The corner of the corridor was dark, and the eyes were dark.

In the corner of the corridor, a female employee with deep eye sockets and dark circles was looking at the girl who pressed her against the wall in fear. Her hands were tightly clamped and she could not move.

But in Li Yin's eyes, in addition to fear, there was also an inexplicable excitement on this person's face, which made her a little strange.

Then she began to mutter to herself: "I saw it as soon as you came in. You are their leader. You should be very strong and know more than them. I can..."

Li Yin frowned and interrupted her mumbling, turned around and looked at the surveillance not far in front of him, and then looked at the position where the female employee was standing. There was a blind spot for surveillance.

She had understood something, and hid sideways, and at the same time took out a walnut and quietly stuck it on the female employee.

No response, probably a human.

He let go of her hand and asked cautiously: "Do you have something to tell me?"

The female employee's bloodshot eyes suddenly lit up, and she nodded excitedly: "Yes! Yes!"

Then she reached out to take something out of her pocket, and Li Yin grabbed her to prevent her from doing anything radical. At the same time, he reached into her pocket and took out a mobile phone.

The female employee didn't seem to care. Her eyes were full of desire, as if what she was about to tell was a secret that had been accumulated in her heart for a long time.

She looked around and confirmed that no one was following her before she leaned over to Li Yin and whispered, "Leader, I found that the colleagues in our company... don't seem to be human!"

Li Yin, who was scanning his face to unlock the password on his phone, paused, frowned and looked up at the female employee: "Tell me everything you know."

The female employee nodded as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw and began to tell the story eagerly: "Leader, my name is Zhang Hui, an ordinary technician in the company. I am usually responsible for some website maintenance work. Recently, I have also received a task from the leadership department to stay in the company to restore website data. But recently I found that some colleagues in our company have become very strange in their behavior."

"About 20 days ago, there was an outbreak of influenza in the company. At that time, many colleagues All of them asked for leave. They were working well the day before, but suddenly fell ill the next day. What's even more strange is that the boss would never give leave for such minor illnesses in the past, but this time it was different. As long as they asked for leave due to illness, the boss approved it. "

"I was a little worried at the time, and asked a friend who works in the hospital about the flu situation, but she said that there were no flu cases recently, which made me feel very strange. "

"I also visited a familiar colleague, but I couldn't even get in the door. No matter how I knocked, it wouldn't open. I even heard some strange noises coming from inside, like someone talking to himself, but the sound was quickly suppressed. "Zhang Hui's voice gradually trembled, and her face showed a look of fear, as if those horrible scenes were reappearing in front of her.

She took a deep breath and continued, "My colleagues who had taken leave didn't come back to work until the fourth day, but after they came back, I found something was wrong. They became more taciturn than before, always with a strange smile on their faces, and sometimes they said some inexplicable words that I couldn't understand at all, as if... as if they were no longer the same as before."

"It was fine in the first two weeks. I thought they were a little delirious due to fever, and I persuaded them to go to the hospital, but they smiled and refused, saying that they would be fine in two days. As a result, they were really fine after two days, and I didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that everything was back to normal, but... Yes!"

The fear on Zhang Hui's face widened: "But recently I found that both the review and the operation have become a little strange. They are deleting posts, deleting posts similar to theirs, and even some posts that have no problems are rejected or deleted for no reason. I began to wonder if I was too sensitive, but when I saw more and more colleagues become like them, I realized that this is definitely not a coincidence. "

"Until you came, I confirmed that they definitely have problems!"

Because she works in the Urban Strange Talk Forum and has been exposed to it a lot, her associative ability is naturally stronger than that of ordinary people.

When encountering such things, she immediately associates them with supernatural events, but the more she thinks about it, the more scared she becomes! Now she can't resign because the Abnormal Bureau is watching her, and she can't sleep every day, for fear that those weird colleagues will turn her into another person while she is sleeping.

Listening to her story, Li Yin suddenly

It was connected to what he was investigating.

The similarity between the two was too high.

But there was still a question: "Why did you come to me instead of telling other investigators about this?"

Zhang Hui shook her head: "I originally wanted to find the last supervisor, but she hasn't come for several days. And those investigators..."

Zhang Hui swallowed and lowered her voice: "I'm not sure if any of them have been possessed by... you know, that kind of thing. So I can only find you, you are new, and I can feel that you are very strong, you should be able to handle this matter."

Li Yin did not believe her one-sided words, but kept this matter in mind and continued to ask: "How many people in your company took leave at that time?"

"Half." She pointed in the direction of the office again: "But now I feel that everyone inside has problems, including your investigator."

Li Yin was silent for a while, frowning more tightly, and waved the phone: "What did you want to do with the phone just now?"

Zhang Hui seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly took the phone from Li Yin, quickly opened the album, and saw that her hidden partition was still there, so she breathed a sigh of relief and handed the phone back to Li Yin and said: "Leader, these are some photos and videos I secretly took recently, which should be enough to prove that those people have problems!"

Li Yin flipped through the photos one by one, and the solemnity in his eyes deepened.

These photos were all taken in the company, and the time was concentrated after 8 o'clock in the evening.

In the photo, several technicians who had just seen in the office were sitting in front of the computer, swinging something, and you can see it when you zoom in. The open window seems to be deleting files. The technicians moved quickly, but their faces remained expressionless. Under the reflection of the computer screen, they looked particularly gloomy.

Li Yin noticed the time of the photo, which was around 12 o'clock last night.

Has the electricity been repaired?

So they are destroying the data of Shen Cheng's wife? Could it be that the data was not damaged because of the power outage in the computer room, but they destroyed it manually?

Why is the investigator panicking? Or does he not know either?

Li Yin continued to flip back, and it was a video. A familiar figure appeared in the camera. It was the female investigator who had just taken them upstairs.

As soon as she entered the office, she stood behind the technician, with the same expressionless face. This lasted for a few minutes. During this time, the few people did not talk at all, just standing there quietly.

Li Yin raised his head and glanced at the hopeful face of the female employee.

She should not have lied.

So not only the company employees have problems, but even the investigators have similar situations?

What is causing the chaos?

Li Yin turned off the phone and waved at her: "I'll keep this first and return it to you after the investigation."

The female employee nodded quickly. As long as the company's problems can be solved, let alone a phone, she can be taken away for investigation!

It should be said that she was eager to be taken away, at least it was much safer than staying in the company.

"Under what circumstances did you shoot this video? Didn't they find you?"

"No, I was sleeping on the single bed in the corner during my rest time at night."

"From your accent, you are not from Linhai, right?"

"I just graduated from college and have been in Linhai for almost two months. I am interning at the company."

Li Yin nodded, walked out of the surveillance blind spot, poked her head into the office, and shouted to Ning Zhu who was trying to look at the data inside: "Azhu, come here."

Ning Zhu put down the mouse and walked over in confusion: "What's wrong, Li Yin?"

When she walked out of the office, Li Yin also pulled her into the surveillance blind spot and briefly told her the news she had just received.

After listening to Li Yin's story, Ning Zhu's face became serious: "You mean, someone in the company was affected by something unknown?"

Li Yin nodded: "Not only company employees, but even investigators may be involved. Now everyone outside is untrustworthy, I need you to help me do something."

"What is it, tell me!" Ning Zhu's face was serious, and she clenched her fists and was eager to try.

As long as Li Yin gave an order, she would rush in and take down everyone in the office!

Li Yin pointed to the female employee behind her: "Take her out safely, go to the Abnormal Bureau, hand her over to Chen Jinze or Wang Yi, and have someone protect her. Remember to find a fighter."

Ning Zhu was a little disappointed, but still nodded: "I know, leave it to me."

Li Yin turned his head again and asked the female employee: "I'm still a little confused, why did you find me? How do you know I'm strong? I don't look like a leader, right?"

The female employee nodded: "But I found the officer surnamed Xie's mobile phone last time.

I heard your voice in the forum, she called you a comrade. "

Wow, you are pretty good.

"Also, I have seen you. In the background data of the forum, you are called 'senior ghost exorcist'. We have your real-name registration information here. As long as you have commented on the post, it will soon be completed, so I paid special attention to you. "

Li Yin was speechless. This person turned out to be one of the few fans on her forum, and she was a female fan.

But her whereabouts were monitored so casually. It turns out that the Internet should be used with caution...

Then she noticed Ning Zhu's half-smile expression next to her, and she couldn't help showing an embarrassed look on her face.

"Azhu, why are you looking at me like this?"

Ning Zhu suppressed his laughter and shook his head: "It's okay, senior ghost exorcist, I'm not laughing."

Li Yin: "..."

The female employee next to her was quite good at observing the leader's expression. Seeing the leader embarrassed, she immediately stood up: "Ah, I suddenly remembered that this leader is not a senior ghost exorcist! I remembered it wrong! "

Li Yin was even more speechless. If you don't explain it, isn't this explanation just trying to cover up the truth?

However, this girl is a good seedling and will definitely have a bright future.

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