The next day, the two did not continue shopping, but went straight to the selected rental shops.

They selected six in total and prepared to look at them one by one. Most of them were small shops located in the suburbs with monthly rents of less than 5,000 yuan.

Anyway, the agency does not rely on the location and size of the shop to attract business. It doesn't even matter whether there is a shop or not. The lazy ones can just lie at home and wait for the Abnormal Bureau to assign work.

As for why Ning Tiannan wanted to open a shop, his explanation was that his family's methods needed to show the finished props to others in order to achieve the greatest effect.

But Ning Zhu remembered that when her grandfather was in charge, he clearly didn't have the habit of displaying these props, so she always suspected that this was simply an excuse for her father to show his craftsmanship.

But he could indeed sell some handicrafts.

Whatever sculpture a customer liked, he would go to the back to find the same handicrafts and sell them to them.

It was very cheap, and he made it clear that there were no special effects.

Although everyone who heard this was confused, and some even thought he was crazy, Ning Tiannan would always remind him out of responsibility.

The first shop was very small, and there was a row of small shops next to it that repaired mobile phones, printed copies, and engraved seals. It looked a bit old, and the front was a bit old, but the location was good and the flow of people was relatively large.

However, Ning Zhu was not very satisfied with this. This narrow shop where two people could not stand side by side was too cramped to sit in for a whole day, so they had to move to the next one.

The two of them looked at several shops in succession, but they were not satisfied with them.

Although some shops were spacious, they were too remote, with almost no pedestrians passing by, and there were no bus stops around, and the nearest supermarket was several hundred meters away; some shops were in good locations, but the rent exceeded their budget.

It was not until they came to the fifth store that they found a relatively satisfactory choice.

This store is located at the end of a busy street. The store is not small, the layout is reasonable, and it is even a duplex structure. The upstairs can be used as a rest area and storage room, which perfectly meets Li Yin's idea.

The most important thing is that the rent is only 2,500 yuan, which is cheaper than those he has seen before.

Ning Zhu was a little excited to discuss the contract with the landlord.

Li Yin looked at the landlord and found it a bit funny.

It is October now, and the temperature is quite hot even in the north, but this guy actually wore a cotton hat, not only covering his head, but also one eye.

From the exposed part, you can vaguely see traces of white bandages, maybe he was injured.

Li Yin didn't care much about his dress, but he was a little confused about the rent.

Using the excuse of buying drinks, he ran to the small supermarket next door, found a boss-like person inside, and asked about the rent.

This is not a suburb, but a moderately prosperous area. It is also on a good commercial street. Although it is at the end, the rent for such a store is at least 7,000 yuan.

As expected, even the supermarket next door has a rent of 8,000 yuan a month.

This made Li Yin feel a little strange. Why is the rent of this store so cheap?

Generally, there are only two possibilities for this situation, haunted house and ghost house.

No, there is a third possibility, contract fraud.

She asked the supermarket owner about the situation of the store next door, but the owner turned his head away in a hurry, saying that he didn't know.

However, his appearance obviously showed that he knew something, but he didn't say it.

Li Yin took out her mobile phone to check, but did not find any horror rumors about this street, so she could only focus on the owner again.

She sighed and began to make up a story: "Uncle, my sister and I lost our parents when we were young and have been dependent on each other. Now my sister wants to open a small shop to earn some money for my studies. But we both have no experience. We chose this place and found that the rent is much cheaper than other places, so we feel a little uneasy. Can you tell us if there is anything to pay attention to in this area so that we can avoid pitfalls?"

When the supermarket owner heard what Li Yin said, a trace of sympathy appeared on his face. He hesitated for a moment, looked outside again, and confirmed that no one came in. Then he whispered: "Little girl, I suggest you don't rent that house. It's a haunted house!"

Li Yin was a little confused: "But I didn't find it on the Internet?"

"He spent money to suppress the matter. How could a store owner put the matter of a haunted house on his own?

If you advertise on the Internet, that would ruin your reputation." The supermarket owner shook his head and continued, "The last couple who rented a house here were a couple who opened a flower shop. They lived on the second floor of the shop. Not long after, the man threw his girlfriend down from the second floor. She had multiple fractures all over her body, and the man went crazy and was admitted to a mental hospital."

Li Yin raised her eyebrows. Oh, isn't this just right for my major?

Then I heard the boss continue, "Believe me, don't rent his house. It's not clean, and the landlord is also very black-hearted! Just watch, you will definitely sign a contract for several months in a row, and the deposit will not be returned if you don't live there."

Li Yin was still a little confused: "Then how did he conceal the matter?"

The boss sat back in his chair awkwardly: "Don't worry about it. I'm telling you these things because I feel sorry for you, little sister. Don't say anything when you go out. "

Li Yin understood. The man next door was a liar. He attracted tenants at a low price and signed long-term contracts. Then he used some tricks to scare people so that they would not dare to live there, and then he would not return the rent and deposit, so as to achieve his goal of defrauding money.

He was just trying to deceive people who didn't know what was going on. Otherwise, he could get the rent and deposit back by suing.

As for why the victim didn't post it online, she couldn't guess. It might be because he was in a mental hospital and had no internet.

"Uncle, let me ask you one last question. How long has he been doing this?"

The boss thought for a while and said, "You are his third batch of tenants. It has been two months."

"What's the matter with the injury on his head? Was he beaten by the previous tenant?"

"I didn't notice it. Is he injured? "

Li Yin turned around with a sly smile on his face.

Back in the shop, he found Ning Zhu still discussing details with the landlord, such as water and electricity usage, property fees, etc., and it was obvious that he really wanted to rent this house.

Li Yin did not stop them, but listened to their conversation quietly, nodding from time to time, as if he was also seriously considering this option. When the landlord mentioned the rent and the contract, Li Yin already had a plan in mind.

The landlord looked at Ning Zhu with satisfaction and nodded, thinking that he could successfully trick two young people who didn't understand the market this time.

He took out the contract and put it on the table, ready to start signing. At this moment, Li Yin spoke.

"Landlord, we have to take a good look at this contract. After all, we rent this house for long-term use. "

Hearing her voice, the landlord's heart tightened, but then he relaxed. What can a middle school girl see?

He nodded in agreement and handed the contract to Li Yin.

Li Yin took it in her hand and looked at it carefully, paying attention to the deposit. Sure enough, the contract clearly stated that if the tenant terminated the contract in advance, the deposit and rent would not be refunded.

Li Yin didn't care much about this, but asked: "Sister, are we only renting for three months?"

Ning Zhu knew there was a problem when he heard Li Yin's address for him, but he still said calmly: "Yes, we are just trying to open a trial business to see how the market reacts. If it's good, we will consider long-term leasing. "

The landlord was a little curious: "What kind of store are you two sisters planning to open?"

"Handicrafts. "Li Yin said half-truthfully

Hearing this answer, the boss secretly curled his lips.

It is the same as the previous flower shop, both look very artistic, but in fact there is no market business.

Then he saw the little girl in front of him holding a pen, hesitating about the refund of the deposit, and his heart skipped a beat.

Li Yin drew a circle on it with a pen and said with a smile: "Boss, this overlord clause is a bit too much, right?"

The landlord saw that Li Yin had discovered the loophole in the contract so keenly, his face changed slightly, but soon returned to calm, he pretended to be calm and said: "Little girl, these are the rules in the industry, if you are not satisfied, you can also not rent it."

Li Yin shook his head: "I didn't say I didn't rent it, I just wanted to add one more clause."

"Add what?"

"If it is our personal reason, if we take the initiative to terminate the contract, the rent will not be returned. But if it is your fault that we cannot continue to rent, not only will the deposit be fully refunded, but you will also have to compensate us for all losses including renovation costs, relocation costs, lost wages, mental damages, and reputation damages. "

The landlord was caught off guard by Li Yin's words. He thought he could easily fool the two young people, but he didn't expect one of them to be so smart.

He showed an awkward smile on his face and tried to save the situation: "Little girl, are you kidding? How can there be such a rule?"

Ning Zhu also saw the landlord's embarrassment, but she didn't interrupt. She knew that Li Yin was fighting for their interests, and she just needed to watch.


Li Yin smiled slightly and said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner: "This is not a joke, I am serious. And we are going to sign a one-year contract with you, so we need such a clause to protect our rights and interests. If you find it unacceptable, then we can only consider other places."

The boss frowned and pondered for a while, and was obviously very tempted by the one-year rent.

In the end, he could only grit his teeth and nodded in agreement.

This made Li Yin a little stunned. Why did this landlord always give her a feeling of being both smart and stupid?

He was the kind of person who was determined to stick to a dead principle and didn't know how to change.

He had obviously guessed that he had seen through his plan, but he still acted according to his old routine and gritted his teeth to complete the process.

Since she stepped into this increasingly weird world, the opponents she met were all very smart. Suddenly encountering someone like the landlord made her a little uncomfortable for a while.

While she was stunned, the landlord had already drafted a new contract.

Li Yin took a pen and crossed out a part of the contract: "Here, I said it was because of 'you', not 'the house'. You have to understand the difference."

"Is there any difference?"

"Nothing, just a personal habit, go ahead."

The landlord was a little unhappy to be ordered around by a little kid, but for the sake of money, he still ran to print a new contract.

Ning Zhu stood aside, although curious, but did not ask, ready to wait until the landlord left before talking.

After confirming that there was no problem with the contract, Li Yin signaled Ning Zhu to sign, and he paid with his mobile phone.

Everything went very smoothly, and both parties were quite satisfied with the result. After shaking hands, the landlord left the key and left the store.

Li Yin told Ning Zhu the news he had heard from the boss next door.

After hearing the whole story, Ning Zu was a little confused: "Li Yin, what if the rent of this house is so high, and because it can't be rented out, it teamed up with the boss next door to cheat you?"

Li Yin was stunned, thinking of the landlord's smart and stupid appearance, why does it feel really possible?

Seeing her dazed look, Ning Zhu laughed: "No, I checked it, the rent here is indeed not low. And he won't tell you these things because you look like a child, otherwise he will be scared away and where to find a scapegoat?"

Li Yin looked down at her body and nodded.

Oh, I am a child now...

But even if she was really cheated, it doesn't matter: "Then I will ask Xie Yunxiao for help. Didn't she say that she would walk sideways on the surface in the future? I will take her to be sideways!"

Just then, the phone rang.

Speak of the devil, the devil will appear, and the caller is Xie Yunxiao.

The content was also very simple: "Li Yin, I'm out, let's find a place to get together?"

"Okay, let's go to the town?"

"No, you are in the city, right? I'll drive to find you."

Li Yin sent the location: "By the way, help me check the information of the owner of this house."

"What's wrong? What did you find?"

"No, I just rented a house and felt cheated."

The other side came with a laugh: "You can still be cheated? This is really strange!"

Li Yin helplessly: "Don't laugh, come here quickly. By the way, don't forget to help me urge the Abnormal Bureau, I haven't received the reward last night."

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