After breakfast, the two went to a nearby supermarket to buy what they needed, and then went straight to the hospital.

The hospital has now been taken over by the Abnormal Bureau and the army. It is heavily guarded and outsiders must undergo strict inspection and registration before entering.

Captain Chen was called and brought to the hospital with the two.

The atmosphere here is not depressing, because no trace of suspected polluters has been found among the isolated people, which makes everyone feel relieved.

Li Yin was a little confused: "Is this place under control now? Are Tingting's parents in there?"

Captain Chen nodded: "Because Sun Tingting's situation is special and no signs of contamination were found, she is now receiving treatment in the outpatient department. We mainly blocked the inpatient department to prevent the appearance of contaminated people or abnormal creatures. Sun Tingting's parents have come and are taking care of her in the ward."

Ning Zhu asked curiously: "How are you going to end the incident at Linhai University yesterday? Tens of thousands of people died. This is already a disaster-level event."

Captain Chen sighed: "It is indeed a big problem. The higher-ups are also very distressed about this matter, and it seems that they can no longer cover it up. There are many rumors circulating on the Internet now, saying that some mysterious force caused this incident, and the discussion is very high. We can only try our best to suppress the heat. It is impossible to suppress it completely."

"Does the official want to take the opportunity to make the facts public?"

"There are some such ideas, but more are opposed. I also think it is not the right time."

"Captain Chen, I heard that you came back from Yunan City? The situation there is better than Linhai University?"

A trace of fear flashed in Chen Jinze's eyes, and he shook his head and said, "No, it is much worse than Linhai University. That city no longer exists. There are several perfect controllers in charge, so the situation has not escalated."

"Then how did you cover it up?"

"I don't know the details. I heard that the top leaders used some means and paid a considerable price. Didn't you find one thing? If others don't mention Yunan City, you can't remember the place name yourself."

Li Yin shrugged, not feeling that way, but Ning Zhu nodded. She did feel that the name was a little strange, as if she had never heard it in the news or daily communication.

This made her feel an inexplicable chill, as if the existence of the city had been covered by some force and became a blind spot in human memory.

She had heard in the restaurant before that Ambinia, Barbuda, and Antigua, three once prosperous countries, have now disappeared in history without even a trace.

This is more terrifying than the means of hiding Yunan City.

Li Yin also thought so. If such means were used in Linhai University, the effect would only be better than Yunan City.

Because Linhai University has completely disappeared from the map, leaving only a scorched earth. By then, no one will remember that there was a century-old institution here.

However, she did not think that the authorities would use this method. After all, Captain Chen said that the cost of using this method is extremely high. Compared with a city, a school is still insignificant.

The three came to the ward where Sun Tingting was. Through the glass, Li Yin could see the middle-aged man standing by the window and the middle-aged woman with a haggard face holding her daughter's hand tightly in front of the bed.

Sun Tingting was lying on the bed, her eyes tightly closed, her face expressionless, as if she was just sleeping, but she had been sleeping for a day and a night. No matter what method the doctor used, he could not wake her up, and even did not find out the specific reason for her coma.

The current situation is only slightly better than Professor Zhang.

It has not reached the level of brain death, but it is not far away. The doctors are helpless and can only hope that she can wake up by herself.

Li Yin knocked on the door and walked in with the things in her hands.

Seeing the three people coming in, Sun Tingting's parents were a little surprised and stood up quickly.

They knew Captain Chen. Captain Chen was the most powerful person in the entire hospital isolation area, and he was also very concerned about their daughter's affairs. They were full of gratitude to Captain Chen in their hearts.

As for Li Yin and Ning Zhu, who were carrying various gifts, they did not know each other.

Li Yin first put the things he brought on the ground, and then introduced his identity with a smile.

Hearing that it was their daughter's roommate, a trace of sadness flashed across the faces of the couple.

"Tingting doesn't usually talk to her family about school.

"I just said that I made a few good friends at school. I didn't expect that you would still come to see her after this accident." Sun Tingting's mother wiped the tears from her eyes, her voice choked.

"Auntie, don't be sad, everything will be fine." Li Yin comforted Sun Tingting's mother and showed them the things she brought one by one: "These are some daily necessities and nutritional supplements we prepared. I hope they can help Tingting's recovery."

Sun Tingting's father looked at the things on the ground and his eyes were red: "Thank you, thank you so much. Tingting is usually a very sensible child and never worries the family. I didn't expect that she would encounter such a big thing this time."

Sun Tingting's mother wiped her tears and asked: "Child, such a big thing happened at school, you are not injured, right? There should be another roommate, nothing happened. "

Li Yin knew that she had also considered Ah Zhu as her roommate. She was very clear about this issue, but she could not say it.

Because she did not know how Captain Chen and his team explained the incident to the families of the victims, she was afraid that it would affect the official arrangements.

Captain Chen was silent for a moment, and then said: "They, died..."

Hearing this, Sun Tingting's mother's tears fell all of a sudden.

Even though she did not know those children, they were all young lives as old as her daughter, and they disappeared so suddenly. The grief in her heart could not be described in words.

Li Yin came to Sun Tingting's side , sitting on the stool, holding her other hand.

Quietly injecting a trace of energy into her body.

Just like waking up Ning Zhu who was in fear last night, trying to wake up Sun Tingting's mind.

But no matter how the energy stimulated her body, the girl lying on the bed did not respond at all.

Even in Li Yin's feeling, the person lying on the bed was not a living person at all. The doctor's low brain activity was still too conservative. What's the difference between this and brain death?

But in the hospital examination, Sun Tingting's brain was normal. Except for the abnormally low activity, there was no sign of disease or injury, which made all the doctors feel to the point of being helpless.

Her condition was like she had fallen into a deep sleep and could not be awakened no matter what.

Li Yin smiled and comforted Sun Tingting's parents on the surface, but her heart was full of doubts.

Yesterday morning, she was still fine when she was found. On the way out of the school, she was still crying and talking about the dormitory and school. She was worried about such a big thing happening in the school. If she didn't go to school, how would she face her parents.

But she fainted as soon as she was sent out of the school, without any signs at all.

Could it be related to the stone slab? Sun Tingting was also contaminated, but the degree was mild, so she was only in a coma and did not show any further symptoms. deterioration?

She didn't know, because she didn't come into contact with many polluters, so she couldn't draw a conclusion.

After sitting in the ward for twenty minutes, Li Yin stood up and prepared to leave. She didn't want to disturb Sun Tingting's parents for too long, so that they could spend more time with their daughter.

She once again expressed her concern and blessings to Sun Tingting's parents, hoping that Sun Tingting could wake up soon.

After leaving the ward, the three walked out of the hospital gate, the sun shone on them, but it couldn't take away the heaviness in their hearts.

There was no one around, Li Yin stopped and turned to Chen Jinze and asked: "Captain Chen, among those who escaped from Linhai University, are there any similar situations to Tingting?"

Chen Jinze shook his head: "No, except for Sun Tingting who was in a coma, everyone else is normal."

"What about those affected people in the Abnormal Bureau? ”

She heard about this from the Abnormal Bureau. Yesterday, several investigators on duty outside Linhai University accidentally saw the secondary pollution source and were affected, but their specific situation is unknown.

Chen Jinze sighed: "In the first few hours, they struggled very violently, and they were still shouting about research, fame, etc. But after being controlled, their emotions gradually stabilized, but they were still in a trance. We tried various methods, including drugs and psychological counseling, but the effect was not obvious. They are now like living in their own world, and their reactions to everything in the outside world are very slow. "

"Is there no coma?"


"I know..."

After saying goodbye to Captain Chen, the two walked hand in hand on the road. Li Yin was still thinking about Sun Tingting's question, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find a reasonable explanation.

"Azhu, do you think there is a situation like the one in the novel where the soul is hooked away?"

Ning Zhu smiled and shook her head: "I don't know. No one can prove that the soul exists, so it can't be proved that it doesn't exist. ”


Take out your hand

He took the phone and sent another message to Xie Yunxiao, asking her to send him a list of Linhai University survivors.

There was no reply right away, but not long after, the list was sent to her mobile phone.

There are two paragraphs sent together.

"The story you mentioned, Shen Cheng's wife said it was not her, and she doesn't know the Linhai Monster Talk Forum."

"We have already found the protagonist of the Smiling Man story and the photographer, but the two said that they are friends and that the photo was taken just for fun and to amuse netizens."

When reading these two paragraphs, Li Yin felt a little dizzy.

She finally came up with two clues, but they were all broken as soon as she checked them, which made her feel helpless.

"Are you sure Shen Cheng's wife is not lying?"

"We are not sure, so we have contacted the official of Linhai Monster Talk Forum and asked them to check in the background. But the problem is that at the same time as Linhai University happened, cultists lurking in the company deleted the database and are now hurrying up to restore it. , it will take a while.”

Li Yin only felt that this cultist was really loyal.

Your boss took the initiative to reveal his previous arrangements and sought death. Are you still thinking of hiding the secret?

"How long will it take?"

"It will take three or four days at least. I've arranged for people to keep an eye on it here. I'll let you know as soon as there is any news." The message from Xie Yunxiao was concise and clear.

"By the way, there is one more thing. The time to escort Su Ji has been advanced. We will leave at ten o'clock tonight."

Li Yin seemed to have guessed something and asked, "A notice from above?"


"Did you decide it yourself? Does the higher-ups know?"

"I don't know. I'll inform them later."

"You doubt..."

Xie Yunxiao was silent for a while before sending a reply: "Don't make wild guesses. I just have something to do and have to go back early. Are you okay tonight? If something happens, I can arrange for a postponement."

Li Yin thought for a moment: "It's okay, just ten o'clock."


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