The two of them were killed, and the two were killed.

In the abandoned warehouse, Li Yin was about to take action when Ning Zhu took out two statues from his arms and threw them on the ground.

As soon as the statues landed, they turned into stone giants more than two meters high and rushed towards the woman on the ground.

They were not conscious, so they were naturally not bound by fear. They were merciless when they started to fight, and smashed the woman's head with one punch.

This scene made Chen Jinze stunned, not because he had never seen bloody scenes, nor did he think Ning Zhu was cruel, but... He had never thought of using puppets to deal with abnormal people!

And looking at the current situation, this method is really very effective! It is much more reliable than the plan he made to send someone to hide in the dark and take advantage of the machine to ambush the abnormal person!

Seeing that Ning Zhu's eyes had recovered from his confusion, Chen Jinze hurriedly asked: "Xiao Ning, how many puppet-type props do you have at home?"

Ning Zhu waved his hand and took back the two puppets he had released, and then said: "If my father hadn't taken them away, there should be more than 30."

Hearing this number, Chen Jinze showed an ecstatic look on his face: "Enough! It's enough!"

More than 30, even one person can be equipped with one, even if it's not enough, one per team is completely feasible!

As long as the main body is removed when encountering a fear attack, the danger of the combatants going out can be greatly reduced!

Li Yin looked at the excited Chen Jinze. Although she didn't want to dampen his enthusiasm now, she still reminded him and told him all her analysis just now.

When Chen Jinze heard Li Yin say that fear might not be a means of attack, but a means of infection, his face turned pale in an instant.

Then there was endless regret and anger.

If this is true, then his "welfare" in the evening would not harm the families of his comrades-in-arms...!

"Xiao Li, how sure are you of your guess?" Chen Jinze's voice trembled.

Li Yin was silent for a moment, then said, "Ninety percent."

Hearing this number, Chen Jinze turned around abruptly: "Let's go! Go back to headquarters, we must find out the truth about this matter!"

As long as Li Yin's guess is correct, two things can be confirmed directly.

The method of propagation of this anomaly, and that they really cannot affect the combatants.

He first notified everyone on the work software, gathered the team and reported back to the Anomaly Bureau, then took the three people in the car and returned to the Linhai Anomaly Bureau office building without stopping.

When they arrived, someone was already waiting in the underground conference room.

It was the body of two combatants and... a combatant.

"What's going on!"

On the way back, Chen Jinze had already anticipated such a situation, but it was still difficult for him to accept the body of a comrade in arms.

He walked forward, gently held the cold hand, and looked at the familiar face, his heart was like a knife.

The fighter on the side sighed: "The man we were tracking seemed to have driven to a location in the city with a purpose. He knocked a man unconscious and took him into the car by some unknown method. We followed him quietly, caught up with him in a park, and started fighting. Everything went well at the beginning, and the man was successfully subdued by us. But who knew that the man he brought out suddenly used the same ability. We were caught off guard and all three of us were hit..."

Looking at the wounds on the two living people, they could already imagine what would happen next.

Li Yin frowned and thought, whether it was the person he and others were tracking or them, it seemed that they took people to remote places before starting to transform their abilities.

Since you can do it directly, why not do it at home? Instead, run to such a far place?

Is there any restriction? Or a special reason?

Others also thought of this, but at present, there is too little information to draw a definite conclusion.

Chen Jinze comforted the two people for a few words, and then took Zhou Zhengde to the medical room upstairs. The family members who were frightened by Lu Guang and did not leave Linhai immediately were resting there.

These people still did not wake up, but fortunately there was no pain on their faces, as if they were sleeping peacefully.

Sleeping peacefully...

Seeing the sleeping people, Li Yin and Chen Jinze immediately thought of one person.

Sun Tingting!

Chen Jinze gestured to Zhou Zhengde: "Mr. Zhou, please wake them up."

Zhou Zhengde nodded. He did not know that Sun Tingting had never woken up, and thought it would be easy for him to wake up an ordinary person who was unconscious.

Walk forward

He put his hand on the head of one of them and tried to wake him up.

But after five minutes, the person in front of him showed no signs of waking up.

He frowned and realized something was wrong.

Another person tried again, but still failed.

He did not continue to try, but stood up, his face became extremely serious, and he slowly said: "They seem to be dead."

The three of them were stunned, and some did not understand what Zhou Zhengde meant.

Ning Zhu was the first to come back to his senses, and asked in disbelief: "Master Zhou, you said they were dead? But... weren't they still breathing?"

Zhou Zhengde nodded and explained: "My lie detection ability is difficult to explain. It probably connects me to something of the target person. I don't know what it is, maybe the soul, or something else. It can be easily felt in ordinary people's bodies, and it is very active. But their souls disappeared..."

Hearing the word soul, Chen Jinze and Ning Zhu both felt it was a fantasy, and Li Yin had learned about Xuanyuan Xueluo's consciousness theory from her, and probably knew what Zhou Zhengde was connected to.

So he said, "Master Zhou, have you ever encountered a similar situation in the past?"

Zhou Zhengde nodded: "Once there was a rich man who invited me to wake up his brain-dead wife at a high price. I also didn't feel the existence of the soul in that lady. I guess it might be because her brain is dead."

Li Yin nodded, and she already had a guess in her heart: "Then please, Master, help check whether the others are normal."

In the next half an hour, Zhou Zhengde checked all the family members in the medical room, and the result made the faces of several people present look bad.

Without exception, they all lost their "souls".

The four people got on the car to the hospital again and asked Zhou Zhengde to check Sun Tingting's condition to see if it was the same as here.

Chen Jinze's face was not good. He drove the car, slowly exhaled, and asked: "Li Yin, do you think their ability is... to devour people's souls, then transform them into something similar, and then spit them back into their bodies?"

Li Yin shook her head. She didn't know, but now it seems that this incident is far more complicated and serious than they imagined.

If those ‘swallowed souls’ cannot be found, these people are almost the same as dead.

Think about the current situation of Linhai that they speculated. If it is not handled properly, the entire Linhai will face the crisis of destruction again.

But now the investigation has fallen into a dilemma...

Before, they thought that only the mastermind of the incident and some senior executives had the ability to transform others into abnormalities, so as long as they investigated Shen Cheng’s whereabouts, they could trace the source of the abnormality.

But now, it is obviously impossible.

All abnormal people have the ability to transform others, and they don’t know where and when the first abnormality appeared, so there is no way to investigate.

But the good news is that when they transform ordinary people into abnormalities, there is a prerequisite, which is to take people to specific places, such as abandoned factories, parks, warehouses and the like.

Although the reason is unknown, as long as all the locations are found and people are arranged to control them, the situation should be prevented from escalating.

As soon as Chen Jinze thought of this, Li Yin broke his fantasy: "Think about the company, could the source of the abnormality be in the company?"

Chen Jinze's eyes lit up: "You make sense! We must thoroughly investigate the company!"

Li Yin sighed, knowing his mood, so she didn't say anything, just nodded and agreed with his decision.

Several people came to the hospital, threw the car to the investigator on duty here, and walked into the hospital building quickly.

Chen Jinze led a few people and came to the ward with ease.

The ward was dark, and they might have fallen asleep at this time.

But Zhou Zhengde frowned.

He didn't feel the presence of living people in the ward!

As expected, when Chen Jinze opened the door, the empty ward came into view, and everyone's heart sank. Sun Tingting and her parents disappeared!

"Could it be transferred to another hospital?"

Ning Zhu said hesitantly. She also heard the conversation between Chen Jinze and Li Yin in the car last night, so she guessed whether she went to another hospital for treatment.

Chen Jinze shook his head, no one notified him.

So he called the doctor to inquire about the situation. The doctor took out the medical record and looked at it, nodded and said: "Yes, Sun Tingting went through the transfer procedures this morning and was transferred to another province. They said there is a more professional team there."

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked up and found that no one was looking at him, but all looked at the middle-aged man in black next to him.


Zhou Zhengde slowly shook his head under the gaze of the four people: "He is lying!"

The moment the last word fell, Ning Zhu had already pressed the doctor to the ground. Li Yin's actions were not slow at all. He had a few more steel balls in his hands and smashed all the nearby surveillance cameras before Ning Zhu made a move.

Chen Jinze realized it later, and tentacles stretched out from his body to tie up the doctor, and then signaled everyone to enter the ward.

After Ning Zhu locked the door, he gestured to Zhou Zhengde. Seeing the other party nod, he began to ask questions: "Did they leave this morning?"


"Did they want to leave?"


"Did Sun Tingting stand up and leave by herself?"


"Did your hospital agree?"


"Did Sun Tingting's parents agree?"


"Then where are they!"

Chen Jinze was instantly furious. The whole ward was filled with his chaotic breath. The corners of his mouth were cracked, and tentacles stretched out from his body. He could no longer suppress his emotions.

The doctor raised his head at this time, with a creepy smile on his face, but he said fearfully: "In... in the morgue..."

Chen Jinze could no longer suppress his anger. He waved a thick tentacle violently, trying to kill him directly, but was blocked by Li Yin.

Ignoring Chen Jinze's roar, she looked in the direction of the doctor and asked word by word: "Was it a taxi driver who took her away?"

Zhou Zhengde was stunned and nodded: "Yes."

Hearing this answer, Li Yin let go of her hand and stepped aside. Chen Jinze waved his tentacles again and knocked the doctor unconscious.

The rage on his face was also suppressed by him. He turned around and walked out of the ward: "Let's go! Investigate that damn taxi driver!"

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