The two of them were in a state of panic, but the two of them were in a state of panic.

Li Yin did not take a taxi, but walked quietly on the road, thinking about what had just happened.

She still had some doubts about the superpower organization that Ruan Qiujie mentioned.

This was the capital, under the nose of the Abnormal Bureau headquarters. She didn't know how powerful the perfect controller was, but from Xie Yunxiao's description, in terms of combat power, it should be about the same as her, or even a little stronger than her.

And their strength is not only in combat power, they should also have some various abilities.

Li Yin didn't believe that there were no good detectives among them.

In addition to the intelligence network of the Abnormal Bureau, would they not know the existence of this superpower organization? If they really didn't know, then this Abnormal Bureau was too watery.

So now she has three guesses.

The first one is that this so-called superpower organization was supported by the Abnormal Bureau to deal with some things that are not allowed to be put on the table.

The second one is that the Abnormal Bureau is playing a long game to catch big fish. They are playing a chess game for the people behind the superpower organization.

The last guess is similar to the first one, except that the matter of secretly supporting the superpower organization was pinpointed to a certain person by the Abnormal Bureau, that is, there is a traitor in the Abnormal Bureau.

The reason why there is no information about the superpower organization is because he interfered and deliberately concealed it.

And the person who can do this is at least a middle-level leader.

Does this have anything to do with what Xie Yunxiao asked me to investigate?

I have too little information, and it is not in my home field. It is very troublesome to investigate, and no one cooperates. Everything has to wait until I can contact Xie Yunxiao.

Li Yin took out her mobile phone and called her again, but it was still out of service area.

I had no choice but to put it away and took a taxi to the snack street near the hotel to buy supper for Azhu.

When she arrived at the hotel with all kinds of delicious food, she saw Ah Zhu also brought a lot of food and was worried about how to arrange it to look good.

The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"I wanted to give you a surprise, but you bought it too."

"Haha, why don't you just call me and tell me?"

"What kind of surprise is it if I tell you? Come and eat. What did you buy?"

"Siomai, noodles with soybean paste, grilled skewers, and some seafood."

Ning Zhu took the package and put it on the table, touching Li Yin's head: "Beijing is an inland city, why do you buy seafood here?"

"Try different flavors." Li Yin took a shell and blew it to her lips, then put the meat inside into her mouth: "In our place, there are very few spicy fried seafood, and it's quite delicious. Try it..."

As she said that, she stepped forward and kissed Ning Zhu's lips before she could react, and her tongue pushed the seafood in.

Ning Zhu's eyes widened instantly, and her cheeks were tinged with a blush.

She didn't expect Li Yin to share food in this way. Feeling the delicious taste in her mouth and Li Yin's unique tenderness, her heartbeat accelerated a bit.

This was an unprecedented stimulation...

The soft shell meat rolled in her mouth, with the salty freshness of sea water and the spicy aroma of stir-frying, interweaving into an indescribable deliciousness.

The two kissed quietly until Li Yin stepped back, and Ning Zhu also came back to her senses, her cheeks became even redder, and she lowered her head a little embarrassedly.

"Is it delicious?" Li Yin had a sly smile on his face and gently wiped the water drops from the corners of Ning Zhu's mouth.

Ning Zhu then realized that the piece of Baker meat was still in her mouth, and she quickly chewed it and swallowed it.

"It's really spicy..."

Li Yin smiled and stopped making fun of it. He pulled out a chair and sat down, picked up the chopsticks and tasted the unknown thing in the small box.

It felt like braised, and the red color was very tempting. She picked up a piece and tasted it carefully. It was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a unique taste. The sauce was just the right amount of sweet and salty, and there was a subtle hint of spiciness. It was delicious.

"What is this?"

Ning Zhu came over to take a look, and laughed, "This dish is not common in our place. It's... braised large intestine!"

Li Yin's hand holding the chopsticks froze in the air, and she didn't know whether to put the second large intestine into her mouth.

After hesitating for a long time, she still put it into her mouth.

There was no strange smell, so it should be washed clean.

Ning Zhu picked up a skewer of meat, looked at it, put it in his mouth to taste it, nodded like a gourmet, and gave a long evaluation: "Not bad, better than ours

It's delicious over there."

Li Yin was amused by her cute appearance: "You gave such an evaluation after tasting for a long time?"

Ning Zhu shrugged and replied with a smile: "Yes, after all, I am a gourmet, and my requirements are very high. By the way, Li Yin, was it a ghost you encountered just now? Did you catch it?"

Li Yin did not hide anything and told what happened tonight. The outrageousness of it made even the knowledgeable Ning Zhu open his mouth wide.

"You mean, Uncle Ye's son is now more powerful than Uncle Ye?"

Li Yin paused in her narration and couldn't help but complain: "Is this what you pay most attention to?"

Ning Zhu scratched his head embarrassedly: "There are a lot of points to pay attention to. I don't know where to start, so I asked about Uncle Ye."

Li Yin nodded helplessly: "If we look at Xie Yunxiao's combat power, ten Uncle Ye together can't beat his son."

Ning Zhu was a little surprised: "Is the training at the Abnormal Bureau headquarters so powerful? "

In her impression, Ye Bufan is just a middle school boy who hangs out with his brother every day. There is nothing special about him except that he can fly.

Li Yin doesn't know what method these candidates for perfect controllers use to train, but from Xie Yunxiao's story, it is indeed extraordinary.

"Azhu, why don't you go to the headquarters to sign up? Maybe you can also enter that training camp."

With Ning Zhu's current physical fitness, she can definitely rank first in Linhai Office. As for the Abnormal Bureau, she is not sure about the specific combat power, but judging from Chen Jinze's performance, he should not be able to beat her own Azhu.

And this is without using energy. As for how strong she is now, Li Yin has no idea.

Hearing this proposal, Ning Zhu shook his head again and again: "No, no!"


"My brother has been gone for more than six years, and there is no news at all. I don't want to lose contact like him. Besides, I don't want to be separated from you for so long..."

Li Yin's heart warmed up, and she stood up and hugged her in her arms: "Then don't go! With me helping Ah Zhu strengthen his body, it will definitely not be worse than the training camp of the Abnormal Bureau!"

Ning Zhu hummed softly.

She also wanted to get stronger quickly, so strong that she could stand by Li Yin's side and fight with her.

But she didn't want to leave her side and go to a place that was no different from a prison in her opinion.

Anyway, staying by Li Yin's side can quickly get stronger, so why go to the Abnormal Bureau? You see, Xie Yunxiao, the master of the Abnormal Bureau, can't beat my little Li Yin. As long as I practice hard, I will be as powerful as Xiao Li Yin sooner or later!

Li Yin asked curiously: "Ah Zhu, how strong are you now? How do you compare with Xie Yunxiao?"

Ning Zhu thought for a while: "Nine to one."

Li Yin was a little surprised: "Ah Zhu, how long do you think you will have a 10% chance of winning against Xie Yunxiao? This is already very powerful! "

But Ning Zhu shook his head: "No, you misunderstood. It's her fireball, I die nine times."

Li Yin: "..."

Azhu, you have changed, you have learned to make such a bad joke.

If that guy really dares to throw a fireball at you, I will definitely chop her into nine pieces!

The two chatted about Ruan Qiujie for a while, and Li Yin found that Azhu seemed not interested in this weirdo who could whiten and lose weight and make beautiful skirts, but was more curious about the superpower organization.

While chewing the skewers, Ning Zhu said vaguely: "Little Li Yin, do you think that superpower organization really exists? Could it be created by those fish monsters and cultists? "

Li Yin had the same idea. She didn't know whether superpowers existed or not, but there was definitely something wrong with that superpower organization.

What kind of superpowers are decent people's superpowers like growing sharp teeth, mind control, and turning into a white meat ball? Only the telekinesis was a bit normal, the rest felt like they were taken out of a horror movie or a cult brochure.

But thinking of Ruan Qiujie and Wu Shi who was sent to Beijing for research, Li Yin always felt that they were not using superpowers.

As for what they were, she couldn't say, just a vague feeling.

But Ning Zhu firmly believed in superpowers.

After all, there was a living example in front of her. The ability used by little Li Yin was neither the agency nor the kind of mutation that Uncle Chen had. There was no other explanation except superpowers.

Thinking of this, she was still a little angry.

Those who grow sharp teeth and claws, turn into meat balls, etc., are also shameless to call themselves superpowers? It's simply a smear on superpowers! When I find it, I must teach you a lesson!

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