The flying sword of Uncle Ye was too shocking, and ordinary people could not perform it at all.

Ruan Qiujie also believed what Li Yin said, and asked hesitantly: "Are you really here to help me? Then why did you attack me? The Abnormal Bureau is a state department?"

Li Yin answered the three questions one by one: "I have never lied to you. I attacked you because I have seen too many people use superpowers to do bad things, and I need to protect myself. As for the Abnormal Bureau, it is a special agency established by the state, which is responsible for managing and monitoring people with superpowers or special abilities to prevent you from abusing your abilities and endangering society."

Li Yin explained the role of the Abnormal Bureau using words she could understand, but concealed the existence of ghosts and the firm.

Hearing this, Ruan Qiujie panicked again: "I, I just use my ability to make a little money, I haven't hurt anyone! Really!"

Li Yin didn't know if this situation was considered a violation in the Abnormal Bureau, but since the atmosphere had reached this point, she could only continue.

Holding Ruan Qiujie's hand, she clearly felt her whole body tremble. She wanted to shrink back, but Li Yin held it tightly and couldn't pull it back at all.

"Do you believe me now? Can you tell me about your ability? I can also determine your file based on your situation."

She said "I" instead of "we", using a little trick to distance herself from the Abnormal Bureau.

After all, she didn't know how the Abnormal Bureau would classify people like Ruan Qiujie.

Ruan Qiujie looked around with a look of help, especially the man who looked like an immortal just now,

But none of these people offered her a helping hand, as if they all agreed with Li Yin's statement.

Under the pressure, she could only speak slowly: "As you can see, my ability is the tube in my arm, which can suck out the fat of the human body. I can keep this fat in my body or discharge it outside. It is faster than liposuction and has better effect. I have tested it thousands of times, and there are no side effects..."

Good guy, your customers are all guinea pigs, right?

Li Yin glanced at the abnormal bureau officer next to him, but saw that he was running to the inner room to get paper and pen.

Hey, it seems that this matter is not illegal.

Turning to look at Ruan Qiujie, his eyes were like torches: "Anything else?"

Ruan Qiujie swallowed her saliva under her stare, and nodded hesitantly: "And... my tube can secrete some liquid that can relieve pain and quickly recover from the wound, and there are no side effects..."

Anesthetic that will not cause dependence?

The eyes of several researchers next to him lit up, and their eyes looking at Ruan Qiujie also changed from suspicion to eagerness.

Li Yin thought of mosquitoes at the first time.

One sucks blood, the other sucks fat, a perfect match!

"Anything else? I suggest you tell us all your abilities so that we can help you better and ensure your safety."

Li Yin's voice was full of sincerity, and there was a hint of unquestionable flavor.

The researchers also nodded, wanting to see what other surprises this person had.

Under Li Yin's gaze, Ruan Qiujie felt like a chicken that had been stripped of its feathers and thrown on the ground, without any secrets at all.

"I... I can also help them tighten their skin, so that they can keep their skin tight and smooth after losing weight, just like losing weight naturally."

Ruan Qiujie continued with difficulty. She felt that every secret of hers was seen clearly by the little girl in front of her. If she didn't tell it, the other party would turn against her in the next second and take out an axe to chop her.

She looked around the room with the corner of her eye, and didn't see the terrifying fire axe, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Yin put away her smile, sighed, stood up and said to the researchers around her: "She doesn't tell the truth, you guys can do whatever you want."

Hearing this, the researchers' eyes lit up.

There's more? How many surprises can she bring us?

One of them reached into his arms and took out a scalpel that flashed with cold light, exactly the same as the scalpel that Ruan Qiujie used to cover up her tracks in the beauty salon.

Ruan Qiujie kept backing away, fearing that she would be dragged to the laboratory for slices in the next second.

The reason why Li Yin was sure that she still had the ability to not say it was because the female anchor had become strangely fat.

That was definitely not what should happen after liposuction surgery. Instead, it was more like the meat was compressed into the body. It looked slim and beautiful on the outside, but it was extremely scary when it rebounded.

Facing the researchers approaching

Ruan Qiujie's face turned pale, and she tightly grasped the certificate in her hand, as if it was her only life-saving straw.

However, the fear in her heart was like a flood and beast that could not be suppressed. She knew that she could not hide it any longer.

"I... I... have another ability!" Ruan Qiujie's voice trembled, and she almost cried when she said it: "I can control people's body shape, making her big where it should be big and small where it should be small, and it can also achieve the effect of slimming, and she will not get fat for a long time!"

After saying these words, she collapsed to the ground, as if all the strength in her body had been drained.

Li Yin was a little surprised to hear the last ability.

This is a superpower, and the ones you had before were obviously mutated.

And when she said she wanted to enlarge her breasts, Li Yin thought she was filling them with fat or something, but she didn't expect that she really used superpowers to enlarge them.

Ruan Qiujie was afraid that these people would not believe it, so she raised her hand and aimed it at Li Yin's chest, as if she was using her ability in the air.

But after a long time, there was no effect at all.

Facing the suspicious eyes of the people around her, she panicked all of a sudden and quickly pointed at the researcher next to her. She saw that the beer belly of the researcher in his forties had shrunk visibly.

He lifted it up and saw, wow! Eight abdominal muscles!

Li Yin didn't care about what ability she used on him, but frowned and asked, "Can your ability also change other people's appearance?"

Ruan Qiujie seemed to be proving her role and nodded quickly, "Yes, of course! But I'm not good at this, and my plastic surgery effect is not as good as that of doctors in Kimchi country."

Even though she said this, Li Yin still thought of the disguise ability used by Professor Fang and others, and wondered if there was any connection between the two.

The researchers around were not stupid, so they naturally knew what Li Yin meant by asking this question.

The importance of Ruan Qiujie was raised a few points.

This ability seems to have no combat effectiveness, but once abused, the trust system of the entire society will face collapse.

Imagine if everyone can change their appearance at will, then identity verification will become extremely difficult, and fraud and crime will be more difficult to prevent.

This is undoubtedly a potential huge threat.

"It seems that we need to report her situation as soon as possible to see how to properly deal with this ability."

"At the same time, we must also investigate whether she has really not abused this ability."

The seriousness revealed in the words of the researchers made everyone present feel the seriousness of the matter.

Ruan Qiujie looked at them, and the fear that had just faded away filled her heart again.

She trembled and said, "I really didn't abuse it. I just helped them lose weight. You can check the service menu of my beauty salon. There is no such service. I just found out that I have this ability recently, I swear!"

Then she saw that Li Yin's face was covered with that iconic smile again, and there was a light of trust in her eyes: "I believe you! Can you tell me about your price list? I'm a little curious."

Ruan Qiujie no longer believes in this devilish girl. Isn't her current situation due to her step-by-step questioning and reminders?

But she also knew that now she had no choice but to cooperate.

"Of course, of course! Liposuction plus skin beauty is 300,000 per session, super power body beauty is 200,000, super power body beauty plus slimming is 500,000, skin beauty is another 100,000..."

Li Yin was shocked. So profitable? You can open a single session to make up for what my Azhu Agency has been busy doing for several years!


"Why is super power body beauty so much more expensive than liposuction? It just hides the fat. It is still on the body and will rebound sooner or later, right?"

Ruan Qiujie nodded: "Well, liposuction was originally more expensive, but Xu Xuan asked me to buy a lot of fat at a very high price. So I swapped the pricing of liposuction with super power body beauty, in order to get more customers to choose liposuction."

Li Yin looked at the researcher: "Do you know the NG Research Institute in Beijing?"

The researchers shook their heads blankly and said they had never heard of it.

That doesn't prove it's fake. We'll know when we do a field investigation.

Li Yin also wanted to know why the woman named Xu Xuan bought human fat on a large scale.

"There's one last question left. Who were the 'those people' you were talking about when you saw the anchor's fat rebound? Where were they?"

After hearing this last question, Ruan Qiujie was relieved and thought: The interrogation of me is finally over...

"I also heard about it by chance from a customer. She said my beauty skills are as strong as super powers, and she also said there is a person in Beijing who is

Such a superpower organization, everyone in it has incredible powers. Some can grow sharp teeth, some can control human thinking, some can take objects from a distance, and it seems that there is one person who can turn into a white meat ball, which sounds disgusting. I just listened to it as a joke at the time, but I didn’t expect... "

As she said this, she glanced at Li Yin in front of her and Uncle Ye not far away, and it was self-evident what she was thinking.

The middle-aged man behind her frowned and said: "Are you talking about the Abnormal Bureau?"

Ruan Qiujie shook her head: "No, they don’t seem to be an official organization, and... they are not good people..."

As she said this, she added: "I have never come into contact with them, I am a good person! "

The middle-aged man and the duty officer of the Abnormal Bureau looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

I didn't expect that in Beijing, under the nose of the Abnormal Bureau headquarters, there was such an organization. It was so bold. Especially the "superpower" who could control human thinking. I always felt that if he was not arrested, it would bring unpredictable disasters to the whole society.

Li Yin was a little confused. She pulled the sleeve of the researcher next to her and asked, "Are there many superpowers like this?"

The researcher shook his head: "I don't know about the headquarters institute, but I have only seen one. His name is Wu Shi, and he was sent from Linhai. It's more like a mental problem than a superpower. But he is very powerful. He can completely imitate another person's everything, even knowledge and memory, and will affect the people around him, making them think that Wu Shi is the person being imitated. "

Li Yin didn't expect to hear a familiar name here. No wonder there was no news about the man who was caught in the Linhai Suburban Mental Hospital at that time. It turned out that he was sent to Beijing.

"Is it okay to tell me this? "

"It's okay, it's not confidential, and he has been sent to the headquarters research institute, so he is not in my hands. ”

“Aren’t you selling out your teammates…”

The middle-aged man over there was already asking about the location, but Ruan Qiujie said she didn’t know.

The middle-aged man’s ability was related to mental strength, so he could naturally feel that she was not lying, and she had not lied from the beginning.

But he didn’t know why the unknown girl knew that Ruan Qiujie had a hidden secret. Could it be that she could read minds?

Li Yin found the guy on duty and asked about Ruan Qiujie’s price to see if he could get a remuneration belonging to the firm system.

The guy nodded and confirmed that he could get it. As for how much, he didn’t know. He needed to wait until the colleague in charge of this aspect went to work tomorrow to calculate it.

When Li Yin heard that there was money to be made, he was immediately overjoyed and was thinking about what style of skirt to buy for Azhu with the money.

Wait, the designer of the magazine cover was caught by me. Is her skirt out of print?

Damn! It seems that I can only buy something else!

Looking at Ruan Qiujie’s face again, Li Yin was still a little confused: "Are you really human? "

Hearing Li Yin's voice, Ruan Qiujie shrank her neck reflexively and nodded weakly: "It's a human..."

The middle-aged man beside her also nodded: "She didn't lie."

Li Yin raised her eyebrows.

Polygraph ability? It's somewhat similar to Captain Chen.

However, she knew the disadvantages of this kind of ability, so she still told the young man next to her: "Find time to check her birth certificate to see if it matches."

The young man nodded in confusion.

Compared to those documents, he still believed in the methods of the master of the firm more, because the master never made a mistake.

"Okay, the rest is up to you, I'll go back first, contact me by phone if you have anything. Don't forget to investigate the customer she mentioned, there may be clues. "

Li Yin waved her hand and turned to walk out the door.

There is a mobile phone number in the registration information of her own firm, so there is no need to worry that they can't contact her.

Uncle Ye smiled and stepped forward: "You have worked hard tonight, do you need me to give you a ride? "

Li Yin smiled and shook her head: "No need, Uncle Ye, you are too conspicuous."

The young man next to him also hurriedly said: "It is forbidden to fly privately over the capital. Master, you have violated the rules and need to pay a fine."


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