The woman was fixed on the operating table at some point in the beauty salon, with a tube inserted in her mouth and several other tubes connected to other parts of her body, which looked extremely scary.

Her face was pale, her eyes were wide open, and she was full of fear.

In front of the operating table, a figure was looming in the dim light, and her face could not be seen clearly. I only felt a cold breath in the air.

The man was still whispering something that made it difficult to hear the specific content. Combined with the environment in the beauty salon and the fear emanating from the woman, the whole scene was rendered into a clip from a horror movie.

"I warned you about the price of contacting them, but why didn't you listen?"

Li Yin looked in the direction of the voice and saw a tall, thin figure who couldn't tell whether he was a man or a woman standing on the other side of the operating table, holding an unknown medical device that flashed with a cold light.

Hearing the voice, the man slowly turned his head and looked at Li Yin.

The voice was still neither male nor female, but much sharper than before: "Who are you! How dare you break in here, are you looking for death?"

The voice of the thin and tall figure sounded very angry, and he was holding a scalpel in his hand, flashing with cold light.

Seeing the man's face, Li Yin was stunned again, and a strange feeling appeared in her heart.

She didn't understand what kind of feeling this was, as if reminding her that the guy in front of her was not a human!

But it was indeed a human, with smooth skin and delicate features. Although it was covered by shadows, the human characteristics were clear at a glance.

However, his eyes were like glass beads that had lost their lives, without any emotional fluctuations; his cheeks were too thin, his cheekbones were high, like the lines carved on the mask, and too perfect.

It didn't look like a human face, but rather a plaster statue.

Li Yin understood what the strange feeling in her heart was, it was a contradiction, it was strange.

This feeling had appeared before, it was in Professor Fang's memory, when he saw Shen Cheng, the expressionless man who spoke in fear and begging for mercy.

The absurd feeling of being both human and not human, as if she was not facing a human, but another creature who was trying to imitate humans.

She was just about to take him down, but she heard the other side speak first: "Who are you! I'm asking you! You dare to break my window! You dare to break into a private house? I must call the police! If you don't compensate me for the money to repair the window, don't even think about leaving!"

Hearing this person's words, Li Yin was stunned again.

Call the police? Your home? Aren't you a monster? Shouldn't you just pounce on me and attack me? Why are you calling the police?

With a 'click', the lights in the beauty salon were turned on, illuminating the entire room, and Li Yin also saw the layout of the room clearly.

On the white operating table, various medical instruments were neatly arranged, medical posters were hung on the wall, and the air was filled with the smell of disinfectant. This place really looked like a normal beauty salon.

But the tall and thin figure looked even weirder under the light. His face looked even more unreal under the bright light, and the contradiction between human and non-human was even stronger.

Li Yin hesitated a little while holding the axe. Why did she seem to have misunderstood?

Now it seems that there is a way to explain this abnormal face. It is the technology of the neighboring Kimchi country. It is not difficult to make such a human-like face...

And she also saw that there were many mannequins in the hall behind the glass wall next to her. They were all in glass covers, wearing exquisite dresses, and there was a poster on the wall next to them.

Famous fashion designer - Ruan Qiujie.

Li Yin retracted his gaze and looked at the strange man. He turned the axe in his hand and carried it on his shoulder. He asked, "Who are you? What are you going to do to her?"

"Who am I? I'm just an ordinary person who was disturbed by you," the figure put down the scalpel, turned around, and began to work at the operating table. There was a hint of helplessness and annoyance in his voice: "Go away, you are not welcome here."

As he said, the figure slapped the woman's thigh: "Don't scream, I'll give you a free make-up, right? Yelling, it's like I'm going to kill you."

The woman heard this and stopped moving. Then she was injected with anesthetics and slowly fell asleep.

Li Yin stood in a pile of glass fragments with an axe, always feeling that he was the thug, and what was in front of him was just an ordinary operation.

"Wait, you are a beauty salon, where did you get the anesthetic?"

The figure didn't

Turning back, he continued his actions: "I have the relevant qualifications, you don't need to question it."

Li Yin still did not relax her vigilance. After all, the man in front of him just took only a moment to control the woman weighing nearly 200 kilograms and put her on the operating table.

This is obviously not the power possessed by a normal person.

Li Yin came to the operating table, ready to see what this guy was going to do.

Hearing the footsteps, the figure did not stop the action in his hands, and asked: "Are you hers? She hasn't come for such a long time, is the cooperation going to be cancelled?"

Li Yin's mind moved, nodded and said "um": "No, so I was sent to see you."

But it laughed: "Your institute still has so many broken rules. Wait until I finish the operation and take you to get it. I haven't come for a month, and my warehouse can't hold it. Go through the main door next time, okay? I didn't lock it. I'll ask her to contact me later and compensate me for the glass repair money."

Li Yin did not reply, she knew that it was a truth that too much talk leads to mistakes. Then he asked another question: "Are you a man or a woman?"

After asking this question, the figure's hand paused for a moment, and he turned to look at Li Yin. For the first time, his round eyes, which showed no emotion, showed shock: "You don't know me?"

"I should know you?"

She just laughed disdainfully: "Children are children, they don't know anything..."

Li Yin looked down at her figure and didn't refute it.

I really don't know, and I really look like a child...

"Don't you need a sterile environment for surgery? It doesn't matter if I stay here?"

"It doesn't matter, don't you want to see it? Just watch it."

Li Yin was really curious and wanted to see what liposuction surgery was like.

"I didn't see clearly just now, you are pretty, but your figure is a bit disappointing. Do you need my help?"

"Help me with what?"

"Breast augmentation. Don't worry, it's not implanted, it's very safe, and the effect is immediate, I guarantee you'll be satisfied." The figure said casually while busying himself.

Li Yin shook her head quickly: "Absolutely not! I'm fine now!"

"Don't worry, I'll give you the order for free, just be a model for me once afterwards."

"Are you a fashion designer? Have you been on the cover of a magazine?"

"Of course, you are a little girl with a lot of experience."

"By the way, are you a man or a woman?"

"I'm a girl!"


The operation began, without a scalpel to cut open the belly, and without the operation of precision instruments.

Under Li Yin's unfriendly gaze, two flesh-colored straws as thick as two fingers stretched out from one of the man's arms!

The top of the straw was serrated, like sharp teeth like a blade. One side was attached to the woman's belly, and the other side was connected to a transparent container.

There was already half a bottle of golden liquid in the container, which looked like fat.

Li Yin frowned tightly, staring at the flesh-colored straw, feeling a little disgusted.

What exactly is this woman in front of him, or this creature?

The two straws seemed to have life, moving back and forth in the woman's abdomen, and the golden liquid flowed into the container continuously.

The female anchor's belly shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, but her face became paler and paler, and even her lips lost their color.

Li Yin did not hesitate, swung the axe and cut off the straw in an instant, and then kicked it against the wall behind.

The woman's screams rang out in the beauty salon, accompanied by curses: "Ahhhh! What are you doing! You lunatic! You ruined my surgery!"

Li Yin ignored her, turned around and felt the female anchor's pulse. The pulse was still normal and she was still breathing. She turned her head to look at the woman who was trying to stand up in the corner and asked: "Tell me, who are you?"

The woman didn't seem to hear Li Yin's words clearly, and she kept screaming and cursing over there. Bright red blood flowed from her arms, staining the ground red.

"You lunatic! I just want their bodies to match my clothes! What's wrong with me! I'm going to call the police! Wait, you won't be able to leave my beauty salon today!"

Because of the lesson from the abandoned factory last time, Li Yin didn't immediately send her to the west.

Ignoring her crazy words, he walked up to her and picked her up: "Come on, take me to see the thing you mentioned. If I see you do anything unusual, don't blame me for chopping something off your body with an axe!"

The woman trembled all over when she saw the sharp axe blade, and nodded quickly: "It's in the warehouse behind..."

Li Yin carried her to a small warehouse behind the beauty salon and kicked the door open. What came into view were countless half-meter-high yellow jars filled with

It was all fat, and it was so full that it couldn't fit anymore!

Li Yin looked down at her and nodded: "You said you had a collaboration with someone from a research institute? What's her name? What's her work unit?"

The woman shrank her neck: "Her name tag says NG Biological Research Institute, and the person who asked me to buy fat is called Xu Xuan, who seems to be a researcher."

"What is she going to buy fat from you for?"

"To make soap?"

Li Yin: "..."

Why is this guy still talking nonsense when he is about to die?

"Does she know your identity?"

"Should...should know..."

Li Yin carried her and turned back to the operating room, ready to see if the female anchor was dead or not, but at this moment, the woman suddenly started yelling, her voice was still neither male nor female, and extremely harsh and unpleasant: "I didn't do anything, really! Believe me! I just use my superpowers to help them lose weight! My beauty salon has been open for six years, and I haven't hurt anyone! The police can testify for me!"

Li Yin was so annoyed by her that he reached out and knocked on her head, and the woman fainted immediately.

After doing all this, Li Yin snorted twice.

You dare to say that your two disgusting tubes are superpowers? Then what is this of mine? A miracle?

If you have anything to say, go to the Abnormal Bureau to argue.

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