Under the landlord's hat and bandages, there was no normal wound. In the collapsed skull, there was no blood or brain, but tumors! These tumors were densely packed, like larvae in a beehive, constantly wriggling and emitting a disgusting stench. There seemed to be some strange connection between them, like cells forming a deformed and terrible organism. Hearing Li Yin's question, the landlord was obviously panicked and stretched out his hand to block his head, but his wrist was tightly held by Li Yin. He could only struggle helplessly and said in a trembling voice: "Don't... don't look at me, I am a human, I am really a human..."

Li Yin frowned. She had heard such an excuse before. Ruan Qiujie had said something similar yesterday.

"What's wrong with your head?" Li Yin felt a little disgusted and asked a little further away.

The landlord was still begging for mercy, and only answered after asking for the second time: "I... I was beaten. I don't know who beat me, but my head became like this when I got home. I didn't dare to call the police or go to the hospital..."

Li Yin didn't believe his nonsense.

Your head was split open, and you still came to someone else's door in the middle of the night to mutter? You said you don't know why, do you believe it yourself?

The sound of the door opening naturally alarmed Ning Zhu upstairs. She was lying on the window on the second floor and saw this scene, so she quickly put on her shoes and ran down.

Seeing the person in Li Yin's hand, she was also a little surprised: "Isn't this the landlord? Why are you here so late at night?"

The landlord was still wailing, and Li Yin was afraid that he would wake up the residents around him, so she gently hit him on the back of the head, and the wailing stopped instantly.

With the previous experience of the Linhai warehouse, now facing this kind of thing, she can control herself and not kill them directly, for fear that there would be no light bands floating out, thus breaking the clues.

After doing all this, she motioned Ning Zhu to come and see.

After seeing the tumors growing in the landlord's head, Ning Zhu also said that she was disgusted.

"What on earth is this? Is it cancer?"

After saying this, she realized that it must not be cancer. This guy doesn't even have a brain, how can he live to this day?

"What should we do now? Send it to the Abnormal Bureau?"

Li Yin did not answer, but took out her mobile phone and called Xie Yunxiao.

This time, the call was answered quickly: "Li Yin, what's up?"

"Are you back to the headquarters?"

"No, I'm in the branch in Beijing. I've already found out what you asked me to do this afternoon."

Li Yin was a little surprised: "Lao Qin's house?"

"Well... no, it's your landlord's information."

"Okay, drive to my place. I've caught the landlord."

"Did he really go?"

"Well, come over."

After hanging up the phone, Li Yin carried the landlord back to the house, turned on the light, and the two of them carefully observed and checked.

You can still see the broken skull on his head. Even if he fainted, the tumor inside is still wriggling and has not lost its activity.

"Is this his brain? Or is it parasitized by something?"

Li Yin didn't know about Ning Zhu's question.

She didn't dare to take off the tumor to have a look, for fear of killing the landlord directly.

Prepare to send it to the Abnormal Bureau, and then ask the master who could detect polygraphs yesterday to come and help ask some questions.

"It's so late, what is he doing here?" Ning Zhu was still a little puzzled.

"I can probably guess a little." Li Yin reached out and dipped a little blood from the landlord's head on his hand to check, then took it to the tip of his nose and sniffed it, confirming that it was the liquid he saw in the corner.

So he was not like this originally, he was indeed injured.

"He should have some kind of superpower, maybe creating illusions, or mental control. Using this method to put pressure on tenants, in the long run, it will make the people living inside insane, thus achieving his goal of defrauding money without anyone noticing."

Ning Zhu twitched his lips: "No, he has superpowers, why would he do such... um, low-level tricks?"

Li Yin was not sure about this: "Maybe there is some kind of restriction? It prevents him from doing bad things blatantly?"

"Do you think he is from the firm?"

"I don't know, but don't your firm's methods have similar restrictions? You can't do evil."

Ning Zhu nodded. There have been incidents of members of the firm doing evil in history. But without exception, all the evildoers and their offices are

They will lose their means within a few months and become ordinary people, and they will never be able to recover.

This kind of punishment is not too serious. If one person commits evil, all the people in the sect will be punished together. Therefore, when selecting successors, the head of the firm will be very cautious and ensure that they have firm moral values.

"Then could he be parasitized by something or transformed?"

Looking at the tumor on the landlord's head, Li Yin had the same idea.

So he took out the axe and stuck it on, but the result was similar to Ruan Qiujie's. The landlord did not show fear or trembling.

If it was a transformation, it might be different from the way Linhai and Ninghe City did. This kind of thing is more difficult and will not react to his axe.

Moreover, his ability seems to be somewhat similar to the mental control person in the superpower organization described by Ruan Qiujie.

Isn't it just a coincidence? I met him when I rented a house?

Looking at the landlord who was like a dead dog on the ground, Li Yin really didn't want to associate him with the four words "mental control". It was simply an insult to the ability of mental control.

Originally thought to be the biggest threat, but turned out to be a liar?

What about the remaining ones?

Xie Yunxiao's car arrived soon, and several investigators from the Abnormal Bureau got off.

After getting off the car, they checked the landlord on the ground, and when they saw the tumor in his head, they all showed surprised expressions.

"Haven't you seen this kind of thing?"

Li Yin saw that they showed the same expression as her, and was also a little surprised.

Xie Yunxiao shook his head: "No, he did it to you?"

Li Yin briefly recounted what happened just now, and at the same time told her own guess.

After listening, Xie Yunxiao looked at the landlord with a strange expression: "You said... He is a superpower with mental control? Are you kidding?"

"I guessed, don't you have a lie detector? Wake him up and ask him and you will know?"

Soon a second car came, and several investigators from the Abnormal Bureau moved the landlord to the car and drove away first, while Xie Yunxiao took Li Yin and Ning Zhu to follow behind for protection.

"Since you're already involved, I'll tell you about it."

Xie Yunxiao said while driving: "The person Ruan Qiujie mentioned has been found, a female celebrity. She said that she heard about the superpower organization from a wealthy man at a business dinner. The wealthy man claimed that he had contact with the superpower organization and saw them use their superpowers with his own eyes. He described that those superpowers are not as mysterious and unreachable as ordinary people imagine. They are actually around us, but they hide their identities."

Thinking of the landlord's fraudulent tricks, the two believed her words "around us".

"Have you found the rich man?"

"No, he is abroad now. We contacted him, but he did not admit it and said that those were just his drunken nonsense and should not be taken seriously."

But now it can almost be proved that it is true...

"Is Ruan Qiujie still in your hands?"

"She was sent to the research institute in the evening to further scan her body data and study the cause of her superpowers. What do you want to ask?"

"Does she have this kind of tumor in her head?"

"No, I can be sure. You know, my ability is related to fire. When I focus my ability on my eyes, I can see details that ordinary people cannot see. I have carefully observed Ruan Qiujie's whole body, and she is no different from ordinary humans."

"Where is the landlord?"

Speaking of this, Xie Yunxiao was silent, and spoke slowly after a long while.

"You may not believe it, but except for his head, the rest of his body is normal. So I guess he may have been an ordinary person, and the tumor on his head is some kind of parasite."

Li Yin was a little confused: "But he was knocked unconscious by me, is this normal?"

"Not normal..."

Xie Yunxiao sighed: "It's okay for just one Ruan Qiujie, but I really didn't expect that there would be such a thing in Beijing. This is Beijing, you know? There are eleven branches of the Abnormal Bureau alone, and even the police station has fighters and investigators stationed. It is also the only pilot city in the country where the police and the Abnormal Bureau cooperate. It's unbelievable that such a situation has occurred continuously."

And they were all encountered by you...

Li Yin was speechless. No wonder they didn't tell me when they had clues. It turned out that they felt embarrassed.

"Li Yin, do you know when he came to Beijing?"


"Four months ago, he came to Beijing from a small village in the northeast to live with his relatives. These four houses are not his, but his uncle's property."

"Not inheritance?"

"No, he is still alive, but he has no children, only his direct relative.

So these houses were passed on to him."

"Is his cousin the rich man?"

"Of course not, otherwise how could he come out to collect rent in person?"

Li Yin nodded: "Now the suspect is my cousin, let's see if he has the same tumor in his brain."

Xie Yunxiao: "Yes, and there is one more thing to figure out, what exactly are these tumors. If they are parasitic, it will be troublesome. The population of Beijing is so dense, if it spreads, it may cause unimaginable disasters."

Li Yin made another guess: "There is another possibility, they are born with this thing. Their identity is not human, but another kind of humanoid creature."

Xie Yunxiao was a little surprised: "You know?"

Li Yin was also a little surprised: "You know too?"

"Well, we have recorded two types. The first is the followers of a certain evil god, living in a canyon. There are tens of thousands of them, and they believe in a monster with eyes all over their body as a god. They have a similar appearance to humans, but they have dozens of eyes in their hair. When these eyes are closed, they are almost the same as humans. Forty years ago, an eyeball proliferation incident occurred in a certain city, and then their gathering place was traced. Three perfect controllers were dispatched in that battle, and finally the evil god was killed, but the canyon became a forbidden area. Even if you get close, you will be parasitized by the eyeballs. The eyeballs will devour the flesh and blood of the host body, and finally disappear completely, turning into a pile of wriggling eyes. "

Li Yin and Ning Zhu remembered the eyeball incident in Linhai at the same time. Now the eye that was the source is still in Li Yin's hands.

Xie Yunxiao glanced at them through the rearview mirror, obviously knowing about it.

When she went to the residential building to kill the eyeballs, she deliberately looked for the source of the incident, but didn't find it.

Now it seems that it is probably in the hands of her comrade.

But it's okay in her hands, there shouldn't be any problems.

"What about another one? ”

She was quite interested in the "another kind of humanoid creature" mentioned by Xie Yunxiao.

"If it's the other kind..." Xie Yunxiao smiled: "It's a kind of mushroom man living underground in the primeval forest of a certain province in the south. They are only half a meter tall, have a very mild temper, and are not aggressive towards humans. There are tens of thousands of them. They believe in the mushroom mother as the mother goddess. Their daily life is to take root in the soil, absorb nutrients and pray at the same time. It's quite interesting. However, we didn't find the so-called mushroom mother, only a cursed area in the underground cave. So it is speculated that it may have been destroyed. As for who did it, it was probably other evil gods. ”

Li Yin was a little surprised: "Will evil gods attack each other?"

"Yes! They have a strong sense of territory. According to archaeological speculation, they may have ruled the earth in ancient times. Their territory covered every corner of the earth, and fighting each other was inevitable. Later, I don't know what happened. The territory of the evil god shrank rapidly, which made room for humans to survive. "

Li Yin and Ning Zhu both widened their eyes, listening to this history that was completely different from the textbooks.

"Wait, what about the theory of evolution? What about the origin of species? Since the evil god is so dangerous, how did other creatures evolve?"

Faced with Ning Zhu's question, Xie Yunxiao smiled and said, "Don't ask me, I haven't been to college, so I don't know. As for humans, some people speculate that humans may have had the protection of gods at that time, otherwise they would have been destroyed long ago."

"Ah? What about now?"

"I said, I don't know. This is just a guess, and no one has solid evidence to prove it. "

Li Yin frowned. An evil god belonging to humans? Does such a thing really exist?

If it really exists, then there is one more person she suspects.

But even Xie Yunxiao doesn't know whether it is dead or alive.

Either Xie Yunxiao lied to him to keep it secret, or it really disappeared.

Does this have anything to do with the 'human god' created by Professor Fang?

In addition, she also thought of the fox in the Northeast. From what Xie Yunxiao said, it seems to be protecting humans.

Does it know something?

It has a cooperative relationship with the Abnormal Bureau. Didn't it tell the Abnormal Bureau about this?

Now the question is back to the starting point. Does Xie Yunxiao know the detailed information? Is she hiding it from me?

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