The truth is that faith can be used to create energy.

Li Yin was a little confused about the system of faith: "Didn't you tell the Abnormal Bureau that faith can generate energy?"

"A few people know about it." Xuanyuan Xueluo explained: "This kind of thing cannot be popularized. You also know that faith is easy to do, but it is actually very easy to do. You just need to go to underdeveloped areas, show your power to ordinary people with low education, and make up a few stories. It is easy to deceive a group of people to believe in what you made up, just like pyramid selling or health products that deceive the elderly."

Li Yin didn't expect such words to come out of Xuanyuan Xueluo's mouth, and felt a little surprised.

A fox who became a god by faith actually said that faith cannot be popularized?

But she also understood Xuanyuan Xueluo's concerns.

After all, the other party is a creature that relies on human faith to exist. Once humans are in chaos or perish, she will probably pay an unimaginable price.

"Even in the Abnormal Bureau, no one can be sure that there will be no traitors. Once someone with ulterior motives masters similar methods, it is likely to cause unnecessary turmoil."

Li Yin pondered and asked: "If you want to create a being like you, how long will it take?"

"More than a thousand years."

"When did you become a god?"

"Within the past thousand years."

No wonder there are only three beings like her in the world, because the conditions for birth are too harsh.

First of all, their existence itself is not ordinary.

Xuanyuan Xueluo said that she was born more than three thousand years ago, and it took her nearly a thousand years to become a god. In other words, she lived in the form of a fox for two thousand years. This is not an ordinary creature in any way.

It is obviously in the category of evil gods, but not ordinary evil gods.

Their common point should be that they do not have the pollution ability like the Eye Evil God and the Fish God, that is, the disgusting passive ability to transform all creatures that see them into their followers.

Otherwise, beings like Xuanyuan Xueluo would never become the faith of mankind.

They may be variants of evil gods, relatively weak at the beginning, until they embraced the big tree of human beings.

"Senior, the energy born from faith in you, is it only for you to use?"

Xuanyuan Xueluo shook his head: "No, that's why I can't hand over the method."

So that's it...

Li Yin understood, and also knew why the Omniscient God Cult existed.

They have only one purpose for action, which is to collect faith on a large scale and use the energy of faith for targeted distribution, so as to achieve the purpose of resurrecting the evil god.

"Senior, the evil god once ruled the earth, right? Then why can it only hide in the corner of the world now, and assign its followers to steal in secret?" Li Yin organized his words and added: "What I want to ask is, before the birth of powerful beings like the perfect controller, what means did humans rely on to take back this world from the evil god?"

Xuanyuan Xueluo did not answer directly, but asked back: "Do you know how I was born?"

Li Yin shook his head and waited for her explanation.

Xuanyuan Xueluo stretched out her finger and pointed in the distant direction.

"I don't know how many years ago, on the top of Changbai Mountain, five evil gods died there. The curse spread for thousands of miles and eventually became the place where I was born. I was born from their curse, so do you think I would know how they died?"

Li Yin shook her head silently. Although she spoke cryptically, Li Yin also deduced some important information from it.

In other words, the time it took for humans to take back the world was not as long as they imagined, probably only a few thousand years, and it might even be recorded in history books.

"The Abnormal Bureau is also studying the methods used by human ancestors, hoping to crack them, so as to increase the bargaining chips against the growing abnormal threats."

Li Yin raised his head, a little puzzled: "Senior, you didn't tell the Abnormal Bureau about these things, right? Why tell me?"

Xuanyuan Xueluo smiled slyly again: "Because I think we are very similar, so I told you a little more. In addition, you are very mysterious, even I can't see what you are, and that axe..."

Speaking of it, Xuanyuan Xueluo's face became serious, and his eyes flashed with an inexplicable light: "I suggest you, try to be careful. I can feel that the breath it exudes is extremely chaotic and terrifying. I am not talking nonsense. In my perception, she is incompatible with the whole world. It is very likely that she comes from a place that we are completely

It is completely unknown, even beyond the scope of our understanding. Try to be... careful. "

Li Yin nodded silently. Along the way, she had already discovered the extraordinaryness of her axe.

From suppressing ghosts and mutant creatures at the beginning, to later even evil god-level creatures, they were extremely afraid of it.

What is it?

Since it is so powerful, why was it pierced by the black crystal flying out of Li Muyi's body?

Unable to figure it out, Li Yin simply stopped thinking about it and turned to analyze the existing information.

One point can be analyzed from the conversation with Xuanyuan Xueluo, that is, the means of the firm are probably derived from the system of faith.

Relying on the chivalrous or deceitful tricks of the predecessors, they formed their own prestige in a certain area, gradually accumulated it, and truly turned it into a means to exorcise evil.

"Senior, you said that the energy of faith can distort reality. To what extent can it be achieved?"

Xuanyuan Xueluo smiled slightly: "Yunan City, I hid it. "


Even such a thing can be done?

Li Yin immediately thought of what happened to him.

Compared with hiding a city, fundamentally changing the cognition and record of everyone in the world, as well as food, about a certain thing obviously requires more energy.

If his change is really related to the energy of faith, who did it? What is the purpose? How much energy does it require?

At this time, Li Yin thought of the three disappeared countries and Xie Yunxiao's cousin.

Compared with them, what happened to him seemed insignificant.

Could it be related to Guiyi Religion?

Li Yin felt that he was a little confused.

However, compared with the parents mentioned by his uncle and the monsters in the illusion, the clues about the cult are obviously much clearer.

And as long as he finds his uncle, he will have information about the weird parents he mentioned.

We still have to track down the cult...

Li Yin raised his head and asked curiously: "Hiding a city in everyone's consciousness must have consumed a lot of energy, right? "

Hearing this question, the expression on Xuanyuan Xueluo's face suddenly collapsed: "Quite a lot! My heart is about to break. Otherwise, can you give my sister some more?"

"No. You can ask the Abnormal Bureau for it. They seem to have obtained some very interesting energy recently."

Xuanyuan Xueluo was a little surprised: "Do you think it's all interesting? Then I have to ask for more. "

The two chatted about some more things, and Li Yin stood up to say goodbye, pushed open the unfamiliar door behind her and left the director's office.

Watching her back, Xuanyuan Xueluo's expression gradually subsided.

She didn't tell the truth just now.

She felt a familiar breath on Li Yin, not because of the belief energy.

But it was the terrifying fluctuations that swept across the world a hundred years ago!

At the moment when Li Yin took action, although he hid very deeply, she still detected a trace of breath.

It was only five points similar, but it was enough.

She didn't know where the energy came from, but what she knew was that under that pressure, the whole world seemed not worth mentioning.

Is it her?

But why did she still look so confused?


Thinking of this, Xuanyuan Xueluo's eyes flickered, thinking about whether to tell the Abnormal Bureau about this matter Headquarters.

But after thinking about it, forget it...

Some of the people in the Abnormal Bureau are too crazy, and they might anger him.

The current situation is already very good, and waiting and watching is the best choice.

Leaving the director's office, Li Yin looked back at this different building and couldn't help but marvel at it.

It was a small bungalow just now, but it was directly transformed into a villa. It seems that this senior really likes modern architecture.

Turning back, a fragrant breeze has already rushed to the front.

Ning Zhu nervously checked Li Yin's body up and down, fearing that she would be injured in the huge noise just now.

As early as when the house was broken and the trees collapsed, she wanted to rush in, but was stopped by Xie Yunxiao, and persuaded by kind words, so she resisted the impulse. Now seeing Li Yin walk out intact, Ning Zhu's heart finally fell.

"Are you okay? There was so much noise inside just now, I was worried to death. "Ning Zhu asked anxiously.

Li Yin smiled slightly, patted her shoulder gently, and comforted her: "Don't worry, I'm fine. I just talked about some things with Senior Xuanyuan."

Xie Yunxiao next to her was curious about what Senior Fox said to Li Yin, but she was tactful and didn't say anything at this time.

Anyway, I have a trump card, and I will make sure that Li Yin is satisfied.

Although I might get beaten up.

The three of them had lunch in the cafeteria of the Abnormal Bureau, said goodbye to Xuanyuan Xueluo, and set off to

Yijiang County, Dongsheng Village.

It may be across the province from the Northeast Abnormal Bureau headquarters. The three took another five hours of driving to arrive in Yijiang County. They planned to rest here for a while and set off for investigation tomorrow.

This county town is not big, nor is it very prosperous, but it is very lively, revealing a unique simplicity and enthusiasm of the north.

It is only a little after eight o'clock in the evening. The three decided to walk around the county and see the night scenery of this small town.

Li Yin walked in front, her eyes wandering around the street scenes, occasionally stopping in front of some small stalls, observing the busy figures of the stall owners, listening to the enthusiastic shouts, and feeling the unique life atmosphere of this small town.

She remembered the former Luoan Town, which was also so bustling and brightly lit at night.

Unfortunately, everything is gone.

Ning Zhu took Li Yin's arm, and the two talked from time to time.

Xie Yunxiao walked behind the two of them, looking around from time to time, with energy attached to his eyes, scanning passers-by one by one, looking for possible abnormal signs.

After all, this place is too close to Dongsheng Village, and the evil god's followers are likely to appear here.

The three of them walked through alleys, walked past several brightly lit shops, and finally came to a very lively night market. There are all kinds of snack stalls here, and the aroma is overflowing, making people salivate.

The eyes of the other two have been seduced by the barbecue, while Li Yin looks at the unknown Buddhist temple on the side of the road.

To be precise, it is the statues placed in it.

It is a Buddha statue, with eyes closed, hands flat on knees, palms open, a kind and peaceful look.

But there is an eye in each palm.

Its appearance is very similar to the eyeball in his pocket!

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