The two of them were very surprised.

I called Xie Yunxiao and asked her to contact the Beijing Abnormal Bureau to arrange for the polygraph master to go on a business trip. Then the two of them took a taxi to the next person on the list, Qiao Ran's home.

This is a high school girl. The incident happened a week ago and she is now resting at home.

Qiao Ran's home is located in an ordinary community in the city. It is not a suburb, but it is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city center and the environment is relatively quiet.

Outside the door, Ning Zhu took out the iron plate he carried with him to detect it. The light spot did not light up, and it was initially confirmed that there was no ghost inside.

Or there were no ordinary abnormal creatures.

Now the two have basically confirmed that the iron plate can detect those ordinary ghosts and abnormalities, but it cannot detect those abnormalities that are hidden very deeply or have strong strength.

Qiao Ran was reviewing her lessons in the room. When she heard the knock on the door, she seemed a little nervous. She looked through the peephole and saw two girls of about her age outside. Then she opened the door carefully.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

Qiao Ran's voice was a little timid. She obviously hadn't fully recovered from the previous incident.

There was nothing wrong with this reaction.

Ning Zhu took out her ID and explained her identity and purpose to Qiao Ran: "Hello, Qiao Ran, we are here to investigate the incident you encountered last week. Don't worry, we just want to understand some of the situation and won't disturb you for too long."

Qiao Ran heard that they were here to investigate, with doubts in her eyes, but still nodded, indicating that they could come in.

Entering the room, Li Yin observed the furnishings in the house.

It was very ordinary, even a little simple, just like an ordinary family.

Qiao Ran invited the two to sit on the sofa, and she moved a chair to sit opposite.

The girl's expression was puzzled, as if she was curious about the two people in front of her. They were so young, why were they already civil servants? And she couldn't even get into the top 20 in the class in the exam.

But she recognized the ID, so she didn't ask much.

Li Yin sat opposite her and kept observing her expression.

Trying to find some clues from it, but the result was the same as Lin Fang's, very normal.

"Qiao Ran, can you tell us what happened that night? Try to be as detailed as possible, it's very important for our investigation."

"What happened that day?"

Qiao Ran tilted her head, looking puzzled, but when she saw Li Yin put the ID on the table again, she retracted her confused look.

"Nothing happened that day, we are friends, we just played games together, and then we went home separately."

"The game you played was to drag you into an abandoned warehouse while you were unconscious?" Ning Zhu narrowed his eyes, with a bit of unkindness in his tone: "What are you hiding? Why are you speaking for him? What happened that day?"

Qiao Ran was obviously frightened by Ning Zhu's harsh tone. She was pale and her lips trembled slightly. She seemed to want to defend herself, but she didn't know where to start.

"I... We are really friends. Nothing happened. What happened that night was just a misunderstanding. I didn't lie!"

The living room became dead silent as the words fell. Qiao Ran's voice seemed to still echo in the silence. Her eyes gradually turned red, as if she would cry at any time.

Li Yin didn't believe a word of her words.

You are a high school student, and you say that you are friends with that adult man in his thirties? Do you believe it yourself?

Moreover, all investigations show that the two had no relationship before, no intersection in life, and they were not even netizens. How did you know each other?

Li Yin really couldn't figure out why she wanted to hide what happened that day. What kind of truth was hidden in it?

Or is the girl in front of her no longer Qiao Ran?

Thinking of this, Li Yin asked the last question: "Is your school not far from here? Did you come back with your classmates that day?"

Qiao Ran shook his head: "I took a taxi back."

Li Yin nodded, first looked around the living room, looking for cameras and the like, and then whispered to Ning Zhu next to her: "Okay, hypnotize her."

Ning Zhu was shocked: "No way, Li Yin. Are you really going to use your last resort? This is illegal!"

Li Yin was a little speechless, feeling that she might have led the pure and lovely Ah Zhu astray. Why didn't she think about serious things every day?

"No, you hypnotize her first, just try it.

Just check if there is anything dirty on her body. "

They didn't avoid Qiao Ran's sight. When the girl heard the word "hypnosis", the panic in her eyes became even worse. She stood up hurriedly, clasped her hands together, and trembled in her voice: "What do you want to do?"

But neither of them paid attention to her. Ning Zhu nodded half-doubtfully, took out a small pendant from her bag, injected energy and blew it in the direction of Qiao Ran. The girl's eyes immediately became blurred, and she fell to the ground after a while.

Li Yin flashed forward when she was about to touch the ground and helped her to the sofa.

Took out a walnut and injected energy on her body, hoping that something would come out.

Unfortunately, nothing.

Then he took out an axe and pressed it on the girl's chest, but it still had no effect.

Is she really a normal person? But her The reaction seemed a little too abnormal.

Li Yin had one last trick, condensing a little energy into her body, carefully wandering around, looking for places that were inconsistent with humans.

But all the tentative means were proving one thing to her, Qiao Ran, was just an ordinary high school girl.

Thinking of this, Li Yin frowned unconsciously, and his eyes subconsciously looked at the girl's shorts.

Ning Zhu, who had been paying attention to her movements, saw that this guy's eyes had changed, and immediately pinched her little face and turned it back, whispering: "Li Yin, what are you doing? She's just in high school! "

Li Yin smiled awkwardly, took back her walnuts and axe, and thought of something before turning around. She opened the axe space and swept it over Qiao Ran's body, but she didn't feel anything being sucked away.

It should be said that except for Su Ji's transformation of personality, she has never felt anything being sucked in.

She guessed that it might be because the ghosts she sucked in the past were too weak, so she didn't feel it. At least she had to have the strength of a perfect controller candidate.

This made her very distressed, because she was not sure whether her trick would work, so she could only use it as a backup option.

What Li Yin didn't realize was that when her axe space swept over his body, The eyelashes that had been trembling slightly stopped shaking completely, and the breathing sound became more stable.

After observing for a while, I felt that there was no change, so I turned around and went to Qiao Ran's bedroom.

I mainly wanted to look through her diary and the chat records on her mobile phone.

In the end, I didn't find the diary, and the chat records on her mobile phone were also normal. Even on the night of the incident a week ago, she was still asking classmates for homework in the small group, just like usual.

Just like the incident captured in the surveillance, it was really just as she said, it didn't exist at all.

Li Yin looked back at Qiao Ran who was sleeping soundly on the sofa, and then turned to Azhu.

"How long does our hypnosis method last?"

"Four or five hours."

Li Yin was shocked: "Then why don't you open a new project? What kind of spiritual clinic specializes in solving insomnia problems and guarantees a hot business."

Ning Zhu sighed helplessly: "Then you have to ask our father. His pride means that doing such a thing will tarnish the honor of his ancestors. How could he agree? ”

Li Yin recalled her father-in-law’s personality and nodded: “That’s right.”

“How is Qiao Ran’s investigation going? Do you need me to wake her up?”

This surprised her: “Can she still be awakened?”

Ning Zhu pointed in the direction of the bathroom, and the meaning was very clear, that is, pouring cold water on her head, how could she not wake up?

For the first time, Li Yin discovered that her Ah Zhu actually had some natural black properties, which was quite cute.

However, Li Yin shook her head and refused her proposal: “No, let’s go. Let’s not investigate these people, go to the headquarters of the Linhai Ghost Forum, and see how the data is recovered there. "

Just now, Chen Jinze sent a message that the database of the company to which the forum belongs has been restored, and asked her if she wanted to go over.

Li Yin naturally accepted the invitation with pleasure. Compared with her aimless investigation, it is obviously more valuable to keep a close eye on the clues of Shen Cheng's wife.

Before leaving, Ning Zhu took Qiao Ran back to the bedroom and covered him with a quilt to prevent him from catching a cold.

The two left the community and took a taxi to the forum headquarters.

Now this place has been guarded by the Abnormal Bureau. Except for specific company employees, no one is allowed to enter or leave. At the same time, people entering and leaving also need to be searched to prevent anyone from taking the documents out.

No one came forward to question Li Yin and the other person when they arrived. It was obvious that Chen Jinze had said hello.

A female investigator came down from upstairs and brought the two to the office. There were several technicians busy here and did not look back.

The screen showed a complex stream of data. Li Yin was overwhelmed and could not understand it at all.

"These are the words that Shen Cheng's wife said in the forum

Are all activities on the forum recorded? "

An investigator next to him shook his head: "No. I heard from them that there is something wrong with Shen Cheng's wife's data, and it may not be possible to recover it."

"Is there no way to recover?" Li Yin frowned, feeling that this was a bit too coincidental, so he asked: "How many data cannot be recovered? Only Shen Cheng's wife?"

"No, it's about one in a thousand, and one of them happens to have the account of Shen Cheng's wife."

"What's the reason?"

"The hard drive that saves this part of the data has failed. Technicians have tried their best to rescue it, but part of it is still lost."

Li Yin noticed something was wrong. He was sure that he would be fully recovered yesterday, but why did something go wrong today?

"The malfunction happened last night? Did something happen?"

"Well, the computer room where the server is stored was cut off during operation due to power repairs in a nearby community, resulting in the loss of some running data. It was an accident."


Looking at the information handed over by the investigator, Li Yin always felt that something was wrong, but he could not find the suspect.

The notice for power repair was issued four days ago, even before he asked Xie Yunxiao to investigate the company. It would be too far-fetched to say that they were cooperating in a play.

But is this really a coincidence? Why was it the part of Shen Cheng’s wife that was lost?

Li Yin came to a computer and flipped through the recovered data, looking at some familiar stories. However, these had disappeared from the forum and had been deleted by me.

Looking at the data in the background, the strange feeling became even stronger.

Are there too many recently deleted posts?

There have been more posts deleted in the past two weeks than in the past two months. Not only posts deleted by users, but also deleted by the operator, there are more than ten pages in the background.

Li Yin turned over his head and frowned deeper.

"Can I see the backend of forum moderation?"

She pointed to a technician next to her, who nodded and transferred the authority to her. Li Yin quickly opened the review backend, looking at the densely packed records of failed reviews, and gradually saw some patterns.

It seems that all the posts that happened around me, in my family, or in my company, about the changes in the personality and behavior of familiar people and becoming strange, have been deleted or blocked for review.

She remembered that articles like this used to be very common because they were the most basic ideas for horror stories. Many stories started with the abnormality of people around them to attract readers to continue reading.

But now, all of these articles have been rejected or even deleted directly. This is obviously an intentional operation.

Just then, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a sneaky technician slipping out of the back door. Li Yin's heart moved, and she immediately put down the mouse and keyboard and chased after him.

As soon as she went out, a pair of hands stretched out from the side corridor, trying to pull her over.

But how could she, an ordinary person, be faster than Li Yin?

He turned slightly and dodged, then grabbed the attacking hands and pressed them against the wall, while looking coldly at the person in the corridor.

"What are you going to do?"

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