After a while, they went to bed and had a good time.

At about seven in the evening, the two of them returned to the office with large and small bags of clothes. Ning Zhu tidied up his wardrobe and hung Li Yin's clothes one by one.

He opened the drawer again and saw that it was a little full, but he couldn't leave it because his bedroom was so small.

He could only squeeze in and put the newly bought underwear on the side.

Li Yin watched from the side, her eyes full of happiness.

This will be her home from now on, and she can put her clothes in this warm drawer at will. She can fall asleep with the person she likes every day, and see her smile the first thing she sees when she wakes up in the morning. This feeling is so wonderful.

After Ning Zhu finished packing the clothes, he looked up at Li Yin and couldn't help but smile when he saw her happy face.

"What are you looking at? Come and pack your clothes. Put away the ones you want to wear."

This sentence made Li Yin feel dazed for a moment, as if she had returned to her old home, where her mother was packing things and scolding her for not knowing how to clean the house.

But now, she can clean the house very cleanly, but they are no longer alive...

Looking at the doting smile of the girl in front of her, the smile on Li Yin's mouth gradually widened.

She lay down on the bed and couldn't get up: "It's okay, aren't you here, Azhu? Azhu will help me get any clothes I need."

"Are you a child? Get up and pack!" She told her to do it herself, but she didn't stop, unpacking the clothes one by one and hanging them up.

At the same time, she marked them and prepared to wash them all when she came back.

After hanging the clothes, Ning Zhu found a small suitcase, put some clothes in it, and took some necessary toiletries, snacks and water.

Although Li Yin's new clothes were not washed yet and were not clean, she had nothing else to change into, so she could only take them and wait until she got there.

After packing these, she thought about it again, ran downstairs to get some props made by her father and put them in the box, including various metal props.

Anyway, it's not a passenger plane, so there should be no need to go through security check, right?

Is there a special plane when you come back? If not, just mail it back, no problem!

Although the combat power that she can exert now exceeds these props, strength and ability are two different concepts. Many of the effects that her own props can exert are beyond her strength.

Take it with you, maybe it will be useful.

Li Yin looked at the props and asked curiously: "Azhu, how are you learning with our dad now? Can you make these props?"

Ning Zhu shook her head helplessly: "No, my family has too many things, and it takes a long time to learn. Now I can activate and use it, but I can't make it."

And she is not sure whether it can really be made.

Her strength comes from the energy passed on to her by Li Yin, and her talent for family methods has not improved.

"Is that so..." Li Yin looked at the pile of props: "By the way, Azhu, can the wood chip last time be used to make props?"

She was talking about the wooden door fragment she brought out when she first entered the axe space. She didn't know if it was useful, but she still gave it to Azhu as a gift.

Speaking of this, Ning Zhu was a little happy: "It can be used! When my father got the wood chip, he said that this thing is not ordinary, and it might be possible to make the strongest peach wood sword with it."

"But that's not peach wood..." Li Yin complained.

"Haha, it's just a name. The material used for this item is not particular."

After listening to Ning Zhu's explanation, Li Yin could probably guess what was going on.

The peach wood sword has been a legend for warding off evil spirits since ancient times. The ancestor of the Ning family borrowed the name of the peach wood sword to make his wooden sword famous, but he actually didn't know the wood itself, and it has been passed down to the present.

After all, which peach wood sword used by a serious Taoist priest can swing sword energy?

"Don't forget to show it to me when it's done."

The piece of wood was brought out from the axe space, and Ning Tiannan gave it such a high evaluation. She was also very curious about what effect the finished product would produce.

"Yes, definitely."

"Oh, by the way, the scales on the table will also be handed over to our dad. I feel that it is a good material. Maybe it can be made into some powerful props."

Ning Zhu was a little confused: "What kind of creature's scales are those? Where did you get them from?"

Li Yin smiled: "Don't worry about it, anyway, it's not a small one.


After putting the last prop in place, Ning Zhu closed the box and stood up: "Let's go, let's go out and eat something. We have to meet Sister Xie later. "

Around nine o'clock, the two came downstairs of the Abnormal Bureau. Xie Yunxiao was already waiting here, and Yu Yuner was standing beside him.

This girl has officially joined the Abnormal Bureau, and she has an identity card hanging around her neck.

Now her face no longer has the despair of the day before yesterday, but is replaced by determination and expectations for the future.

Xie Yunxiao has made it clear to her that whether Su Ji can survive as a human being depends on her performance at the headquarters. Only if she shows enough value can she save her sister who has committed a heinous crime.

Having said this, Yu Yuner naturally has to do her best and dare not slack off!

In her opinion, there is only this one chance. If she misses it, she will spend the rest of her life in regret.

In addition, now she has recognized Xie Yunxiao as her elder sister. After all, these opportunities were won by Xie Yunxiao, and he is the benefactor of herself and her sister!

The few people didn't waste time and went directly to the basement to pick up people.

Ning Zhu asked a little nervously: "Are we going by a special plane? Do we need to go through security check? "Xie Yunxiao glanced at the box she was holding a funny way, and wanted to tease this cute girl, but when she thought of her relationship with Li Yin, she dispelled this dangerous idea. Otherwise, she felt like her comrades. The plane directly reached the capital without security. "

Ning Zhu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was fortunate that she would have to leave all the props in the Abnormal Bureau and wait for her father to come and pick them up.

Su Ji in the basement now looked much better, but her eyes were full of haze, and the self-blame in them almost overflowed from her eyes.

She had already heard Xie Yunxiao and Yu Yuner tell her about what happened at Linhai University, and naturally understood why the people outside the sealed room looked at her like that.

These were all her own mistakes...

Seeing Li Yin's arrival, Su Ji forced a smile on her face, but her eyes became moist, and she could not hide the guilt in her heart at all.

She wanted to say something, but her throat seemed to be blocked by something. Can't make a sound.

Li Yin sighed, asked someone to open the door of the sealing room, walked in and personally untied her hands and feet, and then gently hugged this gentle senior.

Because she had seen Professor Fang's memory, she felt particularly distressed about Su Ji's experience.

There are both perpetrators and victims.

She didn't know anything, but those lives that were lost were all because of her, but none of them were done by her. From beginning to end, the identity played by the senior was not even a puppet.

And the people who really committed these crimes are now dead, and the mastermind behind the scenes is also...

Wait, where is the mastermind behind the scenes?

Li Yin turned her head and looked at Xie Yunxiao: "The nurse Fang you caught, aren't you going to take him with you?"

Xie Yunxiao waved his hand, and several fighters from the Abnormal Bureau dragged a broken hand and foot, and sealed his mouth and eyes and stood in front of the sealing room.

"Here, this is it, pack it together and take it there, the people over there are quite interested in him. "

Li Yin looked at its miserable appearance, but she had no sympathy in her heart.

Since this guy didn't treat others as human beings from the bottom of his heart, and didn't treat himself as a human being, why should she sympathize with it?

He turned around and helped Su Ji up, and walked out of the sealing room slowly.

When Uncle Ye arrived, several people came to the open space at the back to take a helicopter. With the roar of the rotor, they slowly took off and flew towards the nearby military area.

Li Yin sat in the cabin, holding Su Ji's hand tightly, giving her silent comfort.

Transferring to a military aircraft in the military area, without the noise of the rotor, the atmosphere in the cabin became much quieter.

Su Ji was chatting with Yu Yuner, and they seemed to have endless things to say.

The smile on Yu Yuner's face was the same as before. Wu Er did not change because of the mistakes made by his sister. Looking at her smile, Su Ji also temporarily put aside his inner anxiety, but the guilt always lingered in his heart.

She had already thought about it. No matter what was waiting for her in the future, as long as Yuner was by her side, she would have the courage to face everything!

Li Yin also came over at this time, not knowing whether to ask this question.

After thinking about it, she still felt that she should ask: "Yuner, Professor Zhang..."

Yu Yuner's smile on her face did not change. She looked at Xie Yunxiao who was stepping on Professor Fang in front of her, and her voice was full of gratitude: "Sister Xie helped my father apply for a transfer to a better hospital in Beijing for treatment. It is convenient for me to take care of him there."

"Is that so."

It seems

The enthusiasm of her comrade-in-arms was really consistent.

She looked at Su Ji again and asked, "Senior, have you felt anything abnormal in your body these days? For example... abilities that you didn't have before? Tentacles or something."

Su Ji was a little confused and shook her head, "No, it's the same as before."

Li Yin stretched out her hand and placed it on her shoulder, injecting a trace of energy into her body, slowly wandering in her body, looking for something.

The last time she met Su Ji, she had already started looking for something, looking for the same thing as the crystal in Li Muyi's body.

But unfortunately, she found that Su Ji's body seemed to be exactly the same as that of an ordinary person, and there was no sign of transformation at all.

She couldn't understand what the transformation surgery in Professor Fang's memory was all about, so she could only continue to look for traces of the crystal.

At this moment, Su Ji suddenly asked: "Junior sister, do you want me to have that feeling, or not?"

Li Yin was stunned, looked down at her eyes, and then smiled slightly: "Senior sister, just tell the truth when you get there. With the current situation of the Abnormal Bureau, as long as you show enough value, I believe they will give you a chance."

Su Ji nodded gently: "Well, I know..."

Li Yin patted her shoulder, stood up, and asked Xie Yunxiao: "When can we get there?"

"One and a half hours."


Back to the seat, Li Yin summoned an axe and handed it to Ning Zhu, and at the same time instructed: "Wake me up as soon as possible if anything happens. If you are attacked, remember to stay close to Uncle Ye."

Ning Zhu was a little puzzled: "Li Yin, do you want to sleep for a while?"

"No, I want to go to the axe space to take a look."

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