The two of them were very busy, but the two of them were busy.

"Li Yin, let's go eat barbecue. I heard that the barbecue here is very delicious. I just came here, so I tried it."

Ning Zhu looked at the barbecue restaurant across the street, his mouth was about to drool. He turned around and looked at Li Yin, but found that she was staring at a Buddhist temple next to her, with a strange light flashing in her eyes.

"Li Yin? What are you looking at?" Ning Zhu came over curiously and looked at the Buddhist temple along Li Yin's line of sight, but did not find anything unusual.

Li Yin also retracted his gaze and nodded with a smile: "Let's go. We have been sitting in the car all day today. Let's have a good rest after dinner."


Ning Zhu took the lead and walked towards the barbecue restaurant, ready to take a seat and order more.

Xie Yunxiao came to Li Yin's side, also looking at the Buddhist hall with doubts in his eyes.

"Did you find anything?"

Li Yin nodded, took out an eyeball from her pocket and showed it to Xie Yunxiao, and pointed to the statue in the store.

Xie Yunxiao smiled: "Sure enough, it's in your hand."

Then she looked at the Buddha statue, and her expression became solemn.

It really looked too similar, especially the circle of blue lines drawn on the eyeball of the original wooden statue, which was exactly the same as the eye in Li Yin's hand. If it was a coincidence, it would be too coincidental.

Unfortunately, the door was locked. Xie Yunxiao used his ability to scan the room and found no one inside. There was no abnormality in the statue, which seemed to be just an ordinary decoration.

Li Yin pulled her clothes and said softly: "Don't alert the enemy, come back tomorrow."

Xie Yunxiao nodded, and looked at Ning Zhu over there, who was already waving at the two with a menu.

Li Yin felt that if she didn't go over, the girl might get jealous.

The three of them sat around the barbecue stall, and none of them mentioned the purpose of their trip, fearing that someone would overhear them.

Especially Li Yin and Xie Yunxiao, they knew the inside story, and knew that the actions here might involve the All-Knowing God Religion, and there were many ordinary people in this sect, so they couldn't tell them apart, so they could only act more carefully.

Soon the barbecue was served, and the huge skewers of meat made people's appetite increase.

Ning Zhu originally thought that the skewers of meat in Beijing were already quite large, but compared with the ones here, the meat was not enough.

She picked up a skewer excitedly, blew it twice, and started to put it in her mouth, her satisfaction was beyond words.

Li Yin and Xie Yunxiao couldn't help laughing when they saw her eating.

Xie Yunxiao even ordered a few bottles of beer, saying that he wanted to celebrate tonight's night tour.

Unfortunately, no one could drink with her.

While the waiter was serving the dishes, Li Yin winked at Xie Yunxiao, who understood and put down his glass and asked the waitress, "Hello, can I ask you something?"

The waitress should be a high school student, helping out at home during the holidays.

Seeing that the three people looked unfamiliar and were obviously not dressed like locals, she guessed that they were tourists.

Xie Yunxiao smiled slightly, nodded and praised, "Your observation is really good. We are indeed here for tourism. We are college students from Linhai, and we are here to do a project to investigate the customs and beliefs of the people in Northeast China. Little sister, can you share with us some of your hometown, especially the special customs or legends of this small town?"

Xie Yunxiao's question was very natural and did not arouse the other party's suspicion.

At the same time, she also looked in the direction of Li Yin, wanting her to help prove her identity.

Li Yin reluctantly took out her mobile phone, found her student ID and showed it to the waitress.

But she covered her name and the four words "Linhai University" with her hand.

Seeing the avatar and icon in the photo, the younger sister was a little surprised: "You are really from Linhai? Why do you come to a small place like ours?"

Li Yin smiled and waved her hand: "We like to explore different places and feel the charm of various cultures. Do you have any special customs or stories here? We are very interested."

Said it was a custom story, but in fact, what they really wanted to hear was the strange things in the town recently, or whether anyone came to preach.

If there were no old ladies here, they would have definitely surrounded them to ask.

Ning Zhu found an empty plate in front of the younger sister, gave her a few skewers, and asked her to sit down and eat while chatting.

Perhaps because of the similar age, she was not too restrained. She greeted her father and sat down.

"I feel that you have come to the wrong place. Although our county has a history of hundreds of years, there are really no special customs.

It's almost the same as other places during the New Year and other festivals."

The younger sister took a bite of the skewers, then looked around and suddenly said mysteriously: "But there are indeed strange things happening recently. There are rumors in our school that there seems to be something unclean in the teaching building!"

Speaking of unclean things, the three of them are very interested.

After all, they are all top experts in the country.

"Before the start of this semester, our school moved to a new school building. It was a holiday at that time, and only the seniors who were about to be seniors were in class. It should be more than seven o'clock, and it was not completely dark. The seniors were in evening self-study. The teacher didn't turn on the lights. The room was a little dim, and everyone was drowsy. One of them accidentally looked at the back door, but saw something walking past there!"

The younger sister deliberately lowered her voice, as if she was afraid of disturbing the air around her, and continued: "You should know how high the windows on the school door frame are, but the senior saw the head of the figure in the glass above! At first, the senior thought he had seen it wrong, but as soon as this thought came up, he saw the figure again in the window on the wall! It couldn't see the face clearly, it was thin, tall, and a little hunched, and it didn't look like a human at all! And not only one person saw it, but several seniors saw it! "

Li Yin and Xie Yunxiao looked at each other, feeling that the story she told was not scary at all, even if she lowered her tone, it just felt like a story.

Ning Zhu was a little interested, thinking that after the things in Dongsheng Village were done, he could go to the school to take a look.

After she finished, while drinking a drink to moisten her throat, Li Yin asked: "Well, little sister, do you have any stories about religion? We need to use them as references for our project. ”

The younger sister was also stunned when she was called the younger sister. She always felt something was wrong when she looked at Li Yin's little face, but when she thought that the other party was already a college student, it felt somewhat reasonable.

This contradictory mood made her scratch her head. It was too weird.

However, her story did not scare them, which made her a little dissatisfied.

"What good stories can religion have? They are just some old men and women who believe in it for fun. We used to have a Christian church here, and many people went there, but it seems that no one has gone there recently. And I heard that a group of monks came here recently to preach, and many people converted to Buddhism. It's quite speechless. "

Li Yin's mind moved, and he knew that the news he wanted had come.

He asked calmly: "Convert? Did they all believe in Christianity before?"

"Yes, that's why I'm speechless. These people's beliefs are too casual. But I heard that the monk is quite powerful, curing diseases and saving people, and predicting many things, so many people went to listen to the sermon. "My younger sister shrugged, obviously not interested in these.

Hearing this, Xie Yunxiao's eyes flashed a little. She coughed lightly to attract my younger sister's attention, and then asked: "Where does the monk give lectures? Do you know the specific location?"

"It seems that he gives lectures three times a month, on the 6th, 16th and 26th. He rotates in several nearby counties, and each time he gives lectures in a fixed hotel. I remember it was Fusheng Building, which was like a pyramid scheme. I didn't like it very much. "

No. 6, Fusheng Building...

Although they didn't know whether the monk had any connection with the strange Buddha statues in the temple and the All-Knowing God Religion, they had to list him as a suspect since he appeared here at this time.

Then she asked Xiaomei about some local customs and practices, and Li Yin pretended to record them on her phone. They ended the topic only when the boss called Xiaomei to serve the dishes.

Before leaving, Xie Yunxiao asked her about the situation in Dongsheng Village, but Xiaomei shook her head and said she didn't know much.

After eating and drinking, the three of them walked out of the barbecue restaurant. Instead of wandering around, they found a hotel nearby and decided to check in first, and then make plans for the next step based on the information they collected.

No. 6 Fusheng Building became their new target.

However Before that, the main focus was on investigating the situation in Dongsheng Village.

The three of them rented two rooms. Xie Yunxiao stared at the two people who were hugging each other and walked into one of the rooms. She said "Puh" and turned back to her room.

Late at night, Xie Yunxiao was bored in her room. She got up and casually flipped through the cabinets and drawers, trying to find something interesting to pass the time.

As a result, she really found something interesting.

It was a book and a small statue.

The statue looked a little strange. It was a Buddha sitting cross-legged, but his eyes were closed and his hands were spread out. On the palms of his hands, there was an eye on each.

It was exactly the same as the statue in the Buddhist temple!

Xie Yunxiao frowned, injected energy into his eyes, and scanned the statue back and forth, but did not find anything unusual.

She wanted to smash it to see if she could see it, but after thinking about it, she didn't do it.

She opened the red book again.

The previous story was very simple, describing how a Buddha named Huimian did good deeds in the world, saved all living beings, and was revered by all people.

It seemed to be a very ordinary Buddhist story.

But in the middle, it began to describe that every time Huimian realized a Buddhist principle, his body would have an extra eye. These eyes could see through everything in the world, whether it was the darkness of the human heart or the mystery of the universe, nothing could escape his gaze.

This description immediately reminded her of the eyeball appreciation incident in the Linhai residential building, and the Thousand-Eyed Evil God behind it.

When she looked at the statue again, the statue's originally closed eyes seemed to open slightly in some light, flashing a strange red light.

Something was wrong!

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