After she was knocked unconscious, Li Yin realized that there was something she hadn't asked.

Who was the 'they' she had talked about with the female anchor before? The Abnormal Bureau? Or someone with disgusting superpowers like her?

However, Li Yin had another guess, that this guy was not a human, but a kind of other intelligent creature in human skin, like a fish monster.

But this woman named Ruan Qiujie's behavior was a bit strange.

She was a famous fashion designer. She said that she seemed to have opened a beauty salon here for six years, helping people like the female anchor to lose weight and adjust their body shape.

Was what she said true or false?

And that sentence, "I just want their bodies to match my clothes! What's wrong with me!" Thinking about it now, it's really deafening.

Could she really have never hurt anyone?

Li Yin came to the female anchor with a little suspicion, and felt her pulse again. She was surprised to find that she had become strong again, her breathing was very stable, and even her face was much better than before, very rosy and healthy.

She found the wound caused by the tentacles just now and took a look. It had recovered, leaving only a faint white mark, and there was some mucus on it, as if it accelerated the healing of the wound.

Except for losing three or four circles, there was nothing wrong, and she even looked healthier.

Li Yin scratched her head. Could she really be a superpower? Specializing in sucking out human fat and giving people the superpower of breast enlargement?

Then why are you still living in such a small place and not making it bigger and stronger?

Just then, she heard the sound of a car outside the door, and it stopped in front of the beauty salon.

Obviously, she was heading this way.

Thinking of this, Li Yin immediately became alert, gently put down Ruan Qiujie who was still unconscious, quickly walked to the door, and looked out through the gap in the window.

I saw a black car parked at the door, the door opened, and a middle-aged man in a suit walked out.

He quickly came to the back door of the car, bent down to open it, and invited a woman out from inside.

The woman's figure was not perfect, but it was also well-proportioned. She wore sunglasses and a mask, covering most of her face.

But from her demeanor and temperament, it can be inferred that she should be a star.

Coming here late at night, it is estimated that she is here for beauty treatment like the Internet celebrity on the operating table.

The woman came to the door, looked up at the light, then took off her mask and sunglasses, revealing a fairly delicate face, and knocked on the door: "Doctor Ruan, I am a guest who has an appointment tonight. Is it convenient to come in now?"

Li Yin secretly said that it was not good, and looked back at Ruan Qiujie who was rolling her eyes, and judged the time when she woke up.

It didn't take much strength just now, but this person's physical fitness is just like an ordinary person, and he can probably sleep until tomorrow morning.

Recalling the situation in Ping'an Town where her two phone calls were exposed, she did not choose to speak this time, but quietly waited for the woman outside to leave.

The female star obviously respected Ruan Qiujie very much. After knocking for a while and finding that no one paid attention, she tried to open the door again. After failing to open it, she shouted inside: "Doctor Ruan, I won't bother you if you have something to do. Come to visit tomorrow."

Then she put on sunglasses and a mask, returned to the car, and the car started and gradually drove away.

Li Yin let go of the hand that was pushing the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, she was going to make some scary noises to scare the people outside away.

She took out her mobile phone, searched the location of the Beijing Abnormal Bureau, and rushed over with Ruan Qiujie's body.

Azhu had registered an identity for himself in the firm system. Although he didn't have the certificate yet, he could check it. He used this identity to successfully enter the Beijing Abnormal Bureau branch.

"Ruan Qiujie?"

The young man on duty saw Ruan Qiujie lying on the ground and called out her name in surprise.

"Do you know her?"

The young man pointed to the magazine on the shelf, and the cover was the woman in front of him.

"Why did you bring her here? Is there something wrong with her?"

The young man knew the premise of the agency's methods very well, that is, they cannot be used easily on ordinary people, otherwise their own methods will gradually weaken until they are completely ineffective.

Li Yin did not answer directly, but lifted the clothes on her arm, revealing the flesh-colored straws left on it: "I suspect she is not a human, so I brought her here for you to check."

Seeing the straw growing from the skin, the young man's face instantly became solemn. He immediately picked up the phone and notified the experts in the bureau to come for identification.


After a while, several researchers in white coats came in a hurry. They surrounded Ruan Qiujie's body and began to examine her carefully.

Li Yin sat on a chair beside her and drank a drink. Hearing their exclamations, she became more curious about Ruan Qiujie's identity.

Now that she thought about it, she didn't seem to show an instinctive fear of her axe. She was just afraid of pain and death.

The fish monsters in Ping'an Town were completely different. Their reactions were the same as those of ghosts. They would be scared crazy when they saw the axe.

What was going on?

Not long after, two more people walked in at the door. One of them she knew. It was Uncle Ye who had been out of contact for a day.

Li Yin stood up and greeted him: "Uncle Ye, why are you here?"

Uncle Ye, dressed in a plain white robe, had a different temperament from ordinary people just by standing there. Even the people in the Abnormal Bureau couldn't help but look at him.

Seeing Li Yin coming over, Uncle Ye was also a little surprised: "Why is Daoyou Li here? Could this incident be related to Daoyou?"

Li Yin said, I have been promoted from a junior friend to a Daoyou? Is the order of seniority messed up?

She briefly told what happened tonight and Ruan Qiujie's situation, and Uncle Ye frowned after listening.

Obviously he had never seen a similar situation.

"So you suspect that this Ruan Qiujie may be a transformation of some monster? Using her identity, doing something improper in the beauty salon?"

Li Yin nodded: "It's possible, but it's not certain. There are many doubts. We can only draw a conclusion after the expert's inspection."

The two sat at the reception table next to them, eating the sunflower seeds of the duty boy while discussing the possibility.

"By the way, Uncle Ye, why are you here? Did you find anything?"

Uncle Ye shook his head: "To be honest, I am not like you, who gained anything in one day in the capital. I just happened to be meeting a friend, and when I heard that the Abnormal Bureau summoned a friend to go, I gave him a ride."

Li Yin looked at the middle-aged man brought by Uncle Ye. His ability seemed to be related to mental power. He was touching Ruan Qiujie's forehead and trying to wake her up.

Retracting his gaze, Li Yin was still interested in another thing. While the awakening work over there was not yet completed, he hurriedly asked: "Uncle Ye, how was the morning? Did you catch up with you... um, your son?"

Speaking of this, Uncle Ye looked a little embarrassed, and then showed a proud look.

"My son Ye Bufan has the talent to be a sword immortal! Bufan's current cultivation is not inferior to mine. Given time, he will surely become a sword immortal and restore the glory of the Yufeng Sword Sect!"

Li Yin's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help but complain in her heart. If she didn't catch up, she didn't catch up. Why did she pretend to be so great?

However, Uncle Ye's son is indeed quite capable. According to Xie Yunxiao, he seems to be the only candidate for the perfect controller in the entire Abnormal Bureau by relying on his own means.

As long as you compare Uncle Ye's battle with Xie Yunxiao, you can understand how amazing his son's talent is. It is normal for Uncle Ye to be proud.

In addition, she still remembered that Xie Yunxiao once said that no one who can fly is normal. Isn't it Ye Bufan?

Looking at Uncle Ye's immortal appearance and the second-year laughter she heard in the sky in the morning, she probably understood why her comrade-in-arms gave such an evaluation.

"Didn't he wait for you?"

"He didn't seem to see me..."

"Is that so? That's pretty miserable..."



Under the middle-aged man's trick, Ruan Qiujie woke up soon. When she saw a large group of people around her, she immediately showed a look of horror on her face: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'm a good person! I'm just an ordinary fashion designer and cosmetic doctor! I've never done anything bad!"

But her face made everyone feel a little chilly. They couldn't tell where this feeling came from, but they just felt something was wrong.

Ruan Qiujie's information is now on the table, and there is nothing wrong with it. She really has no record of harming people. Whether she is a fashion designer or a cosmetic doctor, the evaluation is very good. In her business records, there are many rich daughters, celebrity artists, big anchors and other customers, almost all of whom are repeat customers.

As for the reason why she is not famous, it is also very simple. She doesn't take the initiative to promote herself, and no customer is willing to promote it.

After all, only when you are beautiful can you be really beautiful. If everyone is the same, then their advantages will disappear.

The desire to compete makes the clients carefully hide this secret, and Ruan Qiujie is their secret weapon, the capital for showing off, and the premise for indulgence.

Seeing her wake up, Li Yin walked over and asked with a smile: "Doctor Ruan, are you okay?"

Seeing Li Yin,

Ruan Qiujie's face showed an extremely horrified look, covering her arm and retreating repeatedly.

"Don't, don't kill me! I can give you money..."

Everyone looked at Li Yin, and the eyes seemed to ask: "Are you going to rob?"

Li Yin spread his hands helplessly: "Do you think I look like a bad person?"

Others shook their heads. After all, she looked like a cute little girl, and she couldn't be associated with a robber.

Only Ruan Qiujie nodded vigorously.

She seemed to have realized that the people around her were not in the same group as this devil, and quickly asked them for help.

"Please, help me! I was working in my own shop, and she suddenly broke through the glass and rushed in, holding an axe to kill me! Please help me!"

Li Yin sighed helplessly, squatted down, and tried to make her tone soft and credible: "Doctor Ruan, I believe you are a person with superpowers. It was just a misunderstanding before. I am helping you."

"Help... help me?"

Ruan Qiujie's face was full of suspicion, and she didn't believe a word of what Li Yin said.

"Yes, I am helping you. You have to know that superpowers are very dangerous things, just like guns. If they are not controlled, they may hurt others or even yourself. There are actually many people like you, such as this gentleman." She pointed to the middle-aged man brought by Uncle Ye.

The middle-aged man had guessed what Li Yin wanted to say, nodded in cooperation, stretched out his hand, waved it in the air, brought out a touch of green light, and simply showed her his methods.

Li Yin nodded gratefully and continued, "In our country, illegal possession of guns is a felony, and the same is true for using superpowers without registration. Once discovered, you are likely to be imprisoned in a special prison, or even worse, which you can't imagine. So do you understand what I mean? I'm helping you."

After that, Li Yin took the certificate of the Abnormal Bureau from the duty boy and handed it to her.

Looking at the certificate in her hand, Ruan Qiujie still had doubts in her eyes.

She felt that all this was a play by the devil and her accomplices in front of her, with the purpose of imprisoning herself and cheating her money!

Li Yin sighed and turned to look at Uncle Ye.

Uncle Ye understood, and a flying sword instantly appeared under his feet, carrying him around the house, and then accelerated and rushed straight into the sky. A moment later, he came back with a bird in his hand.

The guy on duty at the Abnormal Bureau saw the bird and couldn't help but remind him: "Master, this is a protected animal..."

"Ah? Sorry!"

Uncle Ye was so scared that he didn't even speak ancient Chinese. He quickly let the bird go, fearing that he would be fined if he was late.

He didn't bring much money to Beijing. If he was fined, he would probably fly back.

Li Yin turned around and saw Ruan Qiujie's shocked face.

She nodded with satisfaction, and it seemed that her goal had been achieved.

She did all this for only one purpose, to gain Ruan Qiujie's trust, and then ask about the location and situation of the "those people" she mentioned.

At first, she thought that the people Ruan Qiujie was talking about were the Abnormal Bureau, but from her reaction just now, she obviously didn't know what the Abnormal Bureau was.

In this way, the identity of "those people" is very suspicious.

They are probably like themselves, able to break Ruan Qiujie's ability to make people thinner and make the patients after surgery show their true colors.


Wait, didn't she lose weight by liposuction? Then why would he be turned back to his original form by his own energy?

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