The two of them were so busy that they had to fight.

"Okay, let's go too."

Ning Chuan ended this awkward topic, and with a flash of his figure, he also rushed towards Wang Dajun.

He also used his ability to condense a set of armor, and a sword flashing with cold light in his hand. There were also several swords floating behind him, all shooting at Wang Dajun.

At the same time, the ground became extremely hard under his control to prevent the battle from causing too much damage.

Moreover, the material he created with his ability can also add Duanmu Song's ability to get a double strengthening effect.

Seeing this scene, Li Yin became more certain of his guess.

The ability of the elder brother-in-law is definitely not as simple as he said. The ability to make metal float out of thin air is definitely not brought by transformation.

She did not act rashly, but observed Wang Dajun's every move.

It must be said that he is really strong now that he has become a monster. He can handle the siege of two perfect controller candidates with ease, and his eyes are even looking in his direction.

Did he find me? Does he still know me?

Li Yin is going to test it in a while.

However, the current situation can also prove one thing, Wang Dajun is indeed different from ordinary abnormal people.

Even surpassing the elite monsters, it is very likely that he is really the mastermind behind the scenes.

"What do you think of his strength, meow?" Miao Miaomiao asked Li Yin.

Her tone is no longer lazy, but extremely solemn, and her eyes have become extremely sharp.

Li Yin looked at the battlefield below and knew that the three of them had not used their full strength, but the current situation is also very delicate.

Duanmu Song and Ning Chuan can easily injure Wang Dajun's body, but every time the wound will be covered by black mist, extremely disgusting organs will grow.

He seems to be mutating step by step into something beyond imagination.

"I don't know. I don't have any special feelings." Li Yin told the truth.

So far, except for the black crystal in Li Muyi's body, she has never had any special feelings when facing any enemy.

Miao Miaomiao nodded, but her face did not relax: "In my perception, it... is mutating into an evil god."


Li Yin turned her head and looked at Miao Miaomiao in disbelief.

"Yes, you heard it right." Miao Miaomiao's voice was more serious than ever before: "I have never seen such a chaotic aura, even the evil gods I faced in the past have never had it. It is constantly pouring out of Wang Dajun's body, gradually covering his whole body."

The girl in front of her had faced the evil god before.

Li Yin did not expect that the mastermind behind the scenes was actually an evil god.

Has it been resurrected, or is it resurrecting something?

"Have you ever encountered a similar situation before? The evil gods disguised themselves as humans, entered human society and lurked in secret to achieve their goals."

Miao Miaomiao laughed: "Impossible, those guys are very arrogant and will never adopt such a low-level strategy. The evil gods think they are true gods and rarely leave their territory easily. As long as they are in the territory, they have extremely powerful power and do not need to disguise themselves as humans to achieve their goals. If they want to do something, they almost always do it directly without any plans or conspiracies."

Li Yin heard from Miao Miaomiao's tone that she seemed to be very familiar with the evil gods.

"What's the situation with it?"

"I don't know..." Miao Miaomiao stared at the direction of Wang Dajun, while sensing the surrounding situation, judging whether it has turned Linhai into its territory.

Once the evil god expands its territory to Linhai, I am afraid that even if I want to defeat it, I will have to pay a heavy price.

As for why she hasn't taken action yet, because she is alert.

During the battle with Duanmu Song and Ning Chuan, the opponent had been distracted and looking at her side. It was obvious that there was something waiting for her.

The cat's natural intuition told her that she had to be careful.

Li Yin did not wait any longer and stood up. Energy instantly covered her whole body, and her powerful momentum was even stronger than Duanmu Song.

She did not rush to summon the axe. First, she did not want to expose this ability in front of the perfect controller, fearing that they would be afraid and vigilant; second, the aura of her axe was too strong, and it would be easy for the enemy to notice it when she took it out. It would be better to hide it first and find an opportunity to kill with one blow.

She swooped down to join the battle, pulled out a Ningchuan sword from the ground, clenched her hands, and chopped Wang Dajun's neck with a powerful blow.

Her speed was faster than the enhanced Ningchuan and Duanmu Song. This blow was almost completed in an instant, and Wang Dajun

He was hit by Li Yin's heavy sword before he could even react.

However, the sword stopped when it cut into the neck a quarter of the way, and no matter how hard Li Yin tried, it could not go any further.

At this time, Wang Dajun slowly turned his head. In the black mist on his right face, a pair of scarlet eyes flashed with incomparable chaos and madness, while in the normal eyes on the left, there was a touch of human surprise.

A large amount of blood gushed out of the cut throat, and his voice was as hoarse and unpleasant as a broken bellows: "Little... Li? Long time... no see, why haven't you come home recently... to see?"

He was actually, saying hello?

Li Yin was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Wang Dajun could recognize her even after he became like this, and even said hello to her as if nothing had happened.

This kind of sobriety mixed with chaos and madness made her feel a little cold in her heart.

But there was no hesitation in the action of his hand. He instantly released the sword, waved his hand, and the fire axe appeared out of thin air, and chopped off his head cleanly.

However, even so, he was still talking to himself.

"Xiao Li... come back and see us. Everyone, we all miss you. We haven't been home for so long, we... will be sad..."

After saying the last sentence, Wang Dajun's eyes slowly closed, but Li Yin suddenly widened her eyes.

What is he talking about?

Who misses me? Who will be sad?

A chill rose from the bottom of her heart. Why did Wang Dajun's tone of voice just now resemble that of her deceased father?

She remembered her uncle's message at that time.

At that time, I brought something that shouldn't exist in the world back home.

Was it him?

Li Yin looked down at Wang Dajun's head, looking at the eyes on his right face that were still flashing red, and a sense of crisis arose in her heart for no reason.

At this moment, the twisted headless corpse in front of her suddenly moved, and black fog surged at the broken end, as if bursts of painful roars came from it.

Under the vigilant gaze of the three, the corpse suddenly split in the middle, and the bones, skin, and flesh were torn by an invisible force, stretched violently, as if endless, and rose to ten meters in the blink of an eye!

It was like a pair of flesh wings covering the sky, and like a giant door leading to hell. Black fog surged inside, and countless pairs of strange eyes slowly opened in the darkness, and the chaotic breath rushed straight to the sky.

This time, even Miao Miaomiao felt a little uneasy. She came to the three people in an instant and took them away from here. At the same time, in less than a breath, she tore the flesh giant door to pieces.

But flesh is not necessary at all, black fog is!

It seemed that the dark fog existed in another world, visible but intangible, and there was no way to dispel it.

She knew that this battle was a mistake from the beginning!

It was not because she underestimated Wang Dajun's strength, nor was it because she was arrogant and did not take action in the first time that caused the current situation.

Today, no matter what method the four of us use, even if we crush him to ashes, the flesh and blood giant will still appear.

His body is nothing, the black fog is the real threat!

And now, it seems that something is coming out!

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