The old man was very angry.

Hearing Ning Zhu's words, Li Yin's brows immediately frowned.

Looking back at the direction of the corpse, the man's face was still clearly visible, and it had nothing to do with the "mother" in Zhu's mouth.

What made her feel even more strange was that there was no colorful light band floating above this person's head.

Even Zhang Xingwen, the liaison, and the clone created by Professor Fang with an unknown ability, who were transformed people, had light bands, but the person in front of him did not.

This just proved that she had not killed him by mistake.

Turning around, holding Ning Zhu's hand, she injected a trace of energy into his body, slowly dispelling the fear and uneasiness in her heart.

Ning Zhu's eyes gradually became clear, but still a little confused. She looked up at Li Yin, her voice trembling: "Li Yin, I... I just saw it..."

Li Yin continued to control the energy to penetrate her body. Although it would cause some pain, it could effectively dispel the negative state.

"Azhu, what did you see? Speak slowly, don't be anxious."

Li Yin comforted her softly. She could feel the fear in Ning Zhu's heart, which was an emotion she had never seen in her.

Ning Zhu took a deep breath and forced down the uneasiness, but there was still some fear in her eyes when she looked at the corpse.

"Just now, I saw my mother, carrying the person on the ground and walked in. She was covered in blood, her body was extremely uncoordinated, and you could even see the torn wounds on her body! Just like... when my mother was torn apart by ghosts. It was just forcibly spliced ​​together to become a monster..."

At the end, Ning Zhu's voice was filled with tears, and tears flowed down involuntarily.

Li Yin's heart sank, and she immediately understood why Ning Zhu was afraid. The scene in front of her undoubtedly reminded her of the past that she could not bear to look back on, the night when her mother was brutally killed by ghosts.

She had not experienced it herself, but she could imagine how deep the fear and despair would be.

"Azhu, that's just your illusion," Li Yin tried to keep her voice calm, hoping to comfort the girl beside her with her emotions: "There is no mother or ghosts here, there are only abnormal situations we are dealing with."

Although she said this, she keenly noticed the abnormality.

This man's ability seems to be... exactly the same as the man tied up in the operating room described in Professor Fang's memory.

It can become the most feared thing in people's hearts.

People who are afraid of death see themselves after death, people who are afraid of spiders see spiders with human skin, and people who love their wives see their wives who have been killed and skinned.

In Azhu's heart, the scene of her mother being brutally killed by ghosts to protect her when she was a child has always been a nightmare in her heart.

So what is he? Why is he here?

It looked like it was not a ghost, nor a person possessed by a ghost.

After she killed it, no energy appeared, just like she had really killed a person.

But if it was a person, why didn't the light band appear? This was the first time she encountered such a situation.

More importantly, it didn't seem to be afraid of her axe.

Li Yin had two guesses in her mind at this time.

First, it was something like a fish monster, a special creature, perhaps related to the All-Knowing God Church, or it could be a high-level cult like Li Jichao; second, it was a god believed in by the All-Knowing God Church, and it projected its will onto the person in front of it. Shen Cheng died, so the person possessed became him. Because the original body was not here, and it was very powerful, it didn't react to her axe with fear.

As for whether those gods would be afraid of her axe, Li Yin didn't know, and she hadn't tried it.

Looking at Ning Zhu again, the fear in her body had gradually subsided, but the confusion and uneasiness in her eyes still existed.

She walked slowly to the man's body, looked at his face carefully, kicked it again, and confirmed that it was not the familiar face in her memory, and that he was dead, then she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Li Yin, what on earth is he? Why does he look so much like a human?"

Li Yin knew what she was thinking and shrugged: "It can't be a human, otherwise I would have seen his memory a long time ago."


Ning Zhu leaned over and fiddled with the person being dragged by the man. It was a woman in her thirties. There was no obvious external injury on her body, and her breathing was normal. She just fainted.

Looking at the body again, Ning Zhu always felt that it was like a criminal trying to violate a woman, and was controlled by

The scene of the stop.

Li Yin took out her cell phone and called Xie Yunxiao, telling her where she was and asking her to bring the Abnormal Bureau over immediately.

Xie Yunxiao was sitting outside the underground sealed room chatting with Yu Yuner at this time. Seeing that it was her comrade-in-arms who called, she immediately put in her full attention and listened to her description.

No one at the scene knew Li Yin's strength better than her. Since she took the initiative to find her, she might have encountered a big thing.

After listening to Li Yin's story, she called a passing clerk to inquire about it and immediately took the matter seriously.

Asked someone to take the homeless anchor to the abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city, and she set off first and rushed to the factory as quickly as possible.

Looking at the man who was dismembered on the ground, Xie Yunxiao did not despise him at all, but after checking it, he looked up suspiciously in the direction of Li Yin.

This is clearly a person, the body of an ordinary person, without any abnormality.

"Why didn't you spare his life? It would be good to get some information."

Li Yin spread her hands helplessly: "I didn't expect him to be so fragile. He died after being chopped once."

Xie Yunxiao muttered softly: "Who wouldn't die after being chopped by your axe?"

Li Yin could only laugh dryly. She really didn't stop. The feeling of full firepower and punching in the morning was a bit too much, so she hasn't recovered yet.

While the people from the Abnormal Bureau haven't arrived yet, she briefly told Xie Yunxiao about the scene she saw in Professor Fang's mind at that time. Of course, she didn't say that she was peeking at the memory, but said that she found the information on him.

After listening to Li Yin's story, Xie Yunxiao's face gradually became solemn: "You mean, he might be a humanoid creature? Or is he possessed by something? Is he possessed? Can't you see it after killing him?"

Li Yin shook his head: "Only the ability has been removed, and there is no other change."

Xie Yunxiao turned over his eyelids and fiddled with his eyeballs with his fingers, but did not see any black marks on them.

He asked curiously: "You said he has the ability to make people see fear, aren't you affected?"

Li Yin shook his head: "I was affected, didn't his eyes turn black?"

Xie Yunxiao realized how stupid he was to fiddle with his eyeballs just now, and rubbed his fingers against the wall at that time.

Outside the factory, the car of the Abnormal Bureau stopped on the road with a roar, and walked in quickly with the anchor.

When he saw the man who was dismembered on the ground, he let out an extremely piercing scream. The whole factory seemed to be shocked by his scream, and even the air around him seemed to freeze for a moment.

"Ah! Murder!"

The staff member next to him kicked him immediately, making him quiet down.

Xie Yunxiao picked up the man's split head, pointed at the face and asked: "Is that him you saw?"

The anchor resisted the urge to run away and nodded: "It's him! It's him!"

He picked up the woman's head again, pointed at her face and asked: "Where's the other person, is it her?"

The anchor shook his head: "No, I remember it was a young man."

Xie Yunxiao looked at Li Yin, who shook his head slightly: "No body was found in the factory, and there were no signs of murder."

"Is that so?"

She instructed the staff of the Abnormal Bureau next to her: "Please ask a few cooperating police officers to take him over to draw a memory puzzle of the witnesses to see if they can find the trace of the missing young man."

In addition, we have to find the hospital that Li Yin mentioned, and the man named Shen Cheng.

This aspect has to be handed over to the police. If it is a person who has disappeared recently, there will be records there.

Xie Yunxiao waved his hand: "Okay, I'll take this person away. You guys go back and rest. I'll contact you if there's any situation."

Li Yin pointed at the unconscious woman and reminded: "Pay more attention to her. If I guess correctly, maybe the monster has moved to her."

Xie Yunxiao nodded seriously: "Thank you for the reminder. I will escort her personally and we'll know after testing it at the Abnormal Bureau."

After that, she took a group of people from the office, took the body and the unconscious woman, got in the car and left in a hurry.

Li Yin held Ning Zhu's hand and leaned against her: "Let's go, let's go back and have barbecue."

Ning Zhu was a little surprised: "Can you still eat?"

Li Yin put her hands on her waist: "Of course I can eat!"

Ning Zhu was a little helpless. Her girlfriend's adaptability was really strong. She just killed a monster that looked like a human, and blood was sprayed all over the wall. She turned around and went to eat barbecue as if nothing had happened, which made her a little amused.

"Then let's go. I think they've already been roasted. I hope they haven't been taken away."

She held Li Yin's hand again.

Very tight, from the tone of pretending to be calm, Li Yin still heard a trace of uneasiness.

"Azhu, are you still thinking about the previous hallucination? It's all over. That's not our mother, it's just an illusion created by the monster."

Ning Zhu sighed, "But... if mom becomes a ghost, it should be like that, right? Li Yin, tell me. Will she hate me?"

"Silly girl, don't think so much, how could mom hate you? She tried her best to protect you behind her."

Ning Zhu let out a faint sob from the tip of her nose: "Well, I know, I know... But, I always feel a little uneasy in my heart. Li Yin, I always feel like something is going to happen."

Li Yin stopped and gently hugged her head: "Don't think so much, I'm here, no matter what happens, I will be with you."

Ning Zhu smiled, she really felt that standing behind Li Yin's thin back, she seemed to have endless courage and strength.

Walking back to the barbecue stall, the night deepened, and the shadows under the street lights stretched out very long. Li Yin could feel Ning Zhu's trembling. She gently patted her back, trying to soothe her inner anxiety.

In front of the barbecue stall, the charcoal fire was burning, and the aroma of food filled the air with smoke.

The two came back just in time. The table was already filled with a variety of skewers, and the aroma was mouth-watering.

Li Yin pulled Ning Zhu to sit down, asked the boss to bring two more bottles of soda, and prepared to enjoy this rare quiet time.

However, quiet time is always short.

Li Yin just picked up a skewer of barbecue and was about to bite it, when suddenly, her phone vibrated.

Glancing at the screen, it was Xie Yunxiao's call.

Her heart tightened, realizing that an accident might have happened, and she picked up the phone: "Hello, this is Li Yin."

Xie Yunxiao's hurried voice came from the other end of the phone: "Li Yin, something happened! The unconscious woman suddenly woke up and showed the same ability as the man in the car! Everyone who came with me was affected and had a car accident. I'm afraid you guessed it right."

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