The next morning, the two took a taxi to the headquarters building of the Abnormal Bureau.

From a distance, they could see that the seal was pulled up here, and several familiar fighters were standing on the periphery for alert.

After paying the fare and getting off the car, they came to inquire about the situation.

The fighters naturally knew Li Yin and the others, and briefly told them what happened last night.

After the three left, Chen Jinze announced to the remaining people the large-scale abnormal situation in Linhai as planned, and then arranged for people to investigate the information of the taxi driver.

But around 2:30 in the middle of the night, there were suddenly many people at the door of the Abnormal Bureau, some of whom were ordinary investigators and clerks of the Abnormal Bureau, some were strangers, and even the director was among them.

They rushed into the bureau frantically, each of them using their abilities, some with their mouths, some with their eyes, and some with their entire heads wrapped in black fog, making it impossible to look straight.

We threw out the puppets in time, but there were too many of them to kill them all at once.

But they didn't intend to attack us, and rushed directly to the basement and took away all the abnormals you selected last night.

"Took those people away?"

Li Yin frowned, thinking of Sun Tingting's situation in the hospital, and always felt that the people behind these abnormals were very concerned about the people who lost consciousness in their bodies.

Thinking of this, Li Yin asked, "Those... How are the family members of your fighters who are in a coma?"

One of the fighters' face suddenly became ugly: "They were also taken away."

Li Yin nodded, and took Ning Zhu into the Linhai Abnormal Bureau building quickly.

Compared with last night, there are now many more bloodstains in the Abnormal Bureau that have not been cleaned up in time. Walking down the stairs, there are two more bodies in the first meeting room, one is a fighter, and the other is a strange office manager.

Half of the fighter's body was broken, but the other half maintained the form of a monster. It was obviously killed in the combat form.

The other person was lying quietly on the bed without a sound, as if he was asleep, but unlike those abnormal people, his face was ashen, and he was obviously dead in the battle.

Standing next to them were Uncle Yan and Uncle Xiong, who were also wrapped in bandages. Both of them looked unhappy, but they were relieved when they saw Li Yin and Ning Zhu coming.

"Fortunately, you left yesterday. If you were in trouble, I really don't know how to tell Lao Ning."

Uncle Xiong let go of the hammer in his hand, scratched his head and looked honest, but with the injuries on his body, both of them felt a little uncomfortable.

Uncle Xiong and Uncle Yan didn't know Li Yin's strength, nor did they know that Ning Zhu was no longer the powerless little girl, so their worries were entirely out of concern for the younger generation.

Ning Zhu nodded silently, looking at the familiar face and the cold body on the bed, her eyes were a little red.

She now regretted going back to rest last night. If she and Li Yin stayed here, would they not have died?

Li Yin silently retracted his gaze, looked at Uncle Xiong and Uncle Yan, and asked: "Did they also use the fear ability to attack you in the attack last night? What was the specific situation?"

Recalling the scene last night, even Uncle Xiong, who was as strong as an iron tower, couldn't help but take a breath. Uncle Yan beside him showed deep fear in his eyes, but he tried to stay calm and nodded: "It's still the same ability, but..."

Here, he paused, and the fear in his eyes was almost uncontrollable: "But there are many, many, as many people invade the Abnormal Bureau, there are as many fear incarnations attacking us. In front of them, the number of people is meaningless. No matter how many people we have, we are facing the same number of fear incarnations alone! They can even block our attacks, making the idea of ​​directly using large-scale damage ability to attack the main body invalid, and we can only deal with it exhaustedly."

Now even Ning Zhu took a breath.

Having seen the powerful power of fear, she deeply knows how difficult this ability is to deal with. Facing one alone, a normal fighter has to do his best, let alone a group.

"Then how did you..."

"How did you survive?" Uncle Xiong sighed, and then laughed: "This is all thanks to Old Ye. I don't know what method he used, but he quickly killed his own incarnation of fear, and then cooperated with the puppet to repel the enemy, otherwise we would all be in danger."

Uncle Yan also smiled bitterly: "I guess Old Ye paid an unimaginable price in this battle.

The price of an elephant, otherwise he would never have helped us out so quickly..."

Without explanation, the two men left the meeting room silently and went downstairs to look for Chen Jinze.

At this time, Chen Jinze was sitting in an office flipping through documents.

Before he became a combatant, he was originally a clerk. Now that the director is dead, he is also very good at handling these documents.

Seeing the two people coming, he did not mention the two people who died in the battle, but took out a document and put it on the table, motioning Li Yin to come and see.

"The taxi driver has been found, you come and have a look, maybe you know him."

I know him?

Li Yin frowned immediately. There was only one taxi driver he knew.

It was Uncle Wang who lived in the same community with him.

Pick up the document on the table, the portrait on it clearly shows the other party's identity, Wang Dajun, Uncle Wang!

Li Yin let out a long sigh and asked, "What about the taxis in the other incidents? Are they all him?"

Chen Jinze nodded: "All of them."

"Go and kill him? "

Chen Jinze asked back: "Are you confident?"

"Yes!" Li Yin answered without any hesitation. She was going back to the community to personally settle the matter.

"Where is he now? Did he go home?"

"He went home at six o'clock this morning, exactly the same time as before."

Li Yin put down the file and turned to walk out of the Abnormal Bureau.

Behind him, Chen Jinze said worriedly: "Li Yin, why don't we wait for the support from the headquarters to arrive in the afternoon before we take action. If he is really the real murderer behind all this, once he is enraged, with the fighters in Linhai now, I am afraid..."

Li Yin paused, thought for a moment, and nodded silently.

She remembered the two cold bodies upstairs, remembered what Uncle Yan said, the overwhelming fear incarnation, and remembered the ordinary people who are still alive in Linhai, and could only nod silently.

She couldn't kill all the abnormal people in the city instantly. If Uncle Wang is really the real murderer behind all this, if he is killed, those abnormal people will not recover their consciousness, but fall into a state of rage, I am afraid that Linhai will suffer a catastrophe.

Thinking of this, Li Yin curbed the impulse and turned around and sat back in the chair.

Whether Uncle Wang is the initiator of all this, the community is probably already fallen. Aunt Wang and those neighbors who once cared for her are probably all abnormal people.

But when did this happen? Before going to Beijing , she and Azhu went back once, and she didn't find anything abnormal at that time.

She thought of Sun Tingting.

This was her roommate. From her depression to the destruction of Linhai University, she didn't see anything abnormal for such a long time.

It can only be said that these abnormal people hide too well.

In this case, is Uncle Wang still the same Uncle Wang as before? Is he actually a high-level abnormal person? Is he the initiator?

If so, when did he start to transform ordinary people?

Li Yin remembered Uncle Wang, whom she met on the path when she bought skewers, and the unconscious woman.

I'm afraid he was transforming ordinary people at that time.

It's just that this matter was not discovered at that time, Uncle Wang did not show any abnormality, and the woman woke up quickly, so she didn't doubt it.

What about before that? Is there anything else?

"Have you traced Wang Dajun's whereabouts? When was the first case?"

Chen Jinze shook his head: "There is no way to trace it. He almost never took people to those places. There were only a few times, when Qiao Ran and Lin Fang did it, but he didn't do it. Going forward, his whereabouts were normal, he picked up passengers normally, sent them to their destinations normally, and his passengers did not show any abnormalities. However..."

Chen Jinze put a document in front of Li Yin: "He once drove two colleagues from the Abnormal Bureau a week ago, one of whom was the person in charge of the company, and the other worked for us."

"In other words, the people he converted do not need to be taken to a designated location, nor do they need to recuperate at home. Unless Mr. Zhou or I use ability detection, it is impossible to identify their true identity?"

"Yes, this person is very dangerous. He wants to infiltrate an organization, and no one can detect it at the first time."

Li Yin was silent for a while before speaking: "Uncle Chen, do you think he is the initiator of all this?"

Chen Jinze was also silent, and shook his head after a moment: "I don't know, but now we can only think of him as one."


Li Yin stood up again and walked out.

Chen Jinze frowned and asked: "Li Yin, where are you going? Calm down. "

Li Yin paused, then took Ning Zhu's hand and said with a smile: "Uncle Chen, don't worry, I'm not going

Find him. Is there an empty room nearby? I want to take a rest. "

Chen Jinze breathed a sigh of relief and pointed to the front: "Go straight, turn right and go to the first room, there is a single bed inside."

"Well, okay. By the way, Uncle Chen, are you going to Uncle Liu's memorial service?"

Chen Jinze sighed, pointed to the people who died in the battle upstairs, and then pointed to the documents on the table, and smiled bitterly: "We are friends, I want to see him for the last time, but you also know the current situation, I am afraid I can't leave."

Li Yin nodded gently, showing understanding: "Then I will send Uncle Liu off for the last time for you."

"Say goodbye to him for me."

"Well, I will."

Li Yin took Ning Zhu to the room at the corner and lay directly on the bed.

"Azhu, help me protect the law, don't let anyone in."

After that, she went directly into the axe space, ready to find those consciousnesses that were sucked in to have a good talk.

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