The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

It was already dawn when Li Yin and Ning Zhu arrived in Yijiang County. Xie Yunxiao also moved from the parking lot of the bus station to the police station and cleaned up all the traces.

They were relieved to see the bustling people starting a new day, as if what happened yesterday had not happened.

The car stopped at the door of the police station, and Li Yin also saw the monk himself.

Now this guy is no longer in human form and is unconscious. Even the so-called messenger of God is packed and thrown aside like a piece of rotten meat, waiting to be sent to the headquarters together.

Li Yin wanted to ask the monk something, but unfortunately, she tried for a long time but couldn't wake him up.

"Is this guy still alive?"

"Alive, dead is worthless."

"Do you still want to sell it?"

"Selling favors."

Li Yin walked to the side of the envoy and poked it, but there was still no response.

This thing seemed to be really dead, and even the whole body was emitting bursts of meaty fragrance. With a little force, a strip of meat was torn off from it. It was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the cooking time was just right.

Remembering that Xie Yunxiao said he wanted to give a gift, she quickly put the strip of meat back, stroked it with her hand, and pretended that everything was intact.

"This will be sent to the headquarters in Beijing. The people there said they want to study the structure and see if it can be reproduced and equipped to ordinary combatants as pets."

Xie Yunxiao's words made Li Yin and Ning Zhu speechless.

Taking a ball of meat paste as a pet, they thought of it. But if you think about it carefully, the attitude of the combatants of the Abnormal Bureau is not much better. Saying that they don't accept it can increase their ability to respond to emergencies.

Moreover... the two fighters who followed behind him were obviously very interested in Xie Yunxiao's proposal, and seemed to be eager to receive a meat ball as a pet.

People's aesthetics will change...

The three of them sat in the police station until noon, and waited until the people in charge of escorting the monk from the Northeast Abnormal Bureau arrived, and then they left with peace of mind.

They found a restaurant to eat, and then went to the Buddhist temple last night to take a look. This place has been sealed by the police, and the owner has been taken away for investigation.

It seems that there is no big problem, but the monk was fooled, so the weird Buddha statue was placed in the store.

Now, the police and the investigators of the Abnormal Bureau have begun to recover and investigate the cult items in the three nearby counties. At the same time, they also need to popularize the correct beliefs to those fooled residents to prevent them from being deceived by the cult.

After a stroll in the county, the three borrowed a car from the Abnormal Bureau and went to Dongsheng Village.

Because Li Yin didn't say it, Xie Yunxiao had no idea about Dongsheng Village's attitude towards cults. She had figured it out in her mind. As long as the other party showed any support or connivance for the cult and the resurrected evil god, she would take action without hesitation to eliminate these potential threats.

As for what action, it was naturally to kill everyone.

Li Yin was answering the phone at this time. It was Sister Xiao Wang on the other end. She had already returned to Linhai with her parents and had just got on the car to the hospital, preparing to visit Officer Liu's body first.

"Has the time for Uncle Liu's memorial service been decided?"

"It's decided, the day after tomorrow." Officer Xiao Wang's voice revealed sadness: "Officer Liu's death is a huge blow to our entire police department. He was a truly good policeman, always rushing to the front to protect us and the people. Woo, Xiao Li, can you come back?"

Li Yin was silent for a while before slowly speaking: "Well, I will go. Tell the two elders for me to let them mourn."

"I will."

"Uncle Liu...Are the two elders planning to take Uncle Liu back for burial, or bury him in Linhai?"

"The two elders mean that they hope Officer Liu can return to his hometown to be buried." Officer Xiao Wang replied with a choked voice.


After hanging up the phone, Li Yin looked out the window. The dense jungle and winding country roads looked particularly peaceful in the sun.

She wanted to use this unusual scenery to calm her inner waves, but the messy thoughts in her heart were tangled like a tangled mess.

Ning Zhu saw that Li Yin was in a bad mood, and gently held one of her hands, silently comforting her.

Xie Yunxiao, who was driving, also saw this, and deliberately slowed down the car, trying to make the car run more smoothly and reduce the discomfort caused by bumps.

"Hey, comrade, are you ready to go back to Linhai? When will you be back?"

"Wait until things are done over there..." Li Yin replied absentmindedly.

Two things

Things, first go to attend the memorial service for Officer Liu, and then go to the fish village below the reservoir to test the strength of the giant fish.

"Is your commission urgent? There is no way I can be anxious, I have to go back."

Xie Yunxiao smiled and shook his head: "It's been a few months, one or two days is not a big deal, you can do your thing first, and you can investigate again when you have time."

"Thank you..."

The car continued to drive on the dirt road. The front had changed from a two-way road to a one-way road, and it was extremely rugged. The trees on both sides became more and more dense, almost covering the sky, leaving only mottled light and shadows jumping on the ground.

No wonder Dongsheng Village could be hidden for so many years, this road is not for people to walk.

Xie Yunxiao looked through the rearview mirror and saw the little girl who was in a bad mood just now staring at her with curiosity.

That look made her hairy, and when she thought of the girl's habit, Xie Yunxiao quickly looked away.

No! Don't look at me, I have a crush on someone, stay away from me!

"Ahem, comrade, why are you looking at me like this?"

The inexplicable expression on Li Yin's face became more intense, and she asked curiously: "Xie Yunxiao, I heard that all of you candidates for perfect controllers have a core. What is the consciousness sustenance? Can you show it to me?"


Hearing Li Yin say this, Ning Zhu also looked over curiously, ready to see the secret of the perfect controller.

Xie Yunxiao breathed a sigh of relief at first, but his face immediately turned red again: "No! How can this be shown to others? What's the difference between stripping naked and showing it to you?"

Li Yin was shocked: "Is it such a private item?"

"Of course! What do you think?"

"Oh? I also heard that your body doesn't seem to be very important and can be replaced at any time. Then can you show it to me?"

"Get lost!"

Ning Zhu also puffed up his face and pinched her arm, blaming her for suddenly making dirty jokes at this time.

Li Yin smiled, held her hand and put it on her face: "What are you thinking about? What I'm asking is, can you show me this ability? You must have thought of other aspects, right?"

As soon as this was said, the two people's faces immediately turned red, and they hesitated for a long time and couldn't say a word.

But Xie Yunxiao finally shook his head: "This ability can't be demonstrated."

"Is it a passive skill?"

"No. Changing a body... is like dying once. The pain is simply indescribable. We won't use this ability until the last moment."

"So, you have died too?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, don't worry about it. By the way, can you control two bodies at the same time? For example, put the core in a safe place, and then use consciousness to control multiple bodies to go out and do different things."

Xie Yunxiao shook his head: "I can't do it, I can only control one body. As for what you said about putting the core in a safe place... do you think there is any place that is safer than the body of our perfect controller?"

Li Yin thought about it and felt that what she said made sense.

At least it is not safe to put it in the Abnormal Bureau before the traitor is found.

However, she was a little surprised that the core was such a private thing.

The fields of Dongsheng Village can be seen in front of them, and some villagers are riding cows and walking in the fields. The sun shines on them, forming golden halos, adding a bit of tranquility to this land.

"Have you discussed how to deal with Dongsheng Village? Is it convenient to talk about it?"

Li Yin looked at the villagers in the field and asked Xie Yunxiao.

She didn't want to speak for these people, she was just curious. Even if the people who have stayed in the village are against the cult, their abilities are indeed too dangerous, and no one can guarantee that they will not turn to the cult in the future.

Even if not, once it is allowed to flow into society, it will cause great trouble.

"If they are inclined to revive the evil god, kill them all here."

She picked up the list next to her and waved it, and continued: "If they just want to live a normal life, someone will help them move to the area monitored by the Abnormal Bureau for isolation."

Li Yin was a little curious: "Don't you need them to go fishing?"

Xie Yunxiao was stunned, and then reacted: "You are really cruel..."

Li Yin thought about it: "Yes, if a few of them escape, it will be a big trouble. And fishing is probably just to catch cultists of the monk level, there is no need."

The car slowly stopped by the roadside, and the three got out of the car and walked along the field path towards Dongsheng Village.

The villagers on the roadside saw the three people, and hurriedly put down the farm tools in their hands and ran quickly to the village. The villagers who did not run also looked at them with vigilance.

Xie Yunxiao frowned, not understanding this

Why are these people so alert? Could it be that her actions have been exposed?

Although she didn't mean to hide her identity, Dongsheng Village shouldn't know it so quickly.

Li Yin glanced at her and knew what this guy was thinking, but didn't correct her.

Her 'soul-searching method' is one of the biggest secrets and cannot be easily exposed.

The three of them walked slowly to the village, where many villagers had gathered, all holding tools such as hoes and sticks, and looked at the outsiders vigilantly.

The old man in the lead was wrapped in bandages and leaning on a cane. He looked seriously injured, but he still stood in front of everyone with a vigilant look, staring at the three of them with a torch-like gaze, with hatred and fear in his voice: "What are you doing here again! I made it very clear last time! We will never associate with you!"

Xie Yunxiao narrowed her eyes slightly, and a flash of fire flashed in her eyes, and she had already turned on the perspective.

In her field of vision, the hearts of these people in front of her were beating very fast, and blood rushed to their brains. Their fear and anger were not pretended.

So these people had a conflict with the cultists? Are you treating us as cultists now?

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