The last time she heard something like that was from Professor Fang, who guessed that he was an evil god, but he had taken over the body of a little girl named Li Yin. In addition, the woman repeatedly emphasized that she was with them and was of the same kind. This made her feel a little uneasy. No way? Could it be true? Could it be that my original body was really such a disgusting thing? Wouldn't my Ah Zhu hate me to death? No, judging from its current performance, it obviously recognized the wrong person. I am definitely not such a disgusting thing! Just as Li Yin was about to attack and cut off the hands and feet of the monster in front of him, and when he asked about the situation in detail, the monster transformed by the woman suddenly flew out horizontally, and the huge figure left a black afterimage in the sky, and it smashed down countless buildings before falling to the ground.

And where it was just now, there was a girl, Miao Miaomiao came back.

"I smelled the stench of the evil god from a long distance, and I didn't expect there was really one."

Miao Miaomiao looked at the direction where the monster flew out, her face full of disgust.

But at the same time, there was a trace of fear.

This one is much stronger than the previous Wang Dajun, at least in terms of defense, the two are not at the same level.

At that moment just now, I fired an air cannon, three claws and a kick, but I just barely broke its shell.

Looking at the evil gods I have fought before, this one's defense is also one of the best.

Then I looked down at my feet.

She didn't see the monster coming out of the darkness just now, but she could guess that it must be similar to Wang Dajun.

But when Wang Dajun's evil god form appeared, there was no such black hole left on the ground. But at this moment, it was pitch black under her feet, as if it was a black hole forcibly torn open by something.

Or... a door opened for something.

Li Yin retracted her gaze and looked at Miao Miaomiao's hands.

She was holding several heads, and she had seen them all.

Shen Cheng's wife, Uncle Yan's brother, an unknown investigator, and... Sun Tingting.

Miao Miaomiao also noticed Li Yin's gaze and waved to her: "These are all people on Chen Jinze's list. I met them at a monitoring point and killed them all."

Li Yin silently retracted her gaze.

Since it is an abnormal person, just kill it...

"What is the current situation at the other monitoring points?"

"Not bad, no evil gods have appeared. So far, there is only this one, meow."

"What about the situation in the city?"

"It is worse than expected. There are a lot of abnormal people and they are widely distributed, causing a wide range of coma..."

"Just tell me, how many have been evacuated?"

"20% meow."

Li Yin did not continue to ask, looking in the direction of the monster, his face was extremely ugly.

Miao Miaomiao noticed Li Yin's expression and advised: "Look at it, it is very rare for 20% of the population to evacuate in such a crisis. In Yunan City, no one escaped."

Li Yin shook his head, looked in the direction of Miao Miaomiao again, and asked: "Do you know something? About the origin of these evil gods and why they invaded Linhai."

Miao Miaomiao was stunned, not knowing how Li Yin saw it.

"I have some guesses, but I'm not sure. As for the reason why they invaded Linhai, I can't guess."

Li Yin waited for a while, but she didn't seem to want to say it actively.

"Then I'll tell you a bad news. Do you know the community where my home is?"

"Of course I know, No. 221 Huajie Road, I went there to monitor Wang Dajun. There doesn't seem to be any abnormal people there, but the residents are unwilling to evacuate."

Li Yin took a deep breath and pointed at the monster that had climbed up and for some reason had grown to a height of twenty stories.

Slowly speaking, "Her human form is also from No. 221 Huajie Road, and she is the owner of the supermarket downstairs."

Miao Miaomiao was stunned, and then suddenly reacted, and her back was instantly soaked with cold sweat.

"You mean... that community may be full of evil gods??"

After saying this, she laughed herself.

If it is said that eleven monitoring points are all evil gods, it is possible, but a community is full of evil gods, this sounds too ridiculous.

"How many people are there in that community? Thousands? Are they all evil gods? Even if you add up all the evil gods in the world, there can't be thousands of cats!"

Li Yin didn't reply

Instead of answering, he continued, "They are using Linhai people to collect black fog. I don't know what this black fog is, but its effect is obvious. It replenishes the evil gods themselves, allows their true bodies to descend on the world, and..."

"Resurrect some kind of existence?"

Li Yin nodded. This guess was noticed in the last conversation with Wang Dajun.

He has some respect for himself, but this respect is not from himself.

He continued to run in Linhai, collecting black fog, but only swallowed it into his body when he had no choice.

He said at the time that these black fogs did not belong to you, but obviously, they did not belong to him either.

Then who does it belong to?

These community residents who have become evil gods have been role-playing. Even if they have grown countless heads and even before they die, they think they are Wang Dajun.

Is he the evil god who plays Wang Dajun, or is Wang Dajun mutated into the evil god?

Hey, this is actually a bit like my current situation...

Then am I... still Li Yin?

She did not stay on this question, but continued to recall her guess.

These neighbors seemed to be living in another dimension, where their parents were still alive and they were still living in the community.

They even worried that they would not go home for a long time, so they asked the neighbors who were away to express their thoughts to them.

Especially the sentence: Even if you are their child.

At that time, she heard a tone of awe in this sentence. Her father and Uncle Wang were friends in the past, and they would occasionally sit together and drink.

He never called her father in such a tone.

Li Yin recalled her uncle's recording again. Two months ago, she brought the non-existent parents back home...

Everything seemed to start from here.

Perhaps, the non-existent parents were the real culprit behind all this!

The monster had already rushed to the front, and the pair of huge claws covered the sky and grabbed the two fiercely, and the space seemed to be distorted under its pressure.

Miao Miaomiao wanted to withdraw and dodge, but countless arms suddenly grew under her feet and grabbed her calves tightly.

That arm was exactly the same as the one on the back of the evil god!

How could this little trick trap the perfect controller?

She grabbed and tore off all those arms, and her body instantly disappeared from the spot and appeared hundreds of meters away.

Li Yin did not choose to dodge, but clenched her fists and faced the giant claw head-on.

The starlight on her body bloomed brightly, and the thin arm seemed to be endowed with endless power. At the moment when her fist collided with the giant claw, an indescribable wave broke out, and the whole space was trembling because of this power.

The giant claw was smashed aside by Li Yin. She followed the monster's body to the front, looked at the ugly face, took a deep breath, and asked: "Are my parents among you?"

The woman who turned into an evil god seemed to have lost her mind. She roared, and countless hands behind her grabbed her shoulders.

"You must go back with me! They are still waiting for you!"

At this moment, Li Yin's face became extremely ugly.

She has confirmed that everything that happened to Linhai now was caused by the non-existent parents and herself!

Now, in order to prevent the situation from getting worse, they must be found and killed before they swallow the black fog!

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