The fire started to burn, and the fire was not far away.

A ball of fire instantly rose in Xie Yunxiao's hand, and he threw it on the statue without hesitation. In just a moment, the wooden statue burned to ashes, and the red light gradually disappeared without causing any abnormality.

What is going on?

Xie Yunxiao frowned, and just as he was about to go to the next door to wake up Li Yin and the others, his body suddenly stopped.

It was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and a faint chanting sound came into her ears, which was very noisy, chaotic, and not far away.

She immediately locked the source of the sound, which was in the room diagonally opposite the corridor!

This is the nearest one, and there are similar chanting sounds coming from downstairs and farther away, as if the whole hotel was shrouded in this weird sound.

After locking the target, she opened the door and rushed out. As a result, she saw Li Yin and Ning Zhu holding an axe at the door of the side room, preparing to break in.

They looked like two bandits.

Hearing the sound of the door opening behind her, Li Yin looked back, stretched out her hand to signal her to be quiet, and put her ear to the door and listened carefully.

"She seems to be telling a story."

Li Yin's voice was very low, trying not to expose the whereabouts of the three people.

Xie Yunxiao also came over to listen, and soon she found a familiar paragraph.

"This is the content of the scripture."

Seeing the two people looking at her strangely, she handed the red book to Li Yin and helped her turn to the corresponding page.

After reading the content above, Li Yin did not continue to wait, but crushed the door lock, gently pushed the door open and walked in, and the other two followed closely.

In the room, a woman who looked to be in her forties was kneeling on the ground, holding a red leather scripture in her hands, and constantly muttering the contents of the scripture in her mouth. Her voice was low and strange. There was also a statue in front of her, which was exactly the same as the one Xie Yunxiao found in the cabinet in the room.

Seeing this statue, Li Yin's brows frowned all of a sudden.

Sure enough, it was related to them.

The three of them walked into the room swaggeringly, but the woman didn't notice it at all. She was still kneeling on the ground in a praying posture, and the chanting in her mouth never stopped.

Li Yin walked up and patted her shoulder, but didn't respond. He walked around to the front to observe her eyes and expression.

The woman's face was dull and her eyes were dull, as if she was completely controlled by some force and lost her self-awareness.

"Is it mental control?"

Li Yin frowned and guessed.

The other two people also had similar guesses in their hearts, but because they had never really seen the state of people being controlled by the mind, they could not be sure.

Li Yin took back the fire axe in his hand and set his eyes on the statue in front of him.

The statue's tightly closed eyes now opened a gap, and a strange red light shone through them, as if it was watching the people in front of it.

"I also have this thing in my room, and I accidentally found it. Because its eyes suddenly lit up, I burned it." Xie Yunxiao said softly: "I suspect that all the rooms in the hotel have similar things."

After listening, Ning Zhu turned around and left the room, ready to go back to his room to look for it.

Li Yin picked up the statue in front of him, and under Xie Yunxiao's surprised eyes, he stretched out two fingers, and was actually ready to open the half-open eyelids of the statue.

Is there such an operation?

Li Yin's action was very decisive. He gently used two fingers to pull off the eyelids of the statue directly, but there was nothing inside, just ordinary wood.

Looking at the statue with one eye blind, Li Yin thought for a while and injected a little energy into it.

The next second, the statue's eyes suddenly glowed red, its eyelids were stretched open, its eyeballs bulged outward, and even the two eyes in the palm of the hand began to flash red.

Wow, interesting.

Li Yin sighed, and Xie Yunxiao behind him came forward in confusion, wondering why the statue suddenly changed like this.

At this moment, the chanting sound disappeared, and a "click" sound came from the woman's neck, slowly turning her head towards the two of them.

Outside the brown sclera, a circle of blue light flashed with a strange light.

The moment Li Yin saw the change in her eyes, he realized that something had changed, and rushed downstairs directly, ready to catch someone.

At the same time, he told Xie Yunxiao to guard the periphery and not let anyone out.

Xie Yunxiao immediately turned on the thermal imaging function of his eyes and scanned the entire building.

As expected, all the tenants knelt on their knees in prayer, with exactly the same movements, obviously being


In the entire hotel, only four people can move normally, except for the three of them, there is only the front desk downstairs.

She seemed to have realized that she was discovered and was running out in a hurry.

The next second, a strong wind passed by her, and before she could react, her eyes were covered, and then a strong force pressed her to the ground.

Xie Yunxiao and Ning Zhu also rushed over from the second floor, Ning Zhu was holding a statue and a red book in his hands.

Li Yin glanced at the statue, and the red light on it flashed, but her eyes were not fully open.

She looked at Xie Yunxiao and asked, "Are there any others?"

"No." Xie Yunxiao shook her head, but her expression was very solemn. She pointed to the residential building next door and said, "All the residents there are in this state."

"Has it not been lifted yet?"


Li Yin looked down at the woman who was pressed to the ground with her eyes covered by her, and asked Xie Yunxiao again, "See if there is a tumor in her brain."

Xie Yunxiao walked forward and put his hand on the top of the woman's head. A stream of heat flowed into her, revealing the situation in the woman's body.

"She is a descendant of the evil god, and her structure is exactly the same as your landlord."

Li Yin nodded, "How is the person upstairs now?"

"She has been released from control and is now sleeping on the ground. She is not in danger of life."

"That's good."

Li Yin stretched out his hand and tore the woman's clothes hard, pulling off three pieces of cloth. He kept one piece for himself and handed the rest to the two.

Xie Yunxiao already understood what it meant. Ning Zhu didn't see what happened just now, and was a little confused, but she still covered her face with her.

Li Yin handed the woman to Xie Yunxiao, and covered her face, then raised the woman's head and looked at her eyes.

One of the woman's eyes was no different from that of an ordinary person, and the other was with a blue halo, which must have been used to connect the eyes of the controlled person.

"Who are you? What did you do to them?"

Li Yin used a question that she knew the answer to, ready to test this person's tone.

Hearing the voice, the woman slowly raised her head and looked at the girl in front of her, with panic in her eyes and well-concealed expectations.

What was she expecting? Naturally, her ability was activated to control the three people in front of her.

Under her gaze, Li Yin's eyes gradually became blank, Xie Yunxiao let go of the hand that was holding the woman, and Ning Zhu fell to the ground with a plop.

The woman showed a sneer at the corner of her mouth, broke free from Xie Yunxiao's restraints, rubbed her wrist, and snorted coldly.

"I thought you were so powerful, but you are still controlled by my ability?"

She wanted to kick the shortest girl in front of her, but she was afraid that her ability would be removed, so she had to give up.

She took out her cell phone from the torn pocket of her shirt, and with a beep, she began to talk to the phone: "I had an accident here, and three people were not controlled in the first time for some reason. I'm injured, who of you can come over?"


It was the sound of sending a voice message.

She didn't want to use the voice message at this time, but who made their village closed for so long, and the people were not well educated? They couldn't read a single word, and they only learned to use the cell phone recently.

"But fortunately, these three people are now under my control. How are you?"

She continued to talk to the phone, with a smug smile on her lips.

A voice soon came from the microphone. It was a man: "Everything is normal. Go check the statue. Is there something wrong with the statue in that room?"

Another voice then sounded: "It's the same here. All residents have been controlled. There is no abnormality."

"I have contacted Mr. Song. He asked you to continue the task. He will deal with the three people you mentioned personally."

"Okay, I know."

After sending this voice message, the woman quickly went upstairs to check the statues in the two rooms.

Ning Zhu, who was lying on the ground, silently stuffed the statue and the red book in his arms into his clothes.

Xie Yunxiao, with a dull look in his eyes, blinked at Li Yin and whispered: "It seems that these things were done by people from Dongsheng Village. The man surnamed Song is probably their leader."

Li Yin nodded silently, pointed in the direction of the upstairs, and motioned Xie Yunxiao to kill him.

Xie Yunxiao looked up and glanced. After determining the location, he removed a metal button from his pants, activated the flame to heat it, and then threw it out!

The button pierced through the roof and the woman's head. Without making a sound, the woman was already lying on the ground.

As for what to do with the body, either burn it to ashes or hand it over to the police.

They didn't need to worry about the surveillance. Before these people took action,

The monitoring problem must have been solved, otherwise, even if there is the ability of mental control, it will definitely be discovered.

Li Yin helped Ning Zhu up from the ground, patted the dust off her body, and said: "Azhu, the man surnamed Song will be here soon, help me control him and don't let him make too much noise."

"No problem!"

Ning Zhu seemed very happy to be able to help the person she loved.

Li Yin patted her shoulder and turned to go upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Xie Yunxiao asked.

"See the status of those who are controlled." Li Yin made up a reason casually and waved his hand: "You should stay downstairs too, in case of accidents. If possible, leave a survivor."

"OK." Xie Yunxiao did not doubt it, turned and looked outside the door: "By the way, take down her mobile phone, maybe there are clues."

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