked out of the community hand in hand and came to the snack street outside.

Compared with the snack street in the city, this side is much smaller, but it is also more fireworks. People chatting on the street, people holding delicious food in their hands, and vendors shuttling in it all form a vivid picture of the city.

Ning Zhu found a familiar barbecue restaurant and sat down. According to the appetite of the two, he ordered some skewers and drinks, and then took out his mobile phone to study the location and housing prices in Beijing.

She has been studying for several months. Since her father does not know how to use a smartphone, she has to do this work.

Li Yin went to Beijing when she was a child, but she did not stay there for long and did not know much about houses. She could only cheer for Ah Zhu.

However, she was not idle either. She was sending messages to Xie Yunxiao with her mobile phone.

It has been confirmed that the departure time is 3 o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow. She and Li Yin will be responsible for escorting. Ye Lingyun and Ning Zhu will also be traveling with them.

Uncle Ye's purpose of going there is similar to theirs, to look at houses. In addition, he is also responsible for emergency air rescue and improvisation.

After all, he is the only one who can fly in Linhai.

Ning Zhu was asked by Li Yin to take along. How can he not bring his girlfriend on a public-funded tour?

"There is still one day tomorrow. Are you going to see your roommate?"

Ning Zhu saw this message and was looking forward to going to Beijing.

Li Yin nodded: "I just contacted Captain Chen at the hospital. He said Tingting is still in a coma for unknown reasons. The hospital examination said that Tingting's brain activity is very low, and the specific reason needs further diagnosis."

The surviving teachers and students of Linhai University are now concentrated in the hospital. On the one hand, they are provided with accommodation, and on the other hand, they are isolated.

In case there are contaminated people among them, they can be discovered and dealt with in time.

In addition, Chen Jinze was a little surprised about the spread of the pollution.

After their joint investigation with the police, they concluded that the photos of the stone slabs did not spread from Linhai University at all.

It may be that the cult used some means to control the scope of the experiment within Linhai University, or they did not intend to let the pollution spread outside the school.

However, this is also a blessing in disguise. At least the residents of Linhai City were not affected.

Regarding this issue, Li Yin, who has read Professor Fang's memory, knows something.

The origin of the stone slab Professor Fang

I'm not lying. It's the skin of a giant creature. That creature is related to the Omniscient God Cult.

Including this slate, Professor Fang got it from the Omniscient God Cult. The slate plays a similar role to the eyeball in the Omniscient God Cult. It is used by believers of another god to screen high-level members.

The source is the shedding of the god they believe in, just like the dead skin of humans.

After seeing the slate, there will be three stages of symptoms.

In the first stage, you will think that the pattern on the slate is some kind of ancient text, and think that it hides some kind of shocking secret, and you can easily crack it.

People in this stage will be addicted to it, to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep. The characteristic is that they are absolutely unwilling to share the pattern with others, fearing that others will crack the secret before themselves.

The second stage is to "completely crack" the text. People in this stage will think that they have seen some extremely great existence, which represents the truth of the world, the center of all laws, and the truth of the universe. At the same time, they doubt the authenticity of everything around them, and think that they have been living in a false world. They hope that the gods can bless them and take them to the real and vast world, to the side of the great existence.

People in this stage will have patterns on their bodies that are the same as the patterns on the stone slab. At the same time, they will not eat or drink, and will devote themselves to prayer for several days. Any ordinary person who sees the patterns on their bodies will enter the first stage and will never be able to escape or be cured. Because their brains have been transformed by the power of the stone slab.

It is a kind of idealistic power. The deeper you crack the secrets of the stone slab, the more thorough the transformation.

The last stage is the emergence of flesh worms all over the body.

Originally, there was a gap of several days between the two stages. Just like the spread of viruses or the reproduction of parasites, it is necessary to leave a period of time for the spread of pollution, but Professor Fang used some method to forcibly activate the third stage and created the big meat ball on the playground.

The reason why the photo of the stone slab was not spread out was in the first stage.

The polluted people did not want others to know about this, so they would take the initiative to hide the existence of the photo.

The first photo was released by Professor Fang.

In the second stage, people have become crazy and have no ability to spread photos.

In other words, as long as there is no artificial spread, this pollution will not cause any waves at all, but once it is artificially released, that small stone slab can even easily destroy a country.

Is this the power of God?

Li Yin was a little emotional. He could kill countless people with just a photo. This was an ability that even she could not understand.

As for where the stone slab is now, she had to ask Su Ji. During the battle, she watched Su Ji swallow the stone slab with countless black tentacles. It is estimated that it is in her body now.

This matter has been told to Xie Yunxiao. The two of them have no way to deal with it. They can only let the people at the headquarters of the Abnormal Bureau worry about it.

Ning Zhu sighed. Li Yin was fine when she sent her roommate over, but she fainted and never woke up again.

She still hasn't figured out what happened.

At this moment, Ning Zhu's phone rang suddenly. She opened it and frowned: "Li Yin, the task assigned by the Abnormal Bureau has arrived. It's nearby. Let's go and deal with it."

Li Yin didn't say anything nonsense. She stood up and called the waiter. After explaining the situation, the two quickly went to the designated location.

It was an abandoned factory. Under the cover of night, it looked even more gloomy and lonely.

When they arrived, they saw that the door of the factory was half-closed. Through the crack of the door, they could see that it was pitch black inside, as if some unknown secret was hidden.

Li Yin didn't hesitate. Since it was a job assigned by the Abnormal Bureau, it must have been confirmed that there was an abnormality. She directly summoned the axe and walked in.

The factory was very quiet. Except for their footsteps, almost no other sound could be heard.

Ning Zhu turned on the flashlight and scanned the surrounding corners, while Li Yin checked the cell phone signal.

But she frowned and found that there was nothing unusual.

"The person who called the police was a homeless anchor. He usually pretended to be a homeless person in the factory and played misery to attract viewers. When he was live today, he suddenly heard footsteps in the factory. He thought it was another homeless person. Just as he was about to go and see, he heard a terrified scream. He didn't dare to go out, so he secretly took a look and saw a person standing downstairs. The person opened his mouth and seemed to eat the person on the ground!"

Ning Zhu finished reading, always feeling a little confused.

A ghost that eats people? She has been learning from her father for so long, and she has never heard of any ghost that eats people.

Is it really a ghost?

Touching her body,

I didn't bring the iron plate. If I can't find it, I'll go back and get it. My home is not far from here.

At this time, she thought of a question, pulled the girl in front of her, and asked doubtfully: "Li Yin, if you hold the axe in your hand, will the ghost dare to come out?"

Li Yin was stunned, and her tense nerves relaxed.

These two days, events have occurred one after another, and even she didn't notice that her mentality has changed.

She would definitely not ignore such details in the past.

It seems that the Linhai University incident still has some impact on me...

After taking back the axe, the two came to the location pointed by the anchor and looked at it with a flashlight, but no blood was found.

"It's strange, if someone was really eaten, there should be blood here." Li Yin frowned and looked around, trying to find clues that might be left behind.

However, this abandoned factory seemed to have been forgotten by time, with dust and cobwebs everywhere, and no new traces.

Ning Zhu didn't take it seriously. His father had experienced such things countless times before.

Maybe you can run out more than 20 times a month, and you can only encounter ghosts once or twice, or even not once, all of them are fake.

Li Yin took out her mobile phone again and checked it. There was still a signal.

She now has two guesses, one is that she called the police falsely; the other is that the ghost here is a hateful ghost, and it needs some triggering conditions to appear.

She took out the axe and waved it around. If it was a ghost, it would definitely be scared and run away directly.

Unfortunately, it didn't.

It seems that it was really a mistake. Let's go back and continue eating barbecue.

Just as they turned around and prepared to leave the abandoned factory, footsteps suddenly came from outside the door.

The two of them were instantly alert and looked outside the door.

Facing the moonlight, a figure slowly walked into the gate of the abandoned factory. He was wearing shabby clothes and his face was covered with dust. He looked like a real homeless man.

And he was dragging another person in his hand.

The moment he saw the two people, the man suddenly widened his eyes, and his eyes were dark, as if swallowing all the light like an abyss.

Li Yin attacked instantly, throwing a fire axe over and directly hitting the man's head. Another axe appeared at the monster's side with her, and the arm was surrounded by starlight, instantly splitting the man in two.

So weak.

Li Yin looked down, but saw that the body on the ground did not disappear, and no energy appeared.

Bright red blood gushed out of the wound, instantly dyeing the surrounding ground red, and the man's eyes were still looking up, looking at Li Yin.

This is actually the same as the corpse of an ordinary human.

Li Yin frowned and turned to look in the direction of Ning Zhu.

Ning Zhu was stunned when she started, and there was no sound until the man became a corpse.

"Azhu, what's wrong with you?" Li Yin walked quickly to her side and asked worriedly.

Ning Zhu stared blankly ahead, looking at the man lying on the ground, his eyes were filled with fear and despair, and he murmured to himself: "Mom... Mom..."

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