The cat ears on Miao Miaomiao's head trembled slightly, and everything around her was slowed down dozens of times in an instant.

"Li Yin, why did she wake up?"

The lazy voice pulled Li Yin back from her thoughts. She looked at Qiao Ran, who was shrouded in black fog, and her doubts became even greater.

I should have sucked her consciousness away before, and there are only two possibilities for her to wake up now.

Either she didn't suck it clean before, or Uncle Wang and the others put another ghost in.

But both of these guesses have big problems. If she didn't suck it clean, why was she the only one who didn't suck it clean? Sun Tingting has been lying in the hospital for so long without any signs of waking up?

If another ghost was put as consciousness, why would she be afraid of me?

Or, were all the previous speculations wrong, and they became like this now because of another unknown reason?

Li Yin shook her head: "I don't know, but I feel that this is not a good phenomenon."

Miao Miaomiao shrugged indifferently, and pointed in the direction of Qiao Ran: "Look at the black fog."

Li Yin looked at it and was stunned again.

The speed of the black fog on Qiao Ran's face was exactly the same as before, without any change. In their eyes, it looked normal, and it should be this speed, but compared with everything around, it seemed so weird.

Because it was not slowed down by Miao Miaomiao's ability!

Li Yin looked at the surging black fog, let out a long breath, and asked: "Senior Miao, have you ever encountered something that you can't influence before?"

Miao Miaomiao nodded: "Yes, two evil gods, and you three."

Obviously Qiao Ran is not an evil god, otherwise he can't be motionless now.

Then what is this black fog?

Is it some kind of energy similar to the energy in his body?

Thinking of this, Li Yin stretched out her hand to touch it. Miao Miaomiao moved a little, wanting to stop him, but after thinking about it, she didn't do it.

Li Yin's hand gently passed through the black fog, and there was no special feeling, as if the black fog did not belong to this world.

Miao Miaomiao also went forward to touch it, but she also didn't feel that she had touched anything. She even went forward to smell it boldly, but there was still no smell.

"What is this?"

The cat's curiosity was aroused. She went inside to find a piece of paper and placed it above the black fog, but saw that the black fog completely ignored the existence of the paper and passed through it directly.

She found another piece of glass, and the same thing happened.

What is certain is that the black fog overflowing from Qiao Ran's mouth and nose has no entity. It is like an illusion independent of the material world, a projection without substance.

Miao Miaomiao's curiosity came and went quickly. Seeing that she couldn't understand the research, she soon got bored.

She reached out and knocked Qiao Ran unconscious, and then went into the house to move out a couple, neatly placed together, ready to return.

After taking back the ability, he took Li Yin back to the Abnormal Bureau and handed her over to Zhou Zhengde to wake her up.

Li Yin did not discuss Qiao Ran's matter with others. Chen Jinze and others did not know the ability of her axe space. This was one of her secrets. It was not convenient to say it out, and she did not know how to explain it.

She now wanted to open the axe space again, suck Qiao Ran in, and go in to confront him, or observe him secretly.

But the action against Wang Dajun started immediately, and Qiao Ran was watched by Miao Miaomiao, the perfect controller, and had no chance to take action...

If Qiao Ran woke up, then did the sleeping abnormal people who were taken away by Wang Dajun before wake up?

Li Yin thought about this question, but still did not understand the purpose of their doing all this.

On the other side, Ning Chuan had already brought Qiao Ran's father, who had been awakened, to the backyard of the Abnormal Bureau, holding the microphone and ordered: "People in Yunan City who have witnessed the evil god, come out."

More than a dozen people stood up.

They are not suitable to participate in this operation, because their fear is most likely the evil god, Ning Chuan has never seen it, and he is not sure whether the evil god transformed by fear has the original strength and pollution ability of the evil god, so these people can only stay in the Abnormal Bureau for support.

When they returned to the building, Ning Chuan, at the signal of Miao Miaomiao, uncovered the black cloth covering Qiao Ran's father's face, revealing a black hole underneath.

The moment they saw this mouth, all the soldiers in the square took a breath of cold air!

Although he was held down by Ning Chuan and could not move, the extreme fear that was transformed still made these extremely strong soldiers feel cold in their hearts.

Before they came, they had been told

Knowing that these fears are real, once out of control, they will cause substantial harm to them, just like the monsters they faced before.

Especially those who came back from Yunan City can deeply understand how terrifying this ability is.

Once they appear in an organized manner, I am afraid that no one in the world will be able to stop them.

How many abnormal people appear, how many monsters will I have to face alone, no one can help me, this ability is too terrifying.

What kind of existence will I and others face next?

But they are more determined in their hearts, vowing to stop them in Linhai, and never let these fears spread to further places.

Seeing that the time is almost right, Ning Chuan knocked Qiao Ran's father unconscious, and the fear was lifted.

Then he called a person and ordered him to cover his eyes and face the fear ability of the abnormal again.

However, this time there was no incarnation of fear. Then under Ning Chuan's order, the senior fighter used his perception ability to explore the abnormal.

At the moment of contact with the abnormal person, the soldier's whole body trembled, and he slowly said: "It appeared."

In other words, you can avoid the incarnation of fear by covering your eyes and not looking at it, but you can't use the ability of perception.

Although it's a bit troublesome, it's not too bad.

Most of the soldiers in front of them are not permanent personnel stationed in the abnormal bureau, but real elites with extremely rich combat experience. Even without using their eyes, they can accurately identify the enemy's position. What's more, the abnormal person they are facing this time is completely an ordinary person without the ability of fear?

Miao Miaomiao stood up and said loudly in a voice that didn't match her personality: "Everyone! Don't show any mercy in the next battle! If you don't solve the abnormal person cleanly, the victims are ordinary people! Once you find the existence of the abnormal person, kill him on the spot!"

Chen Jinze looked at Miao Miaomiao's determination and trembled in his heart, but he also knew that Miao Miaomiao's order was not groundless. Facing such an enemy, there must be no hesitation and mercy.

Every abnormal person could be the source of a disaster. Once they lose control in the crowd, it will be an irreversible disaster.

But the biggest problem now is that there is no way to determine who is the abnormal person, so we can only start with the known targets.

For example, the company.

They plan to clear out the area where the company is located one by one.

After Miao Miaomiao completed the pre-war mobilization, she handed over the leadership to Chen Jinze, who was more familiar with the situation, and then prepared to take a few people to hunt down Wang Dajun, who was suspected to be the mastermind.

Ning Zhu stayed.

She saw that she might not be as good as the perfect controller candidate in terms of combat effectiveness, and she could not help much there, so she thought of a plan to maximize her own abilities.

Am I not immune to fear? Then I will act as the eyes of the soldiers and take them to clean up the abnormal people.

She told the plan to Chen Jinze. When he heard that Ning Zhu was immune to fear, Chen Jinze's face was full of surprise.

He was still worried before, how can the blindfolded soldiers identify the abnormal people who use their abilities silently? Now with Ning Zhu's joining, the cleaning plan has the last piece of the puzzle, and it can be implemented tonight!

As for why it is tonight, the reason is very simple. Now the soldiers need to go to various urban areas to guard to prevent the abnormal people from rioting after Wang Dajun is killed; in addition, there are too many citizens going out during the day. Once the abnormal people use their abilities in the crowd, it will cause unnecessary casualties of citizens. At night, they can search door to door, which is much safer.

When Chen Jinze thought of this, he hurriedly called Wang Yi and ordered him to buy a small camera that can be hung on the neck, buy a thousand, give them to the soldiers, and then start a live broadcast, so that Ning Zhu's ability can be used to the greatest extent!

When the soldiers arrived at their respective target locations, the action against Wang Dajun officially began.

In the suburbs, in front of a natural park, Wang Dajun's taxi was parked here, with the door open, as if waiting for someone.

He stood in front of the car, smoking leisurely, looking like an ordinary middle-aged driver.

Miao Miaomiao did not act rashly relying on her perfect control, but commanded the three to hide in the dark, and she once again used her deceleration ability to cover the entire city.

In this way, even if the abnormal people went crazy after killing him, she would have enough time to deal with them.

At noon, in the community of No. 223 Huajie Road, she had already tested Wang Dajun, and the other party was also immune to her deceleration.

Thinking of the information about the evil god obtained by Chen Jinze and others, as well as

The current situation in Linhai forced her to deal with it more cautiously.

Li Yin's evaluation of this cat commander was raised again.

She has strong strength but is not blindly arrogant. She knows how to analyze the situation. Obviously, her combat experience is richer than she thought.

Wang Dajun in front has obviously noticed the abnormality around him. He threw his cigarette butt on the ground and looked around vigilantly.

Miao Miaomiao narrowed her eyes slightly and stretched out a hand towards Ning Chuan.

Ning Chuan understood and stretched out his hand in the air. Several metal balls were condensed by him and handed to Miao Miaomiao.

The characteristics of these metals are hardness and high temperature resistance.

Otherwise, if they are thrown at a speed of dozens of Mach, when the metal balls hit people, they may have melted into liquid due to the high temperature generated by air friction.

Miao Miaomiao stood on the roof, weighed the size of the metal ball in her hand, and nodded with satisfaction.

Ning Chuan's ability is really convenient. This type of attack could not be used before due to material problems. I have to find time to ask him to make more for me for future use.

When she stood up, Wang Dajun, who was hundreds of meters away, seemed to have sensed something and looked over suddenly.

Miao Miaomiao raised her eyebrows and did not hesitate. The two metal balls disappeared in her hands in an instant. Without giving Wang Dajun any time to react, the attack, like teleportation, had already penetrated his body.

One went through his head and the other broke one of his legs.

A normal person would have died a long time ago, but Wang Dajun's reaction was very strange. Instead of falling down, he continued to stare at the direction of the four people with his only remaining eye.

Miao Miaomiao frowned. The iron ball she aimed at the head just now was intended to blow it up directly. Ordinary monsters would definitely be blown up by her, but when it hit Wang Dajun's head, it seemed to go through plasticine and went straight through.

When the four were puzzled, they saw that the place where Wang Dajun was shot suddenly surged with black mist. The black mist became thicker and thicker, and soon filled the wound and extended to the head.

Then an extremely terrifying scene happened. In the surging black mist, a scarlet light suddenly appeared, and then the red light became more and more, turning into countless eyes looking in the direction of the four people.

The wound on his leg also began to surge with black mist, and something could be seen sticking out from it. When the black mist dissipated, a disgusting thing that could not be seen as a leg at all had replaced the original limb.

"Oh my god, so disgusting!"

Duanmu Song couldn't help but burst out a swear word, and his pretended cold personality collapsed instantly.

But now no one said anything to him, and even felt that he spoke his own voice.

"Okay, don't be stunned, you three go up."

Miao Miaomiao reached out and patted the shoulders of Li Yin and the other two, giving them a speed-up buff. The other two succeeded, but Li Yin didn't feel any effect.

Hearing Sister Miao's order, Duanmu Song's face became serious. He stood up straight, reached into his pocket, took out something from it and put it on his belt, and shouted.

"Black King Armor, combine!"

Then he crossed his hands and raised them above his head, and swung them down suddenly. The dark brown armor instantly covered his whole body, making his whole temperament become majestic and extraordinary.

"I am the Black King Knight Duanmu Song! I was ordered by heaven to come here to dispel evil and protect justice!"

After saying the lines, he half-crouched on the ground in a standard hero landing posture, exerted force with his legs, and dived down, aiming directly at Wang Dajun. The air sounded a series of sonic booms at his speed. If Ning Chuan hadn't changed the properties of the cement on the roof in time, I'm afraid that one force would have collapsed the entire building.

Duanmu Song quickly adjusted his posture in the air, stretched one leg forward, and seemed to be ready to use some kind of kicking skills to attack the enemy.

"Knight Kick!"

A powerful kick hit Wang Dajun's chest, but the expected powerful force did not appear, and he did not even shake.

Duanmu Song was not frustrated at all that his "ultimate move" did not work. He adjusted his posture and quickly fought with Wang Dajun.

Looking at this scene, Li Yin felt a little scalp numb.


"Is that his ultimate move?"

"It's not... just a normal attack..."

"Then why did he shout so loudly?"


"Is he always like this?"

"Well, you'll get used to it..."

Li Yin was silent for a while, and asked again: "Then... can he fly?"

Ning Chuan was surprised: "How do you know?"

Li Yin laughed.

Wow, Xie Yunxiao really didn't lie!

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