The two of them were in a mess, but the two were in a mess.

Chen Jinze drove after him, and his face was not very good.

Since someone in the company came out, but he did not receive any instructions, that is to say, there was probably no normal person inside.

Including the investigators sent by the Abnormal Bureau, all of them were wiped out!

Now the company has become an out-and-out weird nest, so what will happen to the surrounding communities and companies? Have they all fallen?

Thinking of this, his face became even uglier.

Li Yin kept staring at the car in front, trying to see where he was going and what he was doing.

The car kept driving out of the city, and soon came to the suburbs, slowly stopping under a residential building.

"Is he going home?" Ning Zhu asked doubtfully.

Obviously not.

The man who got off the car had a stiff smile on his face. In the night, under the dim street lights, he looked particularly gloomy.

He didn't hold anything in his hands, and his steps were brisk, as if he was really an ordinary person going home from get off work.

When he entered the residential building, the four people got off the car and followed him immediately, trying not to make any noise, and followed the man quietly into the dim corridor.

Before they could search carefully, footsteps suddenly came from the front, and a man's figure walked slowly in the dark.

Seeing this, the four people immediately hid their whereabouts.

The man who came was the person they were following, the man who drove from the company.

At this time, he had another person in his hand, an unconscious girl, who was carried on his shoulders and strode out. The smiling expression on his face remained the same, but it added a bit of weirdness.

He walked straight to the stairs and walked down without hesitation, unaware of the stalker behind him.

Li Yin exchanged glances with Chen Jinze and others, followed closely behind the man, keeping a certain distance, fearing that he would be discovered.

The man walked out of the residential building, opened the back door, put the girl on his shoulder in, then started the car and drove away quickly. Li Yin and others followed closely behind him and drove after him.

In the night, two cars sped on the suburban road. The man didn't know whether he really didn't notice the car following behind him or had some other purpose. He didn't slow down at all and brought the four people behind him to an abandoned warehouse.

Seeing the surrounding situation, Chen Jinze frowned.

"The place where Qiao Ran had the accident is here."

He pointed to the surveillance camera in front of a factory next to him and motioned for several people to look over, but they saw that the camera had been destroyed.

Chen Jinze's face immediately became ugly.

It was okay if it was destroyed by this group of affected people, but if it was destroyed by the people in the factory themselves, I am afraid that the scope of the weird influence would be larger than he imagined.

Without hesitation, he got off the car and went to the factory to observe the situation.

The man was not walking fast. When the four people caught up with him, he had just arrived at the center of the abandoned warehouse, slowly put the girl on the ground, and stood there quietly, as if he had no next move.

Li Yin and others approached cautiously, their eyes fixed on the man's back.

At this moment, he was very different from the image he had seen in the company before. He exuded an indescribable weird aura, as if he had merged with the surrounding darkness.

In the darkness, he slowly leaned down, grabbed the girl's shoulders, slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, those were deeper than the darkness, as if they could swallow all the light.

The moment they saw the pair of dark eyes, Chen Jinze and Zhou Zhengde secretly cried out that it was not good, and hurriedly tried to avoid their sight, but it was too late.

In their sight, the man in front of them instantly turned into a hideous and terrifying monster and pounced on them. The terrifying aura exuded from his body was many times stronger than the one controlled by the Abnormal Bureau! Almost in an instant, it broke through their psychological defenses, making them almost unable to move!

Li Yin didn't feel anything about it, but saw the man put down the girl in his hand and looked over here.

As a result, the next second, Chen Jinze behind him suddenly vomited blood, and even a tentacle on his stomach was pulled out by some unknown force.

Zhou Zhengde next to him was not much better. He pinched his neck with both hands and lifted himself up in the air, struggling constantly.

Seeing this, Li Yin frowned, and just as he was about to take action, he saw a figure beside him suddenly rushing out. It was Ning Zhu!

There was no silver light wrapped around her body, only a steel pipe in her hand, in the dark

There was a flash of light in the air.

The steel pipe in his right hand was waving vigorously in the air, as if he was driving something away. In his left hand, silver light flashed, and a dazzling energy ball gathered in his palm and shot out suddenly.

A loud noise echoed in the night sky, and the energy ball hit the man's feet, bursting out with strong light and shock waves. The man was blown away by this sudden attack, his body rolled on the ground for several circles, and then slowly stood up again.

Seeing this, Li Yin was shocked.

Even Su Ji, whose strength was comparable to that of a perfect controller candidate, would suffer for a long time after being hit head-on by the impact of energy, but this man was unharmed despite the hard resistance?

She knew that Ah Zhu did this to overcome his inner demons, so he did not choose to cover his whole body with energy to immunize against the monster's fear-inducing attacks.

But Ah Zhu obviously couldn't find the man's position after missing the first attack. The next few energy balls all missed, and his face became a little pale.

Li Yin couldn't sit still any longer. Without summoning the axe, he came to the man's side in a flash, kicked him in the knee pit, forced his head to be level with his hand, and then grabbed his hair and slammed it to the ground.

Fearing that he was not dizzy, he repeated the same action twice, until the man rolled his eyes, and then he let go.

Turning his head, Zhou Zhengde and Chen Jinze had returned to normal, but their eyes were full of fear.

Ning Zhu stood there, and it seemed no different from before, but there was more helplessness on his face.

It seems... screwed up?

"Azhu, are you okay?" Li Yin looked at Ning Zhu with concern.

Ning Zhu shook his head, looked at the man on the ground, and took a deep breath: "I'm fine, but I didn't expect that he could actually dodge the attack of the energy ball, otherwise I should be able to succeed..."

Li Yin glanced at the two people behind him and didn't tell what happened just now.

"Uncle Chen, how are you? Are you okay?"

The tentacles around Chen Jinze's body slowly retracted into his body. He wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and smiled bitterly: "I underestimated him. This guy seems to be much stronger than the previous one. It seems that as long as we fall into his fear, no matter how far we observe, he can detect our existence and launch an attack."

Li Yin also guessed it, but such ability is really difficult to deal with.

Chen Jinze looked at the position of the unconscious girl, and then looked at the man lying at Li Yin's feet, and his brows frowned immediately: "He didn't move just now?"

Li Yin nodded: "When he was attacked, he just turned his head and looked at you. Even if he was knocked away, his ability was still not lifted."

"Hiss-so scary?"

Chen Jinze smiled bitterly again: "If you can track any one of them, it will be so powerful. What kind of existence are we facing?"

Zhou Zhengde frowned and asked: "Should we contact the captains and team members sent out to track and cancel this operation, otherwise they may..."

Chen Jinze clenched his fists.

Only after he really confronted the monster head-on did he realize how stupid his previous arrangement was.

Once exposed, the team members would probably have no power to fight back.

Thinking of this, he quickly took out his mobile phone and prepared to give the team members a retreat order in their work software.

But at this time, the mobile phone had no signal, and even their dedicated satellite signal disappeared.

Seeing this, he was instantly alert and turned to look at the man at Li Yin's feet, but immediately thought of something and avoided his sight.

"Li Yin? Is he still awake and still using his abilities?"

Li Yin had been paying attention to Chen Jinze's expression. Hearing what he said, he quickly looked at the man, kicked him twice more, and then took out his mobile phone to check. There was really no signal.

Ning Zhu, who was standing not far away, smiled bitterly: "Li Yin... I know how they transform ordinary people..."

In front of her, a figure covered in blood stood up again, and the voice that only she could hear rang in her ears, as hoarse and unpleasant as a bellows with a hole in it: "Daughter... I... It hurts, ah! Why... do you want to! Run!!"

Ning Zhu's body was stiff for a moment, and she uttered two words with trembling mouth: "Mom..."

When Ning Zhu uttered the first word, Li Yin had already noticed something was wrong. The moment she turned around, she saw the woman on the ground suddenly opened her mouth, and the darkness that gushed out was the same as Lu Guang in the Abnormal Bureau!

Seeing this scene, Li Yin suddenly realized!

Her and Xie Yunxiao's previous guesses were all wrong! The spread of these anomalies was not from one person to another, and the darkness in their mouths and eyes was not for attack!

It was to transform them into the same existence!

If so, the families of the fighters...

Linhai Jiumen District

In a residential building, Shen Bingshuang hid under the bed in fear, holding a nearly dead mobile phone tightly in her hand. She kept dialing the familiar police number, but every time she heard the cold "cannot connect" prompt tone.

Her heart was beating wildly, and everything that had just happened echoed in her mind.

Just a dozen minutes ago, her father got off work and took a taxi home as usual. He promised to bring back midnight snacks, but when she happily opened the door, she saw two people standing outside the door, one of whom was her father and the other was a strange middle-aged man.

They all had smiles on their faces and looked very friendly, but Shen Bingshuang felt an inexplicable fear.

Especially the stranger, his smile was very abnormal, very abnormal! I don’t know why, she always felt that this person was weird, even her father was weird, as if they were not really laughing, but imitating something.

What are they imitating?

It’s a person!

She instinctively wanted to close the door, but her father walked in first, with an increasingly weird smile on his face: "Bingshuang, this is Dad's friend, he has something to talk to us about."

In the bedroom, her mother came out.

Shen Bingshuang turned around and saw that her mother also had a smile on her face, but it was a warm smile.

This made her feel a little relieved, but when she looked at the two men in front of the door, the contrast made her even more uneasy.

While her mother came forward to greet her, she quickly fled back to the bedroom and locked the door.

She lay on the ground, looking at the situation outside through the crack in the door. Although she could only see shoes, she still felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

Suddenly, the strange man took a step forward, as if he was going to do something, and then she heard her mother's terrified scream, but the scream suddenly stopped, and her mother slowly fell to the ground, her eyes still looking straight in her direction.

It seemed to be questioning, and it seemed to be asking for help.

Shen Bingshuang's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. She didn't dare to make any sound. She could only cover her mouth tightly, tears rolling in her eyes.

She trembled with her hands and called the police, but the result was the same every time.

She almost collapsed with helplessness. She didn't know what to do. She could only hide under the bed and pray that all this was just a nightmare.

Ding Ding Ding——

Shen Bingshuang was frightened by the sudden knock on the door. She covered her mouth tightly and tried not to make any sound. But the knock on the door became more and more urgent and louder. Soon it turned into a slamming and even a strong kicking sound!

She heard the noise coming from outside. It seemed that there were many people in the living room, shouting something, but the sound was too noisy and she couldn't hear clearly.

But now is not the time to care about these things!

The fragile door was already shaky, and Shen Bingshuang's heart was in her throat. She trembled with her hands and groped for the window beside the bed, trying to find a chance to escape.

But when she looked out the window, she found that the familiar street scene had become pitch black, with only a few weak street lights flashing in the distance, and she couldn't see the situation outside at all.

Besides, she lived on the sixth floor, and it was unrealistic to jump out of the window to escape...

Just then, the door collapsed, and the dazzling light instantly poured into the dim room. Shen Bingshuang subconsciously closed her eyes, pressed her body tightly against the wall, and tried to reduce her presence.

Standing outside the door were the familiar father and the strange man. Behind them, at the door, the neighbors had gathered at some point.

All of them, without exception, all had that weird smile, staring at her, as if looking at a prey, and then at the food on the table.

On the ground, the mother's "corpse" trembled and slowly climbed up.

A glimmer of hope had just ignited in Shen Bingshuang's heart, but when her mother raised her head, the smile on her face was weirder and more twisted than anyone else!

What was even more terrifying was their eyes. Those familiar eyes had turned pitch black at this moment, swallowing up all the light like an abyss.

Shen Bingshuang screamed in fear. She turned around and tried to escape, but was grabbed by her father!

She struggled, but the once gentle hands had become cold and hard. She saw her father's lips moving, but could not hear any sound. She could only look at the darkness, with deep despair and pain in her eyes.

"Bingshuang... Don't be afraid, it will be over soon. Soon, you will be able to come to this world..."

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