The car soon arrived at the Abnormal Bureau, which was still the branch of yesterday. The researchers outside the door were waiting there, and there was also a familiar middle-aged man who was invited to take a lie detector test. The landlord was quickly awakened. Seeing so many people around him staring at him, he actually said something similar to Ruan Qiujie: "Don't kill me! I'm a good person! I've never done anything bad!" Xie Yunxiao snorted: "Some people have been sent to a mental hospital by you, but they haven't done anything bad yet?" Li Yin frowned and asked: "Who taught you this sentence?" The landlord looked in the direction of Li Yin, his expression was obviously stunned, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes: "No... No one taught me? I really haven't done anything bad..." If no one really taught you, you wouldn't answer like this. Everyone present could see this.

Li Yin shook her head: "No, what I'm asking is, who taught you that you are a human?"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone, including the landlord, was stunned.

Although we all guessed that it might not be a human, is it really okay to ask it like this?

Of course it is okay.

At the moment when the landlord shook his head, the middle-aged polygraph tester on the side spoke.

"He is lying."

With the polygraph machine, it is so simple, the case is solved.

This guy is not parasitic, but a humanoid creature lurking in human society, similar to a fish monster.

Now a group of researchers are a little regretful. Why didn't they think of this trick? If they had known that they would try it on Ruan Qiujie yesterday, they might have had unexpected gains.

Xie Yunxiao was thinking that he would try this trick himself when he returned to the headquarters.

Although it is simple and crude, it is indeed effective.

Li Yin didn't care what they thought and continued to ask: "Is your ability mental control?"

The landlord shook his head reflexively, and the middle-aged man behind him also shook his head: "Lie!"

"Are you a member of a superpower organization?"

This time he didn't shake his head in a hurry, but showed a blank look: "What superpower organization?"

Everyone looked in the direction of the middle-aged man, only to see his brows slightly frowned and nodded gently: "He didn't lie."

Li Yin turned around and waved at Xie Yunxiao: "Go catch his cousin."

Without her saying anything, Xie Yunxiao had already led people out of the Abnormal Bureau and went straight to a residential building in the city.

Li Yin thought of something and frowned at the landlord: "Do you have a mental connection with your cousin? Does your cousin know that you were arrested?"

The landlord continued to shake his head, it seems that he thought too much.

Li Yin scratched his head, a little confused about this guy's brain circuit.

He clearly has such a powerful ability of mind control, why not do something else? He actually committed contract fraud, which is illegal. You only make so little money, do you deserve the superpower?

Now think about it, no wonder he is inflexible, he is not even a human, how can he know how to be flexible?

This trick must have been taught to him by others, and he doesn't know what to do when there is a little accident.

But it really didn't cause any serious consequences. Compared with those ghosts, pollutants, and mutants, it was at most a minor incident.

There were still a few questions left, and Li Yin asked them all in one breath: "What are you doing in human society? What is your purpose? How many people like you are there?"

The landlord now understood his situation and knew that the man behind him had the ability to detect lies, so he became much more honest and began to answer Li Yin's questions: "We... are here to make money. At present, there are only me and my cousin."

The middle-aged man nodded silently, indicating that he was not lying.

Li Yin didn't expect that they were really here to make money.

You humanoid creatures also have to make money to support your family?

She was a little amused, but continued to ask: "Then how do you make money? In addition to contract fraud, are there any other means?"

The landlord lowered his head, seeming a little embarrassed: "Actually... we mainly rely on contract fraud. My cousin... he is not very good at other things, so..."

Li Yin nodded, she could understand this helplessness.

For these humanoid creatures, they may not be familiar with the rules of human society, nor do they have the complex social skills of humans, so they can only choose some relatively simple and direct ways to make money.

"It's okay, you haven't done anything bad, just cooperate with the investigation honestly, and we won't make things difficult for you."

First comforted, and then continued to ask: "Your form itself is

Are you in human form? Or is the tumor in your head your true form? "

Perhaps because he was afraid that Li Yin would misunderstand, the landlord quickly said: "We are in human form! Those are our brains! Except for the different appearance, the structure is similar to yours."

Li Yin turned his head away in disgust and did not look at him.

I don't want such a disgusting thing to grow in my head...

"By the way, who beat you on the head? Was it the previous tenant?"

The landlord shook his head: "I don't know, I was suddenly attacked while walking on the road. It seemed like some kind of beast bit off half of my head in one bite. Fortunately, my ability played a role, otherwise I would have died. "

Beast? What beast can crush a human skull in one bite?

She had just pinched it. The bones of the landlord are about the same hardness as human skulls, and ordinary beasts cannot easily crush them.

It seems that there are still some dangerous things lurking in the capital...

Noticing that the landlord had relaxed his vigilance, Li Yin knew that the time was ripe, and suddenly asked: "Are you living in a small village in the northeast? The location is in Dongsheng Village, Yijiang County?"

Her speech speed was very fast, and she said the result directly, without giving the landlord any time to react.

When the first thought flashed through the landlord's mind, the middle-aged man behind him had already spoken.

"Yes, he confirmed it."

The landlord looked at the middle-aged man in shock. I haven't answered yet, why did you say it for me?

Li Yin wanted this effect, so she didn't try it, and asked by stating the conclusion.

It seems that her speculation about the middle-aged man is correct.

"Okay, I don't have anything to ask, it's your turn. "

Hearing her say this, a group of researchers could not wait to come forward and began to ask their own questions, hoping to get more information about these humanoid creatures from the landlord.

Although they had guessed that the landlord might not be an ordinary person, they were still excited to get a definite answer at this moment.

"How do you have this ability? Is it innate or acquired?"

"Our ability is innate." The landlord answered quickly, obviously prepared.

"What is your social structure?"

"It's similar to humans, but we rarely leave the village."


"The village is protected by the gods. If you leave the village, you will lose the source of power and become no different from ordinary people. " The landlord explained, his words revealing a kind of awe for the village and the gods he believed in.

Is this what Xie Yunxiao said, the family protected by the evil god?

Speaking of the "evil god" in the Northeast, could it be that fox?

Li Yin came up again and asked, "Have you seen your god?"

The landlord shook his head: "No, we ordinary people cannot see the gods directly. Only the elders and priests in the village can communicate with the gods in specific rituals. "

Can still communicate? Is he still alive?

"What does your god look like? Is it a big fox?"

The landlord's unintelligent face showed confusion again: "What fox? ”

It seems that he is not the partner that Xie Yunxiao mentioned, otherwise she would have suspected that the fox was planning something.

Li Yin did not ask any more questions, but walked forward and took out his mobile phone.

Just as she was about to ask for the password, she saw the wallpaper on his mobile phone.

It was a stone statue, a monster stone statue. At first glance, it looked a bit like Buddha, with a bunch of bumps on its head, but it was not if you looked closely. These bumps were more like tumors, not meat buns.

And the stone statue was not in human form, but a four-legged monster of unknown species, with a twisted body, thick limbs, and eyes closed, as if it was sleeping, but even in sleep, it was still Revealing a powerful aura.

The carving is good, better than my father-in-law's.

It seems that this is their god.

It is unlikely to be alive, otherwise they would most likely be monsters like fish monsters obsessed with non-human forms, rather than honestly transforming into human forms.

Moreover, it seems that the fox's territory is over there. The evil gods have a strong sense of territory and will not allow other evil gods to do whatever they want in their territory.

At this moment, the phone rang. It was Xie Yunxiao who called without guessing.

Her tone was very serious: "Li Yin, we didn't find anyone here. According to his neighbors, he has disappeared for several days. Are you interested in going to the northeast with me and going directly to their nest to take a look?"

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