The enemy was killed, but the enemy was still alive.

Li Yin watched the whole battle from the side and commented that he was a little stronger than Li Jichao, but not much.

However, Li Jichao probably had similar abilities, but his eyeballs were in his hands at the time and he couldn't use them.

In addition, doesn't this guy have a disgusting meat ball 'God'? Or...

Li Yin took out his mobile phone and looked at it. The signal had not been restored yet. It was estimated that he had to wait until all the eyeballs were killed.

If he was to eliminate so many independent individuals by himself, what method should he use?

Looking at the small number of eyeballs still wriggling on the ground, Li Yin thought for a while and felt a little troublesome.

He jumped into the bottom of the pit, gently hugged Ning Zhu's body, and felt the energy aftermath that had not yet dissipated in the pit, and sighed a little.

My Ah Zhu has really figured out a good way to use it.

Unfortunately, I can't learn it.

She turned around, looked at the eyeball on the ground, took a deep breath, and then blew hard. The energy was ejected from the body along with the air, forming an invisible storm, which swept all the remaining eyeballs around.

It was wiped out in the blink of an eye.

The main feature is a simple and rough one, but it has a lot of energy.

Seeing this scene, Ning Zhu frowned: "I feel that the one who fought with me just now doesn't seem to be a real monk, at least not his body. Just like the arm of the man surnamed Song, it is something that is controlled. Has the real body run away?"

Speaking of this, she was a little worried, afraid that Li Yin's plan would fail.

Li Yin smiled and shook his head: "It shouldn't be. If I guessed correctly, his true body bypassed us and went directly to Yijiang County to pick up the relatives of Dongsheng Village. He couldn't let go of the people he had worked so hard to deceive, so he should be ready to pick up those people and run away together."

Ning Zhu breathed a sigh of relief, and then a smile appeared on his face: "Is that so? Then he is miserable."

Li Yin guessed correctly. The monk was indeed ready to run away, but he really couldn't let go of the villagers of Dongsheng Village who followed him.

It's not that he is so loyal, but these people are too easy to use. It's hard to say whether he can deceive more next time. It can be said that one less death.

As for why he ran away, it has something to do with Li Yin and the other two, but it doesn't matter much.

If he really feared the power of Li Yin and others, he would directly abandon the villagers of Dongsheng Village and run away. What really worried him was the pursuit from the gods belonging to the land of Northeast China.

The reason for choosing Yijiang County is that there is no abnormal bureau coverage here.

The methods of the Northeast Abnormal Bureau headquarters are very strange. There are not many offices here, most of which are under the organization of the Abnormal Bureau. The specific abilities are also very similar. They are roughly divided into two types, jumping gods and Ma family immortals, and all are bound to Xuanyuan Xueluo. Therefore, wherever there is an abnormal bureau, there is Xuanyuan Xueluo's belief network.

Although she can't always pay attention to the slightest movement, she can immediately detect it once something big happens.

But there are only four combatants in several counties around Yijiang County, and a serious incident occurred some time ago.

Because a single investigator could not handle it, and the support was not timely, it led to his death.

In order to deal with similar emergencies, the abnormal bureaus of the three counties were merged together for unified dispatch, and the new combatants had not been sent yet, so the monks took advantage of the loopholes.

In the car, the monk looked gloomy, and he really couldn't figure out what went wrong with him. Obviously, the plan was so detailed, why was he sent by the Abnormal Bureau to investigate?

The car had already reached the border of Yijiang County. In his perception, the battle on the other side had also begun.

A sneer appeared on the corner of the monk's mouth. He thought it was perfect. If the clone he left there could win, he would kill all three of them to eliminate the trouble. If he couldn't win, it could also delay the battle.

It was enough to delay for a while to buy himself time to retreat.

Because of his faith and ability, he believed in the intelligence he had.

Whether through the eyes of his men or the eyeballs left along the way, he could clearly see the movements of the three people in the car, and there was no accident.

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message, asking people to notify all the villagers of Dongsheng Village to meet at the bus station on the edge of Yijiang County, which was the direction he was in.

Then he put down his mobile phone, closed his eyes and observed the battle over there.

The monk secretly calculated in his heart that although there were some accidents this time, the overall situation was still under his control. As long as the villagers of Dongsheng Village were safely taken away from this place, he could find a more secret place again.

place, and continue his "great cause".

But what he didn't expect was that the clone he left behind was in the hands of the little girl who looked like a high school student, and he had no power to fight back.

After a few rounds, he was forced to show his trump card, and even the giant who gathered all the eyeballs didn't last a round in front of the girl.

The monk couldn't help but take a breath, and felt a little scared.

Fortunately, he was steady at the time and didn't deal with them personally, otherwise he might be the one left there.

But what ability did the girl use? Why could she kill the eyeball so easily?

He had a bold guess in his heart.

Could it be that the Abnormal Bureau even sent out a candidate for the perfect controller to deal with me?

Hahahaha, shouldn't I feel honored?

Even if it's a candidate for the perfect controller, so what? Isn't it still played in my hands?

"Haha, you did catch me this time, but as long as I evacuate safely, what can you do to me? This world, after all, belongs to those who can truly control power. And I am one of them..."

Before he finished speaking, a sudden violent vibration interrupted his wild laughter and self-talk. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked out of the car through the gap in the window.

Not far away, a huge flame shot up into the sky, and a strong shock wave swept in like a storm, making the whole car body tremble.

The monk's face showed a look of doubt. He had seen the fire ability through the eyes of his men. It was the tallest person in the trio.

Could it be that she didn't leave and waited here?

Thinking of this, the monk's face showed a fierce look.

He didn't think that he was strong enough to deal with the two perfect controllers in the Abnormal Bureau.

So the people who stayed here definitely didn't have the strength of the girl over there!

Thinking of this, the monk opened all the flesh buns on his head, ready to kill him as quickly as possible and then evacuate!

But at this moment, there was a muffled sound from the roof, as if it was hit by a heavy object, and the whole car body sank. The powerful impact caught the monk off guard, and his body was thrown to the side by the huge inertia.

He struggled to stabilize his body and looked up at the roof. He saw a red giant claw covered with scales had penetrated the roof and was slowly retracting, and the entire roof was taken away.

Looking at the flaming giant claw, the monk's pupils shrank suddenly, and fear continued to surge from the bottom of his heart.

He never thought that he would meet such a powerful enemy here.

But now is not the time to be shocked!

While the second attack had not yet landed, he quickly opened the car door and ran out.

Standing on the roof was indeed the tall girl he had seen, but at this time the opponent's hands were no longer in human form, but two huge claws!

One of them was still transforming, and in a breath it had turned from a claw into a long knife, with the tip of the knife pointing directly in his direction. The burning sensation on it made him feel his skin burning even though he was several meters away.

The monk took a breath of cold air. What kind of ability is this? So scary!

He put his hands together, muttered something, and his eyes on the top of his head suddenly widened, trying to use his ability to disrupt the actions of the girl in front of him.

But this little trick was like child's play in front of the girl. She shook her head slightly, and a trace of disdain flashed in her eyes.

The next second, the huge claw had clenched into a fist and hit the monk heavily.

He only had time to let out a scream, and was knocked away by the huge force, hitting a tree on the side of the road, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

He struggled to stand up, but his body seemed to fall apart, and the pain made him almost unable to move.

He looked up at the figure walking slowly. The figure exuded a terrifying and hot breath, which almost made him unable to breathe, and despair enveloped his heart.

"Who... who are you?" the monk asked with difficulty.

Xie Yunxiao paused and pointed at his face in confusion: "Don't you know me?"

Seeing the confusion in the monk's eyes, Xie Yunxiao felt a little hurt.

He took a step forward, and the sharp blade transformed by his left arm swung violently, cutting off the monk's legs. The screams echoed in the night sky, and Xie Yunxiao's self-introduction also sounded: "Perfect Controller Candidate, Xie Yunxiao!"

Behind her, there were no corpses, only piles of ashes, all of which were the evil god's followers in Dongsheng Village and the monk's men.

Since the big fish has been caught, the bait has lost its effect, so Xie Yunxiao did not show any mercy.

The sharp blade swung again, and the monk's arms were separated like his legs. The wound was charred and blackened instantly due to the high temperature, and not a drop of blood flowed out.


He let out a desperate roar. He couldn't even commit suicide now, so he could only let Xie Yunxiao slaughter him.

After cutting off his arms, Xie Yunxiao still didn't stop. The sharp blade in his hand changed again, gradually shrinking into a red needle, accurately piercing each of the monk's eyes.

Not long after, a unique eyeball was picked out and fell into Xie Yunxiao's hands.

At this point, the monk finally stopped struggling. He didn't die, but fainted from the pain.

It would be a waste if we didn't pry some information out of the big fish we caught with great difficulty.

When the time comes, hand this guy over to Senior Xuanyuan. After all, this is her territory, and she can also do a favor.

With a thought, the steel needle in his arm disappeared. He took out his mobile phone and saw that there was a signal, so he called Li Yin and the others and briefly told them what happened here.

"The plan was very successful."

The laughter of the girl came from the other side, not complacency, but confidence that everything was under control.

"Well, thanks to you." Xie Yunxiao complimented, and then heard the other side say it a little embarrassedly.

"It's a small matter, that... can you send someone to pick us up?"

"Ah? Don't you have a car?"

"We went to the ditch... By the way, be careful that the monk has a trump card. There is a divine messenger living in his skull, you should pay attention to it."

Hearing Li Yin's reminder, Xie Yunxiao immediately turned his head and saw the guy who had been cut into a human pig, with a layer of disgusting meat mud on his body, moving away from his position quickly.

Seeing this scene, Xie Yunxiao's eyes were full of disdain and mockery.

Just like this, you still want to run?

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