The two of them were very busy, but the two of them were busy.

Ning Zhu was looking forward to the masters present asking about her abilities, so that she could take the opportunity to show her brother her power after being strengthened by Xiao Li Yin's energy.

Unfortunately, after Li Yin showed her abilities, they began to discuss the next plan of attack.

Ning Zhu was very disappointed, and always felt that she was a little redundant here.

She looked around and saw Miao Miaomiao, who also did not participate in the discussion, so she stood up and moved over.

"Sister Miao, are your ears transformed by your abilities?"

Hearing Ning Zhu's voice, Miao Miaomiao quickly reached out and touched the cat ears on her head, only to find that she had forgotten to take them back.

She shook her head in annoyance, and the furry ears on her head also swayed, looking extremely cute.

"Well, this is one of my... abilities, meow."

Ning Zhu had little stars in her eyes, and stretched out her evil little claws towards the cat ears, eager to try.

"Um, Sister Miao, can I touch it? Just once!"

Miao Miaomiao raised her head and looked at Ning Zhu's eyes full of curiosity and desire. She didn't answer, but pointed to the ears on her head and said lazily: "It doesn't matter if you touch it, but I suggest you look carefully before you touch it."

"What do you want to see clearly?"

Ning Zhu walked forward curiously and got in front of the ears to take a closer look.

It didn't matter if she looked at it, goose bumps instantly covered her whole body, and her fingers stopped less than a centimeter away from the furry ears.

Miao Miaomiao's ears are not ordinary cat ears. The fur looks as soft as ordinary cat fur, but if you look closely, each of them can swing independently, as if it is a strange organ composed of countless tiny tentacles.

These "tentacles" are still trembling slightly, as if they have their own life, which makes people shudder.

What makes her feel even more uncomfortable is that when her hand moves over, those tiny furs gather together and rush towards her fingers...

Ning Zhu instantly thought of Su Ji's mutant personality. The black tentacles on her body look somewhat similar to the girl's cat ears, which also makes people... scalp tingling.

Seeing that Ning Zhu gave up the idea of ​​touching it, Miao Miaomiao was also happy to be free and continued to lie on the table for a nap.

The lighting in this conference room is really good. It's noon now, and the cat is warm all over. It's really comfortable...

Ning Zhu calmed down and couldn't help sighing. He is worthy of being a perfect controller. Even an ear hides such a secret.

Seeing that Miao Miaomiao was about to fall asleep, she quickly asked, "Sister Miao, what is your ability? Can you tell me about it?"

Miao Miaomiao was awakened by Ning Zhu's words. She rubbed her sleepy eyes, looked at Ning Zhu sleepily, reached out and picked up a piece of paper from the table, rolled it into a ball, and threw it into the sky.

The paper ball did not fly to the roof, but hovered quietly in the air.

But if you look closely, you can find that the paper ball is not really hovering, but is slowly moving upwards, but the speed is very, very slow, so slow that it can be ignored.

While Ning Zhu was still surprised, Miao Miaomiao reached out and grabbed the paper ball, threw it again, and the paper ball disappeared instantly. Turning around, she saw that it had been embedded in the wall.

Seeing this scene, Ning Zhu and Li Yin had guessed Miao Miaomiao's ability.

It's speed.

She can control the speed of anything, speed up or slow down, and even make objects almost completely still.

And this ability covers a wide range, covering almost all objects from microscopic to macroscopic. From dust particles to mountains and rivers, everything is under her control.

Miao Miaomiao knew that the two were not fools and could see the ability she showed.

But she still responded to Li Yin's previous question considerately: "You asked me if I can control time? I can't do it for the time being, because I haven't found the existence of time."

In other words, once she perceives the concept of time, even time can be accelerated and decelerated by it?

It's really an outrageous ability.

No wonder her speed can be so fast, it turns out that she is good at speed...

Feeling the "admiring" eyes of the two, the girl's face was expressionless, but the tail behind her couldn't help but curl up.

Obviously she was in a very good mood and talked more.

"I have another ability, you can try to throw paper balls at me."

Throwing paper balls?

Li Yin was stunned. You are also a perfect controller. Throwing paper balls at you...

Isn't the paper ball a bit too rude?

However, Ning Zhu didn't think so much, picked up the paper ball and threw it over.

The paper ball, which was originally flying at a normal speed, suddenly slowed down when it was a certain distance away from Miao Miaomiao, becoming slower and slower...

It seemed that it would never be able to get close to the girl's body.

Is this, covering the body surface with the deceleration ability, forming an absolute defense?

Li Yin was a little surprised, and thought it was a little fun, so she also picked up the paper ball and threw it over, and Ning Zhu was not to be outdone.

Not long after, the paper balls floating in front of the cat-eared girl piled up into a small mountain, and Miao Miaomiao changed her posture, lying on the chair with a comfortable look, enjoying this rare quiet time.

At this moment, a paper ball hit her head accurately.

"Oh, who threw it?" Miao Miaomiao covered her head and looked up at the person who threw the paper ball, and found that it was Ning Zhu.

Then another paper ball broke through her defense and stuck to her hair.

Then another one...

The cat-eared girl was stunned by the blow, but she immediately remembered that the two people in front of her could move freely in her deceleration field, so it was not surprising that they had the means to break through the deceleration defense.

"Okay, okay! Don't throw it! I'll be angry if you throw it again!"

Hearing her say this, Li Yin and the others stopped the experiment awkwardly.

Just then, the roar of a helicopter sounded outside, and the large force supporting Beijing arrived!

The battle was about to begin, and Chen Jinze ordered Wang Yi to go to meet the large force, and he returned to the conference room.

"Commander Miao, our surveillance personnel reported back the whereabouts of Wang Dajun. He left the community and was driving on the way to the suburbs."

Miao Miaomiao waved her hand to push away the pile of paper balls in front of her, stood up and stretched her body.

"You go and notify all the combatants to gather in the backyard and let them get familiar with the battle with the incarnation of fear. I also want to see what my fear is."

As she spoke, she instantly appeared behind Li Yin, using her height advantage to pick her up like a princess, and then disappeared again, taking Li Yin with her and leaving the conference room.

Prepare to find a few abnormal people to practice with.

Li Yin felt that in just a blink of an eye, she was brought to a tall building, and the cat-eared girl Miao Miaomiao was standing next to her.

At this time, her face had put away her laziness, looked at Li Yin seriously, frowned and asked: "Where are you from?"

When the girl's voice fell, Li Yin had already gone through all the information in his mind, but still didn't know what she was talking about, so he could only frown and ask back: "Where?"

The girl frowned and stared at Li Yin's eyes seriously, and then she uttered a few strange syllables from her mouth, like a foreign language, and like the cry of other creatures.

Li Yin didn't understand, but still remembered it in his heart.

Miao Miaomiao saw that she was still confused, and her cute ears moved, as if to judge whether Li Yin's reaction was true or false.

In the end, she could only believe that Li Yin really didn't know.

She didn't continue to ask questions on this topic, and her expression returned to its previous laziness, looking at the city below.

"Can you find out who is abnormal? Point it out, I'll catch it, and we'll take a few back."

Li Yin shook her head helplessly and briefly described the method she and Zhou Zhengde used to detect it.

After listening to it, Miao Miaomiao showed a look of realization on her face: "No wonder the person in charge of Linhai said it was difficult, it turned out to be so troublesome. Then do you have a certain target? Let's catch it directly."

The determined target...

She thought of the company that was far away and Qiao Ran's house that was closer.

The two came to Qiao Ran's door. Li Yin knocked, and the door was quickly opened. When she saw the appearance of the person who opened the door, Li Yin was stunned.

Qiao Ran!

She was still awake?

How is this possible? She was definitely an abnormal person. She had covered it with the axe space. Logically, she should have been sucked in. Why was she still awake?

She brought Miao Miaomiao here, first to see if Qiao Ran was also taken away by the group of abnormal people like Sun Tingting, and second to capture her parents.

But what happened now was obviously beyond her expectations.

Qiao Ran obviously knew Li Yin. When he saw her appear at the door of his house, the fear in his eyes was almost uncontrollable.

He took a step back, opened his mouth, and made a sharp sound. A large amount of black mist suddenly gushed out of his mouth and nose. His eyes turned dark in an instant, trying to attack the two with the incarnation of fear.

Li Yin was unmoved, and Miao Miaomiao behind him did not stop her. She wanted to see how powerful the incarnation of fear, which was said to be so magical, was.

However, what disappointed her was

, the black-eyed girl in front of her did not suddenly turn into a monster as Chen Jinze said.

Nothing around her changed either.

But her brows furrowed.

At that moment just now, she seemed to sense a familiar breath from the girl named Qiao Ran, which flashed by.

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