The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

Li Yin came upstairs and went to the room of the woman who was controlled at the beginning, preparing to see if she was dead or not. If she was dead, she would check her memory, and by the way, it would give her actions more credibility.

After all, Xie Yunxiao had a perspective eye, and maybe he was staring at him.

Downstairs, Xie Yunxiao saw Li Yin walk into the room just now, squatting beside the woman's body and began to check, so he retracted his gaze.

Continue to observe the situation outside, looking for suspicious movements.

Li Yin pretended to check the body, and felt that the time was about right, so he stretched out a hand to touch the light band above his head that had begun to fade.

A memory came into her mind, all about family matters. There was no information about the cult from beginning to end. Even the statue in front of her and the red book did not appear in her memory.

It seemed that she was just a poor person involved.

Li Yin sighed. There were too many such examples, and there would be more in the future...

However, she still analyzed some things from the woman's memory.

The woman stayed in the hotel for three days, but she had no memory of the Buddha statue. From this, it can be inferred that either it started today, or the ability of mental control would not leave a memory in the mind of the controlled person.

Or both are right.

Being controlled, but not having any relevant memory, this ability is really dangerous...

Li Yin stood up and came to Xie Yunxiao's room.

The waiter's body lay quietly on the floor. There was a small melted hole on the ground. There was no similar trace on the ceiling. It should be that the metal button was vaporized during the flight.

Her ability to control temperature is really meticulous.

Coming to the woman's body, he picked up her phone from the ground and opened it. There was no new message. Others should be trying to control the residents in their respective areas and had no time to send messages.

Putting away the phone, Li Yin squatted down and touched the light band above the woman's head, and memories emerged.

There were not many memories about the village, and they passed by quickly. About three months ago, the memory gradually slowed down. Although it was still a little vague, it was already possible to distinguish what happened.

A group of people entered Dongsheng Village. They found the village chief, who was the evil god priest in the village. I don't know what they talked about. A small-scale conflict broke out between the two sides and eventually parted unhappily.

Not long after, the group came again and gave a speech in the village.

The content was very simple, connecting with the gods, expelling humans, and recreating the glorious era of the gods' rule! The power of Dongsheng Village is indispensable.

Seeing this, Li Yin had guessed the cause of the last conflict.

It is likely that these people told about the death of the evil god in Dongsheng Village, which angered those who did not know the truth.

This time, they changed their rhetoric, trying to induce the villagers to join them and jointly revive the glory of the gods.

As for the "you are indispensable" in the speech, it was really true.

In terms of collecting beliefs, the villagers of Dongsheng Village, who can control ordinary people and even hypnotize them, so that people can join the cult belief system without knowing it, are really indispensable.

As they spoke, some villagers were persuaded and wanted to leave with them, but they were stopped by the priests and others. The two sides had a second conflict. In the end, because the villagers of Dongsheng Village could not apply their abilities to those who possessed the power of evil gods, they could only let those people leave.

Li Yin also saw the appearance and ability of the person who went to Dongsheng Village to give a speech.

He was a monk with a pagoda-like flesh bun on his head. He really looked like Buddha, but when he started fighting, all the protrusions on his head would turn into eyeballs!

The evil god's followers that he saw appeared in a trance. If it were other animals, they would immediately begin to grow eyeballs and mutate, and be devoured at a very fast speed. Then the scattered eyeballs would begin to look for new hosts, whether it was stones, trees, or even the evil god's followers in Dongsheng Village, they would be parasitized and drill into the inside frantically.

It was indeed this group of people.

From the ability used by the monk, Li Yin could tell that this person was definitely from the same sect as Li Jichao, and his status might be higher than Li Jichao. And from the eyes on his head, he was a member of the evil god's followers, an absolute big fish!

At the end of the memory, the people who followed him were taken to Yijiang County, and the evil god's mark was implanted in their right eyes. The monks could observe the movements here at any time through their eyes, and they could also use the eyes with the mark to observe

Observe the contents of the controlled person's vision.

Then began a small-scale experiment of using abilities to collect beliefs.

The good news is that the villagers of Dongsheng Village use their abilities on ordinary people, which will not cause damage to the brain of the controlled person, but will only feel a little tired the next day.

The bad news is that the actions on my side may have been exposed to the monk.

In addition, I also saw the picture of my landlord from my memory.

That guy really went out to make money. Because the village was too poor and he couldn't afford to eat, he ran away to seek refuge with his cousin who was developed in the big city.

The woman wanted to go with him, but he ran away in advance and didn't take her with him.

After breaking away from her memory, Li Yin probably understood what happened in Yijiang County.

In her opinion, it was not a big deal. As long as the monk was caught, all problems would be solved. The rest would be handed over to the Abnormal Bureau to see how they deal with these dangerous evil god families in Dongsheng Village.

If we still leave it alone, similar things may continue to happen.

However... fishing here seems to be a good choice.

At this moment, the sound of fighting came from downstairs, but it became quiet after a while.

When he went downstairs, he saw that it was true. A man who looked to be in his thirties was knocked unconscious and thrown to the ground.

One of his arms disappeared, replaced by eyeballs scattered all over the ground. Xie Yunxiao was burning them to ashes one by one.

"What's going on? Did he resist?"

Ning Zhu nodded: "This guy can use his ability even if he fainted. His arms kept flying out of his eyes and finally exploded directly."

"Is that so..."

He can still use his ability even if he fainted. It is likely that he did not use it himself, but that the monk was controlling everything behind the scenes.

Li Yin checked the cloth covering the faces of the three people and confirmed that there was no problem. Their appearance should not have been exposed.

However, the figures of the three of them were really obvious, and there was a high possibility of exposure if they continued to act.

Because I don't know how many spies the monk has left in Yijiang County, as long as they observe through their eyes in secret, their actions will be no secrets at all.

Li Yin frowned. This was indeed a thorny problem, and she had no good countermeasures.

She walked forward and turned over the man's body. She had seen this man in the woman's memory. He was one of the people who went to Dongsheng Village to give a speech. He was a subordinate of the monk.

No wonder he could be controlled directly.

It seemed that the monk had already noticed the actions of the three of them.

Where would he be?

Li Yin took out her mobile phone and took a look. She was surprised to find that today was the 8th.

There were so many things happening recently. She thought it was only a few days later. It turned out to be the 8th?

In other words, the last time the monk gave a speech in Yijiang County was two days ago. He is most likely in a nearby county town now, but the specific path of action is unknown.

The good news is that they have only started the experiment of collecting beliefs in Yijiang County for the time being. They only need to call the nearby police station, and they may be able to obtain the other party's path of action.

Li Yin turned her head to look at Xie Yunxiao. She had cleaned up the eyeballs on the ground, and the mobile phone signal had returned to normal.

Then she took out her cell phone and called the Abnormal Bureau of the nearby county, identified herself, and asked them to immediately investigate the whereabouts of the monk, and warned them not to contact him rashly.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yin was a little confused: "Is there no Abnormal Bureau in Yijiang County?"

"No, this place is too small, and the distance between counties is not far, an hour and a half drive away, there is no need to waste manpower and material resources to set up a branch here. So only a general bureau of the Abnormal Bureau was set up in the middle of several counties, responsible for unified management of abnormal situations in several surrounding counties."

It seems that she had done her homework before coming.

Soon the people from the Abnormal Bureau sent back the news that the group of people are now active in Tongcheng County next door, about two hours' drive from here.

"Should we go there now?" Xie Yunxiao asked, "Since they know we have discovered them, they should run away in advance, right?"

Li Yin thought for a moment and nodded, "It's possible, but we still have to go. I feel like they might ambush us on the way."

Xie Yunxiao raised his eyebrows, "So confident?"

"It's not confidence, it's that they don't know our strength, nor do they know your identity."

"Makes sense..."

After all, the other party is a high-level cult leader, not only with unpredictable combat capabilities, but can even control the actions of others from a distance of hundreds of miles.

He also promoted the cult in a city guarded by the Abnormal Bureau. Obviously, he was quite confident in his abilities, even a little conceited.

Such people often don't back down easily, but will find ways to catch their opponents in one fell swoop and show their

His own strength and arrogance.

"What about the evil god's followers here? Just ignore them?" Xie Yunxiao asked, looking at the unconscious man on the ground.

Li Yin nodded: "Ignoring them is the best choice now. Otherwise, once our strength is exposed, the other party may not have the confidence to ambush us."

"Aren't you afraid that they will run away?"

Xie Yunxiao was referring to the evil god's followers in Dongsheng Village. The abilities of these guys are extremely dangerous to ordinary people. If a few of them are missed, it may be very troublesome in the future.

Li Yin looked at Xie Yunxiao and laughed: "Then you stay here and we go to catch people?"

"Why should I stay?"

"Because I have to be with Azhu!"

"Can you two drive?"


"Then you go."

Xie Yunxiao: "Pah!"

In the end, Li Yin and Ning Zhu went to catch the monk, and Xie Yunxiao stayed to wait for the opportunity to catch all the evil god's followers in Yijiang County.

The reason is simple. Her perspective eyes can capture the location of the evil god's followers hiding inside the wall, which makes her more suitable for this task.

As for the driving problem, Ning Zhu simply learned to drive when she came back from Luoan Town last time. Although she didn't have a driver's license, but... she had the office's certificate, which was the same when she was arrested.

Xie Yunxiao took the two of them and "borrowed" a car from the police station with great fanfare. The three of them got in the car and pretended to drive out of the county. When they came to a deserted place, Xie Yunxiao quickly got off the car and replaced it with a dummy. She returned to Yijiang County and waited for Li Yin to take action, and then she began to clean up the remnants of the evil cult!

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