The old man was so tired that he had to wait for the next long time.

Li Yin first took out a fire axe and handed it to Ning Zhu, then lay on the bed, took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and slowly entered the axe space.

It had been just over a day since she last entered, but now the door to the axe space had been closed again.

Li Yin didn't know what the refresh rules were, but now was not the time to investigate it.

Picked up another axe, broke the door open, turned around and observed it carefully, and was somewhat surprised to find that the place she had always thought of as a door was not a door, but a closed wall.

Put her hand on the wood fragments and rubbed it gently, picked up the bricks that fell in front of her and squeezed them, and looked at the dark room again.

I don't understand the meaning of this room.

Turning her head to look in the direction of the corridor, it has now been restored to its original state. As usual, there is no ghost.

They all hid.

Li Yin walked slowly in the corridor with an axe in her hand. She did not deliberately look for ghosts, but used the time difference between the axe space and the outside world to quietly think about what happened in Linhai.

She did not think that the chaos in Linhai today was caused by Uncle Wang. It was not to excuse Uncle Wang, but he was not qualified.

In her impression, he has always been a simple and honest middle-aged man, an ordinary taxi driver. Even after her parents died, it was he who drove her back from the cemetery.

He has been a taxi driver in Linhai for more than ten years. Since she knew him, he has been like that and has never been abnormal.

There has been no similar situation in Linhai. At that time, he should still be a normal person. What happened later caused Uncle Wang to become a being that spreads abnormalities.

In other words, the source is probably something in his body? Just like those abnormal people.

It's just that the one who possessed his body is more advanced.

These are just my guesses. I won't tell others rashly before I'm sure.

If my guess is correct, how many people like him are there in Linhai? Are there similar abnormal people in other cities?

Even if Chen Jinze didn't say it, she could guess the situation.

It can't be checked.

Without my ability and Mr. Zhou's, it would be very difficult to find abnormal people whose memories, personality, ways of dealing with things, interpersonal relationships... are exactly the same as before among ordinary people.

Even if the target is determined and tracked, as long as the other party does not actively show abnormality, there is no possibility of discovery.

"Evil God..."

Li Yin thought about the information obtained from Shen Cheng's wife, combined with the information about the evil god that he had heard from Xuanyuan Xueluo before, and wanted to connect them together, but he couldn't do it.

There are only two events related to the evil god that I have come into contact with, one is the eyeball evil god, and the other is the source of Professor Fang's stone slab, the unknown huge evil god.

And the pollution methods they show are completely different from the performance of the abnormal people in Linhai now.

The Eyeball Evil God turns all organic and inorganic matter into eyeballs, while the Slate turns humans into monsters covered with flesh worms. Not to mention inheriting personality, even reason has never existed.

But what if this is only the first stage? Just like the Slate, first let the polluter study the content, then gradually change their cognition of certain things, and finally completely transform into other creatures.

But this is not right. There are pollution detection devices in the Abnormal Bureau. If those people are contaminated with some kind of pollution, there should be a display, and it won’t give Chen Jinze such a headache.

If it’s not pollution, then what is it?

In addition, Li Yin is also concerned about the evil god they want to revive.

Because she still remembers what her uncle said at the beginning, what she brought back home.

There is still no clue about this thing.

If the "things that shouldn’t exist in the world" mentioned by her uncle are now possessed by Uncle Wang and another person, does it make sense?

Then what are they going to revive?

Li Yin thought of the monster he saw in his illusion again. If it was it...


Can that thing be killed? Does it need the faith of a city to revive?

Maybe it can blow and the earth will be finished!

Li Yin rubbed his head and felt that he was a little crazy. Whenever there was a slight movement, he would associate it with Him.

Maybe what he saw at that time was really just an illusion. Otherwise, how could there be a creature that could cover the entire universe? You must be kidding.

As he walked,

While thinking, Li Yin turned the corner and was stunned.

There was a person kneeling in the corridor in front.

No, it was a black shadow, a ghost.

It didn't run away, nor did it hide. It just knelt on the ground, motionless.

It's not accurate to say it was kneeling. It should be curled up and crawled on the ground. Even if he walked behind it, the ghost didn't have any intention of running away.


Li Yin was a little surprised. He swayed in front of it, poked it, and looked in front of it.

It was an ordinary classroom, probably art or music. The heavy blackout curtains were drawn, and the situation inside could not be seen.

What was it kneeling inside?

Li Yin ignored the kneeling ghost, turned around and pushed the door of the classroom, but it didn't open.

He kicked it, and the door opened, and he stepped in. The room was dimly lit, and the layout inside was simple, with only rows of tables and chairs, and a piano against the wall.

Li Yin noticed the silhouette behind the blackout curtain at first glance. It was obvious that something was hidden there. So he walked over slowly, taking each step very steadily, without any intention of covering up the footsteps.

Hearing the footsteps approaching, the figure behind the curtain trembled obviously, but did not move or escape. Instead, he pressed closer to the curtain, trying to blend in, praying that people outside did not notice it.

Li Yin had stopped and looked at the reaction behind the curtain. He compared it with the reaction of the ghosts in the axe space before, and did not notice any difference.

Isn't it an abnormal person?

Li Yin pinched a corner of the curtain and pulled it open.

Sure enough, there was only a human-shaped black shadow hiding behind it, no different from before.

After the curtain was opened, the black shadow was obviously frightened and trembled more violently. He wanted to escape, but because Li Yin was right in front of him, he did not dare to move at all.

Seeing it, Li Yin had an idea for some reason: kill it...

She raised her axe and was about to test whether this guy was conscious, whether he could speak, and whether he was an abnormal person, when there was a sound behind her, and she subconsciously swung the axe in her right hand.

There was a slight sound, and she turned around and saw that her axe had hit another black shadow. Through the black mist on its body, Li Yin seemed to be able to see the disbelief in its eyes.

She seemed to have seen such eyes somewhere...

Yes, it was the first time she entered the axe space, and the ghost who dared to attack her was really similar to the one in front of her.

Brave guys are always there.

So, they want to use this simple trick to lure the enemy and attack me?

Ghosts can also use tricks?

Li Yin didn't care about the life or death of a ghost, but turned around, looked at the one just now, and asked: "Can you understand what I'm saying?"

The ghost was still trembling, and had no intention of answering.

Li Yin couldn't help but kick it: "Do you understand human words? If you don't answer, I'll kill you!"

But it still didn't answer, and even showed no emotion that a human should have except fear.

It looks like a ghost without self-awareness.

Thinking of this, she picked up the axe and sent it to heaven, turned her head and looked at the black fog under her feet, feeling a little annoyed.

Dare to attack me, this guy might have self-awareness, can talk or something, but unfortunately he is dead.

They should be sucked out of the abnormal body by me, right? Why can they live normally in the human body, but become like this after being sucked out?

Could it be that they put ordinary, unconscious ghosts into the human body to simulate human consciousness and replace their lives?

No, it seems that the ghosts that were sucked in before were also frightened.

What are they afraid of?

He looked down at his axe.

Since the axe can suppress all weirdness including the evil god, will the buildings in the axe space have the same effect?

There is no way to prove this for the time being, but it feels about the same.

Then he looked at the ghost that was still kneeling at the door, and felt that it might really be a stupid ghost.

He walked forward, picked it up from the ground and shook it, and was surprised to find that it was dead.

How did it die? Was it scared to death?

He threw it on the ground, and was afraid that it was not dead yet, so he hit it again.

When the axe hit it, Li Yin was surprised to find that this guy was much more fragile than the two inside. Is it because he is dead? I always feel that its feel is a bit like the ghosts outside.

Then Li Yin found all the ghosts in the axe space one by one and killed them. He tested each one to see if they were conscious, and prepared to find one to interrogate. But without exception, all the ghosts were scared crazy and would not dare to be afraid of him.

Either they fled or trembled in fear, and even the second one who dared to resist did not appear.

After the battle, feeling a little more energy in her body, Li Yin walked to the main gate of the school expressionlessly, stretched out her hand to push it open, and the white mist surged and gradually spread into the school.

Stepping forward, this time she did not rush forward, but held a handful of stones and kept throwing them around to determine the surrounding situation.

Not long after walking out, she found the problem.

This time, the white mist seemed to be much lighter than before, and even the surrounding scenery could be vaguely seen.

Looking down, a magnificent city came into view, with tall buildings standing in rows, neon lights and stars shining together, presenting a magnificent scene of a modern city.

Several landmark buildings were particularly obvious, and Li Yin immediately recognized that this city was Linhai!

The white mist gradually covered the vision, which was a precursor to returning.

Looking at Linhai below, Li Yin frowned, feeling that something was wrong with the city, but she couldn't tell exactly what was wrong.

That's right, the city below is Heitian, and it's clearly morning now!

She squatted down and punched the ground hard, but it seemed that she was blocked by an invisible barrier and couldn't move forward.

With a flash of white light, when Li Yin opened her eyes again, she had returned to her body.

Li sat up, took a long breath, frowned, and recalled the scene just now.

That must be Linhai, there is no mistake about that, but why is it Heitian?

"What's wrong, Li Yin, did you find something?" Ning Zhu saw Li Yin's expression and couldn't help asking.

Li Yin shook her head: "Nothing was found. Those abnormal people's consciousness has been scared crazy. None of them can talk normally."

"Frightened crazy?"

"Well, Ah Zhu, have you experimented with ghosts on the wood chips we brought out last time? Is there a similar effect as the axe?"

Ning Zhu shook her head: "How can there be so many ghosts for me to experiment with."

"It's in our father's hands now, right?"

"Yes, it should be done soon."

Li Yin stood up: "Let's go to the police station and send Uncle Liu off for the last time."

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