The driver looked at the two of them with some surprise, and nodded with a smile: "Okay, fasten your seat belts, we'll leave now." The car started slowly, and Li Yin looked down at the list. There were more than 300 people, and only six of them were people she knew. Sun Tingting was one of them, the instructor of her college, and a classmate from a nearby dormitory. What surprised her most was that three people in the dormitory next door survived, the three people who gathered together to chat on the day she delivered cherries. The only person who died was the one doing research. He was also the only person in their dormitory who was not from Linhai. Was it related to her death? As soon as this idea came up, she rejected it immediately.

Lu Qing and Wang Yue in her dormitory were both locals in Linhai and were polluted. Sun Tingting was from another province, but nothing happened.

It can be seen that this rule does not exist.

However, there were three people in the dormitory next door who were not affected by the pollution. Although it is a bit unfair to treat them as suspects because of this kind of thing, it is really a bit too coincidental.

Do they have anything in common?

Ning Zhu on the side also held her mobile phone. She searched for No. 221 Huajie Road on the browser. The location that popped up was in the suburbs, but Huajie Road was much more prosperous than the area where her house was located.

The house price is naturally not cheap.

My girlfriend is a small rich woman!

No, wait... cough cough, sorry.

The car quickly stopped at the gate of the community. Li Yin paid the money and got out of the car. Looking at this still quiet community, she suddenly felt as if she was in another world.

It has been almost two months since I came back. In these two months, so many things have happened around me, as if the whole world has changed.

But at this moment, standing at the gate of this familiar community, Li Yin felt an inexplicable sense of security in her heart.

Holding Ning Zhu's hand, they walked into the community. They didn't speak along the way, just walked silently. Li Yin stopped until she reached the familiar door and knocked on the door habitually.

When she heard the familiar voice, she came back to her senses, took out the key silently, and opened the door.

Although her parents are not often at home, this is their family of three after all, and it is the place where she grew up.

In the past, she knew in her heart that as long as this house was there, her home was still there, and her parents would come back here one day no matter how long they left.

But... now, when she stepped into this familiar space again, she felt a heavy feeling in her heart.

Looking around, nothing has changed. The layout of the house, the books and photos on the desk, the portraits on the wall, and the decorations carefully selected by her mother are all still in place.

But this tranquility made Li Yin feel an unprecedented loneliness and solitude.

Ning Zhu seemed to feel her emotions and gently held her hand.

Li Yin turned her head and looked at the girl with a sweet smile beside her. A warm current surged in her heart, and the loneliness was also washed away a lot.

She was no longer alone, and Ah Zhu was her new family.

The two walked into the house. No one had lived in it for two months, and the room was filled with a faint smell of dust.

Li Yin looked around, and the familiar furniture and furnishings stayed quietly in place, as if telling the past years. She walked to the window and gently opened the window to let fresh air flow into the room and take away the old smell.

Ning Zhu looked at the decoration in the house curiously.

The first feeling this house gave her was simple and high-end!

From the living room to the kitchen, it all revealed a postmodern style of beauty. Those exquisite decorations and furniture are unique, which conforms to modern aesthetics and tastes.

Especially the sofa in the middle of the living room, with smooth lines and perfect color matching, people can feel the low-key luxury of the owner at a glance.

It is much better than my own home.

Ning Zhu picked up the photo on the table and looked at it carefully. The family of three smiled brightly, especially Li Yin in the photo, whose face was full of youth and vitality, and her bright eyes flashed with expectations for the future.

It is quite different from her now.

After all, after experiencing such things, no one can be as naive as before.

"Li Yin, can I go to your room to see?"

Li Yin, who was peeing in the toilet, replied without thinking: "Go, it's the one with my name on it."


Got it. "

Ning Zhu ran to the room inside with joy. She thought it would be a cute doorplate, but all she saw was a piece of paper taped to the door with the words "Li Yin" written on it.

She felt that it was not as good as a subsidy, it was quite ugly...

Pushing the door open, the expected girl's boudoir did not appear, but a tidy and almost empty room.

A landscape painting hung on the wall, adding a bit of elegance to the room.

There was a desk near the window, on which some books and stationery were neatly placed. , and the bookshelf next to it is full of books, ranging from literature to technology, from art to philosophy.

The bed is covered with light blue sheets and the quilt is neatly folded. It can be seen that the owner is a very organized person.

Ning Zhu thought she had entered the wrong room, so she went back and took a look. Only after confirming that it was written on the door that it was indeed Li Yin did she dare to return.

But this bedroom is too much like a boy's room, right? There is nothing girly, not even a doll.

The Li Yin she imagined The room should be pink and tender, full of star lights and all kinds of cute decorations.

Why is it more plain than my bedroom?

Puzzled, I came to the desk and picked up the photo frame on it to take a look.

The girl on it was much younger than the one in the living room, probably only eleven or twelve years old. She stood by and made a scissor hand gesture, smiling a little silly. Next to her was a man and a woman hugging each other, who looked like the younger version of Li Yin's parents.

Staring at Li Yin's silly little face, I liked her more and more.

She was so cute when she was a child, but a little silly.

I took out my phone and saved the photos in the album, and then continued to walk around the room. Seeing the only cabinet, Ning Zhu opened the door with some curiosity.

After seeing the tape and paper at the door and the simplicity of the room, she no longer had any fantasies about the cabinet.

But when she really saw it, she couldn't help but be stunned.

Wow, why is there a cabinet full of men's clothes?

Did I really enter the wrong room?

Thinking of this, she shouted to the outside of the door: "Li Yin, are you sure this is your room? Why don't I think so? "

Li Yin, who was flushing the toilet, reacted immediately after hearing this.

Oh no! The clothes in that closet are all my old ones. How can they look like me now?

I rushed over and saw Ning Zhu had already opened the closet and was looking inside.

Li Yin's heart tightened and she hurried forward to try to block her face, but it was too late.

She could only smile awkwardly: "Haha, this, I was indeed more neutral when I was a child and liked to wear men's clothes. Later, I changed and forgot to pack them up."

Ning Zhu took out a piece and compared it to Li Yin: "You can't wear this either. You can fit two of you in it, right?"

Li Yin stood on tiptoe and tried to stick her head out from behind the clothes: "Oh, this... this is my father's old clothes. He couldn't put them in his room, so he hung them here. "

Ning Zhu was a little confused. Looking at the style of the clothes, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Dad... Uncle's style is quite avant-garde. This doesn't look like what he would wear at his age, right?"

After saying that, he hung the clothes back and flipped through them again: "Is this really your room? Why aren't your clothes there?"

Li Yin has calmed down now and made up a lie: "Aren't you going to live on campus? So you took them all to the dormitory. Wait, I don't have any clothes to change now? I have to go to Beijing tomorrow, what should I wear?"

Ning Zhu's attention was immediately attracted by this topic, and he also felt that the most urgent thing was to take Li Yin to buy clothes, and hurriedly asked: "Is there any larger shopping mall nearby? I'll take you to buy clothes in the afternoon. There are still a lot to buy."

"I remember there is, let's go shopping later."

"By the way, didn't you say you wanted to get something when you came back? Did you find it? "

Speaking of this...

Li Yin picked up the photo frame beside her, unwrapped it, and revealed the photo of herself and her parents. She held it in her hand and gently rubbed the edge of the photo.

"This is it, and the one in the living room. Take them away, that's enough."

Ning Zhu was a little surprised, but not surprised.

Softly asked: "Will you not come back in the future?"

Li Yin nodded: "I will live with you in the future, and I will rarely come back, and..."

And looking at everything familiar at home, it always reminds her of the desperate day three months ago. It's better to stay away from here.

Ning Zhu didn't say anything, but just gently hugged the girl's body and gave her a silent comfort.

But not long after, she felt that the girl in her arms began to move. She lowered her head and saw the pouting little mouth trying to get close to her mouth.

This made her face on the spot


Mainly, Li Yin was holding a photo of her parents in her hand. The couple's smiling face always gave her the feeling that they were looking at her.

A bit embarrassing...

Just when she was hesitating whether to kiss, the door was suddenly knocked, and a woman's voice came in: "Is Xiao Li back? I'm Aunt Huang."

Hearing the voice, Ning Zhu quickly pushed Li Yin away and stood aside with a red face.

Li Yin felt a little pity, but she could only open the door.

Outside the door, Aunt Huang was carrying a basket of vegetables, smiling: "I just came back from buying vegetables, and I heard people downstairs say they saw you. I thought you haven't been back for so long, so I came to see you. Xiao Li went to college, right? How is your study? Are you tired?"

Hearing these familiar greetings, Li Yin's heart was filled with warmth, as if time had gone back a few months ago, when she was going home from school.

Aunt Huang didn't know that she was admitted to Linhai University. Maybe in her impression, even if such a big thing happened in Linhai, it had nothing to do with the people around her.

Li Yin didn't plan to say it, just nodded: "Not tired, much easier than high school."

Auntie Huang smiled, her eyes full of love: "That's good, that's good. Xiao Li, are you on vacation? Are you going to stay at home for a few more days?"

Li Yin shook her head: "No, Auntie Huang, I just came to get something, I have to leave soon."

"Why are you in such a hurry? It's noon now. Let's eat before leaving. Auntie will make you your favorite ribs."

"No, Auntie Huang, don't bother, we have to hurry back to school."

Li Yin looked back at Ning Zhu and saw that she was going to the bathroom. Suddenly, she leaned close to Auntie Huang's ear and asked in a low voice.

"Auntie, let me ask you one more question. In your impression, was I a boy or a girl?"

Auntie Huang's eyes were filled with doubt: "Of course I was a girl. I watched you grow up. In the past, you always wore boys' clothes and had short hair, like a tomboy. But Xiao Li, you are so beautiful that you can tell at a glance that you are a girl. You are the little princess of our community."

Little princess or something...

Even if Li Yin is so thick-skinned, her face can't help but blush when she hears this word.

But this is a bit strange. Professor Fang, Officer Liu, and the diary left by my childhood friend can show that they have a little impression of their previous gender.

But why can't I remember anything when I come to Auntie Huang, who is the most familiar with me?

Is it related to the degree of contact with me? Professor Fang and Officer Liu have not had much contact with me. From Auntie Huang's mouth, I can learn that in her impression, I was dressed in a neutral style when I was a child. In addition, as a primary school student, it is normal for my childhood friend not to distinguish the gender.

What about other people in the community?

What secrets are hidden behind her current appearance?

Li Yin sighed, and the bad guess in her mind came to her mind again.

It was not done by the cult. Thinking of Wang Ji and Xu Hui who were suspected of being possessed by something last night, she always felt that what happened to her was unusual.

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