The black fog was like a broken door, and the black fog was like a broken door.

With the disappearance of the flesh and blood giant gate, the black fog seemed to have lost its restraints and fled outwards crazily!

The countless scarlet eyes that appeared on it were no longer dull, as if they had life. The aura of terror and chaos emanating from it actually forced Duanmu Song's territory to retreat step by step.

The chaotic aura was like an invisible virus, constantly eroding everything around it. Whether it was buildings, plants or creatures, they all became distorted under the influence of this aura.

In the park, the lush trees began to wither, their leaves became twisted, and their branches bent like strange tentacles; the flowers lost their color, turned gray, and emitted a disgusting stench; the grass on the ground also mutated, they squirmed wildly, and stood up one by one, like the fingers of a dead person, which was creepy to watch.

Under the erosion of the chaotic atmosphere, the animals in the park began to behave abnormally.

The birds stopped singing, but let out terrified, human-like screams and flew around; the squirrels poked their heads out of the tree holes, but could not move forward a step, their lower bodies had merged with the twisted tree trunks; the fish struggled in the pond, their scales fell off, as if they were pushed away piece by piece by the lake water that nurtured them, revealing bright red flesh and blood; some stray cats and dogs also began to roar and bite each other, completely losing their minds.

Seeing this scene, Miao Miaomiao was almost certain that the evil god that was about to appear was an unprecedented and extremely powerful evil god.

She did not sit still and wait for death. She threw a few more metal balls in her hand and attacked the monster. At the same time, she waved her hand in the air. The air was instantly accelerated to an astonishing speed, forming an invisible wind wall to try to stop the spread of the black fog.

But the black fog still maintained its characteristics. Neither the metal balls nor the wind could touch it, as if the two were in a completely different dimension and could not touch each other.

Looking at the crazy flashing scarlet eyes and feeling the terrifying and chaotic atmosphere, Li Yin's heart palpitations reappeared.

It was very strange. It seemed to be fear, but it seemed not to be now, but a feeling that happened a long time ago and remained in memory.

In addition, there was a trace of familiarity.

It was like that she and the chaos were originally of the same origin, or... it belonged to her.

Li Yin's figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.

The speed was so fast that Ning Chuan and Duan Musong had no time to react, and Miao Miaomiao noticed it, but she did not choose to stop it.

She knew how powerful Ning Chuan and Duan Musong were, but she knew nothing about Li Yin.

She couldn't even be sure whether this mysterious and powerful girl was a friend or an enemy.

She wanted to see what this mysterious and powerful person called Li Yin wanted to do.

Li Yin stood in front of the black fog. The chaos and terror did not affect her at all. Instead, she felt a little comfortable. And the black fog, like a wanderer who had found a home, slowly gathered around her, but did not dare to get too close.

In the sky, countless pairs of scarlet eyes stared at her intently, without any emotion.

Li Yin seemed to have sensed something, stretched out her hand, and the silver energy danced at her fingertips, gently touching the black fog in front of her.

In an instant, the black fog was like iron filings attracted by a magnet, frantically gathering towards her palm.

The energy limit that had not been raised for a long time actually showed signs of loosening at this moment!

Li Yin was shocked at first, and then a little happy. Who doesn't like to become stronger?

As for why she could absorb the black mist, she also had some guesses.

Either the black mist in front of her was something similar to the energy of faith, which was of the same origin as her own energy; or the monster that was about to appear was related to her current form, which was the root of her transformation into a girl and a series of powerful abilities.

Or both guesses were correct.

Regardless of the result, it was a fact that the black mist could enhance her strength. Whether the next one was an evil god or something else, having stronger strength would ultimately mean more confidence.

The eyes above seemed to have sensed that their energy was being plundered, and they all trembled, and the black mist became turbulent with its movements.


A loud noise like hitting glass came from the black mist, followed by a click, as if something was broken in it.

Followed by a thunderous roar, the roar seemed to echo in the depths of a nightmare, shaking the entire space.

Li Yin's hand was still on the black mist

, there was no expression on her face, but the light in her eyes became brighter.

After the roar, the black mist began to surge violently, as if something was about to break free from it.

But Li Yin didn't panic. He even closed his eyes and concentrated on feeling the energy coming from the black mist.

The surrounding black mist is no longer as dense as before, but the energy in the body has increased significantly.

In Li Yin's opinion, the abundance of energy is not comparable to that of ghosts and mutant creatures. In less than five minutes, the upper limit of energy in the body has increased by a fifth!

As long as he absorbs all this black mist, his strength will definitely rise to the next level!

Her body began to glow slightly, turning the surrounding black mist into a touch of silver, and she devoured it faster.

"Stop! It doesn't belong to you!"

Just when Li Yin devoted himself to absorbing the black mist, a familiar voice resounded throughout the world.

Li Yin recognized it instantly. This voice belonged to the former Uncle Wang!

I saw the black mist shrinking into a point at an extremely fast speed, as if all the power was compressed in that point, and then exploded suddenly!

Black water like ink covers the entire world!

Whether it was the ground, buildings, surrounding creatures, or even the air, it was dyed pitch black!

All the things that were dyed pitch black stopped moving, as if they had turned into sculptures of different shapes, standing quietly in this dead darkness.

Sudden! Cracks appeared out of thin air out of the darkness, spreading around like spider webs, cutting this dead world into countless pieces!

A giant withered claw suddenly shattered the darkness shrouding the world. The terrifying power shook the fragments apart, revealing the true scene hidden behind the darkness.

It was a monster so ferocious that it could not be described in words. Its appearance transcended the boundaries of all known creatures, and it seemed to be the embodiment of darkness and chaos.

As Li Boon Hok said, it is a monster that should not exist in the world!

Its body was huge and skinny, covered with shriveled, cracked skin, ink-colored, covered with disgusting pustules and rotten sores, exuding a suffocating stench.

Seven organs that cannot be seen as limbs are distributed on each side of the body, like randomly spliced ​​puppets. Each one is disgustingly twisted, as if it has been repeatedly broken and reorganized by invisible forces, and finally presents such a violation of the rules of physics. deformity!

Its joints were swollen and twisted, and its sharp bones pierced the skin, revealing its pale color.

The claws at the end were long and curved, covered in sticky unknown liquid, and each wave brought up waves of chilling cold wind.

The monster’s head is even more terrifying! Countless scarlet eyes are densely covered on that twisted head. There are no pupils, only endless malice and madness!

That huge bloody mouth, filled with staggered fangs and wriggling tentacles, kept emitting heart-shaking roars.

Its head twists and extends irregularly on its body, challenging the limits of human vision everywhere!

It's like the end of a nightmare, the embodiment of fear!

It is a twisted creature torn apart by chaotic time, and it is the ultimate fear hidden deep in the human heart!

Its existence itself is a blasphemy against all the laws of the world!

It is an evil that should not exist in reality!

Just one look at it made Ning Chuan and Duanmu Song shiver. Even Miao Miaomiao, who had hunted many evil gods alone, couldn't help but clenched her fists, looking at the figure in front of her as if crawling from the depths of a nightmare. The monster appeared, and his heart seemed to skip a beat.

What the hell is this!

She searched through all the information about evil gods in her mind, but could not find any description that matched the monster in front of her!

Things like evil gods look extremely terrifying, and their strength is terrifying. But in the final analysis, they are still living creatures, each with its own specific shape and characteristics. But the one in front of you has transcended the category of living creatures, and is like a combination of all fear, chaos, and The twisted and condensed entity, even I can't understand what it is.

I can't understand it, but I can't understand it, but the movements of my hands haven't stopped at all.

The two fingers were pinched together, and a wisp of air at her fingertips was decelerated to the extreme. With a sharp wave, the air continued to accelerate in her hand. At fifty times the speed of sound, even the air could become a deadly weapon.

An air blade that was difficult to detect with the naked eye tore through the space in an instant, cutting into the monster's head.

That was a super high speed of Mach 50, and it was even faster than teleportation over short distances. Its power was enough to cut the entire mountain in two!

If it were replaced by an air cannon, at a speed comparable to a meteorite impact, it could even destroy a city with one shot!

The attack successfully hit the target.

The air blade instantly penetrated the monster's head, splitting its extremely disgusting head in half from the middle.

Seeing this scene, Miao Miaomiao was delighted.

It can attack!

Now it seems to have lost its immune characteristics and has truly descended on this world!

However, before she could be happy for long, a more disgusting scene appeared.

The cut wound kept making miserable howls, and a large amount of black liquid gushed out of it, like a surging ink-colored ocean. The liquid solidified after contacting the air and turned into sharp spikes, piercing the surrounding space with holes.

And at the wound, large and small pustules quickly grew, expanding and bursting at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there were new heads in them!

Even if they were separated from the pustules, they were still getting bigger! And covered the entire wound at a very fast speed! The densely packed heads squeezed together and became much larger than before.

Even its neck seemed unable to support the huge head, and it crashed in front of Li Yin with a bang.

Countless pairs of eyes stared at the girl in front of them, and endless tentacles flowed out of hundreds of mouths.

They roared and questioned, chaotic and noisy, as if they wanted to tear people's reason apart!

Their malice was almost unbearable, and they were all roaring about one thing.

"That energy does not belong to you!"

"Even if you have the right to plunder it!"

"Give it back!"

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