The next room was already full of people.

The combatants all looked unhappy. No wonder the progress was slow before and there was no result.

With more than 200 abnormal people lurking, it would be a miracle if they could find anything!

They always thought that the abnormal people were cunning enough and lurking deep. Now it seems that they underestimated the degree of infiltration of the enemy.

"What are you going to do next? Go and destroy the company's den?"

Li Yin looked at Chen Jinze on the side, waiting for his next move.

Chen Jinze glanced at the situation in the next room and shook his head: "Don't worry about it for now, we don't have the ability to take care of them. If the source of the incident is really in the company, let's wait for the perfect controller to take people to clean it up tomorrow. We only have so few people, I'm afraid we can't handle it."

Li Yin nodded, what he said made sense. There were less than 30 people with combat power in Linhai. If the source was really there and was related to the evil god, once the evil spirit was alerted, Linhai would probably suffer a catastrophe tonight.

It's not that I can't deal with it, but I can't do it.

If the abnormal people don't want to transform ordinary people, but directly devour their souls, then even I can't do anything.

Uncle Ye flew in at this time and put two boxes on the table. There were 28 statues made by Ning Tiannan's family tradition, enough for everyone.

Chen Jinze's tired face showed a hint of joy: "Mr. Ye, you have made a great trip. With these puppets, we can better protect ourselves and conduct in-depth investigations."

He called all the fighters over and assigned one to each person. As for the office leaders who could not activate the statues, they were assigned to a group with the fighters to reduce the risk of facing the abnormal person alone.

Then he turned around and nodded to Li Yin and Ning Zhu, saying: "You have worked hard tonight. You should go back and rest first. Let us handle the rest."

It was past twelve o'clock, and the affairs in the Abnormal Bureau were coming to an end. What remained was to mobilize and arrange the investigation. Li Yin knew that he could not help, so he pulled Ning Zhu to stand up.

"Then I'll come early tomorrow to help check the rest of the people."

Chen Jinze patted Zhou Zhengde on the shoulder: "It's okay, we still have Mr. Zhou here, it's no problem to check one by one."

Li Yin nodded: "It's better to send someone to the company to keep an eye on it. What if they have a contact method we don't know about, and the murderer behind the scenes gets the news and runs away?"

"Yes, I know."

Uncle Ye also clasped his fists and left, sending the two home.

On the flying sword, Ning Zhu saw that Uncle Ye looked bad, and asked with some concern: "Uncle Ye, what's wrong with you? Are you injured?"

Uncle Ye didn't speak, but looked up at the night sky, with a touch of disappointment in his eyes.

Seeing him like this, Li Yin had roughly guessed what was going on.

The next thing must be a speech that was hard to understand.

Uncle Ye sighed deeply, as if to get rid of all the depression in his chest. His voice was filled with worry: "My friend and I implemented the plan of Taoist Chen, but we didn't expect that the target suddenly attacked, and we were forced to fight the inner demon..."

"Uncle Ye, what is your fear? Is it dangerous?" Li Yin asked curiously.

Uncle Ye sighed again: "It's okay to tell you Taoist, my fear... is that my strength is weak. It is the attitude that I failed to achieve the name of Sword Immortal in the end, and my life's cultivation has stopped here. In the battle with me, it didn't get the advantage from me, but I saw the future in him..."

Ning Zhu didn't quite understand, and asked Li Yin in a low voice: "What do you mean?"

"It just dislikes that the incarnation of fear is too weak, not as strong as others."

"No way, this is a comparison?"

"Who knows."

Uncle Ye's old face flushed red.

Just now, he and several people from the office went to track together, but they were accidentally affected by the other party's power.

When the other old friends were in danger, only he...

What he feared was not that he had not become an immortal, but that he did not have this level of cultivation, and was therefore regarded as a real chuunibyou.

So what appeared in his fear was him as a normal person, and he was killed by a single sword.

Then he chopped the abnormal person into several pieces. When the old friend asked him the reason, he did not dare to say a word. It was too embarrassing...

Other people's inner demons were all invincible monsters and undefeated enemies, but he was actually this thing.


But there are also benefits. It seems that the crisis in Linhai this time does not pose a threat to herself.

In the case of no flight ban, Uncle Ye's mobility can be said to be the best in Linhai. He took them back to the Ning family office in a few minutes.

After seeing Uncle Ye off, Ning Zhu couldn't help laughing.

She really didn't expect that the ability of abnormal people to make people see fear could be cracked in this way. Uncle Ye really can bring surprises to people every time.

She called her father. The plane had already landed there, but she didn't see Ning Chuan. The staff said that they were making the final adjustments and it would take until more than nine o'clock in the morning to finish.

However, there are staff responsible for arranging their accommodation and food during this period, so there is no need to worry.

Li Yin sent a message to Sister Xiao Wang, confirming that she was with the two elders and locked the door to prevent anyone from coming in before she felt relieved.

I want to contact Aunt Huang to ask about the situation, but she is probably asleep at this time, and if Aunt Huang really became abnormal, I can't hear anything on the phone.

Ning Zhu looked around at home and couldn't help but sigh.

The home where she grew up is now empty. There are no props that her father treasured, and no father who was busy in the workshop every day. Only memories are left everywhere.

She thought of her deceased mother, the woman who always had a gentle smile and was busy in the shop; the kind person who always taught her and her brother earnestly, and who always put protecting others on her lips even though she was an ordinary person; the mother who protected herself from harm even if she was covered in bruises in a critical moment...

Looking at the empty house, Ning Zhu was a little depressed.

When she said she was going to move to Beijing to open an office, she was quite happy, thinking that her father's ideal of making the office glorious could be realized in Beijing.

But when it came to moving, she was a little reluctant.

Every bit of this place is her precious memory...

Li Yin walked up to her and hugged her tightly: "Don't think too much. When the Perfect Controller comes here tomorrow and solves the crisis in Linhai, we will go to Beijing to find our father."

Ning Zhu nodded and followed her upstairs.

Now the sign of the Ning family office has been taken down. In the whole office, only her room has not changed. The rest have been packed up and taken to Beijing by that stingy father.

He also told her that the Abnormal Bureau will cover the air tickets and shipping costs anyway, so it would be a waste if she didn't take it.

This made Ning Zhu feel a little embarrassed to lift her head in the Abnormal Bureau tonight.

Lying on the bed, both of them couldn't sleep. Ning Zhu turned over, hugged Li Yin in his arms, gently stroked her hair, and asked: "Li Yin, did you think of anything in the car just now? Was it about this incident?"

Li Yin shook her head: "No, I just thought of what happened before."

"What happened before?"

"It's a secret of mine, Ah Zhu, do you want to hear it?"

Ning Zhu pouted and rubbed Li Yin's body with one hand: "You actually have a secret hidden from me, tell me, what is it?"

Li Yin didn't react to Ning Zhu's mischievous little hand, and even commented: "Many people on the Internet say that rubbing it will make it bigger, but From my professional point of view, this is a wrong theory, because the growth of the human body is not affected by this kind of mechanical external force..."

Before he finished speaking, Ning Zhu's hand became stronger, and he hummed: "What professional point of view, you only went to college for a month, and it's almost the same as me."

Li Yin was helpless: "You can't blame me for this. That... Ah Zhu, you rubbed me so hard..."

"There's not much meat, how can it hurt?"

"My ribs hurt..."

Ning Zhu withdrew her hand awkwardly. She knew that Li Yin was just lying to her. With her strength, how could she hurt little Li Yin?

But just like what I said, there is not much flesh, and it feels guilty to rub it...

"By the way, Li Yin, what is the secret you just mentioned? Can you tell me?"

Li Yin turned over, smiled and nodded: "How can I explain this secret? Weren't you curious about the source of my ability before? In fact, I have been investigating it until Professor Fang died, and I saw it from his memory. In fact... I seem to have died once."

Hearing Li Yin's story, Ning Zhu, who was originally looking forward to what the secret was, froze on his face: "This... This is impossible?"

Li Yin smiled: "I still have photos, do you want to see them?"

Ning Zhu came back to her senses and shook her head: "No, no! Otherwise I will definitely have a nightmare!"

After that, she hesitated again: "But... but you..."

"But why am I still alive and kicking?"


Yin shook his head slightly: "I don't know either. Before Professor Fang told me about this matter, I didn't even know that I had died once, and I didn't know why I could be resurrected, so I was investigating this matter. ”

Ning Zhu's eyes showed worry: "You suspect that the cult did all this, right? And they also captured your uncle."

Li Yin nodded: "My abilities were also acquired after my resurrection. You may not believe it, but before I was resurrected, I was just an ordinary person, and I didn't even know the existence of ghosts."

Ning Zhu didn't seem to hear her words, but hugged her tightly: "Li Yin, if... if you finally find out the truth, will you..."

Li Yin knew what she was afraid of, but she didn't know what kind of truth was waiting for her at the end of the investigation. He could only hug her waist and comfort her softly: "It's okay, A Zhu. No matter what the truth is. No matter what, I will protect myself. I will always be by your side..."

Ning Zhu could no longer control the uneasiness in her heart, and hugged the girl in her arms tighter. Tears rolled down her face: "I'm scared, Li Yin. I'm scared that you will leave me, just like my mother left me." Me too. I'm afraid of losing you..."

Li Yin did not speak, but turned over and sat up, held Ning Zhu's beautiful cheeks, kissed her tears gently, moved down, and took her lips that could be broken by blowing, their hearts were intertwined, Regardless of each other.

"No, A-Zhu, I will never leave you."

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